"However, only with such grades can he be promoted so quickly. You said he was the captain."

And the captain of their team couldn't help but nodded. It's not like they haven't seen geniuses before.

But a ruthless guy like Natsume is really rare, even in their army, there are very few such talents.

"Natsume has never heard of this name before. If he is a talent from our Huaxia District, he must have heard of it a long time ago."

"Probably from the Kanto region."

"The headquarters of the alliance is really full of talents."

"You don't know how the talents in our region quickly score points, right?"

Lao Lei retracted the screen in his hand, and couldn't help sighing when he got into the backpack.

After sighing for a while, everyone also reported the situation here.

And as early as when Natsume slaughtered monsters in large quantities, it was located in the logistics base, and its ranking and its points had already been rising rapidly.

It also attracted the attention of a large number of trainers.

It also made many people remember Natsume's name.

At this moment, Natsume patted his ass, moved away in an instant, and after several times of teleportation, Natsume finally found a secluded valley, hid in it, and blocked the only exit. He let out a long breath.

"Huh, I guess my elves are exhausted enough this time." "Chaomeng, don't you think so?"

The window and door floating on Natsume's side also nodded, using telepathy to communicate with Natsume. "Everyone worked hard this time, for example, Victini, a lazy little guy, did his best." Finally, after Natsume took out the scoring instrument, he checked his ranking, and finally showed understanding smile. "Forget it, that's all I should have at the moment."

"Neither will be surpassed by others, nor will I surpass others again..."

"There is not much time left now, which is a pity. If I had known about this kind of good thing for attracting beast fans earlier, it is estimated that the number one in the points ranking would have to be replaced." Natsume was a little helpless.

Then Natsume released all his elves, fed them energy cubes and some small desserts, and then used various medicines to help them recover. "Although they can be handed over to Ms. Joey for comprehensive treatment after they go out, I can also help them recover briefly." "As long as there is no more fierce fighting in the future, it will be fine."

Then Natsume took back his managers again, and they were no longer needed.

At this moment, only Mewtwo and Victini are left beside Natsume.

After all, the little guy doesn't want to go back anyway, after all, he can still eat small cakes in Natsume's arms, and it will be quite boring in the secret realm after going back.

And Natsume was watching, and let the other party stay in the outside world for the sake of the other party's contribution this time. "Let's take a walk outside next."

"Chaomeng, if you're comfortable with it, just kill any monsters that don't have eyes." Chaomeng nodded, these things are just smooth anyway. "Let's go and see if we can meet other trainers."

"I always feel that there is a gap between this trial of the secret war realm and the last time I went to the secret war realm."

"It's already the third day, and the probability of encountering a trainer is pitifully low, right?"

"Anyway, it's a conference held jointly by the two regions. There are more than this number of trainers in the two regions." Natsume was also a little curious about how other trainers would kill monsters.

After all, it can be seen from the rankings that the gap in points between the rankings becomes larger.

Then Natsume also found Xiaomao's ranking on the points leaderboard.

"The trainers in the Kanto region really suffered a big loss at 0.8 this time."

"It's all about the asymmetry in information."

"It is estimated that after this alliance meeting is broadcast, other regions will probably be able to understand the ferocity of the Huaxia region."

And Xiao Mao, Cheng Zi, and A Jian who were located in the other direction also noticed Natsume who had risen to the top of the rankings.

Ah Jian couldn't help but sigh.

"The last time I saw this guy, I just thought he had great potential and was worth a friend." "I didn't expect him to surpass us so quickly, and we couldn't even see his back from a distance." "I don't know how he ranks in the points on the ranking list."

And Cheng Zi on the other side just looked at the rankings on the leaderboard with interest and showed a graceful smile.

"It's not bad, with such strength, and the strike is really decisive enough, so many points can be obtained in such a short period of time." "I guess he did something big."

"Now that guy should be surrounded by the resentment of those monsters and a lot of life.".

Chapter 461: Two Furious Families (1 more)

"It's really a trainer who is naturally suitable for ghost specialization." Cheng Zi also expressed his opinion.

