
After countless discussions, we finally made up our minds to accept this possibility.

Mission Log Day 142: Dr. Kaguya deserves to be a genius cultivated by the Alliance with great perseverance.

The idea he put forward was indeed successful, coupled with our continuous debugging and cloning of the genes of the beasts, we have made great progress.

Mission Log Day 186: Since obtaining the gene of this beast, our team has been working hard to copy and clone the other party's gene.

We want to use scientific means to copy a mythical beast, but we may still really underestimate the power of the mythical beast.

The other party is a supernatural beast, so we chose countless kinds of supernatural spirits, and used their genes for reconciliation, but no matter how hard we tried to clone the divine beast, it was at the last moment. When the whole body genes collapse.

Mission log 207 days: After countless failures, even the boss was a little impatient, so he came over to check the situation in person.

We also demonstrated our recent research in front of the boss again, but every time this beast is at the last moment, its whole body gene will collapse inexplicably.

The boss also had no choice but to accept this, but asked us to continue researching.

Mission Log Day 233: The constant failures made some of our researchers think of dissecting the bodies of mythical beasts to study these genes, why they would crash at the last moment every time.

But the other party's idea also aroused the opposition of another group of scientific researchers in our presence.

Studying the elves cloned from genes is a path to evil, but if you do research on dissecting elves, it is simply a road of no return.

In the end, the two sides had no choice but to let it go.

Mission Log Day 245: The experiments of the scientists who advocated dissecting elf bodies for research were finally discovered by another group of scientists.

However, we also have a large number of people supporting them internally, so these scientists have nothing to do about it.

Similarly, for the next experiment, they were also quite uncooperative, which made our scientific research team very troubled.

After all, Dr. Kaguya was among these people, and it was because of him that the experiment was able to make great progress.

Task Log Day 298: Memories are not finally at the request of the boss and every scientist, and finally acted again to continue research.

And those scientists who advocated dissecting elves for research were also solved by the boss himself, and the boss also spent a lot of money in order to win over Dr. Kaguya.

But only we, the direct members of Team Rocket, know that all the research content of these scientists has been preserved, because they can no longer research other useful knowledge, so they are dealt with by the boss.

Mission Log Day 307: Although Dr. Kaguya rejoined the research team, but because he had been idle for too long before, it took him a longer time to understand where the experiment had reached before he could keep up with the progress of the experiment. process.

But everything is moving in a good direction, and our entire scientific research team is once again bursting with enthusiasm for research.

Mission Log Day 322: During the period when Dr. Kaguya was researching the experimental process, the boss also secretly mixed in the data that the scientists had dissected the elves before. ………seeking flowers 0…

Although it is not clear whether Dr. Kaguya can see it, but the other party didn't say anything, so he continued to study instead.

Mission Log Day 353: The experiment has finally made new progress. The genes of the mythical beasts we cloned come from Dream.

According to the legends collected by Dr. Kaguya, the magical hand of Mengmeng seems to be the origin of all elves, and the genes of all elves can basically be found in him.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to clone the other party's gene to clone another fantasy beast.

After the boss learned about this problem, he also chose to give up cloning another dream, and instead studied whether it could clone a brand new elf.

In this regard, Dr. Kaguya and all the researchers present said that this kind of thing is possible.

So all our scientists once again burst out with enthusiasm for research and 12 points of energy.

0 ........

Task Log Day 407: After continuous research, our scientific research team finally developed a monster boss that is completely different from Mengmeng. We were very happy and gave the opponent a new name Chaomeng.

It means beyond fantasy.

All the scientists present here feel very proud of this, because a brand new beast has been born in our hands.

Task Log Day 442: The experiment has fallen into a predicament again. Although Chaomeng's birth made us quite happy, the opponent's lifespan still has strength, but the physical defects are quite a headache for us.

The other party often burns or induces various diseases in the cultivation tank, which makes us breeders quite a headache.

And every time they can't bear these external disease factors, they die halfway.

Although Dr. Kaguya led all the people to make various researches and confrontations, they failed every time.

Although the boss knew about this and brought a lot of various natural and earth treasures, it was of no avail.

Mission Log Day 484: Dr. Kaguya made a rather terrible decision today, because he decided to implant human genes into this mythical beast.

Because in any case, Dr. Kaguya led other scientists, no matter how they researched, Chaomeng would always die from various diseases, even if he used countless kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, this ending could not be changed.

This idea can undoubtedly be called a fantasy, but everyone who has been driven crazy by this experiment all agrees, this suggestion.

