Since the entire restaurant is booked out, they can use the 2 rooms on the second floor as they want.

In the end, both Natsume and Nazi chose rooms closer to the balcony. After all, the environment here is the best where you can see the sea in the distance.

"The environment here is really nice."

"I know it's your next few days, you can release your elf and relax."

"I guess your elves probably haven't seen the sea before."

Nazi also nodded, she also felt that sometimes it's good to live a relaxed life like this.

After that, the two of them changed into a suit of more suitable beachwear in their room, and then went to the beach outside to play around here first.

"Nazzi, take a seat first. I'll go to the store to get some deck chairs and umbrellas, and let the boss and the others get some drinks."

After that, Natsume also released all the elves in his hands casually. Of course, it is impossible for shrewd people like Victini and Chaomeng to let them appear in the public's field of vision casually.

But the other elves don't matter, this is also the first time Nazi has seen all the elves in Natsume.

I have to say that when all the Natsume elves appeared, it really amazed all the trainers present.

After all, Natsume's lineup of elves is too luxurious.

Not only is his strength online, but his appearance is even more impressive.

"Xanadu, fairy fairy, metal monster, fire-breathing dragon, wind speed dog, Huayeti, western lion sea lion, Menus, kodora, electric dragon."

"Wow, that trainer is really good. The temperament of these elves is really scary, and the types of these elves are also very rare, and their appearance is online."

There are trainers constantly expressing their sighs, and Nazi is even more emotional. Although Natsume is just a rookie who has just debuted, the strength and background in his hands cannot be underestimated.

Then she also released all four of her elves.

When the elves came out, they first looked around vigilantly, and after finding that there was no danger, they surrounded Nazi. That one also used superpowers to communicate with her elves.

"It's okay, there is no need to fight now, everyone can relax and relax, by the way, the blue piece in front of us is actually the sea."

"The elves over there are all Natsume elves, you can communicate with them well, but don't bully them that they are weaker than you now."

Nazi's elves nodded. Of course, they would not bully Natsume's elves. After all, Natsume's body showed some dangerous smell from time to time, which made them, the psychic elves, extremely vigilant.

After all, they all can predict the future, and their perception of danger is extremely keen.

In addition, Natsume still has Victini and Chaomeng in his hands, which makes them dare not underestimate Natsume.

But soon these two waves of elves played together. After all, their wisdom is not bad. They know what kind of relationship their masters have.

Let's exchange ideas.

It can be said that Menus and West Lion Sea Ren were born with it. They were a little excited when they saw the sea for the first time. Compared with the artificial ocean created by the project in the secret realm, they are closer to the sea in the elf world.

Without any communication, they swam directly into the sea and began to play and fight.

And the other elves also have their own things. The fire-type elite spirits like the fire-breathing dragon and the wind speed dog don't like the sea very much, but they do like basking in the sun, so they lie lazily under the sun to rest .

And the two little naughty eggs, Fairy Elf and Kodora, are constantly using sand-pushing skills to shake sand on these two elves.

This made Feng Speed ​​Dog very upset, because a lot of sand fell into its fur, which made him very uncomfortable, so he ran away after a roar.

But the fire-breathing dragon is different, as long as you don't touch the flame at its tail, the sand falling on his dragon scales will also make him feel very comfortable, numb and itchy, as if he is polishing the scales.

And Huayedi is holding its eternal flower, and those who are floating around don't know what they are playing.

As for the elves of the super power system, they each played together, after all, they have a common language.

But more often, Nazi's super-power elves are teaching Natsume's super-power elves, that is, Xanadu and the metal monster, some methods of using and exercising superpowers.

As for Dianlong after looking at it 4 times, she also found that she neither likes sand nor sand, which is probably similar to the habits of the Mali sheep before she evolved.

So she ran to Nazi's side and did it.

And Nazi also caressed the other's head and the other's tail like a light bulb.

"." It feels pretty good. It seems that guy usually takes good care of you. "

Judging from the feel, Nazi can tell right away that this electric dragon is well taken care of.

And Nazi also discovered that the strength of the elves in hand is generally quite high.

Basically all (well) elves have reached gym level.

And elves at this level just need to accumulate well, it is enough.

As long as the talent is not bad, if you accumulate enough, you can break through to the level of the king of heaven.

Afterwards, the path of the king of heaven is to continuously polish the energy in one's body to become more and more pure, until all the energy is transformed into the original energy, and then accumulate all the energy to the point of perfection, and then it is possible to undergo another transformation.

By that time, the original power mastered by the elves has initially transformed into the original elemental power, which can communicate with the external elemental power.

And just at this time, Natsume also floated a lot of things with superpowers and came to Nazi's side. First, he wiped the parasol in the sand, and then took out the deck chair.

