
【Inherent time control

Quality: S gold.

Category: enchantment skills

Description: This skill is a time manipulation skill.

Inherent Time Control is a type of Inherent Barrier. It is a technique designed on the premise of performing great magic. It can separate the flow of time inside and outside a specific space, and control the time of time stagnation and time acceleration in a specific space. .

Using the inherent time control will cause a great burden on the human body. Moreover, manipulating the time in a specific space will inevitably cause errors in the flow of time inside and outside the barrier that divides the specific space.

After the enchantment is lifted, there will be a force of nature to make up for the time gap caused by the time flow error.

This is a world fix!

Using the enchantment formed by the inherent time control, the larger the coverage area, the greater the world correction will be, and the greater the backlash will be to the user.

Conditions of use: The user must have the magic seal. 】

When Zhou Yuan saw this, his pupils shrank!

When he was just reborn, he used the ability formed by the terrain to forcibly cultivate the space-time partition line with the attribute of time. After that, he never encountered skills or items with the attribute of time.

Even if he has obtained the profession of hell magician now, he does not have time-related skills.

And now!

2.3 What did he see?

He saw skills related to time!


The skill of inherent time control should be FATE, which is the skill possessed by Emiya Kiritsugu in the Holy Grail War.

Emiya Kiritsugu's way of applying this skill is the best.

He set the inherent time control enchantment in his own body!

That's why.

That's because the inherent separation of the physical body from the outside world is the most natural. Setting the inherent time-controlling enchantment in one's own body, the interference from the world is the smallest, and the resulting world correction power is Minimal.

If Emiya Kiritsugu hadn't set the natural time control in his body, and he used the natural time control a few seconds later and canceled the natural time control, it would be impossible to only have a little side effects such as arrhythmia, abnormal breathing, and abnormal body temperature.

he may...

The power that will be corrected by the world will backfire and die! .

Chapter 457 Magic circuit boards and chips!Freddy's Claws!

and so……

Zhou Yuan also planned to set the inherent time control in his body.

He is different from Emiya Kiritsugu.

He has attributes such as super-speed regeneration, regeneration of broken limbs, and immortality.

I don't know how many times stronger than Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu can use the inherent time to control a few seconds, and Zhou Yuan may use the inherent time to control tens of seconds.

He can handle it.

The only problem now is - there is no magic seal on his body!


Zhou Yuan's all-terrain master profession can accommodate all power systems.

At present, besides the abilities possessed by the All Terrain Master profession itself, the strongest power system is the four regular powers of life, earth, ice, and beast calculated by the rule calculator.

These four rule powers, like the All Terrain Master profession, can exert power in all dungeons, and they are also common in almost all dungeon worlds.

Secondly, it is Zhou Yuan's physical body!

Zhou Yuan was able to let his spirit enter the stage of a god simply by relying on his physical body, and he could make judgments like foreseeing the future by relying on a little wind and grass.

Strong enough to explode!

Then, there is the power system related to the spirit and soul side, such as the ability of mind, soul assimilation, dreaming, dream control, etc. related to the soul.

This system allows Zhou Yuan to face the dungeon world of various cheating Cthulhu and supernatural power systems.

At last……

It is integrated into the magic repair system of Chakra!

Zhou Yuan did not intend to re-establish a power system outside of these four systems.

Not only is it unnecessary.

Opening up a new power system still needs to spend a lot of points, time, and energy.

Belongs to slow suicide!

Of course.

Not opening up a new system does not mean that Zhou Yuan will not use the power and ability of other systems.

As the calculation speed of the rule calculator continues to accelerate, more and more rules will be calculated. Zhou Yuan intends to integrate all other forces related to the calculated rules into the rules.

such as……

Whether it is the various ice abilities in the world of Xianxia dungeon, all kinds of unique ice, or the ice magic in the magical world, or the super power of ice...

Zhou Yuan intends to analyze these abilities through the rules already calculated by the rule calculator, and finally integrate all these abilities into the rules of the ice, and use it to promote the rule calculator to speed up the analysis of the rules of the ice...

