After seeing this scene, everyone laughed and brought joy to the depressing environment before.

After Natsume patted the dust off his body, he continued pointing to the empty underground environment.

"We have basically captured 7788 of the fossil elves here now, and the strength of the remaining fossil elves can't deal with us."

···· Asking for flowers 0··.

"Time to explore."

"After all, a special space that can guarantee the survival of these ultra-ancient elves to this era must have something special about it, or there must be some treasure here."

When everyone heard it, they felt that Natsume's words were quite reasonable.

Especially Xiao Gang felt his blood boiling, after all, in such an environment, the geniuses and treasures of the ground and rock types are the most likely to appear.

Nazi also nodded, agreeing to this idea.

"Okay then, let's come separately, in groups of two or in groups of two or three."

"At that time, everyone can choose a direction. In this way, if something good is found, it will not be awkward to distribute it."

Everyone nodded, and then Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were still assigned to a group as before.

But Natsume and Nazi were only in one group.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that Nazi does not intend to act alone.


Because she always thinks that being with Natsume is the only way to have meat.

After the two groups of people separated, they each chose a direction and started to move forward.

Not long afterward, Natsume and Nazi discovered a basin. Although the area was not large, the contents of this basin were something that the other two couldn't help but feel passionate about. "Could it be the fossils of the fossil elves?"

The two of them looked at the criss-crossing scene inside the basin, which resembled a bone-like environment, and their hearts became hot immediately.

Summer nodded.

"Go down and have a look first."

"If it is, then we will dig out half of us."

"At that time, use the fossil resurrection machine to revive these fossil spirits. Although these spirits are very low in strength." "But they are the most friendly existence to our trainers. We can cultivate them from scratch." Nazi nodded .

Following behind Natsume, he came to the bottom of the basin.

All you can see is rows of rocks shaped like elf bones.

Although the two of them didn't have accurate detection tools, they could be very sure that these things were definitely fossil substances left by the fossil elves. "It's a big profit now."

"It's time to start work, Boscodora."

Natsume also gave orders to Boss Kedora on the other side.

Boss Kedora just patted himself on the chest and said there was no problem.

"Little guy, be gentle. If you accidentally break one or two, I'll give you a massage." Nazi also commanded from the other side, Boss Kedora.

However, the threatening meaning in the other party's words also made Boss Kedora feel cold behind his back.

Immediately looked pitifully at Natsume.

And Natsume glared at Nazi angrily.

After that, Boscodora was appeased.

"It's okay, these fossil materials will only be used to extract the genes of the fossil elves, and it is enough to keep them relatively intact." Eight.

Chapter 331: New Discovery, Small Underground Cave (2 more)

After hearing these words, Boss Kedora finally felt relieved, and his movements couldn't help but changed from the delicate before to a little rough.

This allowed Nazi to stand aside and watch Boss Kedora operate, and Nazi couldn't help but frown.

Fortunately, Boss Kedora's operation can also be regarded as quite excellent.

In addition, Boscodora, who has the stone fruit, can be said to be handy in manipulating rocks.

Soon layers of tall fossils were piled up on the spot.

"There are so many fossils, and I don't know which fossil elves these fossils belong to?"

Nazi looked at this scene and couldn't help frowning.

After all, different types of fossil elves have different values, just like ammonites and fossil pterosaurs.

Nazi didn't want to suffer in this respect.

Although she doesn't need these fossil elves as her main elves, it definitely improves her family environment by a considerable amount.

Natsume just shook his head watching this scene.

"There are too many. When we decompose all the fossil materials of these fossil elves, it will waste too much time."

"Zero Seven Zero"

"And our main task is to find this underground cave, why can so many ancient elves survive to this day?"

"So our current gains are just a small part."

After hearing these words, Nazi nodded, and no longer cared about this issue.

Immediately, Natsume put away all the fossil materials first, and then sorted these things when he had time.

Then Natsume continued to move towards one side relying on his own sense of energy in the dark.

Nazi also followed behind Natsume.

The two of them talked and laughed quite a lot along the way, and they also tamed a few missing fossil elves.

Soon after, the two of them came to a wall.

"It seems that we have reached the limit of this space."

Nazi looked at the wall in front of her and couldn't help saying.

But Natsume didn't care about the other party. In his induction, this wall seemed to have a very special place.

Because this wall is continuously exuding a breath of life, which can be said to be very familiar to Natsume.

Immediately Natsume reached out and touched the wall, and then found that the wall was not simple.

"No, this wall is not a real rock wall, but a fossil."

