Su Ling chuckled and said, "Of course I'm not limited to this. I'm your biggest goal, but it's not just the so-called new regime." Crocodile's laughter stopped abruptly, and he got up and went to Su Ling Walk a few steps here, Yin Yin: "Boy, what do you mean?" People.

Chapter 450

"It's nothing interesting, it's just a calculation, and I've already calculated your final outcome!"

"The ending?" Crocodile sneered, "Let's hear it?"

"I wasn't sure at first, but now that I met the real person, I realized that Your Excellency's Yintang has turned black, and there is a black air around the top of your head, and there must be a bloody disaster in the near future.

Oh, that’s not all, your hairline recedes, the upper court is wide but has chaotic patterns, the central court is also beginning to distort, and the lower court is completely out of balance. In addition to the bloody light, I’m afraid there will be a disaster in the “[-]” prison, Can't avoid it at all, alas, can't avoid it! "


A layer of anger appeared on Crocodile's face, and then he returned to indifference, and said with a broken smile: "So you are only mediocre. When I inquired about your deeds, I was worried that you would spoil my affairs..."

He shook his head and turned around while talking, "Then it's better for you to die here now!"

Su Ling acted as if he hadn't heard it, and said to himself: "Our Straw Hats have also mastered the ability to spy on fate! You don't understand, and it's not surprising, after all, they are just ordinary people, alas! It's a pity, it's a pity, it's sad That!"

With his hands behind his back, he looked calm and calm, coupled with the cloudy nonsense, he really looked like a genius.

"Fate? Can you see it?" Clobatel was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of silence, he said: "My fate is up to me, you should fool the ghosts with such nonsense

What Su Ling said was completely nonsense, she just wanted to stimulate Crocodile, intending to test the other party's character from the side, whether it is really flawless.

After all, in the original book, Crocodile is calm and wise, and rarely loses his mind.

Su Ling silently evaluated Crocodile in his heart, and his intelligence value was at least [-] or higher.

At this time, there was a clicking sound, and Robin took Weiwei down the stairs to the basement.

Robin was a little surprised to see Crocodile's face was strange, and before he could say hello, Weiwei scolded angrily: "Crocodile, you bastard!"

Crocodile raised his brows, laughed and said, "The last distinguished guest is finally here, welcome, Miss Wednesday." After speaking, he sat back on the chair calmly.

As Weiwei walked over, she said coldly to Crocodile: "Of course I will come. No matter where the world is, I will expose your ugly face. Hundreds of millions of people in Alabasta are still waiting for me to rescue them!"

"You want to expose me? Hehe, there's no need for that. Someone has already done it just now. I guess he knows more than you..." Crocodile glanced at Su Ling sideways.

Weiwei followed Crocodile's gaze, Su Ling and Ajin were actually trapped, looking around anxiously, even Lu Fei, Nami and others were also imprisoned in the cage, in addition to anger, there was more in their hearts a worry.

"Vivi, come and help open the cell door so I can go out and beat that bastard!" Luffy yelled anxiously, regardless of whether Weiwei had this ability.

Suddenly, taking advantage of Robin's unpreparedness, Weiwei jumped up suddenly, and rushed to the dining table in a few jumps. At the same time, the stainless steel chain in her sleeve was thrown out, and it hit Crocodile directly.

Crocodile looked calm and didn't move.

With a "sip", the chain hit the target directly, and Crocodile's head was instantly crushed into powder.

"Vivi, you are amazing!"

"Wow, one move kills the enemy!"

1.5 There was cheers in Luffy's cage, even Sauron's eyes widened, only Smoker shook his head slightly.

"Have you lost your anger? My dear princess!"

Crocodile suddenly turned into a large ball of sand, scattered in the air, and condensed into a human form in an instant, appearing behind Weiwei, and as the words fell, he clasped the golden hook of Weiwei's wrist holding the chain with his left hand, and covered it with his right hand. Vivi mouth and nose.

