Some trainers joined the Rockets and some trainers became undercover agents of the Rockets, climbing higher and higher within the league.

This is why the Rockets have become more and more powerful over the years, and the league has become more and more difficult to deal with. This is because the Rockets have become too big to fall.

After Dr. Oki received the news from his grandson, he immediately contacted the guard members of his family.

After all, every family has its own guard members, which is the symbol of the strength of the whole family.

In the end, Dr. Oki still felt uneasy, and contacted Miss Junsha.

15 And it was Jun Shalan who took over the matter from Miss Jun Sha.

Because there were too many incidents involving the Rockets in Viking City before, some people in the Rescue Alliance were angry and dispatched a lot of prosecutors and security personnel to join Viking City.

Even the number of forest rangers in Viridian Forest has increased several times.

"Okay, Dr. Oki, we will definitely pay attention to this matter."

Then Jun Shalan also turned off the phone, and began to mobilize the personnel in the police station, but everyone was very serious, did not reveal their real purpose, but hid themselves and became the security personnel for this competition.

The other prosecutors changed into plain clothes and followed Xiaomao and Natsume, but some astute prosecutors discovered that it was not only Natsume and Xiaomao who had this situation.

After reporting this matter, Jun Shalan and his chief also found that they might have caught a big fish inadvertently.

Immediately afterward, he ordered that the officials under him and the prosecutors must treat this matter with care.

And Dr. Oki sat silently on the chair after contacting these people. "It's really stormy."

"I didn't expect the new generation of talents to be targeted by these unknown guys just after they debuted. It seems that our Damu family has not had much movement in these years, and it is really regarded as a soft persimmon."

"Now I really hope that my son can make some achievements in the secret war realm. Otherwise, no matter who dares to underestimate our Damu family casually, it will give me a headache as an old man." Damu It is also rare for a doctor to have a headache for the future of his family.

Although there are many younger generations in the family, the only outstanding younger generations are Xiao Mao and Nanami, and Nanami is destined to marry off. Xiao Mao alone cannot support the entire family. Some external force is needed.

"I hope that guy Juzi can let go of the grievances of the past."

"After all, the situation of our two families is quite bad now."

Dr. Oki also thought of the news that Xiaomao sent back, that is, the family of Granny Orange, and what Granny Orange wanted to talk to Dr. Oki about.

According to Dr. Oki's conjecture, it is estimated that the two parties also want to carry out in-depth cooperation between families, that is, marriage.

"Forget it, let Xiaomao's mother solve this matter."

"For these years, she must have been holding back and going crazy."

Dr. Oki also decided to liberate Xiaomao's mother, Yuzi, from the shackles of the family.

"After all, Yuzi was also a very good trainer when she was young."

"If I hadn't been blind to my son who couldn't help me, I guess Yuzi is at least a champion trainer now."

To be honest, although Dr. Oki is also a master trainer, the descendants of his family, even his own son, are quite disappointing, and their talent in trainers is not outstanding.

But the talent in cultivators and researchers is not bad, although it is not the top one.

And Yuzi was also an outstanding existence among the younger generation of trainers when she was young, and she was already a king-level trainer at a young age.

Later, after marrying Dr. Oki's son, he devoted himself to taking care of the family and family affairs, and the training of his elves was also neglected.

Fortunately, his son's nurturing, Jiaping, has survived the test. Over the years, Yuzi's elves have been taken care of very well. With a little training, he can restore the strength of the original king-level trainer.

As long as Dr. Oki works hard behind the scenes, it is not impossible for the other party to make Yuzi a champion trainer.

After all, Dr. Oki was able to spend a lot of resources on cultivating his useless son into a half-barrel champion trainer, so it is no problem for a true genius.

And Omu actually has a younger brother, although he does not have the top trainer talent like his brother, but he also has the superb talent of a researcher comparable to Damu.

The opponent left the alliance more than ten years ago and came to the Alola region.

Help the region over there form the Alola Alliance.

At the same time, the differences in the growth of elves in different regions are also studied.

Over the years, he has been no less than Dr. Oki, and has a considerable reputation.

"I hope that after this storm in the alliance, more old friends can be left behind."

