Noga turned his head and saw him kneeling down reluctantly and aggrieved.Nine.

Chapter 311

This kneeling seemed to exhaust all his strength. Although he didn't see it, he felt as if countless fiery eyes were staring at him.

"It's almost there."

Noga said something casually, and then walked slowly towards Teleston with his hands behind his back.

When he passed by Shenmu, that guy clenched his fists, his nails scratched his palm without even noticing.

He looked at Noga's back and silently swore in his heart.

"Boy, remember what you have done to me today, sooner or later I will make you pay back twice as much."

Many plans to deal with Noga appeared in his mind, and he couldn't wait to implement them.

At this moment, Noga has become Ultraman [-] and stands in front of Telestone.

This guy didn't know that the danger had come, and thought he was as vulnerable as the special search team, so he rushed over recklessly.

Therefore, its ending was tragic. In less than two rounds, it was beaten all over by Noga, and finally turned into a spark doll and disappeared.

When all this was over, the members of the special search team saw Noga as if they were seeing an idol, and there was only admiration in their eyes.

"Senior, you are really too powerful, such a difficult guy was dealt with by you with a few punches."

"Can you teach me? I also want to be as good as you, no, I will be satisfied if I can reach one-tenth of your level."

Before Noga could speak, Shenmu with a gloomy face came over and said indifferently.

"The monster has been eliminated, immediately close the team."

He can't see the scene where Noga is being watched by others, because it should belong to them.

Noga shook his head slightly, this guy is really stubborn, and then said to the earth.

"Okay, you go back, there will be a chance to meet in the future."

They nodded regretfully and prepared to return to the base.

However, at this moment, there was a piercing whistling sound in the sky, causing everyone to raise their heads in unison.

At first, Noga thought it was an attack from other monsters, but after seeing it clearly, he realized that it was the aircraft of the special search team.

Seeing the aircraft in the sky clearly, the earth frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

"It's strange, I've never seen this type of aircraft, it's not from our special search team."

"These aircraft belong to the North American headquarters, and the headquarters sent people here."

Shenmu's surprised voice suddenly sounded, and he seemed to think of something when he said this, and looked at the players around him seriously.

"It may be our officer who came, pay attention to what you say."

"You represent Xio, don't embarrass Xio."

Hearing this, Noga rolled his eyes, his face was full of disdain, the most embarrassing thing is you.

He said that because he didn't want others to tell what happened just now, so as to maintain his majesty.

What a hypocrite.

The aircraft slowly landed beside them, and a few blond-haired and blue-eyed humans stepped out.

Everyone exudes a powerful aura, which is not comparable to Shenmu.

Seeing them, a flattering smile appeared on Shenmu's face, and he walked up like a pug dog seeing his master.

"Welcome several officers, I am the leader of the special search team here, Shenmu."

After speaking, he stretched out his hands very enthusiastically, but the other party's expression was still serious after listening to his self-introduction.

Not only did she not shake hands with him, but she looked at him coldly, like examining a prisoner.

They ignored Shenmu at all, glanced at the crowd, and then passed him.

Shenmu's face suddenly turned a liver-colored color, and that feeling seemed to be crushed by thousands of troops on his self-esteem...  

However, what made him more uncomfortable was yet to come.

These few people of extraordinary identities walked straight towards Noga, with smiles on their faces.

"Hi, my name is Jack, I'm from Unver headquarters, nice to meet you."

Unver is the Earth Self-Defense Organization, and the special search team is just one of the organizations in this organization.

Dadi's eyeballs almost fell out, the officer didn't look good on himself, but he was so attentive to Noga.

There was a buzzing in his head, and he looked at them stupidly, not knowing what was going on.

Noga looked at the other party suspiciously and asked curiously.

"Do I know you?"

The smile on the other party's face continued unabated.

"You don't know us, but we all know what happened recently."

"You are the hero of all mankind. On behalf of the headquarters, we would like to express our gratitude to you. At the same time, there is one more thing we would like to ask for your opinion."

It was only then that Nuo Jia realized that these guys were also here to curry favor with him, he nodded calmly.

"Speak up if you have anything to say."

"What do you think about Xio, or are you satisfied with their performance?"

Hearing this, Shenmu shuddered all over, hurried over and spoke first.

"The cooperation between us is very good, we have no disadvantages, and we have eliminated so many monsters."