Chapter 450 Overcrowding

Weiwei could only feel the smell of sand in her mouth and nose, the surrounding air seemed to be completely drained, and it was difficult to breathe immediately.

The situation took a turn for the worse, Lu Fei and others saw that Weiwei's face was pale and she was about to be out of breath, and they all cursed.

"I have the ability to rustle fruit, don't you know? Miss Wednesday." Seeing that Weiwei was about to suffocate, Crocodile suddenly let go and threw her on the chair.

Weiwei's face was pale, and she breathed heavily, not caring about answering at all.

"Miss AII is Sunday, what time is it?" Crocodile looked at Robin beside him.

"It's time to start the battle plan!" Robin took out his pocket watch and looked at 12, smiling.

Crocodile looked around for a week, and suddenly looked up to the sky with a long smile, "The rookie pirates, and my dear princess, by the way, and the navy representatives, welcome to the opening ceremony of Utopia Battle!"

Weiwei regained her strength and was about to attack Crocodile, when Robin suddenly activated her fruit ability to trap her, Crocodile said indifferently: "Tie her up, so as not to be annoying!"

Weiwei was bound and unable to move, she said angrily, "What do you mean? What Utopia?"

"It seems that you don't know anything, anyway, before you die, I will be a good person and solve the mystery for you! Your father, Mr. Cobra, has already gone to Nahana I'm pleading guilty!"

"I, the king of Alabasta - Cobra, I will honestly apologize to everyone today!" On the giant square in Nahana, Cobra stood in the very center and shouted at the people on the inner three floors and the outer three floors. shouted.

Clabattle mixed with Charlie, Sam, Right-hand Man, Eaton (Gate M 1) in the crowd.

Charlie wondered: "Chief of Staff, why did the king come to take Hana?"

Clabatel frowned: "I don't know. It's strange that Kosha rushed here overnight. Could it be that he wanted to assassinate the king? No, he has already believed my analysis and will not take the initiative to provoke a war."

The left arm said in a deep voice: "In the early morning, Kosha received a secret report that the king will give a live speech in Nahana to solve the mystery of the drought for the local people."

Eaton suddenly pointed to the center of the square, "Look, there is an amplified telephone bug over there. It's a high-tech product. I've seen it in Baroque Works. As long as you set up the supporting telephone to receive the signal, the whole city can hear it... "

Krabattel felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. In the early hours of this morning, there was a sudden change in the rebel camp. Kosha brought a few confidants and rushed to Nahana without even saying hello. Still kept in the dark.

Several people hurried and hurried, and finally arrived on time.

As soon as Klabatar entered the city, he realized that the atmosphere was not right. The whole city of Nahana was overcrowded, and soldiers stood guard on duty in every street.

The road to the square was also crowded with people. A few officials-looking guys commanded a group of plainclothes subordinates and hung loudspeakers around, as if they were about to announce something important.

The hotels are also full. Many people from other towns came yesterday. 613 asked someone, even hundreds of kilometers away. They all knew in advance that the king would come to take Hana.

The king's army, which rarely showed up in Nahana in the past, had a large group of people marching into the city, and soldiers were left guarding the city gate, but they ignored the outsiders, and even saw them carrying weapons.

When the rebels with weapons, they don't pay attention.

Krabattel went to Hicks to inquire, but he didn't see anyone. According to the clerk, he left for the capital Albana the day before yesterday.

On the big square, tens of thousands of people gathered at this time, shoulder to shoulder, almost no space to step down, only a large space in the inner circle, surrounded by heavily armed soldiers of the king's army, with hot and cold weapons in their hands Aim at the perimeter to prevent crowds from approaching.

Chapter 450 Full of Loopholes

On the buildings around the square, the balconies and windows above the second floor were full of people lying on their faces, all looking at the astonishing king in surprise.

Hearing that the king said that he wanted to apologize, the whole square fell silent, and then, there was a buzzing sound, and tens of thousands of people began to whisper to each other, and the chaotic discussions merged into a noisy sound wave, which made the scalps of Krabatelle go numb.

