"Pretty, keep going, let it know how good we are."

However, before they were happy, tragedy happened.

During the fall of Megaflash, many buildings were knocked down, and various ruins fell from the sky.

And there is a person nearby who has not had time to leave, and it is almost impossible to leave now.

"No, the people below are in danger."

When the night raiders realized this, it was too late, and they could only watch the tragedy happen.

At the critical moment, Nexus rushed over from a distance and used his body to block the falling objects for him.

"Boom boom boom!"

All kinds of bricks and rubble hit him, making muffled noises, but he didn't leave.

The young man under his protection looked at the blue giant stupidly, his eyes were full of gratitude, but he was too frightened to say a word.

A few minutes later, when there were no other falling objects, Ji Zhuzhun asked him with concern.

".~Are you okay?"

The young man subconsciously shook his head and said gratefully.

"Thank you...not good, be careful behind you."

Nexus turned around quickly, but it was too late.

Megaflash, who had just been shot down, returned to the sky at some point, right behind him.

Taking advantage of Nexus' defenselessness, it released death rays from the tentacles on its tail, and all of them fell on him.

In an instant, sparks shot out from behind Nexus, and the space was distorted.

Nexus couldn't stand the pain, so he couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

Even so, he still maintained a protective posture to prevent the human being from being injured.

The night attack team next to him was very angry seeing this, his eyes were full of anger.

 (by Nuo Wang) "It's really disgusting, to attack from behind."

"Let's fire together, show it some strength, and let it pay the price."

As soon as the words fell, all kinds of missiles poured down on Megaflash like locusts flying across the sky.


A series of blows made Megaflash howl again and again, and it wanted to fight back, but the night attack team didn't give it a chance at all.

Nexus took advantage of this opportunity to send the young man to a safe place, and prepared to settle accounts with Megaflash.

However, Megaflash had already noticed it, and when he saw Nexus free his hand, he knew that he was in trouble.

It shrank its head, its body spun at high speed, and escaped from the night attack team's attack.

Then quickly drilled into the dark realm in the sky and escaped. .

Chapter 199

"It's too cheap to let it run away like this."

"The next time you encounter it, you must destroy it."

This alien beast was too cunning, and it caused the most serious harm to the city, and everyone was very angry.

But it ran away and everyone had no choice but to return temporarily.

Ji Shizhun took a deep look at the city that was almost in ruins, and left here too.

Before long, he and Norga stood on the hill, watching the commotion go on.

Although the alien beast escaped, the impact it caused continued.

Panicked people will not feel at ease just because it ran away, but will be more worried about their own safety.

"Get out of the way, I'm leaving here, I don't want to stay here."

"Please, let's go, the monster will eat us."

Begging, threats, and cries intertwined into one, extremely noisy.

The memory police, in full armor, stood in place like statues, ignoring the pleas of these people.

Their mission is to prevent the city's people from escaping and to erase their memories of Ultra warriors and alien beasts.

However, there were too many panicked crowds, and the memory police couldn't resist it.


Someone really couldn't bear this kind of suffering, and punched the memory policeman in the face in front of him.

The scene became even more chaotic, and everyone rushed over with red eyes.

In this case, the memory police all took a step back and raised their guns to aim at the sky.

"Da da da......"

After a few shots, they pointed their black muzzles at the crowd.

The crisp gunshots with the smell of gunpowder brought people back to their senses, and they did not dare to continue the collision.

But fear still spread in the crowd like a plague, and there were constant weeping from the crowd.

There are scenes like this all over the city.

A car was parked not far away, and TLT manager Yoichiro Matsunaga looked at the city with a livid face.

Even here he could hear the sound of panic in the distance.

He took out his mobile phone and gave a few serious instructions.

"Everyone's memory must be cleared."

Shuto Saya next to him said with some embarrassment.

"Management officer, there are too many people involved this time, and we don't have enough people."

"And people's emotions fluctuate too much, should we give us a little more time?"

The manager looked at her expressionlessly, and said coldly.

"No, everyone's memory about the alien beast must be cleared today."

"Once the delay continues, the situation is very unfavorable to us."

After leaving this sentence, he left very irresponsibly.


At the same time, Ji Shizhun looked at the city in panic and blamed himself very much.

"It's my fault!"

"If I could eliminate the alien beasts in time, everyone wouldn't be in such pain."

Noga patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, you've worked hard."

"The space-type alien beast that appeared today is too cunning, this should have been planned long ago."

"Its purpose is to create panic and keep people in fear."

Looking at the dilapidated city, Noga also looked a little regretful.

So far, the alien beast's goal has been achieved.

Ji Shizhun scratched his head and asked with some doubts.

"Why does it do that?"

"The previous alien beasts were all killing people, not like this one."

Noga sighed and looked into the void.

"The alien beast feeds on the fear of humans, and the greater the fear that humans radiate, the stronger it is."

"Today, this strange beast is deliberately creating panic, and the purpose is to make other strange beasts stronger."

Ji Shizhun nodded half-understood.

"It's no wonder that every time a strange beast appears, the memory police will erase human memory."

"They are not trying to destroy the facts, but to prevent the alien beasts from achieving their goals."

They were so absorbed in their conversation that they didn't notice a figure approaching them.

"So you are here!"

An abrupt voice made them all turn their heads, only to see the young man rescued by Ji Shizhun standing not far behind them.

They looked at each other, a little surprised.

At this moment, he should be like everyone else, waiting to be cleared by the memory police. Why is he here?

Ji Zhuzhun said with some doubts.

"How did you leave the city? tlt has already blocked the city."

But the young man smiled honestly and said disapprovingly.

"I've lived here for a long time, and when I knew there was a path, I came out."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Qian Shulian. I've been looking for it for a long time. I just want to express my thanks to you."

"Thank you for saving me just now."

After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply to Ji Shizhun.

He didn't notice that when Ji Zhuzhun heard these words, his pupils shrank violently.

How did this young man know his true identity?Have you exposed yourself?

Even Noga was a little moved.

The whereabouts of him and Ji Shizhun are so secretive that not even the people from tlt can find out.

But Qian Shulian was able to find them, and seemed to have guessed Ji Shizhun's true identity.

Could it be that he is a human in the disguise of a strange beast? .

Chapter 200

Qian Shulian felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull, and she raised her head just in time to see their puzzled eyes.

He reacted immediately and explained quickly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person."

"I'm just curious about the Ultra fighters, so I'm following you guys secretly today."

Nuo Jia raised his eyebrows - a little surprised.

"You know the Ultra warriors, haven't your memory been erased?"

Qian Shulian still had a smile on his face, a little proud.

"Every time Ultra fighters appear, there will always be a group of strange people appearing."

"Afterwards, everyone seemed to have forgotten what had happened. Later, when I met those people, I hid in very secret places."

"Am I very smart?"

The two of Nuo Jia realized that they had slipped through the net.

But this little guy is lucky enough, the probability of this kind of thing happening is very small.

Maybe it was because he was very excited to see his idol, Qian Shuren talked a lot.

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