Shiichiro Watanabe, the deputy captain of the guard wearing casual clothes, a social elite just over 25 years old, with the rank of Yicao (Sergeant Sergeant), was looking at the back of the person in front of him and asked slowly.

Hearing this, Howaki Takuto, the captain of the guard who had met Mei a few times, turned his head and showed a gloomy smile.

"Don't worry, Vice Captain Watanabe. Although this area is remote, some people have encountered red ghosts several times, and they have made a lot of contributions to the cleanup work in Tokyo with their guns... It's a pity that he Because he offended a certain young lady, he is no longer alive, right?"

Seeing the flash of jealousy in his eyes, the deputy captain seemed to think of something.

"Are you referring to... Kinosaki Erso and Ashina Erso?"

In response, Howaki Takuto smiled and looked forward again.

"Vice Captain Watanabe, it's good to know some things in your heart, and it's boring to say it."

"Subordinates understand, Captain Baowei." Sensing the displeasure in his tone, the vice-captain quickly nodded in agreement, and at the same time exchanged glances with the other three team members before lowering their heads.

Howaki Takuto, the captain of the guard, felt extremely angry when he thought of what happened a few days ago.

Who are they?Sanctuary Guards!Each one is a social elite who is one in a million!

And who is he?Protect Zhuoren!A high-achieving student who graduated first in the school year at the National Defense University!The best of the best!

In his eyes, he will marry that head of state sooner or later, gain the political status of the country, and control the existence of the entire Tokyo area from behind the scenes!Destined to rise to prominence!

In addition, the members of the guard team are all his brothers who protect Zhuoren, they are together in everything, and they are companions who have the same blessings and share the same difficulties!

But just a few days ago, his two brothers offended the eldest lady of Lei Dian's family just because of a few words, and they "evaporated" like this?

The most irritating thing is that when he used this to ask the pure white girl, he got a deliberate alienation and warning from the other party:

"Second Lieutenant Baowoki (Second Lieutenant), this matter has passed, please don't bring it up again. If you have time to ask me, why don't you find a way to control your subordinates. I don't want similar things to happen again in the future."

"Tap!" After kicking away the eye-blocking stones in front of the road, he looked at the quiet town in front of him, and Howaki Takuto's face was extremely gloomy.

"Damn it! Isn't she the eldest lady of Lei Dian's family?! At best, she is just an underage prostitute! I don't know how many times I have played with this kind of thing! How dare you be so defiant... After I marry the Holy Son of Heaven, I will find someone The opportunity has taken you together!"

"See how I torture you when the time comes!"

Thinking of the depths, a disgusting smile appeared on his face, and his crotch even bulged.

And at this moment, a blood-stained, dazed little girl with short hair appeared in their sight.

The most important thing is that the other party has a pair of godless red eyes!

"Captain Baowei! It's a red-eyed brat!" Seeing this, the vice-captain couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hmph, good time! That fellow Kinosaki is right, there really are red ghosts hiding in this place." Takuto Howaki smiled grimly, and stretched his hand into his trouser pocket.

Seeing this, the others seemed to understand what he wanted to do, and looked at the white-haired girl with a hint of pity, but more of an excitement.

Using moving, screaming puppet as a target, it looks interesting, doesn't it?They also want to see how the opponent reacts after being shot.

"How many times do you think the red ghost will die?"

"I don't know. Haven't you heard that they have a strong recovery ability? They can recover even if their limbs are severed, just like those gastratus. We didn't bring ammunition this time, so it should be difficult to kill her, right? "

"You don't know that, do you? Even if it's not a bullet, once these red ghosts are pierced through their heads and hearts, they will also die. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Really? This is the first time I know..."

Hearing the whispering voices of the team members behind him, Takuto Howaki looked at the dazed girl who didn't know she was in danger, grinning grinningly and took out a silver standard pistol from his pocket.

"Look! You guys, watch how I clean up the humanoid garbage that neither pays tax nor has household registration! This is doing my part for the cleaning work in the Tokyo area, and Lord Shengtianzi will definitely reward us!"

He has already made up his mind to torture that cursed son well, even though the other person looks young and has a lot of injuries on his body, who made her happen to be caught by him?

He was in a bad mood to protect Zhuo Ren, so he needed to vent.

"Targeting" is a good choice.

"Bang!" Aiming at the girl's abdomen, Takuto Yasuwaki pulled the trigger.

