"go to hell!"

Except for the third uncle and second uncle who were still lying on the ground crying, Mei's father, second uncle, uncle...even the maid Lei Yi all rushed up one after another, shaking their fists and wanting to fuck the man whose back was turned to them A hard blow!

Compared with them, the guards, which took protecting the Holy Son as their top priority, did not move much. Even Tendo Kikunojo, who was at the rear, had already planned to let the guards protect the Holy Son and evacuate with him.

As for the members of the Raiden family... As an enemy, he wished that Hiruko Yingyin would kill them all, so as to take the self-defense forces in Tokyo and even the whole of Japan under his command.

Therefore, apart from Sheng Tianzi, no one present really hoped that the members of Lei Dian's family could go back alive.

"Hmph! A bunch of overreaching guys." Without turning his head, the man in the mask seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and the corner of his mouth under the smiling mask curled up with disdain.

"Boom!" The translucent repulsion barrier appeared again, knocking out the incoming Lei Dian family members.

But at this moment, the blue-haired little girl's black katana came less than a foot away from the top of Mei's head, but Mei's hands and Murasame were still busy resisting the rain of bullets from the front.

"Die!" The blue-haired little girl shouted excitedly, seeing the scene where the black-haired girl was split in half by her knife, and blood was splattered everywhere, her eyes were already frighteningly red.

With one against two, the other people present in the same situation would have been turned into corpses long ago, but Mei said...

I have long been used to this desperate situation!

"It's just the first battle that pushed me into this situation...then, the warm-up should be over!"

At the critical moment, Mei's purple eyes turned red in an instant!

Almost at the same moment, azure blue lightning emanated from Mei's body, like the repulsive barrier created by the masked man before, it spread outwards rapidly...


"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

First came the astonishing sound of electricity, and then the little girl's miserable cry.

"Xiao Binai!" Seeing the unreasonable scene in front of him, even Zhi Ziyingyin, who claimed to be the destroyer of the world, couldn't help being stunned.

"This kind of power..." Keita Raiden, who fell to the ground with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, saw the violent electric current on his daughter's body, and his eyes were dazed, as if he remembered something from the past.

Putting away the power of thunder and lightning, Mei turned Murura over, and with the back of the knife, knocked out the little girl whose body was scorched black from the electric shock in mid-air, causing her to slam into the tempered glass of the passenger hall.



After the impact, the glass was covered with cracks, and the little girl who had previously experienced the severe electric shock groaned in pain, then slipped to the floor and passed out.

"Then, it's you next." Looking at the masked man, Mei, who looked like a god in the eyes of everyone at this moment, raised Murasame and quickly slashed at him.

"Go away! Proverbs hurts!" Seeing Mei running towards him, the masked man stretched out his hands, and the field of repulsive force that was stronger than before spread instantly.

However, unexpectedly, facing the terrifying force field that knocked the floor flying, Mei, who was holding Murasame in her hand, did not dodge or evade, and directly hit the silver-white barrier.

Subsequently, "Mei" was scattered.

"What?!" Looking at the girl who turned into black air and collapsed, the masked man's tone was full of shock.

The next moment, less than one meter away from him, a black-haired girl suddenly appeared, with the cold blade of the demon knife in her hand already attached to her tuxedo...

"This trick is called Shadow Killing, I will bury you immediately!"

Looking at the sluggish masked man, Mei swung the sword mercilessly.

Zhizi Yingyin wanted to release the repulsion field again, but the barrier that had just been formed was instantly shattered by Mei's well-prepared blow!

So, he could only watch as Murasame's killing blade easily cut through his clothes, pierced his flesh, and drank his own blood...


With a flash of the knife, a long wound appeared on the masked man's body from his left shoulder to his right waist. Bright red blood spattered onto the white tiled floor, looking extremely eerie.

Murasame's curse poison began to infect the fresh flesh along the wound, and on the exposed neck of the masked man, there were very obvious... bloody curses like silk threads.

