"On the other hand, Nangong Wentian took out champion-level spirits one after another, and never used king-level spirits at all." "From this point of view, Nangong Wentian's hard power should be stronger than Xia Mu's player." Many trainers in the Kanto region are even more worried about Natsume.

Because they also saw this, and it seemed that Natsume was no match for the opponent in terms of hard power. "Xanaido mage evolution."

I saw Xanadu, who was already level 70, after undergoing mage evolution, his strength suddenly increased to the peak of the king of heaven.

Coupled with the support of Natsume's super power, it is also possible to fight against champion-level elves.

The showdown between the two sides is imminent.

"Sidolan, use the original power."

Chapter 556: Xanadu's Exit (2 more)

I saw Sidolan condense an energy ball and hit it straight towards Super Xanadu.

"Xanadu used the mental blade to blow him up."

"Then use mental force."

I saw that the mental power blade used by Super Xanadu easily blew up the energy formed by the opponent's primitive power.

Then a wave of strong spirit directly enveloped Sidoran's body.

Grabbed Xi Duolan fiercely, and slapped him on the ground continuously.

I don't know how many stalagmites were broken.

"Sidolan, quickly use the smoke, and then use the wave of evil."

I saw Sidolan spewing out a large puff of black smoke on the spot, covering himself, and then hiding in the black smoke and using the wave of evil.

However, Super Xanadu, who is more sensitive to the energy of evil attributes, noticed the opponent's attack immediately.

Immediately, he moved at a high speed and dodged directly.

There is a certain distance between the two parties, and this distance is enough for Super Xanadu to make any response.

After Nangong Wentian discovered this, he immediately ordered Xi Duolan to use the lava storm.

And the power of the lava storm cannot be underestimated.

It directly covered half of the sky.

And it is still continuously shrinking the distance within which Super Xanadu can move.

"Super Xanadu uses the mist field to make 15 wishes."

I saw a flash of pink light, and then Super Xanadu disappeared in place with a teleportation.

When the other party reappeared, it had already appeared on the back of Xi Dolan.

"Xanadu uses a megaton heavy kick."

I saw Super Xanadu falling from the sky and using a million-ton heavy kick.

With a single kick, Sidolan stepped on the ground, and a big hole suddenly appeared on the ground.

No one could have imagined that Xanadu, who was petite and weak, would be able to make such a violent attack.

"Sitran, are you alright?"

Nangong Wentian was a little worried about the opponent's attack, and it was indeed a bit fierce.

But he nodded in satisfaction when he saw Sidolan climbing out of the pit again.

If the beast elves were knocked down by other elves, it would be a bit bragging about the other party's name.

"Sidoran uses provocation, then wave of evil".

I saw Xi Duolan gave Shanaido a disdainful expression, and Shanaido was immediately irritated by the other party.

He didn't even try to hide, and he just punched him with a million tons of punches.

And Sidolan directly used the wave of evil, and hit Super Xanadu.

The attacks of the two sides directly formed a collision, but surprisingly, Shanaido's million-ton punch directly broke the opponent's wave of evil.

Hit the body of Xi Dolan.

"It's impossible that the evil type obviously restrains the elves of the super energy type."

"What's more, your super Xanadu directly uses the body to harden the wave of evil."

"Even though my Sidorann doesn't have evil-type attributes, the power of the wave of evil used is still effective, no worse than some evil-type elves."

"How could this be the result?"

Nangong Wentian was a little unbelievable, but Xia Mu wouldn't tell him. When Super Xanadu punched a million tons of punches, he also put a super power protective cover on Xanadu's body.

This is also the tacit understanding between the trainer and the super elf.

An operation like this is obviously illegal.

However, a trainer with super powers can communicate telepathically with elves of the super power system, and can use the trainer's super powers to increase his own strength.

Its performance is that it can use the super power of the trainer independently, so the form of expression is not that Natsume covered Xanadu with super power.

Instead, Xanadu spontaneously inspired superpowers and wrapped himself up.

So in the beginning, it was the protective cover of the super power, which was the first to come into contact with the wave of evil, and then the two energies canceled each other out, and finally the million tons of punches hit Xido Lanen.

Not only Nangong Wentian was puzzled about this point, but even the audience present were confused.

In order to satisfy the doubts of all the audience, the conference also reversed the previous clip and slowed it down.

It was finally discovered that when the two elves attacked each other, there was a burst of energy fluctuations in the middle.

After research by the narrator and Dr. Dawu and Dr. Oki, he said that there is no problem.

"The fluctuations in the previous period were formed first by the superpowers and the evil fluctuations. After the collision, a million tons of punches hit Xidolan's body."

The narrator also told everyone what they saw.

Only then did the audience remember that Xanadu is a super-powered elf.

It is impossible for everyone to forget the other party's true attributes just because the other party has used fighting-style unique moves one after another.

Then before it collides with the opponent's wave of evil, it is not impossible to use the super energy system's unique move to offset the opponent.

Now Zi Nangong asked the genius to accept and nodded.

