I'm afraid that if one is not careful, these monsters will suddenly rush over and endanger their trainers.

So their battle range has always been carried out with Natsume as the radius.

Afterwards, Natsume also jumped off the city wall directly, distributed some healing potions to some of the healing staff below, and came to Nazi's side.

"What's the matter? Can the situation on your side be maintained?"

Na Ziyao is a Yaotou.

"If I hadn't come in time before, the front here would have already collapsed."

"The trainer who took the lead here before, perhaps because of his impulsive personality, directly led the training and troops to charge towards the monsters, but suffered huge losses. Even he himself had been killed by those

The beasts were torn apart. "

"As for the rest of the trainers, their morale has been greatly lost all of a sudden, and they are all running around. If I hadn't come in a timely manner, it is estimated that there would not be many of these people left."

In fact, if Nazi hadn't arrived in a timely manner, she would have been paid immediately. If some trainers, it is estimated that the front line here would not be able to hold on.

And some of the trainers who were fighting on the city wall couldn't help but blushed after hearing Na Zi's words.

After all, they are really stupid enough to counterattack against Warcraft without the ability.

And the other trainers who just came to support heard that this kind of thing happened on the front line, and then they looked at their partners with strange faces.

I didn't expect that my partner who fought side by side with me before had such a serious illness in his head.

"Well, I think the environment here is quite suitable. Although it is not a high mountain, it is still densely covered with rocky hills."

"With the strength of the two of us, we can try to push this front forward a little."

"In addition, the rocky hills here are more suitable for geography. I will try to rebuild a city wall in front as a protective line."

"Afterwards, this place can be used as the rear, a place for other trainers and elves to heal safely."

"After all, the trainers and elves we fought and killed in front of us will definitely rest and recover poorly."

After observing the environment in private, Natsume also found that this place is indeed an advantage suitable for his own development, so he put forward his own suggestion.

As for the other trainers, of course, there is nothing to say, after all, only Natsume and Nazi in the field are heavenly king-level trainers, although there are a few gym-level trainers among them.

However, they are very soft-spoken, and the ability to defend this front depends on the strength of their two heavenly king trainers, so they have no choice but to silently shut up and continue to fight those monsters.

Nazi nodded. She would not object to Natsume's decision.

After all, the relationship between the two parties has already broken through, and Natsume will also rely on Nazi in the future.

As long as Natsume's decision is not too stupid, Nazi will generally not object.

Moreover, he has also seen Boss Kedora's ability. There is absolutely no problem that the other party can build a city wall that is strong enough and high enough in a short period of time.

In addition, the environment here is indeed quite suitable for the opponent to play, so Nazi also agreed with Natsume's idea.

"You guard this line of defense here first, and don't let this place fall in a short time."

Nazi said to one of the gym-level trainers.

"Don't worry, Nazi-sama, you and Natsume-sama go to the front and fight together."

"Even if we pay the bloody price for this line of defense, we will definitely defend it before the new line of defense on your side is completed."

All the trainers present are extremely swearing guarantees.

Likewise, they underestimated how important Natsume's decision really was.

Natsume and Nazu nodded.

"Crazy come down a little bit."

Then Natsume began to greet the fire-breathing dragon, and then directly used 097 with Nazi, teleporting to the back of the fire-breathing dragon.

"The fire-breathing dragon is heading in that direction."

When the fire-breathing dragon is flying in the sky, the fire-breathing dragon will continue to use its skills to attack the monsters on the ground.

As for Natsume's other elves, they followed Natsume directly on the ground and killed a bloody path.

It has reduced a lot of pressure on the trainers on the other side of the city wall.

Then the fire-breathing dragon landed on a hill nearly 50 meters high.

Because if you are flying forward, you have already flown over this area, and in front of you is a decaying swamp forest.

And in the interior of the swamp, there are still a large group of monsters walking densely.

"Just here."

Natsume took out the poke ball again, and Jiang Boshi kedora released it.

Natsume took the opponent back to build the city wall before. After all, the speed of the opponent is too slow, and the strength is not up to the standard. It will only hinder other heavenly king-level elves.

So Natsume simply put the other party into the poke ball, and then released it after the plan reached the first party.

When Boshi Keduo came out, of course he also understood what his master was going to do. After all, he had told him about the project before that a city wall would be rebuilt later.

Then Boscodora naturally integrated into the ground, and then began to manipulate the rocks in this area.

Then, in front of the swamp forest, a city wall 50 meters high and 5 meters wide was erected.

And this city wall is still spreading, and the other side has spread to the edge of this secret war realm.

Then the city wall continued to grow like vines, and then it continued to rise from the ground as Natsume expected. .

Chapter 387: Deep into the Secret Realm of War (1 more)

Gradually, this city wall was built directly to the position of the city wall in the middle of the defense line.

Even the trainer here and Miss Junsha also saw this scene.

But this is already the limit of Natsume Boscodora, because it has used up all the rocks in that mountain area, and it can only be built like this.

If he wanted to re-modify this area of ​​the city wall, he would definitely need more rocks, but the current situation did not allow him to do so.

Then Natsume and Nazi also landed on the city wall in a fire-breathing dragon.

After seeing the two people coming, Miss Junsha also asked immediately.

"You should be the owner of the Nazi Pavilion, and Mr. Natsume."

"I didn't expect you to come here from the western front and make such a big commotion."

At the same time, Miss Junsha looked at the city wall that had just been built four times.

