Then he hung the elf balls of Katie Dog and Charmander that Miss Joy had taken back to his waist.

Natsume immediately rushed to the duel field and exchanged his points for alliance currency.

I ran to the alliance's store and began to buy some items that I needed in the wild.

There are also a lot of energy fruits, fully filling two large space backpacks.

If it weren't for Natsume's inability to use his own infinite space in public, the project wouldn't be returning with a space backpack in each of his left and right hands.

"The next step is to train in the Viridian Forest."

"I hope I can get a new partner by then."

Then Natsume sorted it out, and took out a small bag of seeds from one of the backpacks.

This small bag of seeds contains a large number of energy fruit seeds and some wound medicine seeds.

After all, Natsume already has a world of secret realms, so whatever he says must be properly opened.

In the past, because it didn't completely fall into Natsume's hands, Natsume didn't open it inside.

Because the environment inside actually doesn't contain anything other than the relatively rich energy content.

In addition to the lush forest, there are no other good things.

"When the time comes to plant these things and rely on the rich energy in the secret realm, it is estimated that the time for these things to mature will be shortened a lot."

"At that time, I won't have to go to the alliance to buy so many energy fruits every day."

After all, Natsume's extravagant appearance can easily be targeted by those special people, so many times Natsume always chooses to buy something when the flow of people is relatively scarce.

Although there are quite a lot of resources in the wild environment, it is impossible for Natsume to give up training time to collect these low-value energy fruits.

Then Natsume took out Charmander's elf ball, the new partner he just got today, and then took out the other two elf balls, releasing all the elves.

All of a sudden, Cardi Dog, Charmander, and Ibrahimovic suddenly appeared in front of Natsume.

Katie Dog and Ibrahimovic are okay, they still know each other.

But Charmander is the first time for these two new companions and it is the first time for Little Charmander to meet these two new companions.

Although he is quite envious of Katie's bravery on the field, he is still a little afraid of unfamiliar environments after all.

Then Natsume directly used his telepathic ability and started talking to Charmander.

"Hello, Charmander, we will be partners in the future."

"I hope that in the future you will be able to ascend to the palace of the strong with me."

Saying this, Natsume also extended a friendly hand towards the other party.

Chapter 29: Training Charmander and Ibrahimovic (4 more)

After being shocked for a moment, Charmander immediately released the enthusiasm of the fire elves and accepted Natsume, the trainer.

Although I was a little bit shocked by the fact that Natsume had a direct telepathic conversation with him before.

But anyway, they are also elves cultivated by the alliance, and they still have some understanding of these things.

Then Natsume introduced Charmander, Katie and Ibrahimovic, and then the three elves started playing around in a corner of the room, and Natsume didn't have any intention of stopping each other.

After all, the three little guys can only play for a while now.

About tomorrow, he will take these three little guys to a deeper place in the Viridian Forest to train them.

At that time, they will have to suffer.

Natsume also showed a malicious smile, and then took out the energy cube manufacturing machine that he carried with him.

Started to create those energy cubes continuously.

At least the formulas of these two top-level energy cubes that Natsume currently possesses are enough to meet all the needs present.

But at least before leaving, Natsume will still prepare all these basic things first.

And before leaving Greenleaf Town, he also had to talk to Sharina.

It is estimated that he may not come back for a long time, and the next time we meet is likely to be the rookie contest in Tokiwa City.

On the second day, Natsume left Green Leaf Town early and went to the Viridian Forest to practice hard.

He first bought a lot of items that he needed to use in the field in the alliance store early, and then left more than 650 million alliance coins.

"It seems that we must make more money in the future."

"These union coins are estimated to give me almost two months to finish drawing."

Natsume sighed a little as he looked at the Union Coins that were not too bulging in his pocket.

"After I officially become a lower-level trainer of the alliance, I should be able to enter some of the more common secret realms opened by the alliance."

"At that time, you should be able to collect a lot of good things in it, and even if you don't need it, you can sell it to the official of the alliance."

In fact, the alliance finds many undiscovered secret places every year because of the experience of those trainers in the wild.

Except for those family forces who will use special methods to transfer these secret realms to their own family's headquarters, the alliance usually distinguishes these secret realms according to their strength and weakness.

Afterwards, direct line trainers from the alliance will be sent in to search for the best items, and finally these secret realms will be opened up for those trainers to practice, or to find benefits that other direct line trainers of the alliance have not found.

But even so, the alliance is still very strict about this threshold.

Even the lowest-level lower-level trainers can only enter the lowest-level secret realm.

And generally, the benefits in a secret realm like this have basically been snatched up by the alliance long ago.

At least to find treasures that are useful to Natsume, at least start from the middle-level secret realm.

However, if Natsume wants to qualify to enter a medium-sized secret realm, he must at least have the ability of an elite trainer.