Her elf also became extremely powerful during these three days of killing, but there were some mental problems.

Fortunately, her family has its own method to suppress it, or even solve it, but that's all.

If she forced her elves to continue fighting to gain points, her Geng Gui and those ghosts would probably go berserk.

And the other two people next to them have also noticed the state of the other party's elves these days, and something is not quite right.

Naturally, it also slowed down the speed and quantity of killing monsters.

"Forget it, anyway, we have all entered the top 256."

"Although the ranking is a bit low, it doesn't mean that our strength is really weak."

"After the round-robin knockout round of the conference starts, we will prove to the trainers in the Huaxia region the strength of our trainers in the Kanto region." Xiaomao also clenched his fists. In this audition, the eliminated In the competition, even if the three of them teamed up to fight World of Warcraft, the results were still so embarrassing.

It was really embarrassing for him, so he really wanted to fight hard in the competition of the conference.

The other two also nodded.

"After the audition knockout round is over, let's ask that guy Natsume, how did he do it? He was able to kill so many monsters with a number of 15 in the secret war realm."

After Ah Jian patted the shoulders of the two of them, he started walking back in the direction he was waiting for.

Obviously, the opponent no longer wants to stay in such a deep place as the Secret War Realm.

On the other side, Xiahou Qingyi and Luo Yingying carefully avoided countless monsters and trainers, and finally returned to the rear logistics base.

When the two arrived at the logistics base, they finally let out a sigh of relief.

It is also the first time to report to the people in my family about the situation this time.

"Sister Tsing Yi, I will contact my family first, and you should hurry up, otherwise that guy and his family will definitely wipe out all the evidence." As long as they are smug, we have nothing to do."

Xiahou Qingyi nodded, and after finding a room with no one there, he began to contact people in the family.

Soon the other side of the screen lit up, and a middle-aged man appeared, looking heroic and wearing a military uniform.

After seeing that the person contacting her on the opposite side was her own daughter, she immediately showed her aunt's smile.

"It turned out to be Tsing Yi, shouldn't you be eliminated in the audition in the Secret War Realm now? Why don't you contact me when you have time?"

"Is there something wrong? Or did someone bully you?"

"If you have been wronged in any way, tell Dad, and Dad will immediately interrupt the tmd dog." Although the middle-aged man's tone was very soft, the words he said did not make people agree.

Afterwards, Xia Hou Qingyi told the other party exactly what happened to him before, and then took out the energy barrier device on his body. "Dad, I heard that your military personnel installed some monitoring devices in the energy barrier device. Is it true?" The other party nodded, and only a small number of people in their military knew about this matter.

"Then it's easy to handle. Then there should be some evidence in my energy barrier device. When the time comes, I must make the Ke family look good, especially that guy Ke Zhenwei."

Immediately, Xiahou Qingyi solemnly collected this precious evidence, and the middle-aged man on the opposite side actually kept suppressing his anger after hearing what his daughter said, until the connection between the two parties was broken After that, it finally roared out.

"Damn the Ke family and that little bastard, I didn't expect to be so courageous." "Even my precious daughter dares to plot."

"Since I was a child, I didn't even dare to yell at her. I dared to hurt my precious daughter and even poisoned her. This matter is endless." The middle-aged man was about to act immediately, but he stopped There was a communication request from another person.

After looking at the other party's identity, he picked it up casually.

Soon, there was a burst of angry roar on the other side.

"Brother Xiahou, you should have heard your niece report the news in the secret war realm to you, right?" "What do you think now, do you want to fight together?" Obviously, the opposite side is the Luo Yingying family people here.

"Hmph, I thought you would persuade me based on the deep friendship between your two families." "I didn't expect you, Lao Leizi, to have such a good temper."

That's right, the person who suggested to him was Luo Yingying's father, Luo Lei.

As for the other middle-aged man on the other side, he was a little helpless. "That's right, Brother Xiahou."

"It is true that some members of the family have already been bought by the Ke family, and they even speak for them."

"What did you say that Lao Tzu's daughter was thrown out, how can it affect the relationship between the two families?" "I slapped it back immediately."

