Relying on Chaomeng's powerful strength, the other party will definitely be able to educate these rebellious ultra-ancient elves well.

Not to mention that in the underground body, there is also a very special Pokéby.

The opponent's performance in the original game was not bad at all. It could be said that he was very talented and had been stored for so long, even across the ages, and he was still able to show such a special talent.

I have to say that Natsume can be said to be quite tempted.

As for the badge of Nibi City and the badge of Tokiwa City, you can get it by the way when you return to Zhenxin Town in the future.

And the last badge, Natsume, is planning to go to Red Lotus Island.

Xia Bo, the head of the Red Lotus Gym over there, used to be a research doctor of the Rockets, but later withdrew. I don't know why the boss of the Rockets didn't bother him.

In addition to going there to get the badge, Natsume also has to learn from the old man on the other side.

What's more, the hot springs there are also quite good, and the entire Red Lotus Island is a tourist destination.

After confirming the direction, Natsume and Nazi left the secret realm directly and continued to move towards the established direction.

Along the way, the two "[-]" didn't say much, after all, these two people are not talkative people.

In addition to training your own elves, it is to exchange ideas between the two parties, as well as various applications of superpowers.

In this regard, Natsume has learned a lot from Nazi.

And Nazi also learned a lot of knowledge about cultivating elves from Natsume.

By the way, even the level of their own trainers is rising steadily.

According to Natsume's estimate, with the other party's current standards, as long as there are no accidents in the basic knowledge, even an intermediate cultivator will have no problem.

Fortunately, the speed of both of them is not slow, and Natsume will often release the wind speed dog to travel, so the two of them arrived near the dark city within a few days.

Looking at the heavily industrialized city in front of her, Nazi couldn't help frowning.

Although the environment he lives in can be said to be a metropolis in an industrialized city, the environment is definitely not that bad.

At least there are a large number of elves who are unwilling to live here, and those who are willing to live here are probably only some poisonous elves or elves with strong vitality like Little Lada. "Are we really going in?"

"Although I heard that there was a gymnasium in this city in the past, it is estimated that it has been banned by the alliance long ago."

Natsume nodded. Although he didn't want to go in, the two of them had been traveling in the wild for a while, and the elves on their bodies were quite tired.

What is most needed at present is a best doctor to help them take a good checkup.

This naturally required Miss Joy.

"If I could, I certainly wouldn't want to come."

"However, the elves we have on hand have been training in the wild for a long time, and we need to let them check in Miss Joy's hands." "To avoid being secretly injured by our training."

In the end, Nazi still couldn't hold back Natsume, and was taken directly to the Dark City, and then went round and round to the elf center in the Dark City.

When the two came to the elf center, they found that there were more trainers in the elf center than expected.

However, most of the people were divided into two factions and sat in two places, and there were even some people with hot tempers who glared at each other.

If it wasn't for Ms. Joy at the front desk, they probably would have started fighting.

In the end, the two came to Miss Joy, took out their elf balls and handed them to each other. "Miss Joy, help us take good care of the elves."

Miss Joy nodded, and after ringing the bell next to her, an auspicious egg came out from behind pushing the trolley, and then put the elves of Nazi and Natsume on the trolley and brought them to the back went.

Natsume and Nazi also found a random place to sit down.

Waiting for his elf to be cured.

But although the two waves of people couldn't fight here, they were not forgiving at all.

Especially after seeing Natsume and Nazi coming, it seems that they want to show that the students are constantly mocking the group opposite.

With their powerful superpowers, Natsume and Nazi could naturally hear what they were talking about. "Look, these two trainers must have come to our Dark City Gym to get badges." "Only our Kaz Gym is the real Dark World Gym." Not to be outdone.

"Stop bragging. In this dark city, the only recognized gym is of course our Yas gym." "Your boss Katz can't beat our Lord Yas."

The more the two sides talked, the more angry they became, and they were about to fight immediately, but after being glanced at by Miss Joy, they sat down obediently.

But Natsume and Nazi also noticed the performance of these two teams.

