"When they make up their minds to leave a place, their next destination will be a forest of Gracidia flowers blooming."

Thinking of this, Natsume was a little confused. He knew all this information from Dr. Oki's research materials.

But in fact, there are very few proofs that humans have actually seen the migration of the Semi group.

Even Dr. Oki is just hearing about it.

"In that case, if I want an authentic Gracidia flower, maybe there will be some twists and turns."

Natsume scratched his head, feeling a little distressed, but then he put this matter aside for now, the most important thing for him now is to deal with the Quartz Conference in front of him.

"Forget it, when the time comes, I will discuss this matter with Dr. Oki first."

"After the Quartz Conference is over, try to travel to other alliances to take a look."

After Natsume checked the opponent's elf eggs, he found that Xie Mi's hatching on the tree of life was quite stable.

Coupled with the assistance of the grass-type Genesis Slate, the opponent can definitely be regarded as having a bright future after hatching in the future.

When leaving, Natsume did not forget to take out a thin towel, wipe the other party's elf eggs, and then put the other party on the tree of life again.

"I don't know if this little guy will hatch when I attend the Quartz Conference."

"But Darkrai should be able to hatch before I attend the Quartz Conference."

"It's time to see the opponent's strength."

Natsume planned to wait until the time to participate in the Quartz Conference. If the opponent's strength was not very strong, he planned to take out the elves that he had just subdued or cultivated for a short time.

It's just a little pity that the elves currently in Natsume's hand are the worst in strength, and all of them have reached the gymnasium level.

If it weren't for the fact that all the badges he got throughout the process were gem-level, it would be a bit of a bully to compete with other trainers for the top 128 position.

But even so, looking at Natsume at the Quartz Conference over the years, it is estimated that if the game does not reach the top 32, it is estimated that the opponents against him should not be very strong.

Unless the behind-the-scenes personnel of the alliance have lost their minds, they will arrange those capable people to fight against him.

Then Natsume went to the Super Energy Waterfall, which was also the place where Natsume felt that his elves gathered the most.

When he arrived here, Natsume also had to admire, and also went to build such a super waterfall in his secret realm, which was really the wisest decision in his life.

I saw that above the waterfall, Chaomeng was sitting cross-legged and releasing his powerful money ability, and below the waterfall, apart from Xanadu and the giant golden monster, there was an extra king.

And Victini is constantly making troubles and playing around.

It seems to be because everyone who plays here is used to it, and also slightly overcome some annoying weaknesses.

Even compared to those elves, I like the environment here more.

And in the lake formed by the spring of the waterfall below the waterfall, Menus and Xishi Hairen are constantly swimming.

It also seems to be quite leisurely.

Moreover, Menus and West Lion Sea Ren jumped out from time to time, drawing beautiful flowers in the air.

And not far away, the thousand-year-old lightning strike tree harvested by Natsume a long time ago has also been completely utilized.

In addition to being occupied by the electric dragon as his own lair, there is now a new member on the thousand-year-old lightning strike tree.

Natsume placed Zeraora's elf eggs obtained at the auction before to hatch here, so that the electric dragon should take good care of each other.

And because it seems that the conditions in Natsume's Secret Realm are too good, the opponent's own weak vitality has been recovered during this period of time, although Natsume cannot communicate with the opponent through the power of Changpan.

However, the perception of the opponent's current education situation through the power of Tokiwa still seems to be quite good.

In the end, Natsume directly used superpowers to float up, came to the top of the waterfall and sat cross-legged on the other side of Mewtwo, and made a spiritual connection with several of his elves through superpowers.

"." It seems that you guys must be disobedient. "

"I told you to take a good rest in the recent period, and the Quartz Conference will be here soon." "I don't want any accidents to happen to you before the conference begins." All the elves shook their heads in unison, comforting Natsume started.

They also understand Natsume's worry (getting well).

But as teachers of the elves, they are still quite temperamental.

Especially the sooner they follow the spirits of Natsume, the harder they work, for fear that they will be surpassed by the partners who joined later.

This is why Natsume is often helpless.

"Okay, okay, I won't argue with you." Natsume was also annoyed by them, so he had no choice but to stop.

"You just need to remember to combine work and rest in the future. Anyway, I don't lack resources at hand. You just need to improve your strength steadily." I don't want you to harm yourself by taking some shortcuts." "Chaomeng, you usually take care of them."

Natsume is also a little helpless, such a hard-working elf sometimes gives him a headache.

Chaomeng also flicked her big tail helplessly.

Originally, she thought so too, and she also said so to these elves.

But it's really hard to beat these seniors, that's why they won to sit on the top of this super waterfall. "Father, I really can't control this matter." "Everyone here is my senior."

Chapter 418: Buy Mewtwo's Mega Evolution Stone (2 more)

"And I really want to participate in the Quartz Conference." This is also Natsume's claws.

To be honest, Natsume would not refuse to take out the divine beast to pretend to be coercive.

But if you pretend to be cool for a while, then Natsume must also have the ability to bear the consequences.

Although Natsume's current contacts and his own strength are not too worried about such things, what he wants more is the kind of strength that overwhelms one side so that no one else has any complaints.

In this way, even if he takes out all these beasts on hand, even if those interested people in the alliance want to get them from Natsume, there is no way.

Unless they are not afraid of Natsume's revenge.

But it is a pity that there is still a little gap from the height in Natsume's heart.

If his hole cards are exposed too much, those guys in the alliance will definitely do whatever they can, and Natsume will have to run away first.

After all, the elves on hand only have potential, not strength.

Perhaps after their strength has fully grown, all of them will fall into Natsume's hands. Only in this way will the alliance be able to cast a trap. "Okay, let me see the situation."