Lie on the chair in a Ge You lying position.

"The boss will prepare some delicious iced drinks for us, let's take a good rest now."

"During this time, the spirits of the elves are too tense, and it's not very good."

In a sense, this can also be said to be the first time Natsume gave his elves a holiday.

After all, Natsume had quite strict requirements before, training his elves, and obtained 4 gem badges in a short period of time. .

Reward share report

Chapter 279: Gathering Information, The Unexpectedly Popular Millennium Ghost (2 more)

No matter how well Natsume took care of her and how wonderful her cultivation methods were, it was undeniable that the elf's mental state must be extremely tense.

This is not a good thing for the next journey, so Natsume also plans to take a good rest in the next few days.

At the same time, let your elves relax.

After all, training elves always requires a combination of work and rest.

"Well, it can be seen that your elves are very good at nurturing. It seems that you haven't put much thought into this aspect." Afterwards, Nazi also looked at her own elves, and was also considering whether to subdue some more elves. .

After all, compared to Natsume's luxurious lineup, these elves of his own are really a bit weak, although they are all very strong.

But what should I say? Nazi is a girl anyway, and she has no ability to resist such a powerful, powerful and cute elf.

Moreover, the elves in her hands have not been fully compiled until now. Apart from her relatively high requirements, it is also because Nazi became famous when she was young and ran around. "It seems that I have to think carefully about whether to subdue some elves. Xanadu is good, and there are sun elves." Nazi also lay on the side and muttered to herself.

"That's pretty good. With your family background and your status as a trainer, it shouldn't be difficult to get an Ibrahimovic with excellent qualifications."

"As for Xanadu, your mother can even trade an elf egg of Lalulas to the Damu family in exchange for cooperation. I don't believe that your parents didn't leave one or two Lalulas with excellent qualifications." Nazi was noncommittal, his family knew he was.


"But you should be a trainer specializing in super powers. If you want to subdue elves, in addition to super power elves, you should also subdue all elves that can deal with other situations." "For these you Have you ever thought about it or thought about it?" Natsume also turned her head and asked Nazi.

Nazi nodded, indicating that he actually had some ideas.

"Let's just say it's middle school. After all, if you're a trainer, you'll often be on a ship."

"When I was still in the Rockets, the incidents of ships being attacked by these underground dark organizations have long been commonplace, so I must have one or two powerful elves on hand to protect myself

"Of course, if there is an accident, it can also be used as a temporary ship to seek self-rescue."

"Among them, if you want to subdue him, I think a gentle elf like Chenglong is very good." After listening to Nazi's words, Natsume also felt that the other party's idea was quite good.

But in Natsume's mind, the best mount is of course Jun.

As for the big whale, Natsume never thought about it, after all, the big whale has a very bad temper.

But when he thought of traveling on the sea in the future, he would ride a Jun, not to mention how cool it would be.

It's just that Jun's elf egg has been obtained for so long, and Natsume still hasn't hatched the other party, although some of the other party's consciousness can already communicate with Natsume. "In the air, although we are all superpowers, we can float (bfai) and use teleportation, but our advantages are obvious, and our shortcomings are also obvious."

Na Zi also nodded when she heard these words. Of course, she understands the superpowers of superpowers. Down is dangerous.

Especially underground organizations like the Rockets have already developed devices that can isolate superpowers, and even disable superpowers within a certain range.

"I thought I was going to tame a natural bird, but because the natural bird is relatively small, it can't make the trainer sick at all, so it's just an option to be determined." "So I'm not sure I want to choose What kind of flying elf."

Well, these can be put aside first, Natsume can also see that although the opponent only has 4 elves, it doesn't mean that he doesn't like to accept the instructions of elves and has some difficulty in choosing.

"Well, since you have this idea yourself, I won't intervene too much. If you have any elves you like, you can also tell me. With my relationship with the Damu family, I also have connections. You got it."

Nazi is not polite about this point, after all, the relationship between them has been clarified, and now they are just trying to get along with each other.

Although neither side has access to the deepest secrets between the other, they can both feel that the gap between them is getting thinner and thinner.

Perhaps it only takes one chance, and the two sides can pierce this barrier and become a group completely.

"Of course, it's very rare to meet elves with excellent qualifications in the wild."

"Combined with the things I have done in the past, but the foundation left in the alliance, the alliance will not trade those elves with excellent qualifications to me so easily." Nazi still knows her own situation very well. Yes, at least he knows how to take advantage of the situation when it's time to take advantage of it.

"That's good. Let's have a good rest today. I'll go collect information about Maiden Strait in the evening."