He couldn't care so much, so he could only speak first, hoping that Noga would not speak.

After finishing speaking, he secretly winked at Noga, the threat was very obvious.

But this guy got the situation wrong, and Noga was not afraid of his threat at all.

"Really? Why do I feel that you are lagging behind everywhere?"

Those light words made Shenmu feel like being struck by lightning, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat. .

Chapter 312

"You... you are crossing the river and tearing down the bridge."

"Without our cooperation, you will not be able to easily destroy the monsters."

He started to put gold on his face, but Jack interrupted him coldly before he finished speaking.

"Shut up, do you have something to say here?"

Shenmu shut his mouth immediately, don't look at him being arrogant in front of other people, but he can only tuck his tail in front of the people in the headquarters.

But Jack didn't stop there, but criticized Noga severely in front of him.

"I know exactly what you think, but don't take everyone for a fool."

"These days, every time the special search team goes on a mission, we can see clearly through satellites. We know how your performance is."

"Go away, I'll clean you up later."

Shenmu's heart was half cold, and cold sweat flowed down his temples, and he didn't dare to wipe it off.

Then Jack changed his smiling face again and said to Noga.

"Mr. Noga, just say what you have to say, the headquarters attaches great importance to your opinion."

Nuo Jia rubbed his chin, but didn't show any politeness to him, and just answered the question in a straightforward manner.

"I think the special search team should be replaced by someone else as the captain. He is really incompetent."

Shenmu, who was originally listless, suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and yelled loudly without even thinking about it.

"You are talking nonsense, why am I incompetent?"

"Also, what right do you, an outsider, have to dictate to the special search team?"

Jack's eyes suddenly burst into anger, wishing he could slap this idiot to death.

After seeing Noga's strength, the people in the headquarters regarded him as a treasure, and it was too late to flatter him.

Because, if Noga joins Unver, it will be even more powerful for them, and it won't take that much effort to deal with monsters.

But this idiot offended Noga again and again.

"Bastard, how dare you be so rude to Mr. Noga, it's too much."

"Apologize immediately."

Shenmu was completely dumbfounded, he couldn't believe his ears, and asked him to apologize to Noga, he couldn't help but think of the scene of kneeling just now.

He didn't know Jack's good intentions, so he snorted coldly and said without hesitation.

"No, I didn't say anything wrong, why should I apologize?"

"As the captain of the special search team, I will never bow my head easily."

Jack frowned, and said gloomyly.

"Okay, then I will officially inform you now that your captain has been relieved of his post and removed from the special search team."

"You can go now, I don't want to see you again."

Shenmu seemed to be thrown into the [-]th level of hell. If this was the case, it would be equivalent to killing him.

He looked at Jack blankly, wishing that the other party could tell him that it was just a joke.

However, after Jack finished speaking, he didn't look at him at all, but moved closer to Noga.

"I don't know if Mr. Noga is interested in being the captain. If you are willing, the headquarters will give you the highest authority."

Shenmu panicked completely, he finally realized that he had done something stupid.

He rushed to the two of them and begged loudly.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now, I apologize, please don't dismiss me from my post."

However, Jack turned his head away with a look of disgust, not looking at him at all.

Shenmu didn't give up just yet, but knelt down in front of Nuo Jia, this kneeling was much crisper than before.

For the sake of his own future, he wanted nothing of dignity or face.

"Mr. Noga, I was wrong, I shouldn't be against you everywhere."

"Please help me say a good word in front of the officer. As long as you are willing to help me, I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future."

His eyes were full of pleading, like a stray dog ​​that had been robbed of food, looking pitiful.

But Noga ignored him, this guy is just a white-eyed wolf.

If you help him, not only will he not be grateful, but he will be thinking about how to harm you.

Seeing that Noga didn't speak, Jack immediately understood what he meant, and waved to the people behind him.

Immediately afterward, someone pulled the Shenmu down, no matter how much he begged, no one paid attention.

He ended up like this, and everyone has only two words of evaluation in their hearts: he deserves it.

The person in the way left, and the smile appeared on Jack's face again.

"Mr. Noga, I don't know about my proposal just now, what do you think?"

Noga shook his head.

"I'm not interested in being the captain, but I can recommend someone to you, he will definitely be competent."

Disappointment flashed in Jack's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

Although Noga didn't agree, it's good to recommend the captain.

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