Among the 180 bloody treasure chests, there was one thing that was almost treated as garbage by Zhou Yuan and thrown into the garbage incinerator.

[Love of the Adventurer's Guild Muscle President]

Place of Origin: Fruit of Evolution ~ Embark on a life of victory without knowing it

Category: Apparel (Neiku.)

Quality: S gold.

Description: Put on the love of the adventurer's guild muscle leader, and you will transform into the adventurer's guild muscle leader, with tyrannical strength and indestructible muscles.

Side effects: As the number of uses increases, users will gradually lose their sense of shame, and gradually become fanatical about muscles, becoming a muscle maniac. 】

Zhou Yuan twitched his nose.

The corners of his mouth twitched as he mentioned Ai, the muscle president of the Adventurer's Guild with two fingers.

This thing can be judged as S-gold, which means that after wearing it, the transformed muscles will grow, and its level is definitely sixth-order.

In some space battlefields, world battles, and battles for the authority of the Great Void Engine that do not limit the level of rank, this thing can turn a weak chicken of the first rank into a big boss of the sixth rank, a blockbuster!

Just ...

The side effects of this thing are terrible!

Before Zhou Yuan was reborn.

But all the reincarnators who wear the love of the adventurer's guild's muscle leader will not turn into a person who does not wear equipment, does not hold weapons, does not even wear shoes, does not even use skills, and only relies on muscles to fight against the enemy. Crazy!

Although some of these muscle maniacs were lucky enough to get the blood of the witch clan and practice horizontal training exercises, they did quite well, and even frightened the opponents.

But the vast majority of...

They were all killed before they developed.

And it was easily killed by others!

Zhou Yuan resisted using this thing from the bottom of his heart.


This thing is the early stage divine outfit.

Even if he didn't use it himself, he didn't intend to sell it.

In case of being bought by a reincarnated person who is hostile to him, Zhou Yuan may have to pay a considerable price if he wants to deal with the reincarnated person who has turned into a muscular president in a world where he can fully exert this kind of thing.

This kind of behavior of the enemy.

Zhou Yuan will not do it.

After dealing with the bloody treasure chest, Zhou Yuan rubbed his hands and opened the first-order treasure chest!

Because Zhou Yuan's rank is the third rank!

Opening a first-tier treasure chest will result in an equal-tier penalty.

Therefore, among the nearly [-] Tier [-] treasure chests that Zhou Yuan opened, a large part of them were empty chests, belonging to the thank you for your patronage type.

A large part of the things that were expelled were the body tissues of the first-order mutated creatures in Xing'an Xing, the teeth and hooves of celestial beings, and other useless things.

The number of really useful things is less than three thousand.


These useful things are aimed at first-order reincarnators.

These things, to Zhou Yuan, are also rubbish.

He set these things at a normal price and threw them at the terrain grocery store.

The things that were opened from the second-tier and third-tier treasure chests, regardless of whether they were of golden quality or not, were all thrown into the terrain grocery store by Zhou Yuan.

The level and quality of the items opened in the Tier [-] treasure chest are quite good.

But basically, they are all materials (Liao Wang Hao) from the mutated creatures on Xianxing.

It didn't have much effect on Zhou Yuan, and was thrown into the terrain grocery store by Zhou Yuan!

The things that came out of the fifth-tier box, including those fifth-tier spaceships, were all thrown into the terrain grocery store by Zhou Yuan!

Because of these...

For Zhou Yuan, who owns the red queen who has packaged the Aotu God Sect technical database, it is really worthless!


Even for these items that Zhou Yuan judged to be of little value, they add up to almost 50 billion points!


You are not mistaken!

These things that Zhou Yuan considered worthless were worth as much as 50 billion points!

It's so scary!

Because Zhou Yuan opened too many treasure chests!


This is only part of the value of the treasure chest!

Better value!

It is the treasure chest of Xinghai Fangzhu, the treasure chest of the first place in the points ranking, the treasure chest of the leader of the God of God Sect, 25 treasure chests of the sixth rank, and thirteen treasure chests of the sixth rank vehicles! .

Chapter 399 The origin of the universe rules life!Subspace Demon! (Seek full order!!)

Zhou Yuan opened it first.

It is thirteen sixth-tier vehicle treasure chests.

Three identical Tier [-] spaceships were launched!

The quality of these three spaceships is S golden.

