"This...you really are the 'corpse controller'!" Seeing this, Alice was surprised for a moment, and then looked at Qianji with hostility.

Of course, this scene was also caught by Mei's eyes.


She took the initiative to break free from the pink-haired girl's hand, and stopped in her tracks with a serious face.

"What's going on with Qianji? Why can she control zombies?"

Mei couldn't tolerate being surprised.

In fact, not only the ability to control zombies, but also the suspected domain-like illusion made Mei feel a strong sense of disobedience.

It's as if they are completely contrary to the basic laws of this world, and they are not what this world should exist at all.

She can basically believe that neither Alisa nor Kikuri Chihime are human beings in this world.

Same as her.

It's just that Mei doesn't want to believe it, and can't find the most direct evidence for the time being.

So she wanted the pink-haired girl in front of her to give herself an answer.

"Mei, Meichan, you can actually see inside..."

As soon as she looked a little surprised, Alisa met Mei's solemn gaze, and then slowly lowered her head as if guilty.

Seeing the girl's silent look, Mei sighed slightly, and gradually became expressionless.

"You and Qianji are not from this world, are you?"

"Huh?! You, you..."

Not paying attention to the girl's shocked expression, or having expected this scene, Mei seemed a little indifferent.

"Let me guess, you are also a member of Thor's team, right? You are still a rookie."


Opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word, Alisa was beyond shocked.

"You, Mei, how do you...know?"

The pink-haired girl's face was pale, and she couldn't help but took half a step back, her eyes were full of panic and a trace of... Pain?


At this time, a gust of sea breeze blew by, and the cloth cap on the girl's head was blown away, and the pink hair swayed like willows.

Sure enough...

Seeing this, Mei drooped her eyelids, and instead of answering the girl's question directly, she walked past her with strides.

Immediately, Alisa lowered her head, her face full of loneliness.

"Huh!" At this time, the sea breeze blew again, and it also brought Mei's answer:


Mei bent down, picked up the plain little cloth hat, patted the dust on it, and walked over again.

"The captain of your Thor team, Neil Sack, the Wingman member Yugen, the space-capable Wang Xiao, and the werewolf member Hamanda River, they..."

Mei put the hat back on for Alisa, showing a shallow smile, neither cold nor hot.

"I killed them all~"


In other words, except for himself, the entire Thor team has been wiped out by the opponent's group.

Looking at Mei's purplish black eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Alyssa forced a smile after trembling all over.

"So Mei-chan, are you going to kill me next?"


"That's right, I'm a person who has already disappeared. After leaving that world, I never thought that I could survive in another special way..."

Speaking of this, the smile on Alyssa's face was even worse, but it seemed very poignant to match her words.

"My biggest dream was to sing on a bigger stage one day for everyone. Since I survived, I also hope that one day I can return to my original world, because I still have an unfinished agreement with a friend. ..."

"However, since my appearance has brought trouble to you and the world, Mei-chan, then please end me with your own hands."

The pink-haired girl smiled, spread her hands, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Invading the world is not my original wish. So far, Chihime-chan and I have not harmed any innocent people. If my existence is a mistake, then I hope you will not hate me because of it."

After finishing speaking, Alisa showed a relieved expression, and she was like a saint who was willing to be burned at the stake, quiet and calm, without the slightest fear.


Regarding this, Mei remained silent except for being silent.

Reason told her that she should kill the grass and root out the roots and leave no future troubles. After all, she had offended the former captain of the Thor team. After killing the last member of the Thor team in front of her, it was the safest choice to quickly leave this world and disappear.

But, should she, Raiden Mei, really attack a friend that she recognizes?

Reason and sensibility began to collide.


"La la~ la la, la la~ la la, la la la la~ la la—la la~ la la~"

The pink lips parted lightly, and the pink singer sang the last ballad for herself.

"Symphony of fate?"

"If you could see the scars?"

"Until the last words?"

"I shall sing?"

"Gather the light now?"

"Extend love infinitely?"

"Let me sleep peacefully?"

This belongs to Miracle Girl - "OVER".


"What a fool."


Chapter 133 Chapter 120 VII The Reversal and Sudden Situation

"Do you know why human beings lost so quickly? Because of the existence of the 'corpse controller'! She can control hundreds of millions of zombies to launch violent attacks on human cities!"

"How could such a person exist?"

"Hehe, did you ever think that you would become the superman you are now? The T virus is omnipotent! You don't have to believe me, but human beings will be extinct because of the corpse controller!"


Thinking of what Wesker said, Alice in the field gritted her teeth.

