
Mei blinked at this, noncommittal.

Next, the meeting officially entered the topic.



The strong wind whizzed past, and the dark clouds in the sky were like thousands of troops, constantly expanding their "territory".

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, the Tokyo area, which had just passed the afternoon, immediately entered the "night". Many citizens were bemoaning the unpredictable weather, and at the same time rushed home to collect the seven fallen leaves on the balcony. crooked clothes.

Even though the sky was so dark that it seemed like night had fallen, except for the necessary traffic lights, there was no intention to turn on the street lights on the street, which seemed a bit unreasonable.

This really pissed someone off.

"Really, are they reluctant to waste the astonishing amount of power generated in the outskirts every year? What a bunch of mosquito capitalists who only know how to suck blood..."

While muttering to himself, the sophomore boy named Rentaro was holding today's dinner carefully, waiting for the traffic light on the street.

Beside him, the rabbit-shaped initiator Aihara Enju puffed out his cheeks and clutched his lower abdomen, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"Rentarou, I'm so hungry~ Can I feed my body now? Otherwise, I'm really going to starve to death~"

"Feed?" Sensing the weird eyes of the pedestrians who were also waiting for the traffic lights, Rentaro bent down and stared at his partner, "Don't talk nonsense on the street. ! Are you trying to get me into the police station?!"

"But this concubine is really hungry~" Yanzhu pouted, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

"Oh..." Seeing this, Rentaro couldn't help but sighed.

Having money and not having money are really two worlds.

Since the mysterious disappearance of the gastroentera of the zodiac and Scorpio, the gastroenteria in the unexplored area seem to have settled down, like soldiers who fled in a hurry after the boss was killed, and no one dared to show up to be the "early bird" "Are.

This has led to a significant reduction in gastroentera sightings in the near future. I heard that the self-defense forces stationed around the megalithic monument have begun to toast to celebrate!

The Tokyo area was at peace all of a sudden, but their policemen lost their jobs.

If the gastroenteritis does not invade, their policemen will have no commissions to accept, no rewards to get, no money to eat, and no support for their own starter (loli)...

The Tendo Civil Security Company where Rentaro works is almost so poor that it can't be solved!

"Rentarou, this month's entrusted income is also zero~ There is still half a month until the next phase of Raiden's capital investment, you have to find a way to make us last until that day, you know?"

Whenever he thinks of what the beautiful girl president of his family said, he feels deeply helpless.

If he remembers correctly, the first phase of Leiden's investment in their company was 500 million yen...

But it's not half a month yet!He Rentaro didn't even see a hair, and the 500 million was used up by his own president!

500 million... Even if you eat so much banknotes with your mouth, you can't eat them all in half a month, right? !

"How does Sister Mu Geng spend her money? Does the company have a future if it goes on like this?"

His thoughts could not help but be messed up by the wind.

"Hey! Hey! Rentaro, I'm hungry!" Seeing his partner's dumbfounded look, Enju nudged him somewhat dissatisfied.

"Oh, oh!" Hearing this, Rentaro immediately came back to his senses, and subconsciously put his hand into the shopping bag in his arms.

Inside was the dinner for three people in their company—three hot dog buns, or a limited-time discount product, the kind that was about to expire.

How miserable?

Touching the hard bread, Rentaro couldn't help but think of the [-]-yuan steak he ate in the outer district the day before yesterday.

One is hard and cold, the other is hot and delicious, and the prices between the two are very different...

Thinking of those children eating that kind of food as a snack, why did Rentaro feel jealous?

Probably because even those children live better than him...

"Here" after taking out a hot dog bun more than 20 centimeters long from the shopping bag, Rentaro handed it over to Yanju with a look of bad looks on his face, "Remember to save half for the night, otherwise you will be hungry at night Stomach."

"Yeah!" Yeonju nodded heavily, showing a lovely smile.

However, just as she was about to pick up the bread, the sand brought by a gust of wind blew into her eyes, and the discomfort made her subconsciously rub her eyes first.

But Rentaro, who was depressed, thought that Enju was ready to catch it, so he let go of the bread...

At the same time, the red light turned green, and the surrounding pedestrians began to hurriedly walk towards the opposite side of the street.

Just like that, the hot dog bun fell to the floor.

"My bread!" Seeing this, Yanzhu exclaimed, bending down to pick it up.

And Rentaro also came back to his senses at this time.

Under his gaze, before his partner picked up the loaf of bread, he stepped on it with a foot wearing a men's leather shoe, and deliberately twisted it severely.

Rentaro immediately became angry.

"Hey! You bastard..."

When he raised his head, all he saw was a figure in a black coat, who was wrapped up tightly, and the other party was dragging a box like a piano case with rollers.

Out of the keen perception formed when he was struggling on the edge of death several times, his intuition told Rentaro that the box that looked like a violin case was definitely not an ordinary violin!

The most important thing is that the back of the other party also gave him a feeling of deja vu, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

That man...is absolutely normal!

Just when Rentaro was looking at that figure in a daze, his partner picked up the bread with shoe prints with a mournful face.

"Rentarou...it's all my fault for not holding my body properly!"

Looking at Yanju who blamed himself, Rentaro patted her head lightly, not only did not have the slightest intention of blaming, but instead took out a piece of bread from the shopping bag in his arms and handed it over.

"It's okay, Yeon-joo. Throw the trampled one into the trash can, I'll give you my own."

"Rentaro..." Enju was moved after receiving the new bread.

Seeing this, Rentaro smiled, staring closely at the receding figure, his face suddenly became serious for some reason.

"Let's go, Yeonju, let's chase someone."


"The guy who stepped on your bread. Anyway, we must make him apologize."