Then Dr. Huiye implanted the gene of his dead daughter into Chaomeng's body, and then began to cultivate another new Chaomeng.

All of us here are extremely excited about this. If this experiment is successful, then we will cultivate a brand new beast.Eight.

Reward share report

Chapter 217: Dr. Kaguya's Secret Diary (3 more)

Mission Log Day 542: Team Rocket's experiment was finally successful. We have perfectly bred a brand new beast. Although the opponent's body is still very fragile, we have found a way to clone the beast. .

As long as we find a top-notch superpower and add the genes in the other party's body to Chaomeng's body, we can create a brand new beast instead of this fragile beast.

Although the other party has escaped the danger of his life, the fragile disappointment of the other party undoubtedly makes the boss quite dissatisfied.

Mission Log Day 583: Crazy, Crazy Dr. Kaguya is crazy.

He actually destroyed the magnetic field protection device protecting the island, so that the island will be exposed to the eyes of the alliance, and even the experiments made by our Rockets will be exposed to everyone.

However, the same Dr. Kaguya was also dealt with by the boss himself, because the other party was no longer useful, not to mention that he also made a big mess.

Now we have to remove all the materials "[-]" and other items, and even this experimental base must be destroyed.

But before leaving, the boss seemed to have left something inside, and then the castle became gloomy.

Even us advanced Team Rocket members feel cold behind, so we must keep up with the boss's footsteps.

Seeing this, Natsume understood what the Rockets were doing here. It turned out to be to clone the legendary beast, and then developed Mewtwo.

For this familiar yet unfamiliar divine beast, Natsume seemed to have returned to the original planet. When he was playing the game console, his favorite divine beast was probably the other party.

After all, the other party has a complete will of his own, knows how to think about the meaning of his own life, and persuades the other party to be his own beast, which is more like becoming a like-minded partner with the other party.

Moreover, the opponent is not a vegetarian in terms of strength, and with the ability to super-evolve, it can be said to be the handsome boy among the beasts.

Of course, Natsume will be very concerned about this, but after Natsume flipped through the mission log inside, he found that there is no other information after the mission is here.

And the data stored in this machine are other data used for experiments. For Natsume, it is no different from reading a book from heaven, and it will be enough to hand it over to Icarus and Izzy. "Not yet, my lord brother. In fact, among these quest logs, I found a hidden quest log when I was recovering just now." "I'll call it out for my lord brother now."

Kaos also saw that the project was constantly looking for the information in the mission day, and it was also another mission log restored by the project party before it was released.

Kaguya's Diary Day 1: I didn't expect that the Rockets would kidnap me and ask me to co-operate with them in experiments.

As a loyal direct member of the alliance, I will absolutely not help these evil elements.

Kaguya's Diary Day 8: Holy Alliance, I am sorry for you, I have betrayed the belief of the Alliance.

Because the content of the experiment they put forward is really attractive to me. If the clone elves can succeed in this experiment, maybe I can clone my daughter and let her resurrect in front of me again.

For this reason, even if it makes me a devil, I will not hesitate.

Day 82 of Kaguya's Diary: Crazy, these scientists are all crazy, they actually want to dissect elves for research, even though I have been with these guys for a while, I still can't do it .

So I led a group of like-minded guys, and I turned down the offers from these guys.

Day 132 of Hui Ye's Diary: These guys secretly experimented behind my back, and they were discovered. Although the boss dealt with them all, they still left deep marks in my heart.

Although they have been asking me to continue participating in this experiment, I still refuse.

Day 155 of Kaguya's Diary: There is no way I can refuse it. The idea of ​​cloning my daughter back to life, if it is just an ordinary clone, I will not be satisfied or at ease at all.

So I must successfully clone a divine beast.

Natsume was also a little impatient when he saw this. After all, he already knew these things, so he continued to scroll through the project, wanting to see more interesting news.

Kaguya's Diary Day 227: After experiencing countless failures today, I finally came up with a rather devilish idea, which is to add my daughter's genes to the body of this divine beast.

I want to see if my daughter can be resurrected in another way.

And whether it can inherit the powerful power of the great beast, if this is the case, I can rest assured.

Day 342 of Kaguya's Diary: The experiment finally succeeded, and this time Chaomeng finally did not collapse anymore, and my daughter's genes were also continued in this mythical beast.

Although my conscience has long been thrown away after undergoing such an experiment, I am also extremely happy to see my daughter reappear on this divine beast.

Kaguya's Diary Day 348: Today I encountered the most ridiculous thing in my life.