The other party seems to have found out, but so what?

want to run?There are still a few brothers behind me!Even if she can dodge one shot, what can she do in the face of bullets from several guns?

Want to resist?

As it happens, it is a serious crime for the cursed son to attack citizens!Leaving aside whether they will be wanted by the police, they will be published in the news and newspapers, and they will have no place to stay. Once they are caught, what awaits them is the fate of being executed!

This "hunt" was doomed to be unequal from the start.

However, what surprised Takuto Howaki was that before the girl was about to be shot, the same white-haired girl blocked the former at a terrifying speed!

"Pfft!" The supersonic lead bullet instantly embedded into the body of the visitor, causing it to shoot out a stream of crystal clear blood, exuding a poignant luster in mid-air and under the sunlight.

"Sister! Don't!!!" In response, the short-haired girl hissed and shouted. The voice was like a cuckoo crying blood, which made people feel a twinge in their hearts.

The body of the long-haired girl who blocked the lead bullets for her drew an arc in mid-air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Hey, there's another one here." Seeing this, not only did Baowei Zhuo show no mercy, but he laughed even more ferociously, like a ghost in hell.

"Today's luck is really good, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes, to be able to eliminate two scourges for the Tokyo area and for the emperor at once, I really deserve to be Captain Howaki!"

"That's right! I wonder if we can do our part later? After all, it is everyone's responsibility to eliminate the red ghost!"

"I want, too……"

Seemingly enjoying the compliment, Takuto Howaki narrowed his eyes with pleasure.

"Don't worry! The red-eyed brats won't die so easily. I'll save them later and let you go up and take a few more shots."

As soon as the words fell, he raised his gun again.

"No, don't!" Seeing this, the short-haired girl rushed forward, knelt down on the ground, blocked the front of the long-haired girl with her body, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "How do you treat her?" I can do it! Please let my sister go! Please!”

"Ya Jiang... let's go..." The long-haired girl who fell on the ground slowly shook her head and said in a weak tone, as if she had already made up her mind to sacrifice.

Hearing this, the short-haired girl trembled all over, then shook her head frantically.

"No! Sister! I won't leave! It's all because of me! It's all my fault! I will never abandon you!"

Seeing the scene of sisterly love in front of him, Howaki Takuto smacked his lips a little bored.

"Really, isn't it just a mere red ghost? What kind of human are you pretending to be? Do you think this will make me show mercy? What a joke! You are monsters!"

After finishing speaking, he walked forward with a grin on his face, kicked the short-haired girl who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy to the ground, and then aimed the gun at the long-haired girl who fell on the ground and looked very weak.

"I just want to kill her in front of you, what can you do with me? Hahahaha..."

Seeing the despair and resentment in the short-haired girl's eyes, Takuto Howaki laughed.

That's the look!

In the past, when "shooting targets", he liked to wrap them tightly with steel wires first, and then let the other party despair in boundless pain one by one, and die with such unwilling and resentful eyes!

He enjoys this feeling very much!This feeling of arbitrarily judging the life and death of others, but the other party has nothing to do with oneself!

Right now, it's a desperate situation.

However, what broke all this was the sound of wheels coming from far and near...

Chapter 72 Chapter 70 Mutation and Arrival


As soon as they arrived at District No.40, Mei and the others drove through the wilderness, constantly looking for places where people might appear.

As the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense with the passage of time, Mei not only closed her eyes tightly to open her perception as usual, but also asked Xia Shi to borrow a reconnaissance satellite from the Holy Son of Heaven in her own name, and use remote sensing technology to scan the entire area from outer space. District Forty.

As the vehicle got deeper and deeper into the city, suspicious places were constantly being ruled out, and the scope of the search was narrowed again and again, and soon came to the vicinity of the abandoned town.

Satellite images showed that there seemed to be a few figures there, and Mei's perception just happened to capture the magnetic field belonging to the cursed children and ordinary humans, but it is not yet possible to determine whether it is their target.

Along the way, I encountered similar situations several times, but Mei ruled them out one by one, which disappointed the three of them.

But this time, she had a vague premonition - Fei'er was there!


In fact, what really convinced Mei was the sudden gunshot.


Most of the entire Forty Districts are wilderness and forests, and the ruins of cities only account for a small part of it.

And after the gunshot was sent out, it was uploaded from the abandoned town to the outside of the town, and even echoed in the wilderness for a few seconds, just in time for Mei and Xia Shi to hear it.

