boom! !

A terrifying explosion sounded out of thin air!

It directly attracted the attention of everyone in the world tree!

Including Sid, who just came back, was also looking at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

"Hey! Is this a special welcome ceremony?"

He made a joke on his mouth, but his eyes were very serious.

He stepped forward and looked at the broken locks on the ground.

"A type I've never seen before. o...!" Picking up the fragments in surprise, he couldn't help but be surprised.

But at this time, Zhan Ji Lingma focused his attention on a man downstairs!

Before he could see clearly, the opponent turned into red powder and disappeared suddenly!

Seeing this scene, Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes became more serious!

"Dog Dao Gong Jie... Are you provoking me?"

Before that, Yaozi asked Su Ling about the world of dog worship according to what Su Ling said.

Zhanji Lingma didn't expect Yaoko Minato to ask this, so he naturally asked what happened instead.

After the exchange of information, he knew that the Dog Dao Congregation had appeared again. Although he didn't quite understand why the other party still appeared, it didn't matter. He just wanted to do the same thing as Su Ling now.

Grab the opponent and study it!

In other words, this is something every scientist will do with a high probability. After all, the existence of soul bodies is rare, and you may not even see them once in a lifetime!

Probably only Kiryu Sentu, who is the incarnation of a hero, is likely to give up!

ps: Looking for an evaluation ticket for the flower monthly ticket.

Chapter 42 World Tree f3: Please speak human words!

The explosion was so loud that even Su Ling, who was in retreat, and Wu Dao Guihu, who was recuperating, were startled.

The two happened to meet on the road, and Su Ling looked at the patient Wu Dao Guihu for a moment, "Who are you?"

During this period of time, he has been doing research in retreat, including the large-scale Heim underworld plant detector, other concept S-level energy locks, universal weapons, etc. Naturally, he doesn't know what happened to the world tree.

"It's caused by a new type of drive." Wu Dao Takahu looked at his injury as if looking at glory.

That's right, in his heart these are glory.

After all, everything he does is for humanity, and some sacrifices are inevitable!

"Is that so?" Su Ling nodded thoughtfully.

"By the way, what happened to the previous large-scale detector blueprint?" Wu Dao Takahu kept his mind on work as he walked.

"Basically, it's done. I'll just use some materials to add some data later." Su Ling yawned, looking bored.

He is naturally very boring, after all, that thing is still far from the S-class concept energy lock, it is not fun at all!

"That's good, as long as that one is created, our chances of winning will be even greater!" Wu Dao Takahu showed a relaxed smile.

While chatting, the two came to the location of the explosion.

Looking at Zhan Ji Lingma who was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to think, Wu Dao Takahu stepped forward:

"Ling Ma!"

"Yo~ Guihu, what happened? You look anxious." Zhan Ji Lingma didn't care at all.

He was calmly processing the work, and at the same time said: "By the way, the completion period of the Genesis drive may be delayed, and some important information has been lost." Seeing his friend talking about other things, Wu Dao Takahu leaned on the side table with a serious expression : "I'm not talking about that, it's an explosion!"

"Oh, Minato has already started the investigation, so you don't need to be busy." Zhan Ji Lingma said indifferently.

"The explosion was definitely not accidental. What happened?" Wu Dao Guihu couldn't help asking, and he glanced at it out of the corner of his eye.

Suddenly found the lock seed fragment sent by Sid on the table!

"This kind of lock has never been seen before!" He stepped forward and looked at it carefully and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Zhan Ji Lingma's expression darkened: "I don't remember doing this."

"What did you say?"

"It must have been made by someone else. It's unforgivable that there are locks that I don't know about!"

(Shrimp Dumplings: I actually bypassed this administrator to make other cassettes, Jpg is unforgivable!)

Compared with shrimp dumplings, his mood is the most understandable.

After all, he developed the lock seed, and he almost killed himself in the end!

What a shame!

"That's a pomegranate lock, divided into blood pomegranate and ordinary pomegranate. The former can be considered as the mother body, and the ordinary one is the child lock. The mother controls the child lock, and then... o explode!" Su Ling demonstrated the explosion at the side action.

"You know this very well?" Zhan Ji Lingma narrowed his eyes, looking at Su Ling with a strange look.

"Actually, there are very few things in this world that I don't know. I may even know myself better than you." Su Ling smiled with her hands behind her back.

"Really~ It sounds amazing!" Zhan Ji Lingma's eyes changed slightly, and his pupils shrank slightly.

But if he was worried that Su Ling might miss something, he didn't continue to talk about this topic, but said: "According to what you just said, since it is a sub-lock seed, there should be a special device to control the explosion of the lock seed."

"Yes, as long as you find a way to control it." Su Ling nodded.

"But if you don't have a lock seed, it's still not enough to study and understand. You have to find a way to get a lock seed." Zhan Ji Lingma touched the next one.

"So the most important thing at the moment is to find the location of the dog's path. To be honest, he doesn't know what method he used to prevent me from finding it, so I can only use a stupid method.

. With a faint smile on the corner of Su Ling's mouth, he looked at Zhanji Lingma.

Let the latter inexplicably have a bad feeling.

"What are you going to do...?"

"It's just a suggestion, you go to be a bait~ The target of the Dog Dao Puja is you, as long as you appear outside, he can't help but come to you!" Su Ling smiled and said his plan.

Before Zhan Ji Lingma could speak, Wu Dao Guihu frowned and said first:

"It's too dangerous!"

"Then change it to another method. I think the other party should use a special signal to detonate the lock, find out that signal, and then naturally find out the other party's location!" Su Ling continued to say the second method.

