"It's better to say that this kid is lucky."

The elite Rockets member discovered that the location Natsume was advancing to was exactly the location of this secret place, which also saved him from going to find Natsume, and obediently stayed by the side, waiting for Natsume's arrival.

It didn't take long for Natsume to arrive at the door of this secret realm along the super power induction left before.

And there are no other members of the Rockets on the opposite side, because those Rockets soldiers were all dealt with by Natsume before Natsume came here.

If people from the alliance come here, they will definitely find that the current secret base has collapsed everywhere, and many members of the Rockets are all brain-dead without exception.

Moreover, Natsume also conveniently took all the alliance coins from these people to himself.

Although each person only had 400 to [-] alliance coins at most, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change. This time he got at least more than [-] million alliance coins.

And Natsume also found 5 evolutionary stones from some guys, but they were all low-level evolutionary stones, probably only [-].

However, when Natsume arrived at the intersection of this secret realm, he happened to run into this time's big boss.

No, to be more precise, it should be the appetizer, the only member of the elite Rockets team in this base.

"The little ghost can come here intact like this."

"It seems that my trash men didn't stop you."

"But you're done here."

"Remember to sign up for the King of Hades after going down to the Underworld Hell. I, Finx, killed you."

Then the member of the elite rocket team named Funks threw out the elf ball in his hand, and released all the elves under his hand at once.

The other party also understands that the lion must do his best to fight the rabbit.

Since Natsume was able to come in front of him intact like this, it represented the opponent's strength, which was not easy.

When Natsume used the system's identification ability and looked at the opponent's strength, he also let out a sigh of relief.

The opponent threw out three elves, one was a level 37 flying mantis, one was a level 32 gas bomb, and the other was a level 39 armored rhinoceros.

The strength of the opponent's elves is indeed at the level of an elite trainer, but judging from the education of those elves, they are not very good.

Especially the armored rhinoceros on the opposite side, so thin that it is almost out of shape.

Totally stunted.

Only the Flying Mantis can be seen from the sharpness of his two knives, the opponent should use this Flying Mantis as the main force to train.

When fighting, just be careful of the flying mantis on the opposite side.

But the opponent's luck is not good, because the two most powerful elves in Natsume's hands are both of the fire department.

And it happened to restrain the Flying Mantis on the opposite side, so he had a great chance of winning this round.

"Catty Dog, you go and deal with the flying mantis."

"Fire Dinosaur, go and hold the armored rhinoceros and the gas bomb, remember to just hold the opponent."

Although Natsume is very confident that he can beat the opponent, it is better to be a little more stable.

He sent his strongest katti dog to deal with his flying mantis, and then let the fire dinosaur hold down his other elves.

"Hmph, kid, don't think that the current fight is still a fair fight in school."

"Let me, a senior, teach you what cruel field battles are."

"Flying Mantis, get rid of that dog quickly."

"Iron Armored Rhino Earthquake, Gas Bomb, Poison Gas Attack."

After receiving the order, the Flying Mantis immediately swung it at Natsume's Katie dog, raised his two knives, and launched an attack.

And the armored rhino raised its two front legs, and slapped them heavily on the ground, causing a violent earthquake.

The poisonous gas attack of gas bombs also followed behind them.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick."

"Don't underestimate me either."

Natsume was a little upset, the other party seemed to really treat himself as a child, but if this was the case, Natsume could use his tricks to trick him.

"Katti Dog moves at high speed, approaching the Flying Mantis with a flash of lightning, and then uses the Fang of Fire."

"Fire Dino uses a poisonous gas attack aimed at gas bombs with jets of flame."

Chapter 44: Special Pill, Escape (4 more)

After receiving the order, Katie immediately moved on the spot, and his running speed became faster and more blurred. He directly surpassed the Flying Mantis on the opposite side, and came to the opponent's front. Just bit on the opponent's arm.

And the fire dinosaur also faithfully obeyed Natsume's order, spraying flames directly into the poisonous gas, causing an explosion sound.

The gas bombs that were still constantly performing poison gas attacks in the middle of the poisonous gas were directly blown out by the violent explosion and then fell to the ground in the distance, directly losing the ability to fight.

"Damn it, why are you so treacherous, kid."

Finx immediately began to grit his teeth at Natsume in front of him. After all, it was only the first fight, and he lost an elf.

And judging from the opponent's attack, the strength of Natsume on the opposite side is not simple.

But the most important thing now is not to tangle with the gas bombs that have lost their fighting ability, but the flying mantis that is being torn to death by the katti dog.

Katie Dog's Fire Fang attack before caused quite outstanding damage to the opponent.

The left hand of the Flying Mantis was directly abolished, at least for a short period of time, it could no longer attack.

All of a sudden, the fighting power of the Flying Mantis was reduced by half.

And the earthquake attack launched by the armored rhino just now on his side was also because the high-speed movement of the Katy dog ​​did not affect the other party.

The fire dinosaur was affected because of the relatively long distance, although it was also affected, but the problem was not serious.

"What's the matter? It's only the first round of attacking you, so you can't do it?"

"I thought how powerful you are as an elite member of the Rockets, but I didn't expect it to be just paper."

"Even me, a student who just graduated from school, can't solve it. You'd better stop being a Rocket. I feel ashamed for your boss."

