And after this dinner, the relationship between the two parties quickly became much closer. Uncle Kirby also proudly introduced his wife to Natsume. "Of course, Lanzi is my proudest wife."

"And if you use superpowers to cook meals, you can control 100% of the ratio of meals."

"However, you are a bit late. If our one has not been expelled by the family, we can still make some special dishes that can increase superpowers if we rely on some special medicinal ingredients grown in the family.

The uncle couldn't help but sighed at this, and he could only say that current events are making people funny.

And Natsume also hugged Victini who was eating biscuits on top of his head. After all, this little guy always likes to sprinkle biscuit crumbs on Natsume's head when eating biscuits.

Then Nazi brought over a bottle of Moomoo milk.

The little guy didn't refuse anyone, so he drank immediately.

"This little guy is really cute, and he's also an elf of the super power department. Why haven't I seen it from the alliance's internal materials?"

Nazi is still unwilling to give up, and wants to get close to Victini, but Victini is always huddled in Natsume's arms, so that the other party has no chance to take advantage of it. "This is normal. Victini, the god of strength and victory, is not so easy to appear in front of the public."

It has to be said that when the area of ​​the earth and stars expanded, it seemed that an elf world was integrated into it. Although people in the two worlds responded, they have gradually forgotten these things after getting along for a long time. "So this is ah."

The three people present all gasped. They didn't expect that there would be a divine beast in Natsume's hands.

Even in the hands of the children of those big families, it is impossible to have a cub of a divine beast.

But then they tactfully buried this matter in their hearts, after all, they knew very well what kind of shock this matter would cause if it was exposed.

Even if it is the Omu family, it is impossible to 100% stop those peeping people who are interested.

"By the way, Natsume, this is the time you challenge the badge of the Super Gym in the Gold City. I heard that you have been challenging the gem badge recently." Uncle Kirby also took out a jewel-colored badge from his pocket. The badge was handed over to Natsume.

And Natsume didn't expect that he could get a gemstone badge so easily. "Ding, get a gemstone badge and get three lucky draw chances." And Natsume's system also truthfully put Natsume's reward down. "Thank you very much." Natsume accepted the badge unceremoniously.

"It doesn't matter. Although it was a one-on-one duel, at least you won the victory in the hands of Nazi."

"Beep beep."

Suddenly, a hurried voice interrupted the conversation, and Natsume also picked up his communicator casually, and found the latest news from the Cultivator Alliance.

"Congratulations to training plus Natsume. Your primary training plus assessment will start at 9:[-] tomorrow morning for actual combat assessment. Please arrive at the Cultivator Alliance on time. There will be dedicated staff to guide you." After reading the information, Natsume looked up Looking at Nazi on the side, the same Nazi also received exactly the same message. "It seems that our assessment time should be about the same. Let's see if we can pass the primary certificate of the trainer." Uncle Kirby was just curious about this scene.Since when did my own daughter become more interested in cultivating family knowledge?

"For the sake of Natsume's elementary certificate for cultivators this time, after the assessment, when do you plan to leave Gold City?" Lanzi, who was sitting by the side, also asked about Natsume's next journey.

After Natsume thought about it for a while, he found that he stayed in this city and actually didn't have much to do. The things that should be bought had already been bought during the day.

He opened his mouth and replied.

"Auntie, I should have nothing to do here. I will continue to travel after I finish the certificate exam. After all, I have fewer badges than other people of my age." "I must hurry up, or I may not be able to participate in this year's competition." League competition." Lanzi agreed.

"After all, all the badges you challenged were gem-level badges. To be honest, having such difficulty and speed is already considered very good."

Chapter 270: The Couple's Decision (1 more)

After chatting casually for a few more words, Natsume was taken to his own room and began to rest.

"I didn't expect Aunt Lanzi, who was so indifferent before, to be a chatterbox."

In the process of chatting before, Natsume almost got all seven aunts and eight aunts out of the chat.

If it weren't for Natsume's birth in an orphanage, it would have been really embarrassing.

However, during the previous chat, Natsume still introduced her life when she was young.

This also has to make the couple lament that a genius is a genius, even when they were young, they are so different. Similarly, they seem to connect Natsume's growth process with their own daughter.

Suddenly a figure appeared beside Natsume's bed, which also startled Natsume.