Bending down to avoid the bite of a zombie, Alice put her hands on the ground, kicked her leg bone with a sweeping leg, stood up and looked at the black-haired witch in the sky, her eyes gradually became firm.

"You must be eliminated!"

Afterwards, Alice threw away the pistol that had run out of ammunition, straightened her body, reached out and pulled out the two sabers hanging from her thighs, and her whole body spun like a spinning top!


Ferocious heads flew up one after another, and all the zombies who had just surrounded them fell down straight.

Shaking off the dirty blood on Mudao's body, she slowly closed her eyes, as if accepting her fate.

With Alice as the center, a large number of zombies appeared again in the entire field, densely packed, like army ants, one after another, in an endless stream.

They wailed, as if they wanted to vent their resentment during their lifetime, their voices were weird and penetrating.

Alice remained unmoved by this, but closed her eyes.

"Have you given up?" Juli Qianji, who was floating in mid-air, tilted her head, her body emitting a faint blue light again, "I don't intend to kill you, but I will never allow you to hurt Alisa, she He is the only person I want to protect..."

The realm of the dead that belonged to her began to fluctuate, and the zombies gradually became dim, like reflections in a lake, and the whole space seemed to dissipate.

However, she underestimated the determination of the son of destiny.

The moment before the domain collapsed, Alice suddenly opened her eyes.


In an instant, the invisible force spread like ripples, easily brushing away the approaching "corpse shadow", causing the entire field to collapse instantly!

Thought wave is essentially spiritual power, and it can also be called "spiritual storm".


There was no time to react, Juli Qianji was hit almost defenselessly.


Amidst the cries of pain, the black-haired witch fell from the sky, and her whole body seemed to become a little dark.

A purely physical attack might be meaningless to a spirit body, but Alice's thought wave had an unexpected effect.

Similarly, the consumption of this attack is not low.

"Huh...ha, huh...ha" I saw Alice panting heavily, holding her head with her hands and shaking it vigorously, her dilated pupils gradually solidified.

Suppressing the tingling pain in her brain, she looked around at the field that was shattered like a bubble, and then pulled herself together and walked towards the witch who fell on the deck not far away, holding the knife.

"No matter what... you must be eliminated! Corpse controller!"

Seemingly sensing the approaching danger, the black-haired priestess floated up again.

It's just that her body looks a little transparent, and her eyes, which look blue from a distance but have a hint of pink from a close up, also become hazy.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Although summoning the dead is a technique I've studied, I've never used it to harm innocent people!"

While retorting, Qianji wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"On the contrary, it's Your Excellency who indiscriminately attacks your friends as soon as they meet. Did Alyssa do something to offend Your Excellency?"

Hearing this, Alice stopped in her tracks with a gloomy expression on her face.

"The Umbrella Corporation released the T virus, which killed more than half of the humans on this planet! It even wants to wipe us all out... I will not let any of its accomplices go! Sanctions must be imposed!"

"But the two of them are not from the Umbrella Company, Alice" Suddenly, before Qian Ji could speak, Mei's voice broke in.

"Director Raiden..." Alice turned her head slowly.

It was Mei and Alisa who came.

It's just that the two of them get along harmoniously at this time, with a smile on their faces, how can they still have the heavy look before?

"Why... I didn't let you come here! It's very dangerous here." Seeing this, Qian Ji frowned, her tone a bit serious.

Hearing this, after Alisa glanced at the profile of the person beside her, she clenched her small hands into fists as if to cheer her up, and the smile on her face grew even wider.

"Don't worry! Chihime-chan, Mei-chan, she already knows our identities and decided to help!"

"Help?" Seeing her excited appearance, Qian Ji tilted her head in confusion.

"That's it..."

However, no matter how the two of them communicated, Alice and Mei kept looking at each other, and neither of them intended to speak first.

In the end, feeling Alice's hateful gaze, Mei blinked, smiled wryly and brushed the hair sticking to her cheeks behind her ears.

"It seems that during the 28 days I was in a coma, Alice, you seem to have misunderstood me a lot..."

"Misunderstanding?" As if thinking of something, Alice said with a blank expression and a cold tone: "In your eyes, is the death of billions of human beings just a misunderstanding? Or do you want to excuse yourself and avoid responsibility? What a hypocrite you are, Director Raiden."

"of course not."

As if not noticing the sarcasm in her words, Mei continued to say with a wry smile: "Maybe in this world, as a member of the umbrella company, I do have to take responsibility for today's disaster, but I don't think all of this is caused by someone..."

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