"?? Are you sure you're not joking? There are so many signals in Zeya City every day!" The corner of Zhan Ji Lingma's mouth twitched slightly, and he leaned forward to look at Su Ling in disbelief.

"Who's free to make such a joke." Su Ling rolled her eyes, and said, "Since it's a locked species, the signal must be very special, but I have a way to find it out."

He stopped, not talking.

Zhan Ji Lingma is a smart man, he saw what Su Ling meant, and said bluntly, "What do you want?"

"Help me catch the opponent, I'm like dissecting the soul body Su Ling said with a slight smile.

Zhanji Lingma was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Yes!"

He turned his head, only to find that the faces of the others were devastated.

They couldn't understand the situation at all.

What kind of dog offering world, what kind of pomegranate lock, what signal, and what kind of soul body!

What a mess!

Why can a single word be understood, but when put together, people can't understand it?

Even Minao Yaozi, who knew a little bit, was confused at the moment, and felt that he was completely different from the two people in front of him!

ps: Looking for an evaluation ticket for the flower monthly ticket!

It's numb, there was a chapter before the 35th chapter that was lost, and now it is combined with the 35th chapter as a big chapter.

Headache, I said why doesn't it feel right.

Chapter 43 Dog Road Kosuke thinks he's doing it again!

"Sorry, what are you talking about? We don't understand at all." Sid spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Wudao Guihu next to him also coughed in embarrassment, and then said: "Sorry, both of you, please explain it in a simple and easy-to-understand way, what is the dog's road for the pomegranate lock seed, and the signal, what is the situation?" ?”

Su Ling touched one after hearing the words, and then explained: "The Dog Dao Congjie is the mastermind of this explosion, the pomegranate lock seed is his tool for committing the crime, and the signal is his special method of detonating."

"As for more detailed plots, let Professor Ling Ma explain to you. I'm going to start looking for special signals here."

Several other people listened to this explanation, but understood a little bit.

"So the Dog Dao Guijie is the murderer behind the scenes, and you want to catch him, don't you? Is there anything we can do to help?" Wu Dao Guihu showed a pensive expression on his serious face.

"This is also the noble tiger I wanted to tell you just now, and you may need to catch the dog's path at that time." Zhan Ji Lingma sighed, and then said.

"After I figured it out, news from the world of dog worship told me that I would go back and let him catch it." Wu Dao Guihu nodded and said.

Then Su Ling turned and said goodbye, and went to his research envoy. With a thought, he sank into the Earth Library.

Looking at the rows of bookshelves and the dazzling array of books in front of her, Su Lin slowly typed out three key words, "Dog Dao Gongjie", "Blood Pomegranate Seed Lock", "Seed Lock Signal!"

When the three keywords appeared in the void of the Earth Library, all the bookshelves began to be emptied in an instant, and a collection of books disappeared from my eyes. Finally, a book appeared in front of Su Lin. That was the recorder. The pomegranate seed lock signal controls the seed pomegranate seed lock.

Su Ling opened the book and began to flip through it, then her eyes stopped at one place, and suddenly she lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "That's right, that's what happened."

After the sound fell, Su Ling closed the book, then walked to the experiment table, and began to tap the keyboard with those strong and slender fingers. At the same time, he brought over the blueprint next to him, and kept writing something.

He is deciphering the signal and trying to find the location of the dog road consecration circle based on the signal.

The last location Su Ling investigated was an old factory. It seemed that few people went there, so it was very suitable for hiding himself.

"Let's go, Guihu!" Zhan Ji Lingma thought for a while, and decided to come by himself, along with Wudao Guihu.

After all, the two of them together can't be dealt with by ordinary people!

"It's really not like you. Are you planning to rush in directly?" Wu Dao Guihu was slightly startled, and looked at the other party in surprise.

"Otherwise~ It's easy to defeat the opponent with our strength, isn't it?!" Zhanji Lingma had a confident expression.

"That's right, let's go up together after a long time, Lingma!" Wu Dao Takahu rarely showed a smile on his serious face.

He quickly put away his smile again, and then walked quickly towards the inside.

Wu Dao Guihu followed closely behind him.

After they enter the old factory.

The only adjective is very dim!

But in the dim light, Zhan Jilingma, who was walking in front, suddenly seemed to have discovered something.

Frowning, he followed a certain direction and finally came to a door.

When he opened it, his expression froze for a moment.

"Is this a factory for locked-seed production? It's actually artificially cultivating plants from Heim's underworld." Wu Dao Takahu, who leaned forward, was surprised.

At this time, in front of him was a greenhouse-like petri dish of Helm's underworld plants!

And Zhanji Lingma's face behind him became even more gloomy: "You actually did such a thing without authorization, what a dog!"

The veins on the neck of his neck became more and more unhappy, and he clenched his fists and continued to penetrate!

Before walking a few steps, the expressionless Dog Dao Gongjie slowly appeared in front of him, "It's really you, Zhan Ji Ling Ma!"

The darkness covered his expression at this time.

"My vision is not wrong, you need your strength to save the world!"

"You are such an unpleasant existence! Let you end here!" Zhanji Lingma sneered, pointing his finger at the other party in disdain.

"Okay, let's start a new trial!" The Dog Dao Congjie chuckled, not caring at all.

Originally, he was planning to take this as the final trial!

But now in the final trial, only Su Ling's corpse can satisfy him!

Without continuing to talk nonsense, Dog Dao Gongjie put on the driver and completed the transformation.

Zhanji Lingma's face was gloomy, and he slowly took out the driver from his pocket: "It would be great if the new driver was completed, but wearing the prototype is really the right choice

In his hand is another battle pole drive, which he used earlier!

"I miss you so much, you haven't used that for a long time, right?" Kushima Takahu smiled lightly, and at the same time took out his own drive.

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