Right in front of him, the little girl he was going to save on this trip was lying in a pool of blood, as if she was seriously injured.

As for the patrolmen whom I feared, one of them was clutching his broken arm and howling; the other quickly leaned over after seeing him, and there seemed to be hope on that face full of fear...

However, what really surprised him was the "familiar" figure that appeared in his sight.

Black waist-length hair...the familiar uniform of Meihe Academy...the dagger pinned to the waist...

"You are... Kigen-san!?" Almost subconsciously, Rentaro blurted out this sentence.


"Sister Mu Geng?" Seeing the strange young man, Mei felt a little puzzled, "Could this be another identity for me in this world?"

But at the moment when the boy appeared, the round earring under her left ear suddenly trembled, and the brilliant colors flashed.

Sensing the vibration from the earrings, Mei's eyes on the young man suddenly changed.

"It turns out that he is from this world..."

"Miss Kigeng, aren't you at school? Why..." Rentaro was about to ask something, when he suddenly felt Mei's strange gaze, and then he calmed down instantly.

When he carefully scanned the beautiful cheeks of the girl in front of him...

Vigilance immediately replaced doubt on his face, and Rentaro pulled out his own gun from the back of his waist without hesitation—a black Springfield XD-style 40-caliber pistol.

"You're not Sister Mu Geng! Who are you! Why did you attack them!? Is Zhizi Yingyin your accomplice?!"

He admitted that the girl in front of him was very beautiful, and she was slightly better than the few beautiful girl friends he had made in terms of appearance alone, but...

Just standing in front of her, I felt a heavy pressure like a mountain, that feeling of suffocation as if the god of death would come in the next moment; and the strong murderous aura emanating from the girl just now made him, who had experienced the original gut feeling, even more so. Everyone who fights animals shudders.

The black-haired girl in front of her...she has definitely killed someone before!And many people were killed!

This kind of murderous intent and pressure... He only felt it from the masked man-Zhi Ziyingyin who appeared not long ago!

This similar aura made Rentaro subconsciously link the two together.

Seeing the young man pointing the gun at her, Mei was slightly taken aback, as if recalling what he just said, and then...

Mouth slightly upturned.

But before she could speak, the tall and thin patrolman came to Rentaro, pointed at Mei and shouted angrily: "You monster! How dare you attack the police for a red-eyed kid! I will kill you!" Arrest and personally execute the death penalty!"

"A monster?" Thinking of something, the smile on Mei's face deepened.

However, at the next moment, the previously dissipated Lei clone reappeared!

This time, it appeared directly in front of the patrolman, and at a speed that Rentaro didn't even realize, he cut off that finger in an instant!

"..." There was a brief silence.


Fingers connected to heart, this pain caused this patrolman to knelt down and wailed like his previous colleague, in agony.

"Wh... when!?" Looking at the slowly dissipating thunder clone, Rentaro opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

But Mei didn't care about these.

With lowered eyelids, she slowly came to the little girl, knelt down to comfort her, then took out a pair of strange silver-gray gloves from nowhere, and began to put them on for herself.

"I never knew what the attack was. I only knew that if I was one step late, this little girl would have been executed privately by those two scumbags for robbing a few fruits. Seeing how skilled they are... it is obviously not the first Once done, such a guy doesn't deserve to live in this world."

"What!?" Hearing Mei's words, Rentaro's right hand holding the gun couldn't help trembling.

As if thinking of the situation Mei had described, his face darkened, he turned his gun, and looked at the two patrolmen with anger in his eyes.

"You are like this... are you still the police!? Tell me! These cursed sons are obviously our only hope for human beings against gastroenteritis. How can you treat them like this!? Tell me!!!"

"A mere red ghost... such a monster can die sooner!" The fat patrolman lying on the ground, who seemed numb to the pain of his severed arm, replied grimly, like a ghost from hell.

"You—!" Rentaro gritted his teeth and aimed the gun at him.

"No need." At this time, Mei's flat voice came.

Sensing Rentaro's gaze, Mei stood up slowly, looked at the blood-stained bullet on her glove, and smiled at the little girl who sat up in front of her with a puzzled expression.

"Okay, I've taken out the bullet in your forehead, and I've done some treatment for the wound. With your self-healing ability, I believe you will heal soon."

"Really...really no more pain! Thank you! Sister!" The little girl touched her forehead and smiled happily.