Dr. Oki looked at the report on the desktop, and his brows became more and more wrinkled, because the situation on the front line was getting worse.

Maybe the Alliance really wants to announce the matter about the Secret War Realm to those trainers who are not strong enough.

And when Natsume and Xiaomao returned to Sarina's house.

The girls of a large family are celebrating the two boys' victory today with the cooking that Serena's mother is making.

"Congratulations to Natsume and Xiaomao, you two must work hard in the afternoon, it doesn't matter who wins the championship."

"When the time comes, remember to bring the championship trophy, we have to have a good face together."

Saqi also looked at the two young juniors full of expectation, recalling the time when she was young.

"It's really old. In a blink of an eye, Sarina has grown so old. After 967, Selina's affairs will be entrusted to you." "After all, you still need to rely on friends when you go out."

In the end, the other party blinked in Natsume's direction, and Natsume also nodded in reply.

And today's lunch is also quite rich, because there are so many people in the family today, Saqi and Sharina also bought a lot of ingredients and made a lot of dishes.

After finishing lunch, Natsume and Icarus came to a place where there was no one alone.

"Icarus checks the surrounding personnel and detects those who harbor malicious intent."

After hearing the project's order, Icarus' eyes also began to turn red, and he began to detect within a radius of 1 kilometer in Zhongwei.

"After the inspection, 43 of them are found to be malicious to their masters."

"At the same time, there are 120 persons similar to protection personnel monitoring nearby." "May I ask if the master wants to sanction these 163 persons?"

Icarus also asked Natsume if he wanted to deal with these people.

After thinking about it for a while, Natsume also guessed that the 120 people who were similar to protection personnel should be the people sent by Dr. Oki or the prosecutors of the alliance.

As for the 43 malicious guys, most of them may be those who have been monitoring Natsume and Xiao Mao for a long time, or have malicious existence towards them.

Although Natsume wanted to get rid of them immediately, the target was too obvious, and it was easy to startle them, so Natsume just asked Icarus to monitor them. .

Chapter 145: Communication, Fossil Fairies (3 more)

"It's enough for Icarus to monitor them. As long as they don't take the lead, we don't have to do it first."

"And even if you want to do it, Icarus, you have to remember to hide your identity. You are the biggest trump card in my hand and my current hole card. I don't want your identity to be exposed and be stared at by those who are interested.

on. ”

Natsume also explained about Icarus, then left here, returned to the hall, and chatted with Sharina and the others.

"By the way, Natsume just happened to be here, you can help me see if there is anything I can improve on my elf food?"

After Xiaoxue saw Natsume coming, she immediately took out a piece of elf food that she had researched and handed it to Natsume.

In the previous period of time, Xiaoxue also knew the formula of the energy cube in Sarina's hand, which was actually made by Natsume, and the formula of these energy cubes was not registered in the alliance.

It can be guessed that the formula of this energy cube is actually Natsume's unique formula.

Moreover, Xiaoxue could deduce from the materials used in the formula how excellent the project's talent in cultivating homers was.

After all, the recipe materials used in this energy cube are simply simple, much simpler than other elf food.

Because of the elf house opened by Xiaoxue, the elf food she concocted was only for the health of the elves, but not for the nutritional elements needed for elves to train and grow.

Moreover, formulas like elf food basically require long-term use by elves to be effective.

The energy cube is that when the trainers train the elves, they can restore the energy in the elves in a short time, as well as cultivate all aspects of physical strength and have sufficient nutrition.

It does lose the ability to have all kinds of special effects like elf food.

But even so, the materials that these two formulas need to consume are a lot of Union Coins.

A simple formula like Natsume's, but an energy cube formula with extraordinary effects, simply made Xiaoxue stunned.

So after seeing Natsume coming, he immediately asked Natsume for advice.

Natsume also took a few glances at the elf food recipe that Xiaoxue handed him. This is a food recipe related to elves.

The effect is that the elves of the department can slightly improve their aptitude after using the food formula for a long time.

The effect lasts for half a year, allowing gym-level elves to raise their aptitude to the heavenly king level. After that, it will have no effect and can only supplement the nutrition of the elves themselves.

