"Now I think you should let go of my father-in-law, he just stared at his legs in the air for a long time."

Natsume also directly shattered Nazi's superpower with a mental shock, and his father-in-law also fell directly from midair.

But fortunately, Natsume's super power caught the other party and there was no surprise. .

Chapter 266: Temporarily Settling in the Super Gym

"Let me go, this height can't kill me."

"Anyway, I'm still a superpower, although I'm far behind you two monsters." The middle-aged man was also a little embarrassed. After tossing in mid-air for a while, Natsume let him go down.

The other party patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and then coughed. "Since you don't have an opinion on that one, then I don't have any opinions." "Today's Gym Challenge ends here."

After saying this, he deliberately used his superpowers, notified the people outside, and closed the entire superpower gym. "Okay, you two can go back to the backyard first, we need to sit down and talk about some things."

After speaking, the middle-aged man took the lead and walked towards the backyard. After Natsume and Nazi glanced at each other, they followed without any thought.

Soon a group of three people came to the backyard. What the road show could see was a rather vast garden building. It could be seen that the other party seemed to have transformed the back of the Super Power Gym into a place for families to live.

After opening the quite retro sliding door for convenience, I sat in the middle of the high seat.

Natsume and Nazi also followed him, found a seat and sat down, and then the other party used their superpowers to start burning a teapot on the opposite seat. "I'm really sorry about what happened today."

The sudden middle-aged man said such a sentence, which also shocked the project. "I'm Nazi's father, you can call me Kirby directly."

"Originally, the matter between the two of you was a decision between me and Dr. Oki after discussion, and the two of you didn't have any major opinions at the time." "I also planned to benefit each other at the time. It doesn't matter if you look at it."

"And about your visit today, Dr. Oki has already contacted me in advance, but I didn't expect Nazi to be so fast." I want to apologize to you for such an unpleasant incident here." Kirby's words also made Natsume feel a little better.

After all, Natsume came to visit the other party, even though they had never met before, but the relationship was at least here. The other party was so disrespectful, and they directly fought against the elves as soon as they came up, which made Natsume a little unhappy.

However, after considering the identity of the other party and some things in the past, Natsume also said that he could understand. "Uncle Kirby is fine, I can still understand something about you."

"After all, I met such a strong daughter, and she is stronger than you. You really don't have much status in the family."

And the one sitting on the side also had a smile on the corner of its mouth, but his smile was another blow to his old father.

The teapot controlled by Kirby also shook in mid-air, but still slowly poured a cup of tea for the three of them.

Then he also showed a wry smile.

"No way, this child is my pride and the source of my current distress."

"Dr. Oki should have told you a lot of things, so I don't want to say anything more here." "But the younger generations have their own blessings, and I don't want to take more care of the two of you. What's the matter." "You two can handle it well."

Natsume also picked up the tea in front of him, took a sip, and expressed that he could understand.

And Nazi snorted. Although she is very interested in Natsume's sudden rise as a civilian genius, she still has high requirements for the other half of her life. As for the current situation, Natsume can only be said to barely meet the requirements.

But what she just said before is not easy to overthrow, so she has no choice but to accept the relationship with Natsume.

As far as Natsume is concerned, it is right that he does not suffer anyway.

"By the way, you two should get along well in the past few days, and I will take over the gymnasium battle in the next few days. I think the two of you should have no objections."

Kirby also slowly expressed his thoughts.

The two people present didn't have any opinions on this, especially Natsume was quite interested in this metropolis, and he had a lot of things he wanted to get in this city. "Of course I don't have any objections here."

Natsume spread out his hands, expressing that he had no objections, and that one also indicated that he could go out and relax.

"Okay then, the matter is settled like this. I'll find you a room first, and now you can have a good chat."

Uncle Kirby also stood up directly from his position, saying that he wanted to find a room for Natsume, and he had to live here at least for the next few days.

And Natsume said that he had already booked a top-level private room at the hotel for a few days.

However, under the strong request of the other party, Natsume had no choice but to agree.

And when only Natsume and Nazi were left in this room, the one sitting opposite was no longer as cold as before, and didn't even say a word.

"It's really interesting. You are obviously a rising genius from the common people. Even if you got close to the Oki family and got the attention of Dr. Oki, your performance is really unexpected." For Natsume, Nazi is true Quite interested.