Nazi couldn't help shaking her head.

"It's a pity. This city used to be a very good big city, and the commerce and industry were quite prosperous." "There is also a quite orthodox dark market gym."

"However, since the iron ore in the mountain outside the city was dug, the production of the city seems to have come to a standstill."

"There was no one to deal with the large amount of industrial damage. Even the gym master in the past passed his position to his disciples and then patted his ass and left." Nazi is also the gym master. Although I don't know much about some things in the Dark City Gym, I have heard a little about it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious.

After the two of them got back their elf from Miss Joy, they turned around and left here, and they didn't intend to spend the night here.

I would rather pitch a tent in the wild than live in this industrial city with a strong smell.

After seeing the two people leave, the people on both sides silently sent a younger brother to report the news.

Naturally, Natsume and Nazi couldn't hide their small actions from their detection.

However, the speed of the two people was very fast. By the time they called their gym master over, they probably had already left the Dark City... Natsume and Nazi quickly arrived at the power plant.

Seeing that it was getting late, Natsume decided to rest here for a night first, and then go to the power plant on the second day.

By the campfire at night.

"I don't know what you guys are thinking. If you want to go to Light Red City to get the badge, there are several routes to take, and this one is the one you have to take." "This is really the worst experience."

A little bit of Nazi is also a little unhappy, playing a little temper.

In addition to being dissatisfied with the Dark City, it was more about wanting to take revenge on Natsume. This guy actually refused to let her hold the bet of Victini.

Natsume didn't care about the other party, but said after pushing the wood in the bonfire. "Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

"The route I have decided on is not that simple."

"I got some news from some sources. There was once a lightning bird that lived in this power plant for a while." The ethnic group." "But the only thing that is certain is that the other party has indeed appeared." Then Na Zi dragged her chin with both hands and said.

"Then you think too well about this matter."

"The alliance is not such a simple existence. It is estimated that people will be sent over to check after getting the news at the first time." "And you can get other trainers, especially those big families, for information like this." " "It is estimated that there will not even be a hair in it for you now."

Natsume nodded in disbelief, but he still wanted to go in and see, after all, the last whereabouts of the computer had not been determined.

Natsume also asked Dr. Oki about this matter, and Dr. Oki also said at 0.8 that he didn't know much about it.

Then Natsume took out a device similar to a small speaker, and put a small display in the palm of his hand, and checked it.

Nazi also stretched her head to take a look, and then lay down on the sleeping bag beside her a little discouraged. "I don't know whether Dr. Oki's invention is useful or not."

"If it's useless, it's probably quite disturbing for you to do so at night."

Natsume also looked at the two small devices in his hands and couldn't help but sighed.

"Forget it, something is better than nothing. Compared with the two small devices I made for me by Dr. Come find the rest of Zygard's device.

The small speaker can continuously play a command and superpower signal fluctuations issued by the Kigard core in Natsume's hand.

And the small screen in his hand carried a part of some of Gerd's core genes, which could be used to locate the same species.

That is to say, this small screen can be used to find other Ziggard cores or cells. .

Chapter 302: Entering the Power Plant, Receiving the Goods (1 more)

It took Natsume a while to learn how to use it, but after several days, Natsume couldn't find any other Kigard cells or cores.

"Could it be that Kigard put his core and those cells in the Carlos area?"

But then Natsume shook his head again. After all, the only core he had was found in the secret realm of Hualan City.

This also means that the other party is unlikely to place his other cores and cells outside casually, and it is very likely that they will also be placed inside the secret realm.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, I'm lucky if I get it, but my life is lost."

"If such a powerful first-level god can be collected so casually, it would be too casual."

After putting away the small speaker and small screen, Natsume returned to the tent to rest.

"By the way, is your guy's information really accurate?"

Nazi and Natsume are now inside the power plant.

After a night's rest, the two parties arrived at the power plant early.

But what is disappointing is that although the power plant has been abandoned, some of the internal machines are still running by themselves.

And there are a lot of wild elves living here, especially the electric elves.