The former is the body of the Herrscher, and the latter is the cursed son of the dolphin factor. Both of them have much better hearing than Lei Yi, who is an ordinary person.

"Go to the town! Lei Yi, it's basically there!"

"Well, I agree with the master's judgment."

Hearing what the two of them said, Lei nodded, turned the steering wheel, shifted gears, and accelerated!


The roar of the engine suddenly sounded in the silent wilderness, and the vehicle, like a beast running at a high speed, roared and overcame many obstacles, heading towards the quiet town not far away.

And it was the undisguised sound of the wheels that made the faces of the guards in the town... especially the captain Howaki Zhuoren change.

They are the Sanctuary Guards!Represents the glory and face of the holy chamber!It is because they don't want to be recognized that they wear casual clothes on purpose.

Although the Cursed Son is not legally a legal citizen of the Tokyo area and has no medical insurance or household registration, he is half human after all, and theoretically he is still a Japanese citizen.

Such acts of lynching and random beating and killing are okay in secret, but once they are put on the table, they will be arrested by the police for intentional wounding, and in serious cases, they may be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The most important thing is that the identities of Baowei Zhuoren and the others are too sensitive. If they are exposed by the media, the Holy Emperor will not be able to protect them!

"Damn! How can there be people in this kind of place?!" Howaki Takuto clenched his saw-like sharp teeth, his expression extremely ugly.

"Captain Baoyue, do you think we should..."

Several team members, including vice-captain Watanabe, were already thinking of quitting, with a look of hesitation on their faces.

Killing two cursed sons is a trivial matter, but once their identities are revealed, it will be a major event!

"Hmph! Get rid of these two brats first! Maybe those people are just passing by." After a cold snort, Howaki Takuto once again aimed his gun at the long-haired girl who fell on the ground , the smile on his face was very ferocious.

"Little ghost, it seems that your luck is not very good today, and you even met Lord Howaki. After going to hell, if you want to look for it, you should look for your stupid sister, she will go to accompany you soon!"

"No... elder sister..." Hearing this, the short-haired girl with limp body and weak limbs shook her head slowly, her face full of remorse.

However, facing this situation, Mayfair, who fell to the ground with blood soaking her dress from her chest, did not panic or beg for mercy, but her cheeks that were gradually pale due to excessive blood loss were very calm.

It's just that because the eyes are covered by the cloth strips, people can't see her eyes at this time.

"No... Fei'er is very lucky... because Big Sister Mei has come... I heard her heart, it's very warm... and Sister Lei Yi is also here... Fei'er is so happy that there is such a Good people care about me..."

The corners of the girl's mouth overflowing with blood were slightly raised, showing a holy smile, just like the legendary Joan of Arc who was tied to the stake, making people feel ashamed.

"What?! Sister Mei? The eldest lady of Leiden's family?! It's her!?" Hearing this, Baoyue Zhuoren trembled all over, and the trembling hand couldn't even hold the gun steadily.

Although he felt displeased and resentful towards that girl in every possible way, he, the captain of the guard, could not offend her regardless of her status or status, let alone that young lady was still his nominal boss!

Hearing the sound of the rumbling wheels getting closer, his heart was beating drums, and he also had the idea of ​​retreating.

what to do?Do you want to escape?It should be too late to run now!

Once the eldest lady finds out what he has done, I am afraid that he will face the same fate as the two guards members a few days ago!

He doesn't want to die!I don't even want to disappear!He also wants to marry the Holy Son of Heaven and take control of the Tokyo area!

At this moment, he threatened Zhuo Ren and almost collapsed.

"What big lady! What Leiden family! How dare you use them to scare me?! I'll send you to hell first!" Looking at the girl's smiling face, Howaki Zhuoren seemed to be insane, crazily While shouting, he pulled the trigger.

However, nothing happened.

He really wanted to shoot in his heart, and even aimed the gun at the girl's heart, but...

Howaki Takuto's brain, limbs and even all nerves seem to be out of control!

Looking at the long-haired girl on the ground, his holy and gentle appearance kept appearing in his mind, and began to coincide with the pure white girl in his memory.

Suddenly, an unspeakable sense of guilt surged up, and he instantly felt that he was the worst and most unforgivable person in the world.

"No, Lord Shengtian, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this, please forgive me! I won't dare again!"

The gun fell to the ground, and Zhuo Baoren covered his face with his hands, weeping, and there was even a smell of urine on his body...

He was incontinent!

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