"If conditions permit, I will officially let you be born."

"I believe that with my current strength, ability, and connections with the champions in the league, there is no problem in keeping you." "If you really need to make a move at that time, don't hold back and show yourself Your strength." Chaomeng is very smart, and immediately understood the meaning of Natsume's words, and also nodded.

"However, you guys should take a good rest recently. I ordered a few tickets for the boat 113 to Orudran City." "The Brave Festival over there is about to begin."

"It's estimated that it will be very lively there at that time, and I will release you all at that time, so you can relax."

"Since I've been by my side, I've been exercising or fighting shrewdly every day, although this is normal for a trainer who has just debuted." "But your strength is not only improving as quickly as possible, but also mentally. It's quite tight." Natsume stretched out his finger and flicked Xanadu's forehead.

The opponent stopped exercising when Natsume arrived, and all the elves basically surrounded Natsume.

This also made Shanaido blush, so I turned my head unhappy.

And the golden monster lay on the other side. Although he didn't say anything, the complicated data flow in his eyes was constantly flowing by, and it could be seen that he was also very excited.

As for Victini, she didn't know when she got into Natsume's arms, and she was eating a small cake happily.

Moreover, he accidentally dropped the cream cake on hand on Natsume's pants.

It also made Natsume reveal the black lines all over his head.

"I really don't know what to say."

"It's also fortunate that it's in the secret realm, otherwise I don't know how to explain it to Nanami and the others." Then Natsume also took out a few paper towels from her own space and wiped the cream on her body.

Chaomeng was just a little unhappy, and lifted this (bfai) little guy from Natsume's arms and put it on the other side.

It was also quite helpless to blame Natsume.

"Father, you are too used to Victini." "I have never seen you treat me so well."

This also made Natsume choke involuntarily. I didn't expect that the good boy Chaomeng would learn to be jealous when.

But Natsume really has nothing to say about it.

When Victini took out this piece of cream cake from him before, it was completely out of instinct, and even Natsume automatically opened Natsume's system space without stopping the other party.

This is a very miraculous thing. Natsume was born a long time ago and asked the system.

The answer given by the system is that the space of the system is actually stored in Natsume.

If Natsume's main body consciousness doesn't have any thoughts of rejection and resistance, these super-power elves can indeed actively open the system space on Natsume's body.

And like Chaomeng and Xanadu, when they tried to take something out of Natsume's system space like Victini, none of them failed.

This made them wonder whether Natsume had some kind of opinion on them for a long time.

But then they gradually gave up this idea. After all, among all the elves, only Victini can do this.

According to their estimates, it may be that Natsume subconsciously regarded Victini's behavior as a child's behavior and didn't care.

And they are more mature, so although Natsume doesn't have any resistance on the surface, there should still be a little resistance deep down in his heart.

It's just speculation, but that's what they think.

So this matter has not let Natsume know.

After getting along with these elves for a period of time, Natsume also learned about their life in the secret realm.

I have to say that the life in the secret realm is indeed good, but it is too quiet and lacks the motivation for life.

In other words, Natsume's secret realm lacks too many neighbors, although Natsume's secret realm is just a small secret realm.

But this also makes the elves who prefer to be lively feel a little empty.

So Natsume was also thinking about the facts and then subdued a large number of elves, and put them in the secret realm for breeding.

Perhaps under such circumstances, these elves will reduce some time for self-exercise and do some things they like to do.

This is also a kind of self-cultivation for trainers like Natsume.

"By the way, Chaomeng, how do you feel about your body now?"

"It should have been a long time since I came out of the breeding tank. The gene fusion in my body should have stabilized."

The other party nodded, and also talked about his perception of himself during this period of time.

"It's okay, my lord father, I always feel that my strength has improved rapidly in the recent period."

"It won't be long before you should be able to start touching the laws."

"And even the body is not as weak as before."

The other party seemed to want to show something in front of Natsume, and suddenly a boulder moved over, and then crushed the other party with his bare hands.

During this period, there was no energy leakage, and it could be seen that the other party really did this with their own physique.

This is also where Natsume saw a little difference.

"It shouldn't be my genes that play a role, but it should also play a stimulating role."

"From the materials left by the Rockets, it was mentioned that they also considered the power of mage evolution in the Carlos area when they cloned the cells of the dream to make Mewtwo."

"So in setting you up, you can actually mega-evolve like some elves."

"And among your two evolutions, one of the mage evolution values ​​will greatly strengthen your physical strength and transform it into an elf of the super energy system and the fighting system."

After Natsume squatted down and checked the powder on the ground, he made his own judgment.

Then Natsume directly opened the mall inside his system, and after finding the two evolutionary stones of Chaomeng, after thinking twice, he planned to spend a little more Union Coins to directly purchase the ultimate fusion version of these two evolutionary stones.

Then handed the evolution stone to the other party.

Then, without Natsume's assistance, Chaomeng began to use the mage evolution on hand to perform super evolution.

The other party changed its appearance twice in a row, and then changed back to its original appearance. Finally, it squeezed again, and then shook its big tail heavily with its small paws with only three fingers.

"Although the power of Lord Father is miraculous, it is not very powerful."

"At least for me, it doesn't increase my strength much."

"But if it is possible to change the shape during a battle, it may be more suitable for a special scene."

Chaomeng was also thinking about the two forms he had just obtained before, and thinking about how he should fight and how he should fight under these two forms.

Chaomeng's thoughts can't be hidden from Natsume.

Natsume patted the opponent's head.

"Don't think too much, I'm giving this thing to you, just to let you familiarize yourself with it in advance."

"I believe that even without this thing, sooner or later you will be able to touch the threshold of this change of form."

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