"Yeah." Mei nodded, bent down to pick up a yellow-brown peaked cap, patted the dust on it, and put it back on the little girl's head, "Don't do this kind of robbery again next time Now, if you need help in life, you can come to my sister or this big brother, we will help you and your sister."

"No!" Unexpectedly, the little girl shook her head, "I'll just come and find my sister! As for this big brother..."

She looked at Rentaro with some hostility.

"I know him! When I was arrested before, I reached out to the fellow who was standing next to him to ask for help...but he slapped my hand away! He is obviously with those bad guys! They all Not a good person!"

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's because there were too many people at that time, and Yanju's identity couldn't be revealed! She still has to go to school, and she still has friends, so I can't let her take risks." Rentaro shook his head and explained with a wry smile.

"Hmph!" The little girl turned her head away and stopped looking at him, obviously angry.

Seeing this, Rentaro couldn't say anything more, after all, everyone has their own standpoint and their own difficulties.

At this time, he found that Mei was watching the two patrolmen who gradually fell silent.

"What should they do?" Although Rentaro was resentful towards these two policemen with beastly faces and hearts, his face was a bit unbearable, "Should we send them to the hospital as soon as possible?"

"It's too late." Mei shook her head slowly, her tone was very cold, "In a few minutes, they will die of shock due to excessive blood loss."

Having said that, she looked at Rentaro again, her face as calm as water.

"That's why I stopped you from shooting just now. As a policeman, there is absolutely no need for you to get into trouble because of two dying people. After all, according to what you said before, you have to protect your initiator partner Is not it?"

"But... After all, it's two lives, and the identity is still a policeman, isn't this..." Rentaro looked hesitant, as if he still had some scruples.

"I'm the one who killed them, and I'll take the responsibility. You don't have to worry. Besides, I have never regretted this matter. If these two scumbags are left to live on, I'm afraid more innocent girls will suffer." Mei's tone was flat, as if explaining the facts.

"Can't they spend the rest of their lives repenting?"

"Hate is hatred because it cannot be eliminated in a short period of time or by a few words. If you let them go today, they will only get worse in the future. By then, who will die for those innocent people? The girls get their grievances?"


In just a few words, Rentaro completely shut his mouth.

But at some point, the red eyes of the little girl standing silently looking at Mei were filled with admiration.

Just when the scene fell into silence, a burst of dense footsteps came from far and near.

The visitors were none other than Sheng Tianzi and his party.

"...Mei!" Seeing the weird scene in front of her, the pure white girl froze for a moment, then trotted to Mei's side.

"Holy... Lord Setenko!?" Looking at the pure white girl whom he had only seen on TV, Rentaro was so shocked that he could stuff an egg into his mouth.

Such a small incident in the district has attracted the leaders of the Tokyo district...

Rentaro began to wonder if he was dreaming.

"Are you... the adopted son of Mr. Kikunojo? I saw you in the meeting room of the Ministry of Defense yesterday. Your name is Rentaro Satomi, right? Mr. Kikunojo's granddaughter, Miss Tendo Kisara, how are you?" The Holy Son of Heaven nodded and smiled.

"Uh... She, she should still be in class now?" Rentaro rubbed the back of his head and laughed dryly.

"I don't know what... happened to you?" Sheng Tianzi glanced at the silent fat patrolman on the ground, with some doubts on his face.

"Sage...Master Shengtian...it's really you, that's great..." At this time, with a weak voice, the tall and thin patrolman whose finger was cut off by the thunder clone squirmed and crawled over , as if meeting a savior.

"You...you are this?" Seeing this, Sheng Tianzi couldn't help taking a step back.

"It's her...it's her! She's a monster! She attacked the police...she attacked the police! Mr. Shengtianzi, you have to decide for me and Officer Matsushita!" Looking at Mei, he did not hide the hatred in his eyes at all. He raised his other hand and said tremblingly.

Seeing this, Rentaro felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Will Lord Shengtianzi punish her for this?" Looking at Mei, he couldn't help but worry in his heart.

Besides him, even as the cursed child, the little girl has heard of the name of the Holy Son of Heaven... No, it should be said that as long as there are people in the Tokyo area, there are not many people who do not know the name of the Holy Son of Heaven.