"Everyone be quiet!" Cobra spoke again. The sound reinforcement facilities around him were very effective, and even the people on the outermost perimeter of the square could hear clearly.

"The reason for my apology is precisely because of the natural and man-made disasters in Alabasta," Cobra turned his head and looked around, and everyone held their breath and looked at him fixedly.

"The so-called natural disasters are the national drought that you are experiencing, but man-made disasters, I believe many of you are also involved, that is, the national civil war. What I want to tell you today is that all of these are caused by me, King Cob Pull it!"

Among the common people, many people are supporters of Cobra. Even if the outside world says he is heinous and hopeless, they still firmly stand by the king's side.

At this moment, these people couldn't accept Cobra's statement full of loopholes.

Immediately, someone shouted: "Impossible, Your Majesty, you must have said this to quell the war...〃..."

"Just tell me if you have any difficulties, and all of us will explain them to you!"

Cobra ignored it, and said to himself: "Because of the drought and lack of water, all dissatisfied opponents have emerged, so I ordered to destroy them, especially the so-called rebels."

There were many members of the rebels in the crowd, all gathered around Kosha. Hearing what the king said, they raised their weapons one after another. If Kosha didn't stop them, they would have rushed in.

"Also, you all know the dancing powder, right? I made and used it, so only Albana has rain. In other words, I took away the rain from this country."

It was as if a pot was blown up in the crowd, with angry curses, doubts, and rebuttals everywhere. Of course, there were still some people who did not want to believe it.

"Your Majesty, are you joking?"

"The reason why I want to tell you this is to make you understand ghosts after you die. Don't worry about making noise. I still have important things to say."

"People all over the country know that the dancing fan was discovered in Nahana. After such a long time, it's time to forget this incident. Although I can't bear it, but for the sake of Nahana

For the honor of the Firutali family, for my throne, "

Cobra laughed grimly: "I want to destroy Nahana!"

These words sounded like a bolt from the blue at the same time in every corner of Nahana.

In an instant, there was a dead silence in the crowded square, and tens of thousands of people were silent, as if they were frightened by the appalling news.

"The massacre begins!" Cobra's cold voice sounded.

"Bang bang bang..." The soldiers around Cobra fired first, like a signal, and there were simultaneous shouts of killing in many places in the city, especially in the commercial street.

Dozens of muskets sprayed out flames, and many people in the front row were shot and fell to the ground. Another round of gunshots was fired, blood spurted, and there were screams, cries, and calls for help one after another.

There was a big (Wang Hao) chaos in the square, and the people were crying for their fathers and mothers, and fled in all directions, but there were too many people fleeing, and the only four exits were crowded with panicked crowds.

The houses along the street were also set on fire, and the billowing black smoke exacerbated the panic. Many people fell to the ground in a panic, and were immediately submerged by countless legs and feet, and never got up again.

With a big wave of Cobra's hand, the soldiers of the king's army beside him stopped shooting. Instead, they drew out their sabers and rushed to kill the fleeing crowd. In the blood mist, only Cobra was left smiling triumphantly.


Chapter 450 Seven Idiots Talk About Dreams

People fled wildly in all directions to the west, and the only few exits were completely blocked. Fortunately, no one stopped them, and many of the outermost ones had already escaped.

Clabatel was pushed back again and again, and gradually approached the exit, but he didn't want to leave here. The king's various strange behaviors made him extremely puzzled.

Cobra is the lord of a country and is known as a wise king. Although the dancing powder incident has damaged his reputation, he still has a large number of supporters, especially the people in the capital Albana, who still trust the royal family very much.

According to common sense, no matter how incompetent he is, he would not order the massacre of the city under the watchful eyes of the public. This is not only related to his own reputation, but also linked to the seat under his buttocks, which is really incomprehensible.

Moreover, Nahana is one of the few big cities, and it is the economic lifeline of the Alabasta Kingdom. Not only is the business and logistics developed, but also a large amount of wealth is concentrated. Destroying this place is equivalent to self-destructing the Great Wall.


