Ultraman Norga murmured as he watched his energy barrier gradually become illusory.

At this time, Ultraman Noga had a very difficult time condensing the energy of light. If the energy of light in the first path is not much different from the energy of light outside.

The light energy on the second road of Hell Road is so scarce that Ultraman Noga almost couldn't use the light energy here to form an energy barrier.

"Damn it, I have to change it, I can't rely too much on the energy of light here."

Ultraman Noga murmured as he looked at the energy barrier that was about to disappear in front of him.


Ultraman Noga retreated quickly, directly avoiding the huge tentacles of the Huangquan beast that fell towards him, and then quickly stabilized his body.

"The power of the red primordial!"

Ultraman Noga shouted loudly, and Ultraman Noga, who was still exuding light energy just now, was emitting red light all over his body at this moment.

Completely different from the Ultraman Noga who lacked energy just now, the body of Ultraman Noga at this time is full of the power of the violent red primordial stone.

Ultraman Noga looked at his hands, his eyes were full of excitement. This was the first time Ultraman Noga tried to fully utilize the ability of the red primordial stone.

"Is this the power of the Red Primordial Stone?"

Ultraman Noga said in surprise as he watched the red violent energy constantly leaking out from him.

At this time, Ultraman Noga only felt that his body was full of energy and strength, as if his strength and speed had improved significantly.

At this time, Huangquan Beast was also very shocked to see such a big change in Ultraman Noga. It originally thought that Ultraman Noga would die under his own hands.

But what it didn't expect was that Ultraman Noga not only did not die due to lack of energy, but also obtained huge energy through unknown means.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

"Let you see the ability of my red primordial stone."

Ultraman Norga looked at the Huangquan Beast in the distance and said silently, Ultraman Norga would not say with great fanfare that he had the red primordial stone.


The Huangquan monster in front of Ultraman Noga was also very shocked to see such a big change in Ultraman Noga. He didn't know what method Ultraman Noga used to make himself produce such a big change.

Then, the huge mouth of the Yellow Spring Beast in front of Ultraman Noga sprayed a black liquid in the direction of Ultraman Noga, and the liquid flew towards Ultraman Noga at a very fast speed.

. . .  

"This liquid is weird."

At this time, Ultraman Noga, who was full of red violent energy all over his body, frowned slightly as he watched the black liquid constantly flying towards him.

Ultraman Noga detected through his keen senses that the black liquid spit out from the mouth of the Huangquan monster was extremely corrosive.

"Moon God Form!"

Ultraman Noga shouted, and then with the help of the red primordial stone, Ultraman Noga successfully changed into the form of the Luna, but the current form of the Luna is very different from the past.

At this time, Ultraman Noga in the form of the moon god no longer had the holy light before, replaced by the violent energy contained in the red primordial stone.

Afterwards, Ultraman Noga opened his hands, and then a huge amount of red energy condensed in his hands arbitrarily.


At this time, the monster from the underworld once again roared in the direction of Ultraman Noga.Nine.

Chapter 491

Afterwards, the entire body of the Yellow Spring Beast began to emit huge black energy continuously, and Ultraman Noga raised his brows looking at the black energy emitted.

However, Ultraman Noga didn't think much about it, and continued to gather the energy of the red primordial stone. This time the gathering was very different from the previous gathering of light energy.

Because the light energy of the second road of hell is too scarce, it is very difficult for Ultraman Noga to gather the light energy of this second road.

But the current situation has undergone a huge change. The energy source of the current Ultraman Noga in the form of the moon god has changed from the energy of light [-] to the energy of the red primordial stone.

Therefore, when Ultraman Noga condenses energy, what he actually condenses is the violent red energy released by the red primordial stone.

"Red Shockwave!"

Ultraman Noga shouted loudly, and then the red energy condensed in Ultraman Noga's hand flew out of Ultraman Noga's hand in an instant, and the violent red shock wave rushed directly to the Yellow Spring Beast in front of Ultraman Noga.