"You guy, don't use sudden teleportation to appear in my room, it's scary."

"Even with our relationship, isn't this kind of development a bit too fast?"

It was Nazi who came, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She suddenly teleported to Natsumeichi's bedside.

"Hmph, don't be too sentimental. Although I admit your identity now, I haven't decided these things so quickly."

"I'm just more interested in Bictini, can you release that little guy again?"

And Natsume also rolled his eyes. He is also a superpower, can he not feel that Fang Yan is insincere?

But Natsume didn't let him get what he wanted. After all, these elves still have to rest at night. Except for a small number of evil elves and ghost elves, in fact, most elves are nocturnal like humans.

At this point in time, these elves should have a good rest.

"Don't even think about it. That child has just hatched recently. It's a good time to grow up. I don't want him to stay up late."

Natsume sternly rejected the other party, but Nazi didn't force it, instead she asked Natsume about these elves.

"By the way, Natsume, I already wanted to ask this question in Mewtwo before, and now there is Victini, now I really want to know where you got so many beasts and spirits .”

This is normal. Nazi didn't ask about it before, probably because she didn't find a suitable opportunity.

As for these things, Natsume is not forbidden to tell those who are close.

And by virtue of his own ability, Natsume could also feel that that one was actually not malicious.

"Victini was actually found in a deep pool by accident when I was practicing in the Viking Forest, or more precisely, I found it in a stalactite pool."

"When I was exercising in the Longpan Forest with my elves, I accidentally discovered such a treasure land. When I took all the stalactites away, I found a petrified stone in the center of the pool. lost essence

Spirit egg, but after I sensed the vitality, I took it out. "

"After careful cultivation, the other party was hatched. To be honest, I was also surprised."

Natsume didn't lie about this, but it made the opposite one quite envious.

"What about Chaomeng, if I remember correctly, it should be a test product of the Rockets, a genetic test product copied in order to create the legendary dream."

"Unless you are someone related to the Rockets, even if the league has only heard news that the Rockets have such an idea, they have never caught the Rockets' experimental base."

"Even if I was a high-level cadre of the Rockets, I was never told about this."

Regarding this, Natsume also knew that he might not be able to chatter about this issue, so he had to tell the story of meeting Chaomeng in detail.

"That's it. It can only be said that it is a trick of good fortune."

Natsume didn't make a long speech, but simply told the other party how to foresee Mewtwo before, and then stabilize the genes in the other party's body, so that the other party was truly born in the world in a certain sense.

"You are really lucky, you have encountered things that others will never encounter in a lifetime, but you have encountered them one after another."

Nazi is helpless about this, what can she say when she meets such a lucky person? It can only be said that Arceus is quite optimistic about him.

"However, I didn't expect that the Rockets' research on Chaomeng had reached such a point. Even if the doctor at the time destroyed most of the data, it is estimated that other subordinates should have backups."

"At that time, the newly created Chaomeng will probably only have the last step left."

Natsume also nodded. Natsume has never doubted what kind of wisdom such an old man like the Rockets and their boss Banmu have.

"But I don't think you should worry too much. After all, the genes of top superpowers are very rare. If it is an ordinary superpower, the boss of the Rockets probably won't use it."

"As for using the genes of other ability users, according to my estimation, if there is no 100% possibility, the other party probably won't use it. At the very least, it should be successful first."

As for the second Mewtwo's conjecture, although Natsume had conceived of taking it from the Rockets, but in the end, this Mewtwo would also break free, so Natsume didn't do anything else.

"Then you said that the second Mewtwo will use the genes in my body?"

The sudden sentence that the bird spoke made Natsume stunned on the spot.

In the end, after thinking about it, she suddenly felt that the possibility of what Nazi just said was quite high.

After all, Na Zi's talent can be said to be obvious to all, and she has the strength of the top superpower at a young age.

Even Natsume, if there is no system to help him open it, it is impossible for him to reach such a height at this age.

"There is a possibility. If there is any information about this in the future, I will take you to try it."

.··ask for flowers 0·

Natsume also assured the other party of this matter.

"That's good!"

"If the development goes well, I may also have a Mewtwo."

Nazi also flatteredly envisioned the scenario of her commanding Chaomeng Battle in the future.

"Okay, then you should go back to your room to rest, it's not appropriate for us to be lonely at night."