However, most of the elves in this factory are magnetites, and there are some thunderbolts and naughty thunder eggs.

Overall a bit of a big disappointment.

Nazi couldn't help shaking her head, the strength of the elves here is really not that good.

Natsume was also 15 and a little disappointed.

"It is estimated that when the news spread, the alliance sent someone to check it out. We might not even be able to drink the soup, and we have already been dealt with by the alliance."

"Furthermore, the families and trainers who received the news probably also came here to check it out, and they probably didn't get any results, so they casually subdued some elves with excellent aptitude."

Natsume also shook her head involuntarily. It can be said that she got nothing when she came to the power plant.

The two of them can be said to be unimpeded in the power plant. Although those naughty Leibo really want to go up and fight with the two of them, but with their strong strength, they directly use their superpowers to avoid these unnecessary battles.


After all, elves like Naughty Lei Dan are notoriously violent. As long as one is unhappy, it is not a good thing for two people to directly expose themselves.

"This should be the place where the Lightning Bird lived."

The one pointed to the location of the battery in front, where the batteries had fallen down row by row, but it could be seen that although all the batteries had fallen down, they were arranged in a shape similar to a bird's nest.

It can be seen that the lightning bird did inhabit here for a period of time, and occupied it, and built it as his bird's nest.

"Let's take a look, maybe there is something waiting for us to discover." Natsume also walked over, and Nazi didn't know if it was possible.

After the two of them stopped and walked around these batteries for a long time, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

"It seems that there is really nothing here. Even if there is, it is estimated that the alliance and other trainers have already searched for it." Natsume couldn't help being a little unhappy, after all, he didn't even get a hair.

Nazi also found a place to sit down.

"Natsume, what do you think the lightning bird came here in the first place?" "It's just an ordinary power plant." "I don't think there will be any benefits here that will attract the other party."

"Besides, the other party is a bird. How did it fly in? With such a temper tantrum elf, he won't just follow the path." Na Zi's words also awakened Natsume.

Looking around for 4 weeks, Natsume also found that this is a place inside the power plant specially used to store electricity. To be honest, the location here is relatively deep into the power plant.

(.,6:') Even elves, without guidance, cannot find this place.

Not to mention an elf with a bad temper like Lightning Bird.

However, I have observed through Natsume that the environment here has basically not been damaged except for these batteries that have been pushed away for four weeks.

It is also quite inconsistent with Lightning Bird's temper.

"You're right, maybe the information that the Lightning Bird was injured in the original data is true."

"And the injuries received by the Lightning Bird should not be the injuries received from fighting other elves in the wild." "It is more likely that someone is catching the other party, and the Lightning Bird is just escaping and hiding." "As for Why did you run to the power plant? It should be because you want to remember the large amount of electricity here to restore yourself."

"As for why there is so little damage here, it may be because the Lightning Bird didn't directly destroy our roof in order not to cause too much trouble." "That is to say, if you find the intersection where the Lightning Bird came in, it is estimated that there There will be some information."

After figuring all this out, Natsume wanted to find the place where the Lightning Bird came in. I guess there should be some gains there.

However, the two of them walked in swaggeringly from the position of the door just now, and the environment there did not look like they had experienced any battles.

Although this place has been occupied by wild elves, and there are many elements that have been destroyed, it has nothing in common with the destruction caused by those powerful beasts. "The other party is a bird, so it is impossible to dig a hole in the ground. The most likely thing is that there should be other ways to get in besides the frontal intersection." Nazi touched her chin, and then put her super power Spread out, intend to find out if there are other intersections.

And after Natsume jumped off a battery, he knocked on a big iron sign on the iron grid in front.

"There is no need to use super powers, here is the map of this power plant."

Upon hearing this, Nazi also frowned.

Then silently took back his super power.

Following behind Natsume, pretending that nothing happened just now, after all, what he did just now was a bit too embarrassing.

The two stood on the map location information board of the power plant and checked it.

"There is actually a backyard here, and a place dedicated to disposing of electrical waste."

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