It's not that Natsume Fang touched some special place and then opened his mouth.

At the same time, it also opened the eyes of the system's identification.

Nazi was also shocked when she heard these words.

Immediately, he also took advantage of his superpowers and began to look at it seriously.

Immediately afterwards, the other party also discovered the wall, which seemed to be true and not simple.

"Why is this shape so much like a plate, and judging from the size and shape, it seems to be the head part."

"Is it the ancestor of the armored dragon in ancient times?"

This also caused Nazi to guess.

After all, anyone would think of a shield-armored dragon with such a theory of fossil morphology.

In the eyes of Natsume's identification, the system has already identified what the real body of this sentence is.

"It's not that simple."

"This seems to be a kind of insect-type mythical beast, Genesect."

"I have seen information on this in Dr. Oki's research."

"The opponent was also known as the Exterminator Steel God Exterminator in the ultra-ancient period."

"From the name, it can be seen that the opponent's strength is definitely not bad, coupled with the reproductive ability of the insect-type elves, and this elf is a kind of collective collective elf, similar to the big needle bee."

"So in the ultra-ancient period, if anyone is targeted by the other party, it is estimated that the end will be miserable."

And Nazi, who heard these words, also felt the same, after all, the trainers must have had the experience of being chased by the big needle bee.

Putting these two modes together, you can understand how tragic the consequences of being chased and killed by this kind of fantasy Pokémon are.

But then I thought of the elves like today, and now they are only fossilized, and I can't help but feel hot.

"That means that this kind of Genesect is a herd elf. Now that one is found, it means that there must be others around."

But Natsume nodded and then shook his head.

"It's not that simple."

"Only one special elf like Genesect can be counted as a real beast elf."

"The others can barely be regarded as quasi-god elves."

"After all, if each individual of a bug-type elf like this is a divine beast, it would be a foul."

"Of course, after all, our human alliance has never seen a real and specific Genesect, so these are all guesses based on the materials I researched with Dr. Oki."

"The specifics will not be known until we take out these fossils and use the fossil resurrection machine to revive them."

Nazi nodded, and then began to cooperate with Natsume. This Boss Kedora took out the Genesect fossil on the front rock wall.

Then in front of the two of them was Sanbu's relatively large and relatively complete Genesect fossil.

"The fossils are so well preserved, so the Genesect that will be revived at that time should not lose much of its aptitude."

Nazi commented on the three fossils in front of her, and couldn't help admiring them.

"Well, the resurrected fossil elves do have a lot to do with the resources invested and the completeness of the fossils."

"It's like this, we each choose one of them, and the other one will be handed over to Dr. Oki for a deal."

"I think he definitely has something good on hand, and if we want to get a fossil resurrection machine to resurrect these fossils alone, we definitely can't get around the alliance."

Natsume and Nazi did not reveal this truth clearly, especially since they had harvested so many fossil spirits and fossils.

If outsiders know about it, they definitely don't mind using some crooked tricks...

So at this time, pulling tiger skin is the real good choice.

Nazi didn't object, but also nodded, and she also understood the truth.

But when Nazi was about to leave here, she was stopped by Natsume.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to go? Anyway, we've got all the good things here."

Nazi was a little puzzled, Natsume was not such a procrastinating person.

"Why are you walking so fast? The real baby is just about to appear."

Natsume also punched casually, punching a hole in the almost dug rock wall next to him, and then the rock wall collapsed with a crash.

Immediately, what appeared in front of the two of them was another, smaller cave.

But the size of this cave is at most the size of a hotel lobby.

The two of them walked in without much hesitation, and soon even the other one was discovered. This cave actually contained a rich breath of life.

"Hey, how could there be such a strong breath of life in such a deep place underground?"

"Is there any great treasure in that area?"

And Natsume also relied on his own feeling to move towards the direction of the goal, but the closer he got, Natsume realized that the life energy scattered in the free air was different from the life energy released by the tree of life.

"No, these life energies are a bit different from the life energies of the tree of life."

"It's more like the form of the energy of the grass system after a lot of condensation."

Natsume's words can be said to be the final word, which also made Nazi on the other side constantly check carefully.

Then Nazi also found something wrong.

"Natsume, you are right. The energy here is indeed similar to that of grass-type energy after continuous condensation."

"However, under such an environment, I will definitely produce a large number of genius treasures similar to the 0.8 grass type, but the environment here is so empty."

Nazi also couldn't help frowning.

Then Natsume seemed to have discovered something, and hurried forward.

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