After hearing the evasion in Natsume's mouth, everyone understood very well and did not continue to ask.

After that, the group got along very happily, and went back to rest after they separated in the hotel.

On the second day, Natsume packed his luggage after waking up, and he was about to go out again.

Just as Natsume was carrying his luggage, he happened to bump into the owner of Yakun, who had just returned from an activity outside and gave birth to a child.

"What's the matter? Is Dr. Natsume leaving so early? Could it be that my hospitality is not good enough?"

Yakun looked at Natsume who was carrying the luggage, and was a little puzzled that the other party was a male, and he left in a bit too hasty.

Natsume shook his head.

"It's nothing, it's just that I want to go to Ssangyong City earlier to finish my work before returning to the Kanto region."

"You also know that my affairs are not a secret in this circle, and the family will soon be busy."

While saying this, Natsume also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The owner of the Yakun pavilion might as well clap his hands.

"Yes, Natsume, if you don't say it, I almost forgot about it." "When the time comes, remember to invite the child to drink the full moon wine."

Natsume nodded, the two of them can be regarded as nodding acquaintances, and they don't mind giving each other an invitation letter because they rely on the friend project when they are away from home.

However, the owner of Yakun still took Natsume back to the gym.

"Dr. Natsume, you left in a bit of a hurry. To be honest, I wanted to talk about it yesterday." "I want to have an elf battle with you."

While saying this, Natsume was also dragged by the opponent to the usual elf battle venue.

After Natsume looked around, he found that there were no staff around at the moment, even Xiaoju'er hadn't woken up yet.

Summer nodded.

"It can be counted as a private discussion between us."

"When you were in the underground palace yesterday, you must have suffered such a big loss because you didn't bring out your main elves." One experience is enough..." "In the early morning, let's do a post-dinner exercise for the elves." The owner of Yakun nodded, and then took out his elf ball.

Regarding the fact that he missed a Reggie Rock yesterday, he was still a little unconvinced in his heart.

Although he recognized Natsume's strength, he never admitted that he would lose to Reggie Locke.

It's all because Natsume took advantage of it.

So he really wanted to earn that breath back from here.

Natsume didn't refute, and also wanted to have an elf battle with the other party, to try out the strength between the two parties. "Come out, Pang Yan monster."

Natsume also took out his poke ball. "Come out, Metagross."

After the two elves appeared on the field, they both noticed each other's strength.

Obviously, the Pang Yan monster of the owner of the Yakun Pavilion had the upper hand, and he also took out his main elves this time.

But Natsume didn't care, anyway, he mainly wanted to hone his spirit.

By the way, find a breakthrough to let the other party vent.

After all, a Reggie Locke is not so easy to put down.

"Megro mage evolution".

Of course, Natsume would not stay where he was and get beaten, and also took out the mage stone of the giant metal monster.

This is what Natsume spent a certain amount of points and exchanged within the alliance. If it weren't for his status and authority, it is estimated that if he is just an ordinary trainer, even if he has enough points, he will not be able to join the alliance.

The interior is replaced by such a precious thing.

Immediately, the aura of the giant golden monster rose a lot, shortening the distance between it and the Pangyan monster.

However, there is still a certain gap in the strength of experience between the two parties.

"Pangyan Monster uses Invisibility Rock, Power Gem."

"Megro uses Meditation, then uses Psychic Shock."

I saw invisible rocks spread all over the game in all directions, and then a powerful gem attack hit the giant golden monster.

And the invisible mental impact of the giant metal monster also hit the opposite side word monster.

This time, neither of the two sides escaped the benefits, and they both ate each other's blows.

However, the giant golden monster was obviously injured more seriously.

"Megros Uses Phantom Rays".

"Climbers use specular reflection."

The phantom relationship used by the linear giant metal monster was quickly reflected by the mirror surface of the Pangyan monster and hit directly.

And the golden monster also fell into the illusion all of a sudden, and the whole elf froze in place.

"Good Chance Pangyan Monsters Use Destruction Beams".

The giant golden monster was also sent flying all at once, and it went out to draw a long distance on the ground, and even retreated from the state of evolution.

Then at this moment the giant gold monster recovered.

After seeing the menacing Pang Yan monster on the opposite side, he also directly used the bullet punch.

However, the order from the owner of the Yakun Pavilion was faster, and Pang Yanguai immediately used the ultimate impact.

Without any precautions, the giant golden monster also directly lost its fighting ability. .

Reward share report

Chapter 606: Hoarding a large number of skill discs (2 more)

Natsume shook his head, took out the poke ball and took the pokemon back. "It seems that this should be the real strength of you, the master of Yakun." Yakun also nodded and was quite satisfied with the performance of his elf this time. "Much more comfortable."

"Let's end with Reggie Locke."

"After all, if you missed it at the beginning, you missed it. It is your ability and luck to be seized by Dr. Natsume." "I am quite old, and I can still see it."

Natsume nodded, and after the two had a simple breakfast in the living room, Natsume and Xiao Ju'er said goodbye to each other. "Master Yakun, you can send it here, this city still needs you, so we will go by ourselves." "You must come when I give you the invitation letter." The owner of Yakun nodded.

"By the way, Xiao Ju'er, do you want to go say hello to Dr. Yew?" Xiao Ju'er shook her head.

"No need, Dr. Yew and I are also very familiar with each other."

"Yesterday, I heard from him that if he wants to sort out the harvest in this mural, he must at least sort out a report and submit it to the alliance at that time." "When the time comes, the alliance will be confirmed. Really announce it."