And Natsume also didn't sit upright like before, but slumped on the side quite easily, and then raised his Erlang legs.

Said quite easily.

"Then what do you think I should be like in your impression? Although I am also a genius among the common people, like you, a cadre who once joined the Rockets, you should have seen a lot of geniuses among the common people. "It is undeniable that although today's alliance holds most of the privileges in this world, most of the resources in this world are also held by the alliance.

Even if there are geniuses among the civilians, as long as there are not enough resources, they will not be able to display their talents, which is why these dark underground forces emerge in endlessly.

··For flowers 0··

And the one sitting opposite also shook its head meaningfully, showing an expression that even Natsume felt admiration, and suddenly stopped beating tightly. "How should I put it? There are actually quite a few geniuses among the common people in the Rockets, but talents like you are quite rare."

"However, geniuses like you all have the same peculiar traits, that is, they always believe in themselves, even if they don't have the resources like the direct line of the alliance, they can still be bright, and they can even be said to be rich." "Accept like you It’s not that there are no ordinary geniuses helped by those big families, but they have basically joined these families.” “And you are quite different, and the Chaomeng just now also showed your specialness.” “A lot of You haven't even revealed things to outsiders, even your closest people, right?" 0 Nazi also opened her mouth to express her impression of Natsume.

Although the two sides met for the first time, the impression on Natsume was not bad. In terms of strength, it can't be said how strong it is, but it can only be said that it is better than people of the same age.

But if we talk about the opponent's hole card, maybe even the alliance will be shocked. After all, even the Rockets have not completed the mythical beast replication plan, and there is a complete adult in the opponent's hands.

It even made Nazi feel that the other party's identity began to become confusing. Is the other party a genius among the common people, a lucky guy who accidentally got funding from the Oki family, or a lieutenant of the Rockets hidden in the alliance?


The confusing identity made Nazi feel that Natsume is definitely not a simple person.

"Really? Then I can get such an evaluation from you, then I'm really happy." "However, a smart person like you probably wouldn't tell about what happened today, right?"

What Natsume is referring to is of course the Chaomeng that was brought out to fight today. An elf like Chaomeng has never appeared in the history of the league, and if the Rockets know about it, it will probably cause a lot of trouble. trouble.

Of course, considering Natsume's current strength, Natsume is not afraid of these people coming to make trouble, but if some things can be avoided, try to avoid them.

Nazi certainly understood the meaning of Natsume's words and nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, today's Gym Challenge didn't turn on the camera function, so only three people know about the battle between us from the beginning to the end."

"I will remind him of what my father said, and with the relationship between us now, I think even if it is the league and the Rockets, I will choose you." "After all, in this world except for my parents, those guys basically They use me as a tool."

Nazi's words surprised Natsume. After all, Natsume was not ignorant of what happened to Nazi in the past, but she had a new discovery about Nazi's attitude towards her parents.Eight.

There is still a reason for the author to return.

The author is not a full-time author. Due to work reasons, he was transferred, and he was busy at work, so he did not continue to write, and he wanted to write novels, but because of his personal hobbies, he did not continue.


Since the work has gradually settled down recently, and I have some free time, after that, the author also looked back. Regarding these previous works, I also saw some comments from readers.

I can only say sorry here, but the author has had enough free time recently, and will gradually update the novel. I hope readers will come back. .

Chapter 267: Sweeping and Purchasing (1 more)

"Really? That's nice, at least we now have a common language."

"I don't want to expose my secrets so soon."

Natsume shook his hand and stood up from where he was.

"Let's go, while your father is still looking for a room for me, I'll go to the hotel to get my luggage back."

"However, there should be plenty of time. Do you want to go out for a stroll? I am still very interested in the gold market."

Natsume extended an invitation to Na Zi, and Na Zi readily agreed.

The two of them left the Super Gym together, attracting the attention of many Gym apprentices and those super apprentices along the way.

After all, although the previous battle between the two people has not been spread, as long as there is a caring person, they still know about it.

And these people are quite curious about Natsume's identity.

Soon some apprentices got the news from the father, and after knowing Natsume's identity, many people were quite jealous.

After all, Nazi can be regarded as a flower of the alliance no matter what she says, and she is also the signature character of the Super Power Gym, and she is admired by many people in private.

Especially when Natsume came to the Super Power Gym, there was some information about his identity, which was also passed to the eyes and ears of some alliances.

