Therefore, the doubts in her heart not only did not decrease but increased.

"How much luck do I need to return to my own world?" After thinking for a while, based on experience, Mei asked again in her heart.


No message.

For this, Mei had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Excuse me, how much luck do I need to return to my original world?"

This time, she shouted directly to the sky.


Except for the wind, there is still no information.

"how come?"

Seeing this, Mei immediately felt dizzy and couldn't stand upright.

The two stars that appeared in the sky were undoubtedly the two worlds she had experienced before.

Although she didn't know why their names were "School of Revelation" and "Zhan!Crimson Eyes", but most importantly...

Before those two worlds, she Raiden Mei also experienced the original "collapsed world"!

That is the place where she was born and grew up, and it is also her "hometown", which occupies the most important place in her heart.


Why can those two worlds choose to return by paying luck, but not her hometown? !Not even the "clearly priced" message that made her "give up" did not appear!

More chilling than despair is the unknown.

Even if it takes 100 million, 1000 million or even [-] million luck points to return, she will only complain about it at most, but she will still work hard to collect it afterwards, and silently look forward to the day of return in her heart.

But now...

Could it be that the hunch at the beginning was false?You can't go back at all?

Thinking of this, Mei's whole body feels like falling into an ice cellar.


These are all.

But the worst thing is that the girl named Raiden Mei lost the direction and motivation to move forward.

The hope of returning was the "last straw" for her to retain her sanity and suppress her heart. Without it, the protagonist would have already sunk into the endless abyss, and the Herrscher of Thunder has truly become a ruthless killing machine .

And now the facts tell her that this hope never existed from the very beginning?

Mei seems to have heard the voice of her own heartbreak, and she immediately wants to fall to her knees and cry bitterly.


Why is fate so cruel to me?

Obviously I just want to go back to everyone and save everything...

She staggered forward, her footsteps were flimsy, her eyes were dull, like a puppet.

Just then, an accident happened.

Chapter 96 Chapter 94 Reappearance

"Returning to the collapsed world requires 100000 luck points"

As a golden light directly entered Mei's head at a speed that ignored the distance, such a message appeared.

Suddenly, she froze.

"Ten, one hundred thousand?!"

Although her face was full of surprise, Mei's tone was not shocked, only pleasantly surprised, with a hint of disbelief.

She thought she would never go back...

Before, she thought that even if she could go back, she would need millions or tens of millions of luck points. She was even prepared in her heart to face the astronomical figure of [-] million.

But now not only can you go back, but you only need [-]?

A surprise fell from the sky, almost blinding Mei.

"Really?! That's great! I can collect [-] luck points in three worlds, and one hundred thousand is thirty worlds! I'll collect them all for you to see!"

The black-haired girl cheered and jumped for joy, and ran wantonly on the boundless lawn, looking like a sheep breaking free from its shackles.

Seeing her like this, at the end of the world that is far away from here, in a majestic temple standing in the void, a white-haired god sits on the throne, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

There is laughter and bitterness.

"Mei, I'm sorry, I lied to you again. About our original world, I haven't found it yet. Even if I have mastered the supreme theocracy, I have searched in this space-time temple for nearly 3000 years, and it is still the same."

"But if I don't give you a little thought, I'm afraid it will be difficult to persevere with your fragile and sensitive personality..."

At this time, he seemed to have sensed something, and raised his eyes that were glowing with divine golden light.

"Is it coming again? This time the intensity is equivalent to that of a high god? I have suppressed you so many times, but you just don't give up?"

The line of sight penetrates the barriers, His diamond-shaped pupils and the lines on the golden irises exude the light of mysterious laws, and the terrifying aura spreading from his whole body even makes this extremely solid space fluctuate, which makes people unbearable. Live want to worship.

"It's useless. This [Primary Chaos] has only two masters. One is incarnate in time and space, and the other is in charge of luck and belief. You have no chance of turning over. So what if you were stronger than me? This is between me and her." The world, it's not your turn to intervene."


The god raised his hand, driving the unknown supreme power in the world.


In another corner of the world, on the peaceful endless lawn, Mei, who was resting on the grass, suddenly sat up.

"What just happened?"

Turning her head and staring at the endless horizon, her expression was a little subtle.

"The sound and vibration came from the ground. Could it be that there is something under the soul world?"

Thinking of this, Mei stood up again and spread her thoughts below the ground.


5 minutes passed and still nothing was found.

"What's going on? There shouldn't have been a sensor error just now. Why didn't it disappear? The sound and vibration also disappeared, which is really strange."

After straightening her long hair, Mei tilted her head in confusion.

At this time, the call from the outside made her complexion change.

"Are you there? Then it's time to go back, see you next time~"

Mei was obviously in a good mood, and waved to the world before disappearing.

And as she disappeared, the golden light reappeared, silently falling on the place where she just lay down, and turned into a young girl with white hair and blue eyes.