Whether it is armor defense, or the function and speed of the spaceship, it is much worse than the starship Zhou Yuan obtained in the Starship Fleet!

But the special abilities of these three spaceships make their value even more terrifying than Zhou Yuan's starship!

[subspace navigation

Explanation: The S golden spaceship produced in the Gintama dungeon world, with the support of Altana energy, can escape into the subspace and sail in the subspace until it finds the exit to leave the subspace, then the subspace navigation can be ended.

But warp travel is full of unpredictable variables.

Sometimes after flying into the subspace for a few minutes, one can find the exit from the subspace, and after completing the subspace voyage, one can travel tens of thousands of light-years away in the real universe.

Sometimes it takes a few minutes to travel in the warp, and after finishing the warp voyage, it is discovered that decades have passed in the real universe.

Sometimes, after years of voyages in the subspace, the lifespan of the crew members of the spaceship is greatly reduced before they find the exit from the subspace, and only after the subspace voyage ends do they discover the real universe, and only a few minutes have passed.


Sometimes it travels millions of light years in subspace, and after 263 subspace voyages, it only travels tens of thousands of kilometers in the real universe. 】

At first glance this ability.

It was discovered that its power was actually Altana, which is the power of the dragon vein.

And subspace navigation is still so cheating.

The addition of these three spaceships is definitely not worth one-tenth of the value of the starships that Zhou Yuan obtained in the Starship Fleet.

But in fact!

Say something bad!

These three Tier [-] spaceships!

The value of each one is comparable to Zhou Yuan's starship Pluto who now has a ship spirit, integrates the old ladder, is attached with thousands of dimensional killing array rooms, and has the ability to fly faster than light, illusion and so on!

In the dungeon world of reincarnation space, main god space, paradise space, nightmare space and many other spaces, there are subspaces of some dungeon worlds, which are different from the subspaces we understand.

In the universe of those copy worlds, there may be many gods, fairylands, and hells.

The masters among them can travel through various spaces, and even control the laws of space!


There is absolutely no way for them to enter the Warp without permission!

Because the subspace of these copies is unique!

There are warp demons!

To be precise!

There exists the original rule life of the universe!

Some master the rules of time, they exist in the past, present, and future, they can see through the future, predict the future, and dominate the future.

You can even reset the universe with a single thought.

Some master the rules of life and reproduction. They can easily make a race into an existence like the Zerg, and they can even easily control the evolution direction of life and increase the speed of life evolution.

time, space...

There is basically no meaning to these existences.

They are immortal.

Even if they are both rule-type beings, there is basically no possibility of killing each other.


It's their toy.

However, these three S-gold spaceships can forcefully enter the subspace in such a dungeon, which is the ticket to get in touch with the original and regular life of the universe.

If you are lucky enough, you may be able to obtain some sources of original rules.


Most of the reincarnations are very unlucky.

In this kind of copy world, some beings accidentally enter the subspace voyage, they may just regard the subspace voyage as accidentally breaking into some space maze, and they want to end the subspace voyage.

But the reincarnated people who pursue power are different.

Reached the demigod level.

If they have the opportunity to enter the subspace, the rules of the original universe will be displayed in front of them!

It's as if a peerless beauty appeared in front of an LSP, and she couldn't bear it at all.

A demigod level (agcd) reincarnation will do everything possible to understand and master these rules, as the foundation for him to soar into the sky when he becomes a god!

This touched the reverse scale of the Warp Demon.

It's all right for you to come to our house suddenly, we'll take it for fun.

But you guys not only broke into our house, but also wanted to steal my authority, with plans to occupy the magpie's nest...

This is overkill.


Must be killed!

Those subspace primordial rules of beings don't even need to do it themselves.

Those sub-space demons under his command, if they send out any random ones, they can easily crush the demigod-level reincarnation to death!

and so……

Every space reincarnator has an unspoken rule - if you don't become a true god, it is best not to travel in subspace.

Very easy to get killed.

If the three S-gold spaceships in Zhou Yuan's hands were loaded with true gods, they would be destroyed in an instant at the moment they broke through into the subspace because they carried an existence beyond their own limits, leaving the true gods alone facing the source. Life, warp demons...

True God...will definitely be beaten to death!

Therefore, the S-golden spaceship is also known as the key to death, the one-way ticket to death...

But if these three spaceships were upgraded to the artifact level, that would be another story.

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