Asuka on the side, after seeing Noga release the full moon light wave skill, was [-]% sure that this guy knew his good partner Altman Gauss.

Just when everyone wanted to find Dr. Talent's lair, a voice suddenly appeared, and then a projection screen appeared in front of everyone.

"You guys are really a bunch of savages! However, except for Sen Luo, this is the first time I've met anyone else! How is it? Do you like the meeting ceremony I arranged for you?"

On the screen, Doctor Talent spoke in a strange manner, with such an expression, it was really disgusting.

"Qiqi, what do you want to do?" Captain Sen Luo cursed.

"Ah! Sen Luo, what are you doing? I was just about to introduce myself, but you actually reported it to me, damn it, you are so rude, you are too barbaric, you'd better correct these bad habits for me .” Doctor Talent was furious, walking back and forth non-stop.

In this situation, Nuo Jia couldn't help but think of a word, that is insanity, this girl must be a mental patient.

"Tell you, I am planning to lead this universe to peace!" Cai Qi bared his teeth and claws, he seemed to have a huge conspiracy.

"If you are so kind, why don't you come out and have a touch with us!" Kai couldn't take it anymore, and said a word.

"Ah! You are really savages, too savage, I hope you don't regret it." After Doctor Talent showed a cold smile, the picture stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the entire building trembled suddenly, and after a loud bang, the top of the building rose from the ground and rose into the sky. It was a castle-shaped spaceship.

"Damn it, we can't let them escape, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Sen Luo exclaimed, he seemed to know something?Quickly led everyone out of the palace and boarded the spaceship.

"Not good? They want to teleport away." Sen Luo said solemnly: "We also use teleportation!"

However, when he pressed the teleportation function, he found that the teleportation function had been destroyed.

"Damn talent, it's so despicable." Sen Luo slammed his fist on the table and picked up the communicator, "This is the Szak spaceship of the Guards, and I'm Captain Sen Luo, please contact Amaterasu for me Her Majesty."

"This is the Szak Spaceship of the Guards, and I am Captain Sen Luo, please be sure to contact Her Majesty Amaterasu for me..."

Hearing this, Nuo Jia shook his head helplessly and said, "Don't waste your efforts, the surrounding electromagnetic waves have already been interfered by Caiqi."

"Then what should we do?"

Kai asked anxiously.

But Nuojia and Asuka were very calm, they looked at the starry sky outside the spaceship calmly.

(The new book sets sail, go to Huahua, ask for tickets, if you think my writing is not good, please tell me!).

Chapter 14

After losing the target of Dr. Talent, Nuo Jia and others had to think long-term.

And Captain Sen Luo also told the whole process of his being wronged.

"You mean, Cai Qi's conspiracy is to force Her Majesty the Queen to transform into a God of War?" Yu Yan asked in surprise.

"But after Queen Amaterasu transforms, what conspiracy does he have?" Jugula naturally thought of the next question.

"This... He didn't say anything? I don't quite understand what the guy's purpose is to make Her Majesty the Queen transform into a God of War."

Captain Sen Luo also looked dazed, but when he remembered what the previous queen had told him before his death, he wanted to stop Queen Amaterasu from becoming the God of War at all costs.

"Perhaps, his purpose is to control the God of War and make him a puppet of Balicebub, so as to spread the virus in the entire Balicebub, and make the entire Ganon and even the alien planets become his puppets!"

Noga knew more or less about the conspiracy of Doctor Wisdom, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Because according to the information he has, in the end Kuin used Queen Amaterasu twice to turn her into a puppet, but in the end he was crushed by Uub, Dyna, Gauss, Gaia, Agulu, and Jugula In the end, he was killed by five Ultramans.

But Noga knew that from the beginning to the end, Kuin was not completely controlled by Dr. Qi at all, so was his purpose just to control the God of War?

Noga always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

When everyone heard Nuo Jia's words, they all felt that the matter was getting serious. If they didn't stop it, it would be a catastrophe.