Even without her order, some trainers began to consciously gather on the city wall and began to guard it.

Then most of the trainers also began to focus on annihilating the monsters caught between the two city walls.

Natsume also nodded with a smile.

"Although the situation on the front line is more critical, at least we came in a timely manner."

"Although the area to the west was breached by those monsters once, at least Nazi came back in time."

"In addition, I rebuilt this city wall, and now the safety of all the trainers is greatly guaranteed."

"Moreover, the more powerful monsters among those monsters were also led away by Mr. Dawu and the owner of Xia Bo to deal with them, so we only have a relatively large number of monsters here."

"As long as we work together, it is not difficult to solve."

Natsume also briefly described what he saw along the way, and some information, and then took out a rough map that he had drawn during the process.

"For the city wall to the west, due to insufficient materials, I can only build this triangular-like structure."

"However, it is also convenient for our trainers to attack from both sides. We will first annihilate the monsters inside, and then we will have a relatively stable rear."

"Next, as long as the situation is stable, I can send some trainers to deliver some time delays. At that time, I will send my Boscodora to continue to build the city wall."

"In this way, everyone can take a good breath, and Miss Junsha can also send people back, and ask Miss Joey and the others to bring a group of medical staff over."

"The situation here will definitely not be resolved in a short period of time. I hope we can persist until the support personnel sent by the alliance arrive."

Afterwards, Natsume also expressed her thoughts and next arrangements. Miss Junsha nodded as she looked at the crude map.

"Then arrange it according to Natsume-san's ideas."

"All of us will cooperate with your actions."

"In addition, the city wall has been raised a lot now, so it's not too difficult for us to defend it. Let's get rid of these monsters inside the city wall first."

Natsume and Nazi nodded, and they will also work hard to solve this matter first, so that these trainers can free up their hands to do other things.

"And after this matter is resolved, the rear will be relatively stable, and after there is no further trouble, I plan to go to the depths of the secret war realm to support Pavilion Master Xia Bo and Mr. Dawu."

This is Natsume's idea. He plans to go to the depths of the secret realm alone with his elf.

Then leave Nazi here, after all, basically all the main elves on her body are not on her body.

It would be too dangerous to go too deep into the secret realm of war, and Natsume didn't dare to gamble.

"Okay then, Mr. Natsume, I hope you have a safe journey and everything goes well."

"I will record all the incidents this time, and I will ask the alliance for credit at that time."

Miss Junsha is also very grateful to Natsume for her contribution in this operation, which is the common aspiration of all the trainers present.

If the alliance dares to forget Natsume's contribution in this time's contribution, it is estimated that some of their military families will definitely make a fuss.

Natsume nodded, and then led Nazi to solve the monsters inside the city wall.

Fortunately, when the people of Natsume came along the way, they eliminated all the monsters with the strength of the heavenly king.

Among the remaining monsters, even if there are some good ones, they can be temporarily blocked by other trainers.

Not long after, after the bloody battle of the training family, all these monsters inside the city wall were finally wiped out, and a large number of trainers and elves also collapsed on the ground.

This time the battle is also a big consumption for them.

And those trainers who had lost Jinling a long time ago also took various healing potions and medical medicines, and began to heal these elves and trainers who had lost their fighting ability.

After seeing this scene, Miss Junsha finally exhaled slowly.

At present, the frontline situation in the entire secret war realm can finally be counted as stable.

At least as long as there are no king-level monsters, with their trainers and this high wall, they will definitely be able to stop them for a while.

"Since this is the case, then Nazi, you should stay here and help others as a temporary firefighter."

"After all, I'm going to leave here to go deep into the secret realm of war. If some magical beasts who have listened to the timeliness suddenly appear next, the people here may not be able to hold on."

"At that time, you will have to work hard alone."

Nazi nodded her head to express her understanding, and at the same time understood the truth.

Then I asked Miss Junsha.

"Excuse me, Miss Junsha, do you carry that kind of communicator with you?"

Miss Junsha nodded, then took out three communicators with her and handed them to Natsume.

Natsume nodded and accepted it. They also knew the news when they came here before, why didn't they pass it on immediately.

Then some of the trainers who lost the elves volunteered, besides moving the rocks, they were looking for the information that hindered them and the instruments that were sent out.

Now this whole front can fight against these monsters in an orderly manner like this, and it also relies on the convenience of information communication.

"." This is the latest communicator of the Alliance, and it can be used even inside the War Secret Realm. "

"And the signal reception range of each communicator is within 50 kilometers."

"It is definitely enough inside this secret war realm whose size has not yet been determined."

Natsume nodded, and after accepting these communicators, he took his own fire-breathing dragon and began to move towards the depths of the secret realm.

At the same time, his elves, Natsume also used the elf balls to collect them. Although this battle did not cause them much damage, it consumed a lot.

Even the fire-breathing dragon and itself consume a lot, and Natsume can hear his heavy boat sucking sound when he is flying in mid-air.

So Natsume along the way did not let the fire-breathing dragon fight.

Instead, reduce physical strength as much as possible, so as to find Dawu and Xia Bo.

"It's also fortunate that there are no flying monsters in this secret war realm."

"Otherwise, the city wall I built is definitely not enough. Those flying monsters can easily fly over."

"Forget it, instead of thinking about these things, it's better to wait for the people from the alliance to arrive soon."

After thinking about it, Xia Musi didn't intend to think about these (obtained) headaches anymore.

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