"Sure enough, it is a big city. Compared with those small cities, the department stores here are really full of items in small towns."

Due to the request of Natsume 15, Nazi led Natsume to the largest department store in Gold. When Natsume came here, she also started an urgent big shopping according to her own needs.

"First of all, some living supplies needed by people living in the secret realm, as well as some items that elves must use in their lives, need to be purchased urgently."

Although Natsume's Secret Realm has started to produce and sell itself, it still needs the help of outside resources in a short time.

"By the way, is there any way to find some top-notch scientific research equipment on your side?"

Natsume also asked Nazu who was helping with the shopping.

Nazi shook her head and said that she had no connections in this regard.

"You are looking for the wrong person. You should go to Dr. Oki for this matter."

"And if I still have the identity of the Rockets now, it is also possible to get some equipment from the Rockets through my channels."

"But don't look at me now as the gym owner of the super gym, but the alliance's monitoring of me has never relaxed."

"Although I hate the eyes of those bugs, I have to admit that the current life is the most relaxed life I have ever lived."

While saying these words, that one also looked up at the surveillance cameras above the head. In fact, from the time the two of them came to the department store, or when they came out of the Super Gym, the surveillance cameras along the way The device has been

Two people are being monitored.

And the density of this kind of monitoring is quite abnormal, no matter how stupid Natsume is, he can feel it.

"Then you have worked hard enough."

"However, a child of a big family like you should have a secret realm of his own. A big family like the Yulong family will have it. I don't believe that your family will not assign it to you."

Even Natsume couldn't stand a life without secrets like this, so I asked Nazi about her own secret realm after the opening.

But Nazi looked at Natsume with the look of looking at a fool.

"You can't be a fool, even though I used to be a child of a big family, and even a direct line trainer of the alliance."

"But you have to understand that since I was a child, I have shown a top-notch talent family in terms of superpowers. Although I have spent a lot of effort in cultivating me, people in the family are quite afraid of me because of my superpowers.

"So since that incident happened, the family's attention on my side has changed from helping to monitoring."

"Later, I also joined the Rockets because of these things, so I don't need to say more about the rest."

Hearing these words, Natsume could also guess that the other party may not have a secret realm of his own until now.

"It's so miserable, even a commoner like me has a secret realm."

"Then shall I help you find a secret realm for you?"

Natsume said the previous sentence directly, even under these shocking worlds, there is no cover-up, after all, if there is no good reason for buying so many items from him, there will definitely be people who care about it

, especially now that he is getting mixed up with Nazi from the Super Power Gym.

(;, 6.) The latter method uses telepathy to communicate with Nazi.

The one who heard these words also frowned, although a precious item like the secret realm can be approved by the direct descendants in the hands of the alliance.

But this does not mean that the existence of a secret realm is not precious, on the contrary, it is quite precious. As long as it is discovered, it will definitely be firmly held in the hands of the alliance.

And in the wild, it is quite difficult to discover these secret realms, unless those elves with relatively strong strength can discover the abnormalities in the space by their own strength.

In other words, it is possible to obtain some cleared secret realms only by participating in or clearing those battle secret realms.

However, if you want to obtain a secret realm that has been cleared like this, you need some special props.

After all, after the creatures in the battle secret realm are cleaned up, the secret realm will collapse naturally, and there is no core like a normal secret realm at all.

And for this, the alliance certainly has its own solution.

After all, the technological development over the years is not a vegetarian. The alliance has already figured out that it can absorb the energy after the collapse of those battle secrets. Although the proportion is only half, it is still very precious.

And according to some high-level undercover agents of the league who once worked in the Rockets and knew about the Rockets, it was revealed that the scientists of the league have discovered some man-made secret cores, although they are not as good as those natural cores.

But if it is used to stabilize these battle secrets that have been cleaned up, it can still be done. As long as a natural secret is found in the future and the two sides merge, the secret will not be unstable again.

"Don't be kidding, even if you are a commoner genius and can obtain a secret realm, it can be regarded as your luck."

"If it weren't for the support of the Damu family behind you, it is estimated that even if no one in the alliance likes you in a small secret realm like you, people from those small families will definitely pay attention to it."

"Let alone you find me a secret place."

Natsume didn't say anything, but just stared at the other party in a daze.

"Then let me tell you, do you want it or not?"

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