Natsume also immediately opened his mouth to mock Finx on the opposite side.

And Finx was also pissed off by Natsume's words, and his ears were red, and he became furious.

"Damn brat."

"You have no idea how powerful I am, or how great our Rockets are."

"If I don't solve you today, I won't be in the Rockets anymore."

Then Finks took out two black and red pills from the pocket at his waist, and he was quite entangled in affection.

"Really, what a pity."

"I spent a lot of Rockets points to redeem these two pills. I didn't expect to use them here."

"And the aptitude of the flying mantis I just subdued has reached the gymnasium level. I didn't expect it to be compromised here."

Afterwards, Finx became even more resentful towards Natsume.

Because he's been stuck as a member of the elite Rockets for far too long.

If he could have an elf with the strength of this gymnasium, he would definitely be promoted to a reserve cadre by the Rockets for training.

As long as he is good enough in the future, and lucky enough to become a half-step king, his status in the Rockets will be greatly different in the future.

After all, he is still a small boss, but unfortunately all this is going to be over now, and he may only have that gas bomb left after he goes back.

"Little devil, I want you to be buried forever, and I want you to be buried with me."

Then Finx fed the two strange pills in his hand to the armored rhinoceros and the flying mantis.

Although Natsume couldn't see clearly what the medicine was in the other party's hands, his intuition told Natsume that this thing would definitely cause huge damage to the elves.

However, while causing huge damage, it will also give the elves great strength.

Soon, Iron Armored Rhinoceros and Flying Mantis roared on the spot, even their eyes turned red, and the wounds they had just been beaten on their bodies were also rapidly healing.

Afterwards, the two elves began to exude a powerful aura, faintly looking like they were about to step into the gymnasium-level elves.

"No, you can't give the opponent a chance."

"Katti Dog, the Fire Dinosaur immediately attacked the Flying Mantis."

"Spray flames."

Natsume also figured it out, rather than hurting the two opposing elves together, it would be better to eliminate one of them first.

Then Katie Dog and Fire Dinosaur also immediately used flame jets.

The Flying Mantis on the opposite side, his mental state has also become quite unstable. Although Finx tried his best to roar, the Flying Mantis still didn't respond.

It was directly blown away by the jet flames of Katie Dog and Fire Dinosaur.

After enduring these two powerful flame attacks, Flying Mantis fell to the ground immediately even after taking that strange pill.

Immediately lost the ability to fight.

However, it was also visible to the naked eye, the size of the flying mantis began to shrink gradually, as if it had squeezed out all the essence in its body.

Natsume has an intuition that as long as he touches the other party casually, the other party may directly shatter.

And when Finx saw the most powerful flying mantis in his hand, it fell unexpectedly like this, and he felt very distressed.

"Damn it, how can you be so clever, little brat."

"No, the matter here can only be left to Iron Armored Rhino to solve by itself. I must go back immediately to help the doctor transfer those materials."

"If it doesn't work, let the doctor close the gate of the secret realm directly."

"At that time, even if the people in the alliance know that there is a secret place here, as long as the people from the Rockets come back, I will be able to escape out of it."

Finx also immediately thought of his own way out, and immediately ran back towards the intersection of the secret realm.

Chapter 45: Tragic situation, Icarus who killed the killer (5 more)

Naturally, Natsume would not give up this opportunity.

Immediately, he gestured to Icarus who was following him, and Icarus immediately flew in towards the intersection of that secret realm.

She will get rid of all the members of Team Rocket inside according to Natsume's wishes.

There is also Dr. Qian who controls this secret realm.

Then Natsume turned his attention to the armored rhino that had already transformed.

Today's armored rhinoceros is no longer like the previous armored rhinoceros, it has completely changed the appearance of a cow.

Muscle pimples all over his body immediately grew out, and even the color of his skin gradually turned black, but his eyes were blood red.

He was also breathing heavily in his nostrils, and looked at Natsume opposite him, showing a crazy look.

Finally, Natsume looked at the dead flying mantis with a regretful expression.

"It's such a pity, if you just beat you, you won't die."

"But you ate what Finks would give you before, so now it's really hopeless."

Natsume still had some guesses about the pills Finks fed to the elves just now.

After all, drugs like this are actually being researched in the alliance.

However, due to the relatively large aftereffect, most trainers basically buy some to use when saving their lives in the wild.

As long as the post-care maintenance is better, and the trainer is willing to spend money, then using these drugs to forcibly stimulate elves is actually nothing.

However, the people of Team Rocket seem to have improved this drug, completely using the vitality of the elves to bloom the last glory of their lives.

This is the answer Natsume came up with after using the power of Tokiwa in his body.

Because of the armored rhinoceros in front of him, the vitality in his body was like that in a dam, and it was out of control when the gate was opened.

Even if Natsume used the power of Viridian to heal him continuously, it would not help.

"It's better to give the other party a happy time."

"I hope you will never fall into the hands of the Rockets or other such forces in the future."

"Katti Dog Fire Dinosaur Dual Spit Flame."

Katie Dog and Fire Dinosaur can naturally feel the current state of the armored rhino on the opposite side.

While grateful that he currently has such an excellent and kind trainer, at the same time he has no good feelings for the dark forces of the Rockets.

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