"If this is the case? Then we must go to prevent the queen from becoming a god of war!" Kai stood up.

"What do you want to do?"

Asuka called to Kai who was about to transform.

"I'm going to Planet Cannon first!" Kai was very anxious, he desperately wanted to stop all this.

"Frequent transformations will bring us huge hidden dangers. Besides, even if you go, will you be the opponent of Dr. Qi and Kuin?" Noga stopped Kai.

"Then what should we do?" Kai looked at Noga and the others unwillingly.

"We are more than just these partners, right? Asuka!" Noga said, looking at Asuka with some deep meaning.

"Yes, you have a trustworthy partner, and we also have a trustworthy partner. Counting the days, he should be here."

Say it!Asuka closed his eyes, a halo appeared above his head.


Everyone saw the behavior of Asuka.

"Can you hear me? Musashi!"

"Hmm! I understand. I didn't expect the matter to become serious? Don't worry, I will go to the planet Ganon first to prevent the queen from transforming."

"By the way, Musashi, I have an Ultraman named Noga here, do you know him?" Asuka still asked the doubts in his heart.

"What? Is the group leader by your side? This is incredible." Musashi's surprised voice came from the other end of the telepathy.

When Asuka heard this, he knew that the two of them really knew each other.

"Stop talking, Musashi, the planet cannon will be handed over to you, and we will arrive as soon as possible."


Just when Noga and the others rushed to the planet Canon, several Baalzebubs had already appeared on the planet Canon.

At the same time, the picture of Doctor Wisdom is also projected in every corner of the planet Cannon.

"Everyone on Planet Cannon, how do you want to spend this charming night! Have you seen these three huge children? If you want to avoid being destroyed by them, then obediently do as I said, put Amaterasu Hand it over to the queen, otherwise everything on the planet Ganon will cease to exist at daybreak."

"The sun that declares doom is about to rise, and I will bring you light."


Doctor Wisdom threatens the entire planet Canon.

For a moment, the entire planet Ganon fell into a haze, and the words of Doctor Talent were like a mountain, pressing on their heads for a long time and could not disappear.

At this time, countless people gathered beside the tree of life, which symbolized the origin of life, and they prayed sincerely.

Hope to be blessed by the tree of life, this scene was seen by Queen Amaterasu behind the forest, and then she seemed to be sure of something?


At this time!Altman Gauss, who was flying in the universe, quickly contacted the Ultraman chat group in his mind and sent a message: "Master Noga, are you there?"

"Ultraman Noga, are you there?"


"Not online?" Musashi said a little disappointed.

Nuo Jia, who was closing the curtain and resting his mind, suddenly heard the beeping sound in the Ott chat group, and he didn't need to look to know that it was Musashi who was sending a message.

"Speaking of Musashi, can you concentrate on solving the matter in front of you! Queen Amaterasu is very dangerous right now, you hurry to Planet Ganon, you will be in big trouble if you go late."

After all, protecting Planet Cannon and helping Planet Cannon to overcome difficulties is a big task for the system, and there will be great rewards for completing it. Noga dare not be sloppy.

"Don't worry! Lord Noga, I will definitely do my best. I'm almost on the planet Canon now, and the situation is as dire as you said."

"There are several monsters here. Among them, the missile super-beast puppet Belloken and the unicorn super-beast puppet Baksim are the strongest, and their auras have reached the level of elementary-level advanced monsters."

"Musashi, be careful, those monsters were all turned into puppets by the virus of Balisib." Noga reminded Musashi in the chat group.

"I see, let me purify the virus first." Musashi replied.

Upon hearing this, Nuo Jia quickly sent a message saying: "Musashi, don't waste your efforts, your full moon light waves can't purify the virus in Balisib, it's more important for you to detour into Ganon as soon as possible."

Musashi was a little surprised when he heard the words. Although he didn't know why Noga said that, he still listened to Noga's suggestion.

Give up the idea of ​​purifying monsters, after all, to become the boss of such a mysterious chat group must be very strong.

