Sister Ying'er noticed Chen Fan's funny reaction, she smiled and said, "It's really interesting."

"So, where should we go to boil the ointment?"

"After all, my pot here is too small to make balm."

at this time.

Only then did Yingmei, Paimeng, and Chen Fan recall, isn't Xiangling's home in Liyue?

Presumably she must have a big pot at home, which can be used to make balm.

Chen Fan said, "Then let's go to Xiangling's house!"

Yingmei said: "It's really better there, and Xiangling also greeted us!"

"Then let's go there!"

"Okay!" Paimon danced and said with a smile, "I can eat again!"

After Sister Ying'er heard about Xiangling, she paused for a while, and suddenly realized.

Oh, right.

It belongs to this girl.

It turns out that they still know Xiangling.

That would be fun.

She also taught Xiangling some things, I wonder if she can understand it?

Sister Ying'er smiled and said, "You are talking about [Wanmin Hall], right?"

"It's a good choice, let's go there together!"


Manmin Hall!

After Chen Fan and the three of them inquired, they found that Xiangling was not there.

Somewhat disappointed.

After Sister Ying'er greeted Xiangling's father, Master Mao, she said to Chen Fan and the three of them: "I have already greeted Master Mao, and now I am ready to start work!"

Immediately, she winked at the three of Chen Fan and smiled, "Are you all ready to take responsibility for me?"

After Yingmei, Paimeng, and Chen Fan heard this strange word, they all looked at each other in dismay and asked, "Huh?"

"What do you mean?"

Sister Yinger couldn't help laughing out loud when she saw the reaction of the three of them.

What a cute trio!

She explained, covered her small mouth and smiled: "I mean, take on the responsibility of [assistant], heh heh!"

Then, she said to Yingmei: "Next, I need your help to go to the synthesis station."

"The essential oil has been extracted from the neon flower!"

"The method of making balm is very different from the method of alchemy." Sister Ying'er secretly took Yingmei and Paimeng away, and talked about making balm and using Usuki [method].

Chen Fan blushed a little after seeing Yingmei and Paimeng coming back.

It feels a little weird.

What does this mean?

Chen Fan questioned, "Sister Ying, Paimeng, what did Sister Ying'er say?"

Yingmei blushed slightly, coughed and said, "Well, you will understand in the future!"

Paimeng's eyes flickered, and he covered his reddish face and said, "It's not a very important matter!"

"Nothing to ask!"

Sister Ying'er looked at Yingmei and Paimeng and said with a smile, "Well, both of them have the talent for making balm."

"I understand it as soon as I say it."

"Take these three kinds of neon clothes and flowers, remember to make each of them separately!"

"Although the appearance of the essential oils is very similar in the production stage, after the balm is made, I will use different boxes to help you pack it!"

Yingmei and Paimeng took Chen Fan out to Synthetic Taiwan in a hurry, not daring to let him stay with Sister Ying'er.


After the three of them synthesized the items, they came back.

Sister Ying'er looked at the synthesized neon clothes and flower oil and said, "¨ˇIt's really good!"

"Then, what's left is the most critical part!" Sister Ying'er pointed to a big pot and said, "I'll put it in water and boil it over a slow fire until the water is almost evaporated."

"The heat here is very particular. If the fire is too high, the fragrance will be affected." She smiled at Chen Fan: "Please pay attention to controlling the firepower of the fire, there is still time!!!"

"This is the last step, it's very troublesome if you make a mistake!"

"Remember, you have to cook the synthetic Sesame Oil until there is no drop left!"

In the end, the three of them helped Sister Yinger to make the balm.

In the kitchen of Wanmintang, Sister Ying'er wrapped three-point ointment, handed it to Chen Fan and the three, and said, "Well, the three ointments are ready."

"You three assistants are doing a great job!"

"This also shows that the three of you are people who are willing to work hard for your relationship. It's really rare!"