Even if the war subsides, it will have an irreversible impact on the national economic chain, not just destroying a city.

Besides, there are hundreds of thousands of residents living in Nahana, and there are also a large number of foreign merchants, many of whom are large companies from other countries, and there are many industries under the name of powerful people. These people start.

Unless he has the confidence to slaughter everyone in the city, this is not counting the thousands of rebels and spies from other forces mixed in.

These people are not ordinary people. They not only have weapons and equipment, but also have high combat effectiveness. There will always be fish that slip through the net. Once the news is leaked, the Kingdom of Alabasta will only be full of wars and chaos.

How can the king alone afford these consequences?If one is bad, even the entire royal family will be destroyed, and the change of dynasty is completely predictable.

Clabatel roughly estimated that the soldiers of the king's army who entered the city this time were no more than [-] at full strength. With these people alone, it is a fool's dream to want to slaughter a city of the size of Nahana.

All these doubts made Clabatel even more puzzled. He turned his head to see that Eaton and Sam were following him. Charlie and his right-hand men had been washed away. He hurriedly ordered Sam to look for them, but he himself went upstream and walked towards the center of the square. Go and find out.

Looking from a distance, Clabatel saw a large group of King's Army soldiers chasing the people with their knives behind the countless crowds of people, but no one shot.

Several civilians were knocked to the ground, the soldiers came forward with a grinning grin, and hacked a few times. It didn't look like a deadly attack. The people on the ground were covered in blood, but they were not fatal. other people.

Krabatelle couldn't help frowning, this is not to massacre the city, but more like driving them away deliberately. What kind of medicine are they selling in their gourds?

While thinking, Clabatel pushed the mirror frame and squinted in the direction of Cobra.

There were only a dozen personal guards left beside Cobra, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was looking around triumphantly.

Suddenly, a seven or eight-year-old boy rushed in front of Cobra, holding a stick in his hand, pointed at the king and asked sharply, "You are the one who took away everyone's rainwater and made all the towns barren, and now you are coming out to harm people. "

Cobra was stunned for a moment, seemed a little unresponsive, and then kicked up and kicked the boy fiercely, "Little brat, how dare you disrespect me? Slave... oh, I am the great King Cobra! "

Krabattel recognized the boy, having met him a few days earlier at the rebel camp.

The boy's name is Kaba, who is Nahana's shoe shine boy. He went to Katriya by himself and said that he wanted to destroy the king. The rebels were very interested. Old injuries scare me, but I still insist on joining the army.

Chapter 450 Eight Prepared

At that time, Kosha had already been persuaded by Krabatl, and he had doubts about the civil war. Kabbah was too young. After Kosha scolded him, he drove him away, but he didn't expect that this kid would have the courage to question him face to face. The king of the country.

The boy Kaba's face was covered with blood, and he struggled to his feet: "People like you are not worthy of being a king, I want to avenge everyone!"

Cobra nodded with a smile, "Sure!" Then he took out a short gun and directly pulled the trigger.


Seeing that the boy's life was in danger, a black shadow sprang out and quickly threw the boy down, dodging the projectile.

Cobra seemed very happy when he saw who was coming, and said excitedly: "So it's you, the leader of the rebel army - Kosha!"

Kosha threw Kabbah aside, stared at his red eyes, and said angrily to Cobra: "Do you know what you are doing? King!"

At this time, the people had almost escaped, only a large number of wounded fell on the nearby ground, but their consciousness was still clear, and they all looked at the king and the rebel leader stupidly.

A large group of rebel soldiers rushed in with Kosha. The king's army seemed to have no fighting spirit. After a short fight, they retreated behind Cobra, and the rebels surrounded them.

Cobra looked around, with a relieved expression on his face: "I'm here to apologize, and by the way let the people of Nahana die! I also-..."

"Shut up! What are you kidding? Do you think we are all fools?" Koza interrupted sharply.

"No kidding, the person who used dancing powder to bring this country to hell'!" Cobra emphasized again.

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