Then there is only one answer left, and that is what Yan Shen himself said.

Because what he said is more convincing than what anyone else said.

After all, Chen Fan knew the character of Liyue Qixing.

If there is no suitable reason, they will never believe that others say that Emperor Yan is not dead.

But for Dijun himself, they will definitely believe it!

Therefore, Chen Fan speculated that it was Zhongli himself who said that he was not dead yet.

Chen Fan said: "Then, you must have said it yourself, right?"

"En!" Zhongli nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Not only from Qixing, but also from all the immortals, I have already hinted at it."

Yingmei asked, "Then how did you contact them?"

"Did you say it yourself?"

Zhong Li explained: "Are you asking how to contact them?"

"Hmm... I don't know if you have heard of a convenient fairy art called [Dream]!"

heard here.

The three of Chen Fan understood.

No wonder Liyue Qixing's attitude changed so quickly.

It turned out that Zhongli entrusted the dream to them.

Zhong Li asked again: "Alright, is there anything else you want to know?"

Paimon recalled the scene where the fools were being discussed by the people of Liyue on the road, and she said, "Speaking of it, before Seven Star made the announcement."

"We have heard a lot of people talking about it, and we have blamed [Young Master] for all the recent incidents!"

After Zhongli heard the young master, he smiled and said, "But even if these [false accusations] are confirmed to be false, it is still indisputable that [the young master] sent people to the Qunyu Pavilion to try to stop the immortals and the Seven Stars from fighting against the demon god. fact."

"I heard that Ningguang is clinging on to this matter on the diplomatic battlefield, killing the envoys of fools to death!"

"Those poor Zhidong diplomats, if it weren't for the lofty status of [Executive Officer], they would definitely want to blame [Young Master] for everything, and declare him to be fired!"

"So that's how it is!" Paimon exclaimed, "This young master really did it to himself!"

Chen Fan also sighed.

There is nothing wrong with Zhongli, Madam, and Bingshen who are behind the scenes.

Only the world where the son was injured was born.

It seems that he is going to take the blame for all this.

"What will Liyue Qixing do in the future?" Yingmei asked.

Zhong Li looked at the Liyue Seven Stars on the Yujing Terrace, and said gratifiedly: "The era of [immortals] has passed, if even the [Liyue Seven Stars] dare not face up to this, then what will happen to Liyue's future?—— Ke Qing's words are really good!"

"Although I have praised Ningguang's desire for power, I think it is a good thing."

"And it is taken for granted that Qixing's plan to take over Liyue's power from the gods is led by Ningguang."

"But now that I think about it, it should be Keqing who first proposed [seize power]..."

After Paimeng and Yingmei heard about it, they didn't expect Keqing to be so bold, even daring to seize the power of the gods.

But after thinking about Keqing's behavior style, she felt that she would really do this.

There seems to be nothing wrong.

"By the way, Zhongli!" Paimon asked, "Now that you don't have [God's Heart], what will Mora of Tivat do?"

"Will they disappear after Morax dies?"

"Also, the Gold House is the only mint in the whole continent, will it continue to operate in the future?"

Yingmei also worried: "It's over, if Mo La disappears."

"Then my money will be gone?"

"Going back to being impoverished again?"

Chen Fan looked at Yingmei, and after comparing her with Paimeng, he shook his head, expressing that he would not be poor.

Zhongli said: "The existing Mora will not disappear!"

"But the Golden House will indeed stop production for a long time, because when making Mora, you must rely on the power of [God of Rock]!"

"Wow, it's scary!" Paimon widened his eyes and exclaimed, "We (Wang Wang's) are going to run out of money!"

"This world is going to be destroyed!"

After pondering for a moment, Zhongli said solemnly: "Indeed, this matter is of great significance."

"From a financial standpoint..."

"Well...forget it."

"This kind of troublesome topic is more suitable for Liyue Seven Stars to discuss."

Paimon asked: "Then, then, do you have any money left for yourself?"

Yingmei and Chen Fan were also very curious whether this guy would leave some money for himself in advance.

If it is true, nothing will be left.

It is estimated that if this guy can't get out of Mora when he buys something, he will definitely be arrested by the Qianyan army and sent to prison.

"Oh? Private money?" Zhong Li paused for a moment when he heard this, and said with a frown, " terms of common sense, it's really a good suggestion."


Paimon questioned, "What a pity?"

