"You should know its effect, right?"

"Yes, it can quickly heal the injuries of ordinary people and replenish their physical strength."

"No, this is just the most basic function. You only see its surface, but ignore its most important meaning."

"Muroto-senpai, what do you mean?"

"Repairing the injury is only on the surface. According to my research, its real function is to repair the gene."

Sumire Muroto said word by word, the words were amazing.

"Repair gene?!"

It was Tina who exclaimed.

But Mei has a half-understanding expression.

"Do you know what these four words represent?" Holding the box, Sumire Muroto's expression was extremely serious.

"It, a small fruit, can theoretically 'resuscitate'! Even a patient with advanced cancer, who discards most of the tissues and organs of the body in order to remove the tumor, can even recover to the same level as the patient after eating it. Be healthy before cancer!"

"Do you know what this means? In this world, some people have no shortage of power and wealth, but they are only afraid of death. This is true even for ancient kings. And this fruit is priceless in their eyes , is the 'elixir' and 'longevity medicine'!"

Although Mei was a little surprised by this, she didn't care too much.

This kind of fruit is called "Timi Fruit", and it is also a specialty of the last world. It is a rare fruit that is regarded as a "healing medicine".

Although it is relatively rare and requires a special kind of energy—magic power—to grow and mature, Mei managed to grow a Timmy tree alive in the soul space, but the fruit yield is not high, only a few a month.

The most important thing is that the effect of time fruit is better than nothing for the Herrscher's body, and it has almost no effect, so Mei doesn't value it.

Even if Muroto Sumire said this now, she just raised the status of timego in her heart from "collection" to "slightly useful".

After all, with the improvement of vision and strength, Mei no longer likes such things that can only affect ordinary people.

Closer to home.

"So? Muroto-senpai, what do you mean?"

"Do you still have this kind of fruit?" Muroto Sumire stared into Mei's eyes, as if to see if she would lie.

However, she didn't know that Mei didn't like this kind of fruit at all.

"Hmm..." After closing her eyes and putting her consciousness into the soul space to check, Mei frowned, "There are still half of them. But when I come back next time, there will definitely be a few more."

In response, Muroto Sumire suddenly became expressionless.

"Are you kidding me? Do you know that once humans can study the mystery of this fruit, a new era will start! By then, various diseases will no longer be a problem, and humans will be like the cursed children , to obtain 'eternal life' in a narrow sense!"

"Even by then, the original enterovirus will be disintegrated and conquered, and mankind can regain the former territory and usher in peace in the true sense again!"

"This is a fruit that can change the world! If I hadn't tried all means to make it germinate, would I have told you this without any effort?"

However, these are destined to be just delusions.


There is no magic in this world.

Mei couldn't bear to break her thoughts. Maybe she didn't realize that she seemed to have turned into the "crazy" appearance of devoting herself to the field of science and reckless for research and discovery.

"Okay, Muroto-senpai, you want timi crackers, right? I will go to Sendai District in a few days, and I will definitely bring them to you when I come back next time, I promise. Before that, please Repair and maintain [Sinfield] for Tina as promised."

Seeing Mei's plain appearance of "not treating treasures as treasures", Sumire Muroto, who has entered the state of "scientific madman", is really angry and anxious.

But helpless.

"Oh, well, I believe you are. Anyway, the huge Leiden family is there, and I'm not afraid that I won't find anyone. Do you have anything else to do?"


"Then I'll see you off. It's exhausting to talk to you for so long!"

Sumire Muroto couldn't help putting her hand on her forehead.

Seeing this, Mei smiled wryly, and took Tina's hand.

"Senior Muroto, let's go first."

"Let's go, let's go, I still have a lot of things to do." Muroto Sumire waved her hand, turned around and left them a back view.


After the sound of Mei and the others' footsteps gradually faded away, Sumire Muroto slowly shook her head as she looked at the basement that had fallen into silence again.

"I'm going to be busy next time..."

Chapter 102 Chapter 98 Restart, new world!

USA, Colorado, Raccoon City.

The secret experimental base located at 2300 meters underground - the lowest floor of [Honeycomb], inside the Umbrella Corporation's highest command.

The low-temperature storage devices are arranged in a ring, and all kinds of powerful and wealthy people in the world today are frozen inside. They are quietly waiting for the completion of the "World Cleanup Plan" and the day when the apocalypse arrives.

There is no doubt that this is a "Noah's Ark", but only less than one percent of the entire human race can board it.

At a certain moment, in a storage device located on the lowest platform, the eyelashes of a black-haired girl moved.

"Beep beep..."

Suddenly, the siren sounded, echoing in this high-tech "cemetery".

The next moment, a red girl made of holographic projections suddenly appeared in the air, lowered her head and swept towards the box-shaped storage device.

"The member of the board of directors numbered 003 showed signs of awakening, and it was initially judged that the refrigeration system was faulty, and began to repair and replace the storage device"

Following the sound of the little girl's emotionless mechanical synthesis sound, on the guide rail in front of the platform, a mechanical operation table responsible for maintenance began to slide, and at the same time, the mechanical arms were deployed one by one to move towards the target.


"Long——" Suddenly, there was a loud noise above the entire bottom floor, accompanied by slight vibrations.

"Zizizi..." Suddenly, as if something went wrong, the little girl's holographic projection suddenly became blurred.

"The intruder broke through the hive defense system and detected a strong current... The system is about to restart..."

In the next second, the image of the little girl disappeared, leaving only the console still executing orders.

