"Trouble, Miss Thunder."


When Rentaro and Enju finally arrived outside the stone house, they were greeted by the black muzzle of the gun again.

"Is it an enemy? Rentaro" Yanju's cheeks were tense, and his face was serious.

"Wait first." Rentaro shook his head slightly.

Just then, a familiar voice came from inside the house:

"Come back, Xia Shi, they are not enemies."

Hearing this, the muzzle of the gun hesitated for a while, then retracted again.

Seeing this, Rentaro and Enju looked at each other, and then walked into the stone house together.

"It turned out to be you!" When the former saw the girl with the gun, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

In a stone house about the size of a storage room, Mei patted the dust on her robe, stuffed a small medicine box into her pocket, and looked at Rentaro with a half-smile.

"Didn't you plan to part ways with me before? Why are you following up now?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Rentaro felt that Mei was in a good mood at this time.

"Uh... I just, I just wanted to thank you..." While talking, Rentaro's expression was a little unnatural, as if he felt embarrassed that his mind had been exposed.

"..." Regarding this, Mei just stared at him and smiled without saying a word.

Sensing the girl's strange gaze, Rentaro twitched, and his palms began to sweat.

"That's not right! Actually, it's Rentaro who doesn't know where he's going, so we'll follow you! Can't you~" At the critical moment, his partner Enju came out to make a rescue.

Seeing the cute girl with twin ponytails, Mei smiled and nodded.

"Of course Yeonju can do it!"

The implication of this sentence is that "Rentarou's words are another matter", but neither Enju nor Rentaro seem to have heard this hidden meaning.

Only Qianju Natsushi, who was holding the shotgun tightly, blinked and looked at the strange three people in front of him, seeming to understand something.

"That's right!" When the atmosphere in the stone house gradually became strange, Rentaro seemed to have found a breakthrough.

"We met once in the Ministry of Defense, do you remember me?" Looking at Qianju Natsushi, he said so.

"Yes" the girl nodded, cherishing words like gold.

However, seeing their "familiarity" appearance, the people standing aside quit.

"Hey! Rentaro, I don't know this woman! What's your relationship!?"

The girl with twin ponytails, who had always called herself "Rentaro's fiancee", said with her hips on her hips and angrily, the surging jealousy in her voice even changed the atmosphere in the whole room.

Seeing this, Mei embraced Senju Natsushi in her arms like a calf, and looked at Rentaro with an expression of looking at scum.

"Tsk, you really deserve to be a loli girl, Xia Shi, you have to stay away from this person, you know?"

"Hey, miss! It's not right for you to say that..." Rentaro shook his head desperately, as if he wanted to refute.

However, the way Xia Shi looked at him had changed.

"I see, this will expel them," she said, raising her gun again.

"That's right! Rentaro is a loli girl! So, no one can hurt Rentaro in front of my concubine!"

Enju opened her hands, and stood in front of Rentaro like a hen protecting her cubs, holding out the washboard on her chest, with an extremely proud look.


At this moment, Rentaro felt that even if he wanted to wash off the lolicon label, he couldn't wash it off.Especially when he saw Mei's contemptuous look, he wanted to die.

In fact, he really wanted to say to that young lady: "I like you!"

However, he knew that if he really said that, it might not be the other party's gaze that greeted him at this time, but the terrifying knife light from before!

However, this can not blame him.

Any adolescent male will subconsciously want to express himself when facing the opposite sex, so as to attract the other party's attention or even favor, unless he himself has not reached estrus or the other party is a special existence such as a "dinosaur" .

And he, Rentaro, is 16 years old this year, a sophomore in high school, no matter in terms of age or psychology, he is an extremely normal young man.

Facing a girl like Mei with the highest status, status, appearance and strength, of course he would have that special thought.

Even if he knows in his heart that he already has someone he likes, but that kind of longing from the heart is inevitable. It should be said that most men will have this kind of thinking of "eating from the bowl and looking at the pot".

After all, before all the dust settles, no one will choose to give up the entire forest for a "tree" that is not completely his own.


Chapter 43 Chapter 42 Mu Geng's Revenge

After the farce ended, the four sat down in front of the fire.

Originally, Rentaro planned to go outside to guard the three girls, but when he thought about Mei's ability to kill even stage four with one blow, he felt that it was meaningless.

Anyway, no matter what is coming, that girl can kill in an instant, can't she?Could it be that the legendary stage five will come in person?

With such a fluke mentality, Rentaro chose to stay in the house to exchange feelings with several girls.

"That...Miss, thank you for the apple. As soon as I ate it, almost all the injuries on my body healed. It's just...the doctor took the core away and seemed to want to study it. You don't mind, do you? Rentaro thanked Mei sincerely.

"Doctor?" Mei frowned, and then seemed to think of something, "Is it Mr. Muroto? It doesn't matter, anyway, it was originally a gift for you, and you are free to deal with it as you want."

"Really? That's great. It's just what kind of apple is that, and why does it have such an effect..." Rentaro asked with a puzzled look while smiling.

In response, Mei's face turned cold again.

"No comment."

This is her biggest secret, and it is absolutely impossible to tell it.

"Uh... okay" Looking at the moody Mei, Rentaro scratched his hair with a helpless expression.

He has also seen the temper of this girl.For things that she didn't want to say, if you forcefully ask, she will only be disgusted by her, so he, Rentaro, has learned his lesson this time.

So far, no more questions.

Opening his mouth, after seeing that Mei didn't seem to want to speak anymore, Rentaro turned his attention to Natsushi who was kneeling on the ground as politely as Mei and kept silent.

"Yanzhu, you may not have seen her before, she is the partner of the facilitator of General Yi Xiong."

