next second!

It just appeared in the sky above Chunmu Town, and kept hitting the fangs of hell scarabs on the doors of the townspeople in Chunmu Town!

Then he slightly raised his finger in the sky, and made an unusually simple sealing rune on the central avenue of Chunmu Town, and the sound resounded throughout Chunmu Town:

"The world is about to turn into hell! Only the power of hell can harm the lives of hell!

Use fresh blood to tattoo the runes of the Central Avenue of Springwood Town on the fangs of the hell scarab on your door, and inject them into the body of the Wailing Spirit, then you can seal the Wailing Spirit into the fangs of the Hell Scarab, you guys Will have the means to harm the life in hell! ".

Chapter 472 The world turned into hell!The power mastered by all human beings!

"Then... run away! Run away like crazy, before Chunmu Town is completely turned into hell!"

The next moment!

Zhou Yuan not only used the ability to reduce the distance, but also covered several kilometers in one step.

He also used the ability of the hell magician to jump in space, and instantly traveled a distance of hundreds of kilometers to a military base!

Even the Overlord Federation, in the 70s and [-]s of the last world, their military base air defense capabilities were not very advanced, and they did not discover Zhou Yuan in the first place!

It wasn't until Zhou Yuan used his magnification ability to turn himself into a 20-meter-high giant and landed in the base that the ear-piercing alarm sounded in the military base!

As Zhou Yuan waved his hand, one stone wall after another rose up from the ground, blocking countless bullets.

"Humans! The passage from hell to the human world has been opened, and the endless hell life will be sent to Chunmu Town through the passage, with the intention of turning the human world into hell!"

"Humans! Remember! Only the power of hell can hurt the lives of hell!"

Thousands of hell scarab fangs were thrown into the military base by Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan casually left a huge rune in the military base:

"Using blood, gold and cinnabar that have been refined hundreds of times, to draw and engrave this rune on the fangs of the hell scarab, will be able to seal the howling spirit, and let you gain the power to harm the life of hell!


If you don't want to go extinct!

Just resist! "

Zhou Yuan activated the Rule of Earth!

Let more and more complex runes appear on the earth!

"These runes are advanced runes. You can try to engrave these runes on the materials of more powerful hell creatures to make stronger equipment and props!"

Zhou Yuan's huge body soared into the sky!


Space Jump!

If he jumps directly into a big city, he will throw out the fangs of the scarab from hell, leaving a lot of runes ranging from simple to complex!

If after the space jump is over, there is still some distance to the big city, Zhou Yuan will activate the shrinking ability, shrinking the distance between him and the big city, and after a few flashes, he arrives in the big city.

Then...he kept repeating what he had done before!

After distributing all the fangs of the hell scarab in his hand, Zhou Yuan did not stop, and continued to spread seals, strengthening and other runes!


Zhou Yuan set up a land magic circle in hell, opened the boundary wall between hell and the human world, transmitted the life from hell to the human world, and turned the human world into hell.

It is to allow more hell beings to have the power of the supernatural side.

Let him harvest more supernatural equipment, props, and materials in this base world to maximize his benefits!

And the seals and strengthening runes that he spread wildly in the world.

Not to save the world.

He only provides the means for human beings to resist the life in hell, so that human beings will not be completely wiped out of the powerless, spiritualized hell life.

That's all!

Humans will use runes such as seals and enhancements, as well as hell life materials such as the fangs of hell scarabs, to make various props and equipment for the ghostly hell life!

Even if only one millionth of the items they made were third-order golden supernatural equipment.

Based on the huge human population base of more than 50 billion, there are at least thousands of third-order golden supernatural equipment!

Third-order blue, green,

Second order gold, blue, green.

First-order golden...

The number will be more terrifying!

And these...

Most of them will fall into Zhou Yuan's pocket, turn them into points, and become the resources to crazily promote Zhou Yuan's strength!

Of course.

want to achieve this goal.

It is obviously not enough to open a space teleportation magic circle just in Chunmu Town.

and so……

Zhou Yuan ran around the world!