Zhong Li waved his hand and said with a smile, "Unfortunately I forgot!"

The three of Chen Fan couldn't help sighing when they heard this.

I feel that it will take a long time for Zhongli to adapt to the life of ordinary people.

Seeing that Zhong Li had almost finished speaking, he finally said: "Then, let's try to find a way to break through the [locked country]."

"Don't worry, this may still need some opportunities."


Chapter 160: Why did you also choose Chen Fan?Ke Qing, Ning Guang, and Gan Yu, the three women were surrounded!

Chapter 160: Why did you also choose Chen Fan?Ke Qing, Ning Guang, and Gan Yu, the three women were surrounded!

After the three of Chen Fan bid farewell to Zhongli, they also asked others how to get to Dao's Wife.

The answer is that it is impossible to move forward now.

Learned from the words of many people.

Inazuma's situation last year was fine, and she was still able to enter.

But this year, there have been thunderstorms surrounding Inazuma, and ordinary ships cannot approach it at all.

Even if someone is willing to pay a lot of money for them to take the rice wife, these people are not willing to go.

Because the ships that planned to rush into the thunderstorm forcibly ended up being destroyed.

Basically no boat can come out of it, and no boat can go in.

At this time, the country is already in a state of closure.

So no one is willing to risk their lives to go in Dao Wife.

Yingmei complained: "It seems that Daoqi's country will not be able to enter for a while."

"It looks like we'll just have to wait for the thunderstorm to subside, or have some other way to get in."

Chen Fan also said helplessly: "It seems that this is the only way to go."

"But it's okay, I'm just going to take care of things!"

Paimon questioned, "Huh?"

"By the way, I remember Chen Fan, you said you came to Liyue to deal with things!"

"So what are you going to do?"

Chen Fan recalled that when the original owner came here in a hurry, the house collapsed.

Moreover, the tombs of the original owner's parents have not been settled yet. This time, he plans to go back to the vicinity of Wuwangpo and finish dealing with the tomb and the house.

Then go back to Mond.

After all, he, Yingmei, and Paimeng promised Captain Qin and Keli that they would go back to report their safety.

And I heard that the badminton festival seems to be about to start, and I want to accompany Keli to play.

There is also a trip to Longji Snow Mountain, so that Abedo and Granu can make a treasure hunting compass.

Then, Chen Fan told Yingmei and Paimeng that he had to deal with the matter of his parents' graves.

After Paimeng and Yingmei heard about it, they immediately agreed to go to Wuwangpo with Chen Fan!


Condensed temporary studio!

at this time.

Ke Qing, Ning Guang, and Gan Yu are dealing with business.

Ningguang has received many letters of advice or inquiries from the people of Liyue.

It is written on it, who is the next Rock God?

Is it Chen Fan?

Or is it one of the Liyue Seven Stars?

They all felt that it would be better for Chen Fan to be the next Rock God.

Seeing 660, Ning Guang smiled helplessly, and asked Ke Qing and Gan Yu, "Ke Qing, Gan Yu, who do you think will be the next Rock God?"

"Or who do you want to be the next Rock God?"

After Ke Qing and Gan Yu heard Ning Guang's words, they both paused and put down the materials in their hands.

Keqing thought for a moment and said, "First of all, he must have rock element power!"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't be a rock god."

Ning Guang nodded and said, "Well, what else?"

After Gan Yu thought about it, she said softly: "His strength must be very strong, stronger than ours."

"And the reputation must be very high, everyone in Liyue knows it!"

Hearing this, Ning Guang said with great interest, "Well, it's about the same as I thought."

"Any more?"

After Keqing pondered for a moment, she waved her hand and said, "And he'd better be from Liyue's generation, who can understand our Liyue Seven Stars' thinking."

"After all, I don't want those immortals to be the next rock gods. Their ideas are too old."

"If they act according to their ideas, then Liyue will definitely be in chaos."

Ning Guang nodded and said, "Indeed."

"During the time I talked with the immortals not long ago, I could find many problems."

"If they are allowed to do it, there must be a lot of trouble."

"Anything else to add?"

"Well..." After Gan Yu was silent for a while, she said, "It's best that he is someone who can be liked by the people of Liyue."

"Compared to the words that a new rock god suddenly appears after being a rock god for so long."

"If they disagree, then Liyue may fall into civil strife."

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