Natsume also casually said that although he can also collect some information about this strait on the Internet, this information is definitely far less than what the locals know.

In order to make the next action more convenient, Natsume must also collect the information that needs to be collected, and some things on him also need to go back to the secret realm to deal with.

Touching his temples, Natsume refocused his gaze on Nazi's graceful figure. "Maybe it's time for a showdown with her."

Under the night, Natsume and Nazi took their elves back into the elf balls. After all, it was getting late and they should go to dinner, but they also took care of your affairs before leaving. "By the way, boss, the story about the husband-watching stone in Maiden Strait should be different from what is spread outside." Natsume also mentioned it casually during the meal, originally intending to test the other party's tone, but unexpectedly He was really dug out. "So that's what you said. In fact, you can only believe half of the legends about Maiden Strait that are spread outside the world."

"After all, human beings today are different from humans in ancient times. They push all weird things to gods, demons, and the like."

Hearing this, Nazi also frowned, she recognized the meaning of the boss' words. "In other words, the so-called legend of Maiden Strait is actually just a prank by some elves." The proprietress sitting opposite just shook her head.

"You can say this little girl, and you can be right, but you can't say that all the legends about the Girl Strait are true. The stories that have been circulated in the outside world can only be said to be half-truths and half-false." Now, the legends that belong to our small village, we can't guarantee that they are correct." "But the only thing we can guarantee is that there is a very powerful ghost living in Maiden Strait." "From me Grandpa’s generation has existed since the beginning, and I don’t know how long it’s been here.” The boss also talked to Natsume and the others about the girl’s channel.

"But it's strange to say that although this ghost is very strong, it's not that no one wanted to subdue the other party at that time." "But all of them failed, even those elves that had finally evolved."

"And this ghost's temper is also quite weird. He often teases foreign tourists, and we locals will only be teased by him once and then will not bother us again."

"However, it is precisely because of this that this powerful ghost-type elf has also become the patron saint of our Maiden Strait. We can live such a peaceful and stable life all these years, and we cannot do without the help of the other party." "Don't touch us The idea of ​​a protector."

The proprietress was also not afraid of life, so she directly revealed the details of Guisi.

Regarding this, Natsume and Nazi also looked at each other.

"I never thought that a mischievous elf like Guisi would be so popular here." Natsume was also a little surprised. The villagers seemed to have a deep affection for this ghost.

"Of course, most of the trainers who travel in our village are ghost trainers." "And most of the elves were brought by that senior ghost."

When the boss talked about this ghost, he also started to talk about how much help and important existence this ghost has given them to the entire Maiden Strait.

This also made Natsume feel more and more difficult to do it. After all, this powerful ghost has gradually become the belief in the hearts of everyone in this village in Maiden Strait.

But when he thought of the Mashado in his secret realm, Natsume had no choice but to be cruel, at worst, he would just not do anything to this elf at that time. .

Chapter 280: Arriving at Yoyoyo Nurturing Area (1 more)

After dinner, Natsume and Nazi also went back to their room, and the one that rang Natsume's room after taking a bath came in.

And Natsume just finished taking a bath, but she hasn't changed her clothes yet, just wearing a bath towel.

But these two people are thick-skinned masters, and they don't think there is anything wrong with them at all.

But after looking at each other for a while, Natsume spoke first.

"I said you are a girl after all, don't you show something when you see me like this?"

Natsume felt very hurt. A normal girl would definitely scream when she saw a boy in this outfit. Why didn't that one even give him a reaction.

This also made Natsume feel very hurt.

And Nazi also rolled her eyes angrily.

"Do you think that under my super power, when we first met, you really protected yourself well?" "What is the difference from the current dress?"

Well, Natsume immediately shut up, not wanting to explain anything to this woman, anyway - the more she explained, the darker she got. "Forget it, I don't want to talk to you anymore, what are you doing in my room all night?" "I don't believe you are in a hurry and want to play cards with me."

Nazi also found a chair in the room and sat down directly, then raised her legs and looked at Natsume quite interestingly. "Of course I came to see you, what are you going to do next?"

"You should know how important that thousand-year-old ghost is to this village in Maiden Strait from the information you collected, right?"

"And your next plans and goals are destined to have something to do with that thousand-year-old ghost. If you fail to grasp it, it is very likely that you will not be a warmly welcomed guest in this village." I can't even find a hotel." Nazi knew about Natsume's plans.

So in order for her to spend a happy beach life in the future, she also has to ask the other party.

"I understand and understand this, so I will make some adjustments to the next plan, at least it will not be so obvious." Natsume also made up his mind, and when necessary, he decided to give full play to his strength.

Although it is very likely to be discovered by the beasts in this world, if it is handled well, there is still a chance to save a small life.

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