Because just now I had a spiritual exchange with Chaomeng, and it seems that the other party successfully gave birth to its own will because it absorbed my daughter's genes.

Unlike those ordinary elves, the other party can think for himself.

At the same time, I also secretly told this Mewtwo about human knowledge and some things...

Although it didn't take long for the other party to wake up, it was enough for me to do these little tricks.

Day 498 of Kaguya's Diary: Having been together for a long time, Chaomeng and I have developed a father-son relationship. I can't bear the boss treating each other as a tool to conquer the world.

Although I don't know the gender of this super dream, after all, the gender of the dream is genderless.

But the boss thinks that this perfectly cloned Mewtwo is not perfect enough, and its strength is too weak, so he wants to destroy it and create a more perfect Mewtwo.

I can't accept this, so I have to find a way to let the other party escape.

Day 527 of Kaguya's Diary: The opportunity finally came. Although Chaomeng has been perfectly cloned, but because the human genes in the body are too fragile, the other party still often suffers from some diseases such as fever and cold from time to time.

But if we take good care of it, the other party can still survive, but this opportunity also allowed me to grasp it.

I sent Chaomeng to a secret place in this research institute. This is a secret room that I found after I was locked in this research institute and kept searching.

I have arranged a variety of scientific research props inside, even after the energy is cut off, it can run independently for a period of time.

After I sent Chaomeng to this room, I also arranged for the computer host to run autonomously.

Then I completely blocked the gate, and then broke the magnetic protection device of the island, exposing the island to the alliance.

I know that if I do this, I will definitely end badly, but I am ready.

Because I have already thought about it, my daughter's life has died, and now it has been extended in a 0.8 of a divine beast, I can no longer play with life casually like this.

I have to repent for what I did, and that's the only thing I can do for that Mewtwo.

I have compiled all the materials and information in this secret file. I hope that if anyone in the alliance can see it in the future, please help this poor child.

This child is innocent, and my daughter's genes are too fragile to exist in the body of a divine beast for a long time.

So the collapse of Chaomeng is inevitable, and the Rockets must not know this.

If the people from the alliance come in time, I hope you can find a top-level superpower for this Mewtwo, and get his gene injected into it. With the program I left behind, this copy of the gene will be automatically injected into the Mewtwo's body.

In this way, Chaomeng will truly grow, and a man-made mythical beast Chaomeng will be truly cultivated. .

Chapter 218: Feasibility of Injecting Natsume Genes (4 more)

When Natsume saw this, his heart became hot. After all, a man-made mythical beast Chaomeng appeared in front of Natsume, and it was impossible for Natsume to give up.

And judging from the time when this kind of island was discovered, it hasn't been too long. If Natsume is considered to be more timely, he may still be able to pick up a Mewtwo for nothing. "It's really timely. I hope I can find a cheap one by then."

Natsume also immediately found the secret room that had been tightly sealed based on the information in hand, and Kaos also used her wings to slash the door of this room, as well as the surrounding area. All the obstacles in front of him were cut into pieces.

Then what I saw was the machine that was still running, and in the long cylindrical glass container in the center of the room, there was a thin Mewtwo slowly floating in the middle.

Although various culture fluids are still flowing inside, the other party seems to have begun to collapse.

When Natsume saw this, her heart began to beat violently.Pokemon: Mewtwo

Attribute: super power

Abilities: Sense of oppression, tension, telepathy

Qualification: first-class god

Rating: 50

State: Comatose and sleeping (Genes are constantly collapsing.)

Skills: Psychic power, teleportation, trick space, high-speed movement, mental blast, power of the moon, mental impact, power of awakening... omitted.

Seeing this, Natsume was also incomparably moved by 15, and it was the first time that he broke out his true power as the King of the Demons, pausing this area, and then cutting out this area with his own power. "Time waits for no one. It seems that we must be sent back to the small world of the secret realm immediately. In addition, if the other party is nourished by the tree of life, even if the other party wants to die, it will be delayed for a while." "Although the effect of the nutrient solution inside is It was specially trained by the Rockets, but it is still far worse than life." "When the time comes, Icarus will be replaced, and the opponent's life will be saved first."

"At that time, take another tube of my hard work, let Icarus study it, and add my genes to Chaomeng's body." "Is there anyone in this world who can be more suitable than my genes to add to Chaomeng's body?" In the body of the dream."

Natsume is extremely confident about this. After all, Natsume not only has super powers in his body, but also the power of Changpan, the power of encountering demons, and the power of time and space.

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