The girl closed her eyes and sniffed the body fragrance left on the lawn, with a nostalgic and reassuring expression on her face.

"Mei, keep getting stronger, this world is not as safe as you imagined, and I don't know how long I can last alone..."

Having said that, the girl opened her eyes, which were as blue as the sea, full of exhaustion.

"After arriving at the realm of the God Lord, his progress has become slower and slower. This time, his revived remnant soul is only as strong as the upper god, and next time it may be the same as mine... By that time, I can still suppress it like I am now him?"

"Honkai energy is always limited, and he has almost figured it out after so many times; and the growth of the power of law is too time-consuming, and it takes tens of thousands of years to advance each time; It consumes a lot of money to mobilize..."

"Sure enough, this world is dominated by the two of us, and we can't do without anyone. If you and I work together to control the [Chaos Core], even if he recovers the strength of the [King Realm], don't you have to be afraid?"


"Can I eliminate the hatred in your heart? Can I get your forgiveness? Can I...can I still cling to your side like before?"

While asking herself, the girl turned into a golden light and slowly disappeared. Until the last moment, her face was still full of pain and self-blame.

The dripping tears are absorbed by the earth, and the faint breeze still blows.

As if she had never been here.


The outside world, Holy House.

Mei, who was "awakened" by Lei Yi from the soul world, took Xia Shi, Tina, and Fei'er to meet Sheng Tianzi.

At this time, the girl of the head of state was full of smiles, her face was radiant, and the hope from the heart made her more energetic, and the worry that had been deposited in her eyebrows and eyes in the past disappeared.

"Welcome, Mei. Ladies and gentlemen, this is our Tokyo District's biggest contributor this time. It is she who made Head of State Qiwu change his mind and personally facilitated the cooperation between Tokyo District and Osaka District. She contributed a lot to yesterday's meeting!"

In the luxurious conference room, Sheng Tianzi interrupted the meeting on his own initiative for the arrival of Mei and the others, and announced the matter to the senior officials and ministers present.

"Papa papa!" At this moment, no matter if it was sincere or not, all the people present laughed and applauded Mei under the leadership of Sheng Tianzi.

Feeling those gazes of surprise, exclamation, suspicion, relief...etc. emotions falling on her, Mei just smiled and nodded, without the slightest bit of pride or complacency in her demeanor.

"It is a great honor for Mei to be able to share the worries of His Highness the Son of Heaven."

This humble attitude made a certain minister laugh with satisfaction.

That's right, he is Mei's father, Minister of Defense Keita Raiden.

"As expected of the eldest lady of Lei Dian's family, she was able to persuade Head of Qi Wu..."

"Although I don't know how she did it, as long as the cooperation is completed, we in Tokyo will no longer face the situation of being alone..."

"Who says no? This is really a great thing..."

Hearing the admiration from around, the smile on his face deepened, and the pride from the heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

However, compared to the calm and indifferent Mei, the three loli behind her were a little at a loss.

The adult's sight puts a lot of pressure on the little girl, especially the former are ministers who have been in high positions all the year round, and the invisible pressure makes them feel uneasy.

Seemingly sensing this, Mei took the initiative to interrupt the compliments of those senior officials:

"His Royal Highness, Mei has something important to discuss with you today, I don't know..."

In this regard, the pure white head girl nodded very considerately, and took her words.

"Everyone, let's stop here for today's meeting. When Head of State Qi Wu officially visits next month, we will seriously discuss cooperation in various aspects together. I hope that everyone will continue to do their best for the Tokyo District in the future, and the meeting will end."

Afterwards, all the high-ranking officials and ministers began to leave the venue one after another, and when they passed by Mei and the others, they took the initiative to nod or say hello.

Obviously, after this series of events, Mei's status in Tokyo can be described as "important".

"Mei, well done."

When it was Raiden Keita's turn, he just said this, and then straightened his back, leaving his back to his daughter again.

He is still a "big man" as always...

Looking at the back of her father gradually going away, Mei couldn't help but think so.

Not long after, there were only five girls left in the spacious conference room.

I saw Sheng Tianzi stood up from the main seat first, and walked over with a smile.

"Mei, let's talk in the room."

The room refers to the boudoir that belongs exclusively to the girl of the head of state. Mei has been there several times. It is very large and quiet, and no one disturbs her.

"Yeah..." Mei naturally had no objection to this.

"Then, please come with me~ This time I specially asked someone to prepare refreshments in the room in advance, so we can talk while eating."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Tianzi smiled at Tina and the others, walked to the door and began to lead the way.

"His Royal Highness the Son of Heaven."

"Huh? What..."

"It's good to see you again." Recalling her despair yesterday, with a trace of melancholy before parting, Mei couldn't help confiding to the pure white girl.

Immediately, the Holy Son froze in his footsteps.

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