While spreading his runes, he is drawing cross-boundary teleportation magic circles all over the world, continuously sending hell life to the whole world!

He even...

Also let the Zerg in hell continue to dig the second and third land magic circles in hell!

He wants to transmit the life from hell to the human world as much as possible in the shortest possible time, creating the atmosphere of a decisive battle between the human world and the hell world.

only if!

Only his runes can be popularized in the entire human race!

The entire human race, while frantically resisting the supernatural life in hell, frantically manufactures all kinds of supernatural equipment, frantically researches and improves the quality of equipment and props!


half year later.


Countless countries and cities have been wiped out by the lives of hell.

The dead lives, after arriving in hell, turned into wailing spirits, followed their instincts, returned to the world, and became supernatural wailing spirits.

In the sky and on the earth.

Wailing spirits are everywhere.

The world has really become hell!

But because of the runes spread by Zhou Yuan, humans played tricks!

All kinds of firearms, cold weapons, and weapons of mass destruction aimed at the ghostly hell life are popularized throughout the human world.

In addition, a lot of gold-colored equipment with a quality of Tier [-] has been produced, which is used to specifically target the big devil in hell.

as well as!

In the Sadako video tape that has been reproduced and disseminated by humans on a large scale, as long as humans play it, Sadako and the wraith Zhou Yuan will attack hell creatures.

Humans barely retain half of the territory.

This is the situation Zhou Yuan wants! .

Chapter 473 Certification points 740 billion!Earn a lot (seek full order!!)!

The year is approaching.

In the base world of Elm Ghost Street, Zhou Yuan recovered the Hell Scarab fangs that sealed the Wailing Spirit. Not only was there no less, but also 500 million more!

A total of 500 million!


Zhou Yuan quietly collected [-] F gold equipment without causing human counterattack.

As for why so many F gold ones can be collected...

The reasons are not complicated at all.

Because as long as the equipment that can harm the spirit body is at least f-gold, there is no equipment with a lower quality than F-gold.

Zhou Yuan's [-] F golden equipment has been screened, and the attributes are very good equipment!

If not filtered.

He can collect millions of golden equipment and props!

The reason why Zhou Yuan didn't want the F gold equipment that he screened out was not complicated.

The certification points for those junk equipment and props...

Higher than the selling price!

Zhou Yuan certified out!

Absolutely lose money!

Only the [-] F gold equipment can make a lot of money after selling off the certification points.

Let's use a metaphor.

The number 99 reincarnation space is the boss, with countless employees under him, and there will never be a shortage of employees.

And Zhou Yuan is one of these countless employees.

But he is a little better than ordinary employees.

The benefits he creates are higher, and he is more concerned by the big boss.

With his own efforts, Zhou Yuan rented the base world from the big boss and became a small boss.

Using the materials and rules in the world of the big boss base, and relying on my own mind and technology, I made products.

The raw materials in this product belong to the boss, and the boss has to deduct the cost price, which is the minimum certification points.

If the manufactured product is too rubbish, the minimum certification points will exceed the selling price.

If it is certified and sold, the underpants that will definitely lose money are gone.

If this product is of good quality, it can make money, and it can make a lot of money.

The big boss not only wants the cost price of raw materials, but also [-]% of the profit.

Because it is an exclusive business.

You like to earn or not.

The big boss is not afraid of employee resistance.

In this way, the certification points will be ridiculously high!

It's like Zhou Yuan's [-] F gold items.

The lowest certification points for a piece of equipment is 49, almost equivalent to twice and a half of the price of the best F gold equipment.

Gao is insane!

That is to say, the normal price of this piece of equipment is 50 in the judgment of the big boss's reincarnation space. If it is higher, no one will buy it.

If Zhou Yuan can sell this piece of equipment for more than 50, that is Zhou Yuan's ability. The big boss, Samsara Space, won't draw it anymore.

This is Zhou Yuan's profit.

And Zhou Yuan!

Put these gears on sale with confidence!


There's no such thing as 100 million points, don't even think about buying F gold equipment for supernatural dungeons from Lao Tzu!

after all……

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