What the strong man said must have made sense, so Gauss turned around and entered the planet Cannon from another place.

(Little brother did his best, and everyone supported me more, give me more flowers, tickets, thank you all!).

Chapter 15

"No? This kid Musashi is still too kind. I'm afraid he will suffer. After all, Dr. Witty and Kuin are not good birds. I'll wait and see to stop Dr. Witty's plot!"

After thinking about it, Noga still felt that it would not be enough to rely on Musashi alone, and he still had to go there himself to be at ease.

"Asuka, Kai, Juggler, I'll take a step first, and you guys will follow!" Noga stood up.

"Noga, you..."

Asuka was a little surprised. He told Kai just now that frequent transformations would bring huge hidden dangers to their bodies.

But at this moment he wanted to go alone, Asuka secretly said: "You don't talk about martial arts! How can you overthrow what you said!"

Noga understood what Asuka was worried about, so he patted Asuka's shoulder and said, "Don't worry! My body is different from yours. Frequent transformations don't have that much impact on me."

Indeed, frequent transformations are indeed a burden for Asuka, Kai and the others, but Noga is different, because he himself is an Ultraman formed by fusing the founding light.

That is to say, his body is Ultraman, while Kai and Asuka are different. They are all recognized by Ultraman as human beings, and thus become Ultra warriors.

So frequent transformations will have hidden dangers to their bodies, but in Nuojia, this kind of hidden danger can be ignored.

"Noga, are you..."

What did Asuka seem to understand?Also no longer blocked.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Captain Sen Luo and the others hurriedly begged Noga.

After all, with the speed of their spacecraft, there is no way to rush to the planet Cannon in a short time. In this way, only Ultraman Noga, Kai, and Asuka have this ability.

"Don't worry! With me here, that guy won't be able to make waves!"

Say it! Noga waved his arm, and a ray of light flew out of the spaceship, and his huge body appeared in front of his eyes.

Then it turned into a stream of light and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.


On the planet Canon, in front of the tree of life, countless people are praying devoutly, and their queen stands behind

Queen Amaterasu smiled and comforted a little girl, "Don't worry! I won't let this planet be destroyed."

"Ah, that's Her Majesty Amaterasu."

Many people have already discovered Queen Amaterasu behind them.

"Don't worry! Your wish has been conveyed to the tree of life, it will protect you, and all you have to do now is to retreat."

Queen Amaterasu looked at the few paris in the forest and said.

After receiving the queen's promise, all the people left one after another.

Queen Amaterasu quickly ran to the edge of the cliff, looked at the two ends of Barisib and said: "Dr. Talent, I know you can hear me, I agree to your previous request, and I will go with you, so Please don't hurt the people of this planet, my people are innocent."

Queen Amaterasu's words clearly reached Doctor Talent's ears.

The latter sighed a little confused: "It shouldn't be like this, what I want is not what you look like now."

Indeed, what Doctor Talent wants is the appearance of God of War, and that is his goal.

"Doctor Talent, as long as you agree, I will immediately withdraw from Ganon and go with you." Queen Amaterasu finally compromised, she loved her people deeply, and she couldn't bear to see her people hurt.

But Doctor Talent in the control room was a little bored, what he wanted was the body of God of War, not the human Queen Amaterasu.

Immediately, he gave an order to Balisib: "Children? Forcing Queen Amaterasu to transform into a God of War."

After receiving the order, Balisib immediately became manic, ready to attack at any time.

But at this moment, a blue light descended from the sky, and Ultraman Gauss who came to support finally rushed to the planet Cannon.

He looked at the two parisibs and wanted to make a move.

Doctor Talent in the control room was furious when he saw this scene, and immediately gave the order to retreat. He knew that these Warriors of Light could not be defeated by just relying on the two juvenile Balisibs.

Doctor Talent stared at Gauss in the picture and said viciously: "Damn giant of light, when my plan succeeds, I will turn all of you into puppets."

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