"The old man is still retreating now. If the old man is still there, it is estimated that the person who said these words is not as simple as a slap." "But now my family can't take action directly, but as a father, I want revenge It’s okay to give them a look at the Ke family.”

"By the way, brother Xiahou, hurry up and get rid of a group of people to protect the two of them, and bring back the evidence by the way. We must make their Hakka speechless."

"And that brat Ke Zhenwei, I didn't expect him to act in front of us before."

"It's so sinister and ugly behind the scenes. This time, I'm going to make him unable to even attend the joint meeting of the two regions."

"And don't think about their Ke family's qualifications to run for the chairman of the alliance."

After thinking together for a while, the two men finally decided on their next move.

"That's it, old Ray."

"I'll bring a group of people to protect those two little girls, and you bring some people to me, and stop the Hakka people at their door."

"After I go to the Secret War Realm to deal with the matter, I will go over to meet you immediately."

Then the two sides hung up the contact and started to act.

And in a previous conference room in the logistics hall, Dr. Oki and President Damaranch were sitting and chatting with some senior military officers, generals and councilors from the Huaxia District.

At the same time, they were chatting about some outstanding younger generations.

"The qualifications of the trainers you slid down are really good. Let's take a look at our trainers in the Kanto region."

"There are not many people who are on the rankings. Even if they are on the rankings, the rankings are pitifully low."

"Compared to the trainers on your side in terms of actual combat, they are really far behind."

And that General Long was just a little embarrassed. After all, everyone carried the sedan chair, so he had to be humble for a while.

"President Damalanqi, don't act like this."

"You actually have quite a few talents in the Kanto area, but our trainers in the Huaxia area took advantage of the elimination in this audition."

"If we hadn't discussed the use of war cheats for audition elimination, according to the previous elimination method, it is estimated that the outcome would only be 55."

"And look at the top 5 trainers, isn't there a trainer from your Kanto region?"

"Without the help of Beast Lure fans, I can achieve such a result. I have to say that it is indeed the biggest dark horse in this two-place conference."

"By the way, is this trainer named Natsume a descendant of which big family on your side?"

"This training is really good."

Speaking of this, General Long also had a sour tone.

His own trainer, and his two children, after taking so much convenience, their grades are actually not as good as others, which really makes him feel a little embarrassed.

After Damalanqi and Dr. Oki looked at each other, they almost laughed out loud.

Others may not know the details of Natsume, but the two of them do.

One grew up watching Natsume, and the other is a good friend of Dr. Oki, who is more or less concerned about the people around Dr. Oki.

Naturally, he also knows how much Natsume has.

However, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not answer this question, but planned to wait until the report was released together in the future, which would shock people all over the world for Natsume.

It didn't take long for the sky to gradually darken. This time, the three-day and three-night audition elimination competition will be over soon.

Although there is no accurate time environment inside the War Secret Realm, everyone basically wears watches and can still determine specific information.

There are quite a few people who want to take advantage of this last chance to work hard and seize the last place. .

Chapter 462: The General Arrives, Arresting People (2 more)

And Natsume finally recovered from his long rest.

Although the elves on his body are no longer suitable for continuing to fight, but need a good rest, this does not mean that Natsume has no ability to move around in the secret war realm.

After confirming the direction, Natsume planned to return to the direction of the previous logistics base. "Those guys who have basically confirmed their rankings will probably go back." "After all, the longer you stay in a place like the Secret Warfare, the more dangerous it will be."

"Maybe I can also see some talents from the Huaxia region along the way. I guess they should be my strong opponents to win the championship next."

Natsume also secretly made up his mind that in order to win the championship of this year's league competition, even if it is to expose the existence of Mewtwo, he must get it.

Along the way, Natsume also saw many naked bunkers.

There are a lot of bloodstains on these bunkers, and it can be seen that there have been many battles here.

At the same time, Natsume sighed a little.

"People in this Huaxia area are really clean. They have been here for three days and three nights, and they can't even see a good treasure." "In the past, I went to the secret place of war. Dig some ore and jade."

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