"Really? The one who has been carrying a big black sword and looks fierce? To be honest, I don't like him." Yanzhu shook her head and said with her mouth curled up.

"Mr. Jiang Jian is actually very good, but his head is full of muscles, and his way of thinking is too rigid." Xia Shi retorted in a flat tone.

"Very good? When I met him at the Ministry of Defense, he called the initiator a 'tool'!" Rentaro frowned, his tone somewhat displeased.

Regarding this, Xia Shi's expression was unexpectedly flat.

"Isn't this true? For the facilitator, the existence of the initiator itself is a tool. As long as it is broken or useless, it can apply to the supervisory agency for replacement. The loss is only some time and money. .”

"You—!?" Hearing this, Rentaro looked very excited.

However, before he could speak, Xia Shi continued to speak to himself:

"I am the first generation of the cursed son, and I have seen this situation many times. It's just that I see it more thoroughly and clearly than those ignorant similar people. Because I have the dolphin factor, I have both intelligence and memory. Better than them, and easier to accept..."

"Are you kidding me!" Rentaro roared, leaning his body forward, as if he wanted to pounce.

But at this moment, a hand stood in front of him.

"What do you want to do? Don't you know that 'a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands'? You lolicon!"

Hearing this, Rentaro turned his head in a daze, and saw Mei with a hostile face.

Immediately, he withered.

"I'm sorry, I was too excited." Rentaro lowered his head so that his face could not be seen clearly, "but... I will never admit that! Enju is not a tool! Enju is a human being like me! He is not a tool !"

As he spoke, his whole body was trembling, and his tone was full of stubbornness.

"Ren Taro..." Seeing this, Enju pursed her lips, slowly leaned against her partner, and slowly closed her eyes with a look of relief on her face.

It must be the greatest luck in her life to meet such a facilitator.

"Enju..." Feeling the soft touch from his arm, Rentaro slowly raised his head, his face softened gradually.


Seeing this pair of partners in front of them, whether it is Mei or Xia Shi, they can only send silent blessings and... a little envy.

"It's a miracle to be able to have such a correct three views in such a world," Mei thought.

"What a strange person. But...his initiator is really lucky." This was Xia Shi's heartfelt voice.

Just when the atmosphere in the stone house fell into silence...

"Zizi!" It seemed that the box-shaped communicator brought by Xia Shi suddenly responded.

"Hey! Call me back if you are alive!" The rough male voice broke the tranquility of the stone house with the flickering lights.

"It's Mr. General Supervisor!"

Seeing this, Xia Shi immediately stood up from the ground, ran to the communicator, picked up the microphone and stuck it to his ear.

"It's really good that you're all right, big brother."

"Xia Shi, there is good news! I found the masked man!"


The one who exclaimed was of course Rentaro.

However, Mei didn't have the intention to be surprised, but frowned the moment she heard the news, reached out to poke the earphone with some doubts, and at the same time took out the video call device from her pocket with the other hand .

"Why haven't Sheng Tianzi and the others sent a communication? Could something have happened to the command post? Let's try communicating actively..." Thinking so, Mei activated the video call device in her hand.


Before that, it was located in the command room under the Holy House.

"Miss Mu Geng, you..."

Seeing the group of people who suddenly broke into the command room... especially the black-haired girl who took the lead, Sheng Tianzi frowned.

However, the menacing Mu Geng didn't immediately pay attention to Sheng Tianzi's question, but nodded to Lei Dianjing too imperceptibly.

Seeing this, Keita Raiden seemed to understand something, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Kugara..." Looking at his "former" granddaughter, Tendo Kikunojo's tone was a bit harsh.

Not caring about the eyes of his greatest enemy, Mu Geng came to the meeting table like the wind, and put a piece of paper in his hand on it.

On this piece of paper, Mugeng seems to have drawn a circle in advance, and outside the circle, there are many autographs and stamps like a joint letter.

"Hiss—" Sheng Tianzi just glanced at it, and couldn't help but gasped.

This piece of paper is the [Umbrella Company Judgment]!In ancient times, whenever the civilians wanted to rebel, they would draft such a pleading together, so as to enhance the cohesion of the team, and at the same time, it could cleverly hide the identity of the leader.

This is like a "grasshopper on a rope", this paper book acts as the "rope", binding everyone's fate together, actively cutting off the way out, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent.

The eyes of everyone around naturally focused on one of the countless signatures on the paper - the Chief Cabinet Representative.

Immediately, the chairman of the meeting who was standing next to the Chief Cabinet Secretary backed away with a livid face like an ant touching a flame, as if wanting to distance himself from him.

"It's been good, Chief Cabinet Secretary."

"Hey, what are you kidding?!"

Hearing Mu Geng's teasing words, the person concerned trembled all over and turned pale.

"Your subordinates have such interesting things on them. As written in the judgment, you are the client of Hiruko Yingyin's secret activities. At the same time, you have joined hands with people in the police station to steal Qixing's inheritance and attempt to pass the news on to you. You are the one who leaked it to the media."

"No, that's not the case!"

Seeing this, Mu Geng put his hand on his chin, pretending to tilt his head.

"You guys are so old-fashioned to make an umbrella judgment with your own signature. But it's okay, thanks to this piece of paper, we were able to catch all the participants. It really saved a lot of trouble~"

In this regard, the Holy Son of Heaven, as the head of state, could no longer remain silent.

"Miss Mu Geng, this command room is a place beyond the law in charge of national defense affairs, it is too much for you to break in like this..."

"No, that's right! You're just a bitch doing dirty police work! Who knows where you got this thing from? Get the hell out of here immediately!"

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