Then Natsume saw a large list of recipes of genius treasures in this recipe, and Natsume became dazzled when he saw it.

The value of this food recipe alone is worth a full 5,000 million Union Coins.

It's just that the elves need to consume so many alliance coins for a meal.

If they didn't pay special attention to the treasured elves, there shouldn't be so many trainers who would cultivate elves.

After reading this recipe, Natsume made a fairly pertinent evaluation.

Xiaoxue also nodded. This recipe was prepared by a friend of Hualan City who invited her to help.

"Then Natsume, do you have a way to solve this problem, reduce the materials used and increase the effect at the same time?"

Natsume nodded, this matter is not difficult for him, because the use of natural materials and earth treasures in this food formula is not too perfect.

Most of the energy will basically be wasted later, without proper fusion and deployment.

"Your formula contains natural treasures related to attributes. If there are too many, the spirits of the department will not be able to absorb them, and a lot of energy will be wasted."

"You take out 1/4 of the department, Genius and Earth Treasure, and replace it with the Wood Department's Heaven, Material and Earth Treasure so that the wood will grow together. In this way, the efficiency of elf absorption will also become better."

"What's more important is that there are too many impurities in your formula, to be honest."

"If you can adjust them into energy cubes according to the ratio of 3:1, the effect will actually be better, and the use of natural materials and earth treasures will be much reduced."

But after hearing Natsume's solution, the front is fine, and Xiaoxue is very happy, at least she has found a way to break through.

But after hearing the last half of the sentence, Xiaoxue's face turned dark.

"Do you think things like energy cubes are easy to make?"

"The energy cube is not only a nutritious high-level elf cultivation tool, but also contains powerful energy inside the energy cube, although it is very gentle and can be easily absorbed by the elves."

"But when making it, the energy inside the energy cube is quite violent, and if so many natural materials and earthly treasures are added at the same time, a mishandling may explode."

"This is not a secret among the breeders. Basically, every breeder knows it."

"What's more, not everyone can use those simple energy fruits casually like you, and with some milk from a large milk pot or honey from a large needle bee, you can make a top-level energy cube."

"This is related to the matching of the ratio of various energy cubes."

"I have also tried to deploy these energy cubes, but the success rate is not high, but it is much simpler than the energy cubes I made before."

"And Natsume and Sharina, both of you, remember, try not to reveal the formula of these energy cubes in the future."

"Even if someone has a problem, you should try to add as many treasures as possible."

"That way it won't attract the attention of those who care."

For Xiaoxue, who had been in the society for a long time, the formula of such a special top-level energy cube did not know how many people would pay attention to it.

In particular, Natsume, who created this energy cube formula, is simply the existence that all cases want to win over.

Even if they can't win over Natsume, they will try their best to attack Natsume.

Of course, Natsume understood this matter quite well, and reminded Sharina before.

Then Natsume started chatting with everyone about elves. Everyone has rarely seen each other these years. Regarding the outside world, Natsume has never left Tokiwa City, so more often he just listens to the elves.

Narration of Nanami and Koyuki.

As for Xiaomao, there is no need to say more. He has been running around with his parents since he was a child. Usually, when his parents are not free, he will put him with Dr. Oki.

Therefore, since childhood, Xiaomao's knowledge of these aspects will never be worse than theirs.

In this regard, Natsume also learned a lot of social experience.

At that time, you won't be tricked by those people when you go out to travel.

"." By the way, the fossil research technology of the Zvokki family has matured over the years. "" Some time ago, an acquaintance of mine over there sent me an invitation letter. "

"My grandfather knows about this matter. I wonder if you are interested in watching the resurrection technology of fossil elves." Nanami also talked about this matter with the people present. Everyone is very fond of the elves in the super ancient period interested.

Moreover, Jing (Nuo Wang Zhao) spirit archaeology is also a very popular profession within the alliance.

Because there are too many secrets in ancient times, and history has long been buried. There are many mythical beasts that actually appeared in ancient times, but due to too many events in the fault of history, they have long been buried. buried up.

For example, over the past few years, some huge fossils have been discovered in various secret realms and other areas within the alliance. After research, it was discovered that these fossils are actually some super-ancient elves.

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