Natsume also issued her own order to evict guests, and Nazi naturally felt that this was not good, so she teleported back to her room.

Kirby and his wife's room.

"Husband, are you really okay with this?"

"After all, even though Nazi has been a good man now, she is still being watched by people inside the alliance." Lanzi looked at her husband with some concern.

"Don't worry, Lanzi, I've thought about this a lot."

"It just so happens that there is a reason for hitting the gun, so I plan to let Nazi go out with Natsume's child." 0

"In the past, maybe it was because we and our family demanded too much from that child, so that child went to such extremes." "So for the rest of the time, I only hope that child will have a happy and happy future." " "As for the pressure on the alliance side, and the things on the gymnasium side, don't we still have the two of us?"

After such a long time, in fact, the above-mentioned couple have already seen things about Na Zi, but both of them need a certain amount of time to relax. "And Dr. Oki's side also showed that they can help."

"After all, Dr. Oki is famous for his love of nurturing younger generations. Dr. Oki will also take care of this matter." "As long as the dog and the child don't leave this area." Regarding her husband's decision, Lanzi also has no idea any reason.

"It's just a pity. If we hadn't been driven out by the family, we could still use the treasure land in the family's secret realm to help the elves of the two children improve their strength." Compared with the elves of the same age, it is still a little worse.

Of course, this is just what the couple think. In fact, Natsume hasn't even brought out his main elf.

Natsume's strength is far ahead among her peers.

"Forget it, let's take advantage of this time to manage the Super Gym and my secret realm well, so that the true song can be well developed."

"It's a pity. If I didn't develop in the ultimate direction, I guess we wouldn't have to waste our minds like this." Soon the night passed quietly, and the sunshine of the gold market once again hung on the sky of this metropolis. above.

And the time that Natsume stayed in this city was not much.

(!6'",) "Let's go, Nazi, I guess the nurturing home assessment will start soon. "

After Natsume greeted Nazi, she led her to the assessment site of the Cultivator Alliance.Eight.

Chapter 271: Beginning of Cultivation and Assessment (2 more)

After the two arrived at the assessment site, they found that they were not the only ones who came to the actual assessment today.

"It seems that there are many people who are trained and assessed, even if they are juniors."

Natsume took a cursory glance, and there were at least 100 people present.

"It's obvious that there were only two of us in the knowledge assessment yesterday, why there are so many more people suddenly today?"

Nazi was also a little surprised by the nurturer's assessment. How come there are so many people today? Isn't it said that the nurturer's assessment is notoriously difficult?

Then Natsume found a staff member to hold him back and asked about today's assessment.

"Please rest assured, this trainer. In fact, the assessment of the trainer is going on every day, especially the assessment of the junior trainer."

"However, it is impossible for us to arrange for everyone who comes to sign up, so basically it is batch by batch."

"It's also just right, the two of you happened to catch up with the actual combat assessment of the junior trainer this time."

After explaining this sentence, Natsume and Nazi finally understood.

But even so, Natsume and Nazi "[-]" are still quite dazzling existences among this group of people.

Needless to say, Natsume, after all, he is young, and he is basically an older person in the assessment of this group of nurturers.

And beside him was a trainer from a super power gymnasium, which made everyone present look sideways.

It didn't take long before the assessment began, and the assessment started in the order of a group of 10 people, and Nazi and Natsume were arranged in the same group in the third group.

Soon it was Natsume and Nazi's turn.

"Hello, fellow trainers, I am the examiner for the practical assessment of junior trainers this time, Miss Joy."

"The one next to him is Mr. Garner, the vice president of the Golden City Cultivator Alliance."

"And Miss Junsha from the Gold City Police Station."

"The assessment this time is very simple. On the console in front of each of you, there is a recipe for making different types of primary energy cubes."

"The assessment for primary cultivators is also relatively simple. As long as you can make primary energy cubes of intermediate quality or above, you will be considered as passing the test."

"Then you will be able to participate in the next assessment."

Natsume also immediately found his assessment position, and then picked up the formula for the primary energy cube on the table.

This is a fairly common elementary energy on the market. The formula of the cube is the formula of the practical energy cube for grass elves.

It can allow the grass-type elves to quickly accumulate a large and pure grass-like energy in the early stages.

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