"No, elves with super power attributes are too slippery."

"If you can't catch the opponent, you can't cause an effective attack."

Thinking of this, Nangong Wentian immediately ordered Xi Duolan to continue using the lava storm to narrow the opponent's range of activities.

Under the attack of the opponent, Super Xanadu also kept narrowing the range of his activities, until finally he had to put a protective cover on his body.

After all, the entire venue is now shrouded in the lava storm of Sidolan.

The high-temperature storm carried some sand and stones, constantly flying in mid-air, even on the ground, it was flying sand and stones.

This also brought many difficulties to Super Xanadu.

Although most of her attacks use super power attributes, the attacks brought by these flying sand and rocks also scratch the opponent very painful.

In addition, elves with super power attributes are generally thin-skinned and weak in defense.

This makes Super Xanadu feel quite uncomfortable in such an environment.

The same Natsume also felt very helpless, after all, Xanadu didn't have many skills that could change the environment.

And the game must have rules of the game, it is impossible for Xanadu to hide far away and use skill attacks.

Therefore, it can only be endured by using moves such as protective covers abruptly.

"Xanadu uses phantom rays and snores."

After realizing that Super Xanadu condensed a phantom light, it hit Xido Lanen directly.

But Xi Duolan had been prepared for a long time and was not hit.

However, the snoring that followed made Xi Dolan a little sleepy.

Natsume also seized the opportunity.

"Xanadu uses meditation and hypnosis."

I saw Shanaido meditating cross-legged, and then used hypnosis, and now Xi Duolan fell into sleep completely.

"Hurry up and use Xanadu to predict the future."

Natsume saw that the opponent's Xidoran hadn't woken up yet, and when he came over, he immediately ordered Xanadu to build his own advantage.

(.?, 6!) "Xanadu is quick to use for rain, feature swap, defense swap, and power swap."

"Use the Kiss of Absorption to suck his strength."

I saw Super Xanadu, wearing a protective cover, jumped up and down, and took a deep breath in front of Xi Duolan, sucking the opponent's body.

It made up for the physical strength lost before, and also recovered part of the injury.

After being absorbed by Super Shanaido most of his physical strength, so did Xi Duolan, who finally woke up from sleep.

Immediately noticed something was wrong.

The surrounding flying sand and rocks, as well as the high temperature, made Seadolan feel quite uncomfortable.

This is clearly abnormal.

On the opposite side, Super Xanadu just gave up his protective cover and was completely exposed to the lava storm.

However, thanks to the feature swap and defense swap, she has swapped Sidolan's defense and features.

In such an environment, it can be said that it is like a duck.

Moreover, dark clouds continued to condense in the sky, and it was raining lightly, trying to lower the temperature in the venue at this moment. "Xanadu instantly moves the Super Flame Fist."

This move condenses Super Xanadu's flame fist and megaton punch.

A teleportation came to the bottom of Xi Duolan, and before the opponent could react, he sent the opponent flying with a fist of ascending to heaven.

It is obvious that Natsume Xanadu fully endorsed the noun of violent loli.

This also allowed many hunks to see a new direction of development. "That's right, this is the elf that a hunk should subdue." "Look at how powerful this punch is." I saw that Xi Duolan was also directly sent flying by this punch. "Xidolan quickly use Mount Tai to press the top." Sidoran in mid-air seized the opportunity, directly used the Mount Tai to press, and pressed towards Super Xanadu.

Xanadu who used this trick is not without any sequelae.

After all, she is not a fighting elf, and her physical fitness is obviously inferior to these fighting elves, so after using the fusion skills of these three unique moves, her body also fell into stiffness. .

Chapter 557: Both Out (1 more)

He was immediately overwhelmed by Sidolan, and then slowly crawled away, and found that Super Xanadu had withdrawn from the state of mage evolution.

And Natsume also felt that the telepathy between himself and Xanadu had been disconnected.

This means that Xanadu has lost the ability to fight.

But fortunately, Seado Lane is not in a good state at present.

Although he could barely fight, he was also cheated by his own skills.

The damage caused by the lava storm, the steel-attribute Xidolan also suffered a lot.

Fortunately, Xanadu was defeated in time, so that the previously swapped characteristics, as well as the defense swap, the defensive power and characteristics that were exchanged in the past, came back again.

Natsume took out the Poke Ball and took Xanadu back.

Then he looked at the playing field and began to count the elves between the two sides.

"Nangong Wentian, there is still one elf that hasn't appeared on the stage. Lei Gong was half disabled by me, and he can't appear on the stage without treatment in a short period of time."

"But if his elves and mine all die together, then the only Thunder God left with the ability to fight will become the last straw that breaks the camel's back."

"And I still have a Boss Kedora on hand in the Poké Ball, recovering its strength and energy."

"And I still have two quotas for elves, but the other elves are about the same strength, and they are all just early days of kings."

"Not much use for such an occasion."

Thinking of this, Natsume must not hide his strength in order to ensure that he can win the next battle.

"Come out, wind speed dog."

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