There is nothing to undo the curse of the demon sword, it will enter the heart along the blood of the creature, and at this time Zhizi Yingyin can basically be regarded as a dead person.


Mei, who succeeded in one blow, did not feel happy, but had a strange expression on her face.

She didn't feel like she had cut through her flesh just now, but it felt like she had cut a piece of steel...

"Could it be..."

As if thinking of something, Mei looked at the wound caused by Murasame.

Sure enough, she didn't see the bones or internal organs that a human should have at the wound, but instead...

I saw black metal with a strange luster!

"You are...!" Looking at Hiruko Yingyin in front of her, Yai opened her small mouth slightly, trying to say something with a face full of surprise.

However, the heavily injured masked man suddenly raised his hand at this moment, interrupting what she was about to say.

"?" Seeing this, Mei subconsciously took half a step back.

Then, she saw the sly smile of the man in front of her through the gap in the mask.

"Be careful, Mei!"


Section 7 Chapter 6 The first battle was won!

"Be careful, Mei!"

this sound...

It's the Son of Heaven!

In an instant, even if she didn't think about the meaning, the premonition of danger in her heart made Mei raise her knife to block without hesitation, and a light blue electromagnetic barrier suddenly appeared around her.

It turns out that she was right.


The moment Mei reacted, an orange-red beam of light came to her in an instant.


The moment it collided with Murasame, the orange-red light beam was split into two by the ominous black energy surging from the sword, and then it hit the electromagnetic barrier to be dispersed and absorbed, and Mei herself also retreated under the huge impact. .

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After forcing Mei back, Zhizi Yingyin let out that crazy laugh again.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect that I would lose! Hahahaha..."

At this moment, he is like a certain series of Iron Man, while the orange-red beams ejected from the palm of his hand are constantly attacking Mei, and at the same time, he also reveals his identity to the people present...

Zhizi Yingyin turned out to be a mechanized human being!

"New Human Creation Plan..." Looking at the scene in front of him, Lei Dian Jingtai opened his eyes wide, then seemed to remember something, and looked straight at Shengtianzi, "Master Shengtianzi! Hasn't this plan been terminated long ago?! "

Hearing his words, the Holy Son of Heaven distractedly looked over while watching the battlefield closely.

"Minister of Thunder and Lightning, Zhizi shadowed him..."

"Lord Shengtianzi, the current situation is out of control. For your safety, I suggest you evacuate here immediately." At this time, Tiantong Kikunojo came to her and interrupted.

"I..." Sheng Tianzi opened his mouth and looked at the battlefield again, frowning slightly to show that she was still hesitant.

Maybe I can help by staying here...

As Mei's friend, it's not surprising that she would think so.

However, as the head of the entire Tokyo area or even the entire country, it is obviously irresponsible to put his own safety at such a risk.

Seeing the beginning of Tendo Kikunojo, the captain of the guard wearing glasses—Second Lieutenant Howaki Takuto's eyes lit up, and he turned his head with a concerned expression.

"Your Excellency Tiantong is right! Your Highness Sheng Tianzi, Miss Lei Dian may not be able to defeat Zhizi Yingyin if this continues. I am afraid that we will be in danger if we continue to stay! Please let us escort you out of here first!"

The sincere tone seemed to infect the surrounding team members, causing the original determination on their faces to disappear in an instant, and they turned to look at Sheng Tianzi.

"Yes! Lord Shengtianzi, please let our guards send you away first!"

"Zhizi Yingyin is a legendary reformed soldier, and it's not something ordinary people can deal with..."

"Let's evacuate first..."

Although on the surface they all seemed to be concerned about the safety of the holy emperor, but they never had the slightest thought of helping Mei fight against Hiruko Yingyin from the beginning to the end.

Even if they are wearing the uniforms of the guards that represent glory, and the guard swords that represent protection are stuck on their waists, and each of them even has a pocket pistol in their pockets for self-defense...