Some forces that cannot be integrated into the rules for the time being.

Zhou Yuan could either use the demon energy of the demon cultivator to activate it, or integrate this power into the demon cultivator's system.

As soon as Zhou Yuan began to practice the basic skills of the demonic cultivator, he planned to treat the power system of the demonic cultivator as... a "grocery store".


"Garbage dump"!

Before Zhou Yuan's rebirth, he obtained a magic cultivation method similar to Wanhua's superpower, which could perfectly achieve this goal.

This kind of magical cultivation method requires a fourth level to be able to practice.

But this does not prevent Zhou Yuan from using magic energy at the third level to generate the inherently controlled magic seal!

If we talk about inherent time control, it is a large-scale magic formula, and it is an APP.

Then, the magic engraving is equivalent to a circuit board and chip that has already set the magic formula, the app, and can store magic power.

It is not much different from the talisman, magic weapon, spiritual weapon, magic weapon, spirit treasure, etc. in the world of Xianxia that can generate bans with different abilities.

Before Zhou Yuan was reborn, he studied magic engraving.

Although the research is not very in-depth.

But after choosing to learn the enchantment skill of inherent time control, he already has a deep understanding of Emiya Kiritsugu's magic seal.

He may not be able to use the means of magical cultivation and banning at one time to create a magic engraving on his body that has the same effect as Emiya Kiritsugu.

But he masters one percent of the rules of life, has the ability to regenerate at super speed and regenerate broken limbs, and also fuses with the original ball, so he has an immortal body.

He can make countless attempts.

Until I made a "magic engraving" that can 100% exert the inherent ability to control this inherent enchantment on my body!

in this way!

In the time when the inherent time control is accelerating several times to himself, Zhou Yuan's combat power will definitely increase geometrically!

Strong can't do it!


The inherent enchantment ability of inherent time control is not the most valuable that Zhou Yuan opened from the bloody treasure chest!

The most valuable is...

One piece of the Mars Infinity set!

Zhou Yuan dares to bet!

The reincarnated person who got the Mars Infinity suit has absolutely no idea that the component in his hand is worth more than 100 billion points!

Incredibly high value!


The remaining ones are all one-time subspace shuttles, space teleportation, shelters, and other life-saving equipment around the fourth level.

Zhou Yuan thought for a while, and did not sell these things.

In a few copies of the world, he may be forced to perform the task of upgrading to the fourth level by the reincarnation space.

The dungeon world after the fourth level is not as relaxed as the first three levels where you can freely choose the dungeon world.

Before the fourth order.

Reincarnators are amateur players of Earth ONLINE.

No one stipulates what profession amateur players need to choose, how fast they can level up, they just need to ensure that they don’t die

And after the fourth stage.

Reincarnation is a professional gamer!

They have to complete some training camps that they don't know about, defeat some teams that their superiors randomly arrange as opponents, and then win various competitions...


just hang up.

The difficulty has increased more than ten times to more than 293!

in this difficulty.

What if Zhou Yuan randomly landed in some cheating dungeon world.

Among these life-saving equipment, maybe any piece of equipment can be used, and it can save his life.

After collecting all the equipment.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath!


He wants to open Freddy's treasure chest!

In a normal dungeon world, even if a reincarnation is activated ten times, the possibility of obtaining Freddy's skills is less than 5.00%.


What Zhou Yuan just experienced was a copy of the New Year's benefits with a super high explosion rate!

Moreover, Zhou Yuan also possesses Benzettan's lucky charm!

His luck is comparable to the son of the world!

He is sure to get a skill out of these ten treasure chests.

Just open a skill!

Zhou Yuan made a lot of money!


Zhou Yuan opened all ten Freddie treasure chests at once!

Two things came out.

One is Freddy's sharp claw, and the other is the skill book!

[Freddie's Claws]

Quality: C gold

Durability: 200/200

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