"Roar! Roar!"

Seeing the red shock wave flying towards him, the Yellow Spring Beast roared a few times, and then, the black energy leaked from its body directly condensed into a huge black barrier in front of the Yellow Spring Beast.

"Why does this black energy feel so familiar?"

Ultraman Noga looked at the black energy of the Huangquan Beast and suddenly felt very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"So it is."

Then Ultraman Noga murmured with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"It's interesting that there are traces of the energy of the Lebrandts here."

Ultraman Norga looked at the Yellow Spring Beast emitting black energy in front of him and said with a half-smile.

Although Ultraman Noga was very puzzled when he saw the black energy of the Lebrando Stars, but when he saw the familiar energy breath, Ultraman Noga looked thoughtfully.

"Could it be that this guy is from the Lebrando Star?"

Ultraman Noga looked at the Yellow Spring Beast in front of him, and then overturned his previous conjecture.

Although the Lebronman can control monsters, he must have his own energy breath, but at this time Ultraman Noga did not feel the breath of the Lebronman.

"That's weird."

Ultraman Noga murmured, at this moment, Ultraman Noga's red shock wave was blocked by the black energy barrier of the Yellow Spring Beast.

Afterwards, the Yellow Spring Beast condensed the black energy around its body again, and all the black energy began to wrap around the huge tentacles of the Yellow Spring Beast.

Afterwards, the huge black tentacles of the Yellow Spring Beast kept swaying in the air, and then the soft black tentacles changed directly, and the soft huge tentacles began to become harder.


In the next moment, the black tentacles of the Huangquan Beast were separated from the body of the Huangquan Beast, and rushed directly to the direction where Ultraman Noga was.

At this time, Ultraman Noga also frowned slightly as he looked at the huge solidified tentacles that kept flying towards him. He could feel the obvious dark energy similar to the Lebrando Stars from this tentacles.

"Hmph, since there are still traces of Lebrandorians on this road to hell, you really are haunted..."

Ultraman Norga looked at the Huangquan Beast in the distance and said coldly.

But Ultraman Noga knew that this Huangquan beast definitely did not belong to the Rebranders. Specifically, if this Huangquan beast obtained the dark energy of the Rebranders, he didn't want to know now.

"Luna Light Wave."

Ultraman Noga shouted loudly, and in an instant, the red energy of the red primordial stone directly burst out from Ultraman Noga's body again, forming a huge energy ripple.

The arrogant red energy of the red primordial stone continuously gathered in Ultraman Noga's body, and in an instant, the brilliance of the moon god and the violent energy of the red primordial stone also vented out the next moment.

The huge Luna Light Wave shot out directly from Ultraman Noga's body. At this time, the black tentacles of Huangquan Beast also quickly approached Ultraman Noga's Luna Light Wave.


The black tentacles of Luna Guangbo and Huangquan Beast collided directly together in an instant, generating a huge shock wave. At this time, Huangquan Beast and Ultraman Noga retreated quickly because they couldn't withstand such a large shock wave.

"The second road of this hell road is really not that simple, so it can't beat this Huangquan beast."

Ultraman Noga murmured as he looked at the Yellow Spring Beast that hadn't suffered any huge damage in the distance.

At this time, the Huangquan beast still looked at Ultraman Noga angrily. It also did not expect that the creature that broke in this time had such a powerful strength.

Then the black energy around Huangquan Beast's body suddenly disappeared, replaced by endless orange energy. .

Chapter 492

In an instant, a huge orange energy burst out from the body of the Huangquan beast in front of Ultraman Noga, and the scene where Ultraman Noga looked at his eyes was also very shocked.

"This guy can actually switch energy forms."

Ultraman Noga said in disbelief looking at the orange energy rising in front of his eyes.

Ultraman Noga can clearly feel that the breath of the Huangquan Beast in front of him has undergone tremendous changes, from the previous black energy with the Lebrando Stars to the current orange energy.