"A group of guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death..." Regarding this, Lei Yi thought contemptuously, clutching his unconscious right hand, biting his lip and sweating.

"Lord Setenko, even if you are not doing it for yourself, please think about it for the people of the Tokyo area. It is undoubtedly very dangerous and stupid to continue to stay..." Seeing that Setenko was having trouble making up his mind, Tendo Kikunojo spoke earnestly I still want to say something.

And just when Sheng Tianzi was shaken by this, Keita Raiden suddenly showed a faint smile.

"No, my daughter has already won."

Just a few words made Sheng Tianzi, who had lowered his head and was lost in thought, startled for a moment, and then raised his head immediately.

It turned out that when she was hesitating whether to leave, the black-haired girl on the field had already used the previous trick "Shadow Kill" again!

However, this time, the shadow Mei summoned was obviously illusory. The body was azure blue with lightning attached, not completely consistent with the main body as before.

However, this time there are as many as four clones, and each of them has a lot of power!

Looking at the clone that was shining with lightning and coming from four directions in mid-air, Zhizi Yingyin had no choice but to stop the beam attack and stretch out his other hand to expand the repulsion field!



Under the impact of the repulsive force, Mei's four thunder clones instantly shattered into scattered electric sparks.

After this consumption, a lot of blood overflowed from the smiling mask on Zhizi Yingyin's face, and the injury caused by Murasame became more serious.

"I never thought...my dusk would come so quickly..." He smiled wryly, his tone very weak.

As the poison of the curse deepened, Zhizi Yingyin's vitality was eroded step by step.If it weren't for his internal organs to be replaced with machine-made machines, he might have become a cold dead body lying on the ground.

And when he was feeling emotional, Cun Yu's cold blade came to him without accident.

This is the second time.

But this time, Mei didn't hold back anymore, and planned to cut off the enemy's head with one blow, so that no matter whether the opponent was a robot or a normal person, he would die!

"Raikage Kill!" Mei called out her move, and also sentenced the other party to death.

Seeing the blade getting closer and closer, feeling the aura of death spreading in his heart, Zhiziyingyin suddenly made a move that shocked everyone.


He twisted off his left hand in an instant, and then threw it at the Holy Son of Heaven who was behind.

"Incompetent head of state! Let us go to hell together!"

Almost at the same time, the mechanical prosthetic limbs that flew into the air suddenly began to collide, and a sound of "didididi" resounded throughout the hall!

Immediately, Yai's face changed, and he left the masked man standing there waiting to die, and turned into a cloud of blue lightning, flying towards the prosthetic limb in midair.

As for Sheng Tianzi, the moment he saw the prosthetic limb flying towards him, he froze in place.

She is weak and doesn't know how to face the current situation, and if she wants to run, it will definitely be too late.

At this moment, the time of the whole world seemed to become extremely slow in her eyes.

She could hear the sound of the guards fleeing in a hurry, Keita Raiden's unexpected roar, Tendo Kikunojo's incredible roar...

At the same time, she also saw pictures of the past, some with regrets, some with laughter, some with sadness...

"I didn't expect... I would die here today... I'm really not reconciled, there are still many, many things I want to do... People who survived the disaster in the Tokyo area, the upcoming 'mass extinction', and The new gastrulation law that has not been formally enacted..."

"Leaving such a mess, I should be the worst emperor..."

Looking at the dazzling fire in midair, Sheng Tianzi showed a wry smile on his beautiful and holy face.

Just when she was thinking "Will this be the last scene I will see in this life", a flash of blue lightning blocked her vision, followed by the sound of thunder...


Before the flames and fragments from the explosion of the prosthesis had time to spread, they were tightly wrapped in the sea of ​​purple electric current!

Mei, on the other hand, came to the Holy Son of Heaven at the moment of the explosion, and protected her in her arms.

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