"You are really beautiful as a hands-off shopkeeper, and Dr. Yew will remember your name as the first person in this report." Natsume shook her head helplessly after listening.

"Forget it, I'll give Dr. Yew a message."

"For this matter, at most, I can just remember a second-person researcher from the sidelines."

Xiao Ju'er nodded, anyway, this incident will not affect their next journey.

Then Xiao Juer pointed to the next stop on the map, Fukiyo City. "My good sister Fenglu also runs a gym here."

"When we were young, we were still traveling together in the Hezhong area, and then participated in the league meeting." "Later, I did not continue to be a professional trainer, but became a slightly famous model. "Gradually became a world famous model, and later inherited the gymnasium at home."

Xiao Ju'er also gradually talked about some things in his past.

"Then Fenglu, in fact, she is the real one along the way, and she has never changed her original intention."

"After the conference ended that year, he left the Hezhong area and went to Shen'ao, Fengyuan, and Chengdu to travel and participate in those conferences." "After his strength became stronger, Then I returned to the Hezhong area and applied for the qualification of a gym trainer." "Now in her hometown, Fukiyoshi has become a qualified gym trainer of the flying department." Prosperity." "In the past, it was quite a remote city with no roads."

After Xiao Ju'er said this, she thought of her good sister, and she nodded her head for her hard work over the years.

The demeanor of the two of them back then can be said to be the champion of the Hezhong region.

However, after traveling for a few years, that guy Fenglu came back tanned.

And also fell in love with a more dangerous sport.

This also reduced the connection between Xiao Ju'er and the other party over the years, but it did not affect the relationship between the two parties.

At the same time, the relationship between Fenglu and Dr. Yew is also very good.

It seems to be the feelings passed down by the previous generation.

Summer nodded.

"Let's go, the two of you are gym trainers, and you have to be responsible for your own gym identity and protect your own city." "There shouldn't be many chances to meet each other over the years, so I just took this opportunity to go to the gym." See you."

"When you go to the Kanto region with me, it will probably be a long time, and you won't return to the Hezhong region." Xiao Ju'er nodded. She also chose to go to Ssangyong after considering this point. city ​​route.

Then Xiao Juer took Natsume to a helicopter parking area.

This is a helicopter that Xiao Ju'er had booked yesterday.

When the two came over with their luggage, Natsume was also a little puzzled.

"Didn't it mean that the distance between here and Fukiyo City is very close? It is necessary to use a helicopter." Xiao Ju'er just shook her hand helplessly.

"You're not local, so you don't know."

"Although the environment is remote and the roads are impassable, it is the largest airport in our Hezhong area."

"Basically, if you want to go to other regions, it is most suitable to take a flight there. Basically, most of the flights in all regions will only land there." "You were able to take this flight to Raven City , it can only be said that the development of Raven City has been pretty good over the years."

"Otherwise, you must go to Fukiyo City first and then transfer to another flight to Raven City." Natsume nodded. He is not a local, so he doesn't know the situation here.

But that doesn't mean he can't understand.

Then the two got on the helicopter and arrived in Fukiyo City after a short time.

As soon as the two of them got off the helicopter, they saw a dark-skinned girl greeting her here. "Xiao Ju'er, Xiao Ju'er, over here, over here, you haven't come to see me for a long time." I saw that Feng Lu had been waiting for her friend here long ago.

After receiving a call from Xiaoju'er yesterday, she was already ready.

After confirming their departure time, they were already waiting at the airport.

At this moment, there are major flights coming and going on this vast airport.

Natsume also looked at the surrounding flights and nodded. "Sure enough, it is the largest airport in the Hezhong area." "It seems that there are still some merits."

Just as Natsume was looking around, Fenglu was also in the same small area around his waist.

Then asked in a low voice.

"Xiao Ju'er, is that the fiancé your family chose for you?" "It doesn't look like much, except that he looks good."

Fenlu was a little curious about Natsume, but how could they not have discovered the whispers between them with Natsume's super power. "It's nothing, he's still very good, don't you recognize him?"

Feng Lu shook his head, he didn't know Xia Mu, he just thought Xia Mu's face was a little familiar.

Afterwards, Xiao Ju'er also told her best friend about Natsume's identity.

If there is a joke after that, it must be bad.

Therefore, it is better to inform the identities of both parties in advance.

After Fenlu knew Natsume's identity, he immediately nodded and came to Natsume to greet him. "Hello, little champion, I don't know whether to call you Doctor or colleagues." Natsume also extended his hand to shake him.

"Don't worry, you are Xiaoju'er's friend, and that is my friend, you can come as you like." Feng Lu also nodded.

She originally thought that a person like Natsume with so many identities was destined to be not so easy to get along with in terms of temper.

But I didn't expect Natsume to be quite a talkative person.

"Then I'll be the same as Xiao Ju'er, let's call you Natsume."

"Let's go, you two go to my house with your luggage first."

"After Xiaoju'er and you come here this time, we must have a good time in Fukiyo City."

"Not to mention anything else, although my city is remote, it has the largest airport in the Hezhong area."

"Lailai 223 often has a lot of flights from other regions, bringing various cultures and items."

"The department stores here are amazing."

Natsume nodded, he also understood how luxurious the department store in the Gold City was.

(",? 6,) Compared with Fukiyose City, it is a bit insignificant.

After all, there is a certain gap between the airports between the two sides.

The international airport in Fukiyo is also the world-famous place for the elf world.

After the two followed each other back to each other's home, they first put their luggage down.

And Xiao Ju'er also had a lot of things to talk to her girlfriends, so Natsume became a light bulb.

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