"Is it a new world?"

"Prophet Memory..."

"It's finally here."

Mumbling, the black-haired girl in the storage device closed her eyes again.


The upper level of the Supreme Command, 1900 meters underground.

In the computer room of the supercomputer-artificial intelligence [Flame Queen], a dramatic betrayal is going on.

"No, Rivo, we still need to take out its main board to completely...you, what are you doing?! Ahhhhhh!!!"

As the power gradually recovered, the lighting system resumed operation. With the light gradually turned on, the blond royal sister in a red suspender skirt and a black jacket on her shoulders - Alice stood at the door of the laser channel and saw Such a horrible scene:

With a "click", I saw that the mercenary who was still like the god of hackers just now - Chad Kaplan was twisted by his teammate - a bald man over 1.8 meters tall and broke his neck with one hand .

Then, the latter threw it into the corner with one hand as if throwing garbage, seemingly relaxed.

Terrifying strange power...

"Damn native, almost killed me just now!"

With a snort of disdain on his face, the bald man turned his head, and his eyes met the sluggish Alice.

Those are a pair of vertical pupils like beasts...

"You..." Alice was stunned for a moment, then quickly bent down to pick up the MP5 submachine gun that slipped by her feet.

However, the other party was one step faster than her.


The big man stepped forward, rushed over and punched the blond sister Yu in the abdomen in an instant, without the slightest thought of pity.


As soon as her fingers felt the cold touch of the gun, Alice felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, and a feeling of vomiting welled up, and then her head was empty, and everything around her, including the big man, retreated very quickly.

She was sent flying.

This blow directly damaged the protagonist in this world, causing her to fly directly through the laser tunnel and crash into the computer control room on the other side.

"Hey, this is also the protagonist of the plane? Boss, did you see that? She is absolutely vulnerable in my hands!"

While proudly reporting to the silver watch on his left wrist, the big man walked slowly towards the computer control room.

What is creepy is that while he was taking steps, brown-red hair suddenly grew on his body, and even fangs were exposed in his mouth...

He is not a normal human being!


"Werewolf" saw the appearance of the big man at this time, and Alice, who slowly got up from the ground, suddenly thought of this word.

"Yo, you can still stand up after being punched by me, I have a slightly higher opinion of you."

Passing by the former teammate who fell on the laser channel... No, it should be said that it was the corpse that was cut by the laser at that place. broken hand.

Then, he put it in his mouth and bit it.

"Ugh..." Seeing this scene, Alice just wanted to vomit, but the fishy sweetness rushing up from her stomach made her swallow it.

Wiping the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth, she shook her head and leaned against the computer console, suppressing the fear in her heart and asking, "You, who are you? Why did you kill your teammate?"

As if thinking that he had a chance to win, the bald man stopped and started laughing after hearing her words.

"Hahahaha! Teammate? What are you talking about? I have never been their teammate! Except for the real name 'Hamanda River', all other identities are fictional! The main god is powerful, you These natives will never understand!"

"Lord God? Are you a believer?"

Enduring the severe pain in her abdomen, Alice slowly approached the computer keyboard while trying to deal with the other party with words.

When the mercenary named Kaplan hacked into the hive control center and shut down the defense system of the [Flame Queen], she memorized a few key codes by the side, maybe that was the only hope to get rid of the immediate crisis ...

The big man who unfolded the werewolf posture and strengthened his five senses certainly noticed Alice's little move, but he didn't stop it, and even pretended not to notice it.

In his opinion now, playing with prey and watching them gradually despair is simply a kind of enjoyment.

"Religionist? Oh~ that's right, I have to admit it! Ever since He gave me this powerful power, I have been praising Him in my heart every moment! Although the Lord God never shows up, He is undoubtedly the leader of the entire universe. God of God!"

The big man was intoxicated when he said it, but his appearance with long hair, ferocious face and protruding fangs was really hard to compliment.

At this time, some people seemed to be unable to stand it anymore.

"Hey! Hamanda, don't waste any more time, quickly capture the protagonist of the plane, and bring me the motherboard of the Flame Queen!"

Hearing the command from the watch, the big man immediately restrained the expression on his face, but those wolf-like eyes stayed on Alice, as if he wanted to strip her naked.

"I see, boss. It's just... that guy looks hot and on point! Can I..."

"You can play, but be careful not to kill her. Yugen and I haven't finished the mission yet, if your mistake causes our whole team to get into trouble... Hehe, you know the rules of our Thor team, so I don't need to say more right?"

"Obey! Boss, after I'm done having fun, kill all the other natives here, and join you at that time!"

"Well, I have something to do here too, I will contact you later."

At the end of the communication, the wolf-headed man ate the severed hand in his right hand until only shredded meat was left wrapped around the bone, then he threw it aside, wiped his mouth with his stretched sleeve, and smiled ferociously. The dark green vertical pupils are full of cruelty and lust.

"Although the meat is a bit burnt, I'm still full. Next, it's time to let off steam and get down to business!"

At this time, he was more than two meters tall, with swollen and swollen muscles in his limbs, and the black mercenary protective clothing on his body was stretched out of shape; God", pointing at the pale Alice.

Despair began to spread with the other party's smirk.

However, Alice didn't want to give up. Now that she has lost her memory due to nerve gas, she still has too many things to figure out.

"No! I can't die yet!"

Thinking of this, she touched the keyboard, and while looking at the restarted computer, entered instructions at a typing speed that surpassed that of senior programmers.

"what are you doing?!"

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