Natsume first came to the small secret realm he was in charge of first, and planted all the seeds he bought one by one, and dropped a drop of stalactite at every tree fruit planting place by the way.

("?!6?:) This makes Natsume a little distressed, but in order for this secret realm to get better and better in the future, the early efforts are also necessary.

"Well, when I am strong enough in the future, I can transfer this secret realm to where I want."

"It's such a pity. If this secret realm is a medium-sized secret realm, then according to the core of the secret realm I control, I can return here within a radius of a hundred miles of this secret realm in an instant."

"In this way, my experience in the Viridian Forest will become safer."

Natsume also let out a long sigh for this, after all, this is the current situation.

Then Natsume brought his three elves to the Viridian Forest. This time, Katie was not the main training object, but two other elves that had just been subdued.

After releasing the Katie dog, let the Katie dog follow Natsume to protect Natsume's safety.

Then Natsume released Charmander and Ibrahimovic from the poke ball.



Natsume couldn't help showing a knowing smile when he saw the two cheerful elves fighting on the grass.

But Natsume knew that next, the two little guys had to accept their responsibilities as elves.

"Okay, Charmander, Ibrahimovic, if you want to play, you can play later. Now I have a more important thing for you to do."

Then the two little guys nodded seriously.

Without blinking, he looked at Natsume across from him.

"very good."

This time, the location Natsume chose for leveling was the Ba Dahu group in the Viridian Forest.

After Natsume's determination, during this period the population of Ba Da butterfly will have the annual mating season.

They are usually active at dusk and night, and usually sleep in their dens in the morning.

So this also gave Natsume a lot of opportunities.

Because in the morning, their energy will be quite poor.

Those green caterpillars and iron-shelled insects will be directly handed over to Charmander and Eevee.

As for those Ba Dahu who have evolved to the final stage, they are handed over to Katie Dog to solve.

Chapter 30: The progress of the two little guys (5 more)

Not long after that, Natsume found several green caterpillars from under the big tree in front of him, and he cheered up immediately.

"Okay, little fire dragon, you can come first and show Ibrahimovic well."

"Use sparks on those green caterpillars under the tree."

Charmander also raised his arm, gestured towards Natsume, and then launched his attack towards the green caterpillars under the tree.

Soon the green caterpillar, which was quietly eating the leaves under the big tree, also noticed the enemy's arrival, and immediately made a vigilant gesture.

But it's a pity that although their movements are very fast, Charmander's spark attack is faster.

Three spark attacks all at once hit two of the green caterpillars, severely wounding each other, and passed out.

The other green caterpillar reacted more quickly and was relatively far behind. It directly used the silk-spinning attack to take itself away from Charmander's spark attack.

But even so, the little fire dragon still didn't let the opponent go, raised another spark attack, and knocked the opponent down from the midair.

Soon, the green caterpillar also fell into a coma.

Immediately Natsume saw the shadows of a large number of numbers appearing above Charmander's head.

Even Charmander's level has been raised by two levels.

Elf: Charmander

Attribute: Fire

Feature: Fire

Qualification: Gym

Rating: 12

status: happy

Skills: sparks, jet flames, impact, slam... omitted

After defeating the enemy, Charmander also ran happily, returned to Natsume, and came to Natsume to praise him, and Natsume was also very happy, patted the opponent's little head, and at the same time took out a Energy cube, eat it for the opponent.

After some searching, Natsume found another place that could be used for fighting.

There are more than a dozen green caterpillars that have evolved into iron-clad pupae around here.

Now they can't move all over their bodies, and the only skill they can use is a hard bang.

It can be said that it is a live target, this time Natsume intends to let Ibrahimovic fight.

"Okay, Ibrahimovic, I will leave this battle to you."

Ibrahimovic was also infected by Charmander's fighting spirit before, so he didn't refuse the invitation to fight this time.

Soon he assumed his fighting stance and stood in front of more than a dozen iron shell kuns.

It's just that these armored chrysalis can no longer move because they have evolved into cocoons, so they can only look at Natsume with their eyes open.

Because they already know what they are going to experience next.

"Okay, Ibrahimovic, seize the opportunity and use high-speed stars to attack them."

Ibrahimovic also raised his head to condense the energy in his body, and began to condense high-speed stars to attack the opponent.

A group of armored chrysalis who were unable to move in place were immediately beaten by Ibrahimovic's attack without any power to fight back, and a large piece of armored chrysalis fell down immediately.

And this time Ibrahimovic gained more experience than the previous Charmander.

Although Ibrahimovic has not yet passed his infancy, the addition of these experiences has directly allowed him to grow one step further and has made great progress.

Elf: Eevee

Attribute: normal

Ability: Spiritual Power

Qualification: King of Heaven

Rating: 9

Status: Happy.

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