Following the girl with the crimson twintails nodded, since then, the protagonist of the world has once again been involved in a terrible event.


The roar from heaven and earth sounded again, as if to herald something.

Chapter 82 Chapter 80 Blonde Sniper Lolita

"My life... is nothing but pain. And the only meaning of my existence is to carry out the tasks assigned by the professor."

With such an empty heart in her heart, the girl named Tina Sprunt stopped slowly and opened her indifferent and sharp red eyes.

With her slender left hand, she unbelievably lifted the heavy password box and carried the gun case that seemed to be taller than her. Tina stretched out her right hand and pushed open the iron gate in front of her, and walked onto the rooftop.

This is the top of a fifty-story building. The wind in the building is strong, and the dark clouds in the sky are very low, which makes people feel bored.

"Master, I have finished setting up the anti-reconnaissance trap, and now I have arrived at the mission site, and I am preparing to set up a sniper point and release [Sinfield]."

While reporting the situation through the headset, Tina turned around and closed the iron gate on the roof.

"Well, you did a good job. The meeting is over. According to the satellite positioning provided by our internal personnel, the target vehicle will appear in your sniper field of vision in 10 minutes. Get ready as soon as possible and make sure to complete the mission successfully!"

"I see, Master."

As soon as the words fell, Tina came to the edge of the building, looked up at the dark sky, and then looked at the road the target was about to pass with her terrifying vision beyond ordinary people's imagination.

And there, there are eleven buildings and four streets away from her current building!The straight-line distance is close to 1000 meters!

Being able to hit a target at this distance... is a "god" except by accident!

God sniper!

But this is what Tina is about to challenge.

In this regard, there was no trace of hesitation on her face.

"I'm sorry, sister Mei. Let me call you 'sister' in my heart...I really, really want to be your sister, live that warm life, enjoy your tenderness...But, today Afterwards, you should resent me, right?"

Yes, I have left a lot of flaws, and my identity will be discovered sooner or later.

And once the news that the head of state, Sheng Tianzi, was killed by the girl she knew and rescued—Tina, the gentle and kind lady would feel unbelievable.

Maybe they will get into trouble because of the friendship between the two, and be listed as suspects.

All of this is because of her - Tina Sprundell.

The other party gave me tenderness, cared for me, and treated me as a friend, but I wanted to do this kind of thing...

"Sure enough, evil people have evil rewards. I am so hopeless that I have no right to long for redemption, right?"

A trace of painful sadness flashed in her eyes, and Tina began to sink her painful mind, and gave control of her body to her instincts.

She is a killer.

Now I feel guilty because of the task I am about to complete, the first time I feel this way in so many years.

Kneeling on the ground, he opened the black gun case, and what came into view was a sniper rifle covered in pitch black.

AX338, produced by a British company, is taller than Tina if it stands on the ground after adding a silencer and an electronic sight.

Pressing the 50-caliber heavy machine gun lead bullets, which looked as thick as iron pestles in appearance, into the magazine, Tina checked the body of the gun and the scope expressionlessly, and after confirming that they were correct, she unfolded the support frame and put the It is placed on a concrete table.

Then, she came to the lockbox and unlocked it with her fingerprints.


When the password box was slowly opened, it looked like a few white spheres lying quietly on the template.


As a reformed soldier of NEXT, Tina's brain is implanted with a neurochip, and these white spheres are [thinking-driven interface] that can be controlled by her chip.

Each sphere is equivalent to Tina's "another pair of eyes".She can move independently, find enemies, and feed back information such as distance, wind speed, and location coordinates to her brain, and Tina will use these data to adjust the best sniping state.

With Sinfield's assistance, Tina can easily accomplish even super long-distance sniping that is impossible in the eyes of ordinary people with her cursed son ability.

It is worth mentioning that the gastropathy factor in her body is owl type.

The closer to night and the dimmer the light, the stronger Tina's vision and hearing will become.

She is simply a born night sniper!

"Sizzle sizzle..."

With a sound like the sound of cicadas, the white sphere lying in the password box slowly flew up, and after a series of small deformations in mid-air, under the control of Tina's brain chip, it seemed to be unmanned. The machine generally moves towards the destination.

There are only three in total. This is the limit that Tina can manipulate at the same time. Once this number is exceeded, it will cause damage to the brain.

"Sinfield's layout is complete..."

Looking at the three white spheres that were gradually going away, Tina muttered to herself.

Feedback information was constantly being received in her mind, this feeling...as if she was manipulating four bodies at the same time.

Even though Tina was on the top of the building, she knew the situation on the street below through the information sent back by the three Sinfields.

The number of people, vehicles, wind speed and even temperature, these factors have a great influence on snipers.

"Today's weather is not very good. The air pressure difference between the buildings is too great, and the wind speed and temperature also need to be taken into account...but it is still within the controllable range, and we are ready to start the final commissioning."

As Tina closed her eyes, she saw on the front, left, right, and obliquely upper right of the building where she was located... on the roofs of four buildings in total, an anti-material rifle without a scope suddenly started to move. Get up, and automatically adjust the muzzle direction!

Of course, this is not a super power or magic like telekinesis, but a purely technological means.

Because on their pitch-black guns, there are remote control modules and plastic bombs installed.

The former is still controlled by the neural chip installed in Tina's brain, just like her "external arm", which can make it shoot at the same time in an instant, and one person can burst out with squad-level firepower!

As for the latter, it is used to destroy evidence when leaving the scene. The power of the plastic bomb is enough to blow up the rifle to pieces, which adds great difficulty to the follow-up police investigation.

Right now, these five buildings have undoubtedly been transformed into fortresses by Tina!As long as she is willing, the enemy will be attacked from five directions in an instant!

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