Paimon blushed slightly, pouted and said angrily, "I told you otherwise!"

Yingmei also nodded at the side, expressing the same.

And Chen Fan scratched his head, what happened?

Isn't it just a balm?

Isn't balm just like perfume?

Why did Yingmei and Paimeng behave strangely after hearing what Sister Yinger said?

But yes.

Girls like perfume.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan felt that the conversation was extremely normal, and there was no problem at all.

"Okay, okay." Sister Ying'er smiled at the three of them, "Do you want me to introduce these kinds of balms to you?"

"It will be convenient for you to prescribe medicine against the evidence!"

After Yingmei glanced at Chen Fan, she blushed and coughed and said, "Then just listen to it."

Paimeng also took a look at Chen Fan, and said falteringly: "I also... want to listen!"

"This first balm, sweet and dreamy, is the favorite of little (Wang Liao Zhao) girls!"

"The second one smells regal and overbearing, and is the favorite of wealthy daughters!"

"The last fragrance is soft but lingering for a long time, like the dim sky and hazy mist, which is most popular with mature women."

Sister Ying'er looked at Chen Fan with a smile and said, "Do you remember? Don't use the wrong occasion!"

Chen Fan just scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

This thing is not for him.

It's no use talking to him.

Sister Ying'er also saw that she had a good time, she smiled and said: "Okay, that's the end of the place that needs my help?"

"Then let me give you one last word."

"If you want to step on three boats, you must first decide which foot to lift first!"

After Yingmei and Paimeng heard this, their faces turned even redder.

Sister Ying'er looked at the three of them and said with a smile, "Hehe, come to [Chunxiang Kiln] to accompany me when you have time!"


Liyue Hotel.

Division of Fools.

After the lady heard the message secretly sent by her subordinates and Zhongli.

She smiled coldly: "Hmph, Zhongli really has you."

"I actually thought of this way."

"But forget it, after all, it's all in the contract."

"Then let me help you."

"It's a pity for this son, what a fool!"

"I don't know that Zhongli has played with it in the palm of my hand!"


Chapter 120 Seven: Zhongli was once a beauty!Grandma Ping met Chen Fan and lamented the fate!

Chapter 120 Seven: Zhongli was once a beauty!Grandma Ping met Chen Fan and lamented the fate!

In front of the Seven Heavens God Statue closest to Guiliyuan!

After Zhongli delivered the news to [Ms.], he came here alone.

He sat on the steps beside the statue of the Seven Heavens, looking at Guiliyuan in the distance.

Looking at the desolate wilderness here, he thought of an old friend [Return].

Every time I see a wild glass lily, I can think of her figure.

[Finally] He used to be his friend.



Unfortunately, she is gone.

Otherwise, who can say what will happen in the future?


Zhongli began to recall the past, he had lost too many companions.

Today, except for those few people.

He was the only one who lived the longest.

Living the longest also proves that he has to face all kinds of life, old age, sickness and death, and the passing of time.

Even the earth, sea, and sky are constantly changing, but he alone remains unchanged and still overlooks and patrols the entire Liyue.

Until one day, when Zhongli walked through the streets of Liyue.

He heard a superior next to him say to his subordinates: "You have completed your duties, now go to rest."

Just when he heard those words, Zhongli looked at Liyue's gray sky with light rain, and he was silent for a long time.

Zhongli couldn't help thinking: "Have I fulfilled my duty?"

Although this sentence touched Zhongli's heart, the reason why he wanted to abdicate was not limited to this.

There are many reasons for this.

He knows that there are some things that only after the death of the rock god, the undercurrent will gather, and the conspiracy will appear in the eyes of the world and be detected.

Although Liyue's independence is important, that matter is more important than that, so he needs to abdicate.

Because this Tivat Continent is about to start to become chaotic under Ice God's aggressive actions.

So he had to prepare everything for 627 first, otherwise, Liyue would not be able to survive in the next period of time.


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