At this time, Ultraman Noga also had to lament that the strength of this Huangquan beast is indeed very powerful, and it can even change its energy form.


Afterwards, the Yellow Spring Beast uttered a huge roar directly in the direction of Ultraman Noga, and Ultraman Noga could feel very obvious energy fluctuations from this roar.

"Is this the real strength of this guy?"

Ultraman Noga also murmured while looking at the Huangquan Beast whose aura surged on his body.

Then Ultraman Noga also began to urge the energy of his red primordial stone to continuously gather his red energy to face the opposite Huangquan beast.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the power of the orange primordial stone."

Ultraman Noga also guessed while looking at the orange energy emanating from his body in the distance.

At this time, the red energy on Ultraman Noga's body is also very strong, and huge red energy is constantly exuding from the outside of his body.

The Huangquan Beast in front of Ultraman Norga was also very shocked to see the very powerful red energy exuding from Ultraman Norga's body, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

"He actually has a red primordial stone!"

At this time, a voice sounded from somewhere on Hell Road. This voice was full of disbelief and surprise, and at this moment his voice was trembling violently.

The one who said these words came from the skeleton in the red liquid. At this time, the skull looked at Ultraman Noga ferociously. He couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

Originally, he looked at Ultraman Noga just for fun. He didn't know that Ultraman Noga would have such great strength.

"Jie Jie Jie... But this is also good, so I can get both Primordial Stones."

At this time, the skull in the red blood spoke in a dark voice.

The voice was full of greed. At the beginning, Skull didn't think that Ultraman Noga would actually have the red primordial stone.

"I missed the orange Primordial Stone back then, but now I have encountered the red Prismatic Stone and the Orange Prismatic Stone at the same time. God is helping me, hahahaha."

The red liquid skull looked at Ultraman Noga who was with the Huangquan Beast emitting orange light, and smiled wildly.

At this time, Ultraman Noga didn't know the words of the skull in the red liquid. He looked at the Huangquan beast in front of him with a slightly wrinkled face.

"The orange energy of this Huangquan Beast is definitely not the Orange Primordial Stone, it's just a trace of power inside the Orange Prismatic Stone."

Ultraman Noga looked at the orange light emitting in front of him, but the light was not so pure Huangquan Beast murmured.

However, even if it is the energy of the impure Primordial Stone, Ultraman Norga will still not underestimate the Huangquan Beast in front of him, because this guy seems to be able to use the energy of anything.

"Judging from the fact that the Huangquan Beast used the black energy of the Lebrando star just now, this guy should be able to use whoever he kills."

Ultraman Noga looked at the Huangquan Beast in front of him and murmured.

"I didn't expect that the treacherous Lebrando star also died in the second road of this hell road."

Ultraman Noga murmured, but no matter what, Ultraman Noga knew he had to win.

Ultraman Noga can feel from the orange energy released by the Huangquan beast in front of him, this orange energy contains very powerful power.

From this, Ultraman Noga speculates that the energy of the orange Primordial Stone should be very strong and fierce, while the power of his own red Primordial Stone is very violent and has a very powerful explosive power.

"It seems that this orange primordial stone is also very powerful. I am afraid that if it goes outside, it will definitely affect the entire universe."

Ultraman Noga murmured looking at the orange energy radiating from the Huangquan Beast.

"However, after all, you are not the original power of the orange Primordial Stone, and mine is indeed the original power of the red Prismatic Stone, so you will never be able to defeat me no matter what."

Ultraman Noga looked at the Huangquan beast in front of him who was also looking at him with angry eyes and said coldly.


For a moment, the red primordial stone seemed to be provoked by the orange primordial stone, and a strong red energy directly vented from Ultraman Noga's body, as if swearing his own rights. .

Chapter 493

At this time, Ultraman Norga was also full of fighting spirit, probably because of the influence of the red Primordial Stone, Ultraman Norga was full of the power of the red Primordial Stone at this moment.

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