At this time, in front of the heads of the entire Tokyo district, the little girl didn't dare to breathe, but just looked at Mei, feeling the same worry as Rentaro.

"elder sister……"

However, in the face of everyone's gaze, Mei still had a calm look, as if she didn't take this matter to heart.

"Mei, why..." Seeing this, Sheng Tianzi looked in disbelief.

"Ho ho ho ho... You just wait to be judged! Monster!" Seeing this scene, the tall and thin patrolman seemed to think that the overall situation was settled, and pointed at Mei and laughed, the resentment in his eyes made people feel uncomfortable .

But the next moment...

"Shua!" With the flash of the knife, his good hand slowly slid to the ground.

"Shua-da!" Mei slowly retracted the knife into its sheath, the expression on her face remained the same as before.

This time, the patrolman could not be called out.

Because Cun Yu's curse poison has already taken effect, he is just an ordinary person and he is not treated like Zhi Ziyingyin at all.In less than five seconds, the bloody curse had covered his whole body along the incision, and his heart stopped beating the moment the curse invaded.

And most importantly, the distorted face on his face...

When the curse poison infects the body of a living being, it is also destroying the vitality of the cells in the body.That feeling of being devoured by thousands of ants... is even scarier than the legendary Ling Chi!

What is terrifying is that this indescribable pain can be completely felt before his heartbeat stops!But the patrolman couldn't call out...

This is the frightening aspect of Teigu: One Hit Kill Murasame. This bloody poison has no cure and no cure. Once hit, you will definitely die!

After doing all this, Mei didn't care about other people's eyes, just looked at the Holy Son of Heaven, and slowly smiled.

"Let's go, Your Highness Sheng Tianzi. Mei will report the truth to you about the cause of this matter. The environment here is too bad, it's not good to continue to stay..."

Looking at the black-haired girl who dared to casually kill someone in front of the Holy Son of Heaven, everyone present was speechless.

The sky in Tokyo may be about to change...

Chapter 11 Chapter 10 Sister, Raiden Aoi

It was night, in the third district of Tokyo, in front of an ancient house that was incompatible with the surrounding tall buildings.

"Thank you for your hard work. Please tell His Royal Highness Sheng Tianzi for me. Just say that I will think about her request and give her an answer tomorrow."

"Okay, Miss Lei Dian, I will tell the Holy Son of Heaven for you, please have a good dream."


Looking at the limousine gradually going away, Mei sighed imperceptibly.

Regarding the incident in the outer area this afternoon, after she told the Holy Son of Heaven the whole story of the incident, she was not punished as expected.

After all, they were just two ordinary patrolmen. Leaving aside the premise that they used lynching and made mistakes first, with the power of the Leiden family in Japan, it was not something that could be shaken by such a trivial matter.

But what has to be done still needs to be done.

The final decision of Shengtianzi was to declare that the two patrolmen died in the line of duty because of the explosion accident in the old factory in the outer area.After all, the explosion caused by Mei breaking into the scene was heard far away, and many people in the surrounding factories heard it. Coupled with the huge prestige accumulated by the emperor since he succeeded to the throne, this reason is quite convincing.

In the end, what Mei had to pay was nothing more than two pensions that were insignificant to her. Accident.


"Great kindness is hard to repay. Favor is something that is difficult to repay once it is owed..."

After expressing a word of emotion, Mei turned around and looked at the ancient house in front of him, and began to walk.

"A good dream or something, how could there be..."


This is the exclusive residence of the Raiden family in the Tokyo area, only a few streets away from the holy residence where the emperor lived.

From the outside, it is an ancient house with a long history, and its weather-beaten appearance is more historic than some old hot spring hotels.

Yet it is.

The ancient house in front of me was built on the hillside and has a history of hundreds of years. It can be regarded as the "second ancestral house" of the Lei Dian family.

As for the first ancestral home, it is located in today's Sendai District.That was the birthplace of the Raiden family, and it was from there that Mei, her father, and uncles took a plane to Tokyo this morning.

Although the ostensible thing is to participate in the military meeting of the Sendai Self-Defense Forces, Mei has no interest in researching and exploring the development track of this world before her arrival.

Because she knew she would leave sooner or later...

"Hello, miss!" As soon as they came to the gate, the servants guarding the door recognized their miss and bowed down to say hello.

In response, Mei nodded flatly, and suddenly stopped in her tracks.

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