What kind of aristocratic leader are you going to attack?

Can you give a specific statement?

Let's not do what you don't like, okay?

I beg you!

But these words, they can only think about it, and dare not say it at all.

A few months later, many people have seen the brave man. It seems that the brave man has regained his sanity and can communicate, and he will not destroy other nobles casually.

Just ...

Once it is heard that someone intends to build a land defense magic circle, the brave man will destroy that noble territory.

This made other nobles and nobles who had not yet built a land defense magic circle temporarily give up the idea of ​​building a land defense magic circle.

after all……

Mental illness, especially a mental illness whose force is so powerful that it can shake the continental shelf, can't be offended, and the whole family will be killed!

They turned their attention to another matter!

Kingdom of God!

And it's still a fallen kingdom of God!

Appeared in Alban Kingdom!

This news is spreading like crazy!

It is said that someone came out of the fallen kingdom of God.

It is said that in the fallen kingdom of God, that person saw the palace of the gods in the clouds, saw the lost spirit of the gods wandering in the kingdom of God, and saw the beautiful saint who tried his best to maintain the operation of the kingdom of God, but was exhausted physically and mentally!

The gold there is everywhere, and the rice grain warehouse is full!

Wherever you take a breath, you will be at least ten years younger!

The creatures living there are all very friendly creatures, and it is easy to sign a summoning contract with others!

This is nothing!

A floor tile in the Kingdom of God is made of top-notch materials that contain traces of divine power, and can be used to forge divine weapons!

At the beginning!

No one believed it was true at all!

But when dozens of carriages pulling shiny golden gold and countless red, yellow, blue, and green jewels set off from the small town near the Kingdom of the Fallen Gods, the members of this team took out a handful of shiny golden long Sword, a sword destroyed hundreds of magic power holders, and cut a crack several kilometers long.

The whole world!

It's crazy!

They didn't verify whether the gold was gold-plated at all, and they didn't verify that the hundreds of magic power possessors who were killed were real magic power possessors or professional actors.

They didn't even verify that the few kilometers of cracks seen by Yijian were actually forged by a group of people who spent almost a week.

All they know is...

In the fallen kingdom of God, there is indeed gold and wealth everywhere!

All they know is...

From the Kingdom of God, you can really get artifacts!

at first...

The royal family of the Kingdom of Alban, under the order of King Alban, dispatched three knight groups that have been formed for more than ten years, a group of magicians composed of magicians, and sealed off a large area around the Kingdom of the Fallen God. To build a homeland defense magic circle!

As long as the land magic circle is built, they can pass through the land magic circle and keep everyone out of the defense magic circle, and the royal family and kingdom faction will monopolize the fallen kingdom of God!

There you go!

They will be able to reproduce the glory of the Alban Kingdom through the fallen kingdom of God, and finally drive out all the aristocratic guys!

They can even unify the world by them!

Dreams are beautiful!

Just ...

Their homeland defense magic circle just started construction, as if a certain summoning technique had been activated, and the brave man carrying the holy sword and floating a mechanical gate more than 20 meters high on the back of his head was summoned!

Not only was the land defense magic circle just built destroyed, but even the three knight groups and one magician group were killed by the aftermath.

After two attempts, the royal family of the Alban Kingdom confirmed that as long as they didn't build a land defense magic circle, the brave wouldn't care about them.

and so……

They changed their approach.

They used knights and magic missions to designate ten kilometers around the space channel of the Fallen God Kingdom as a restricted area. Any life that entered this range, whether it was a human or a ghost, would be killed by them.

The nobles of Alban take a look...

If the Alban Royal Family and Kingdom Faction occupy the fallen Kingdom of God, if they find a way to destroy or crack the land defense magic circle, their aristocratic faction will be the supreme king in their own territory and do whatever they want Aren't the days of my life dying?

This doesn't work!


These nobles, under the tandem of the Duke of Lomarin, whose family was extinct, formed a knight order and magician group that was at least several times larger than the royal family and the kingdom faction, and surrounded the royal family and the kingdom faction's army near the kingdom of the fallen gods. kill!


Not many people from the Alban royal family and the Kingdom faction escaped, and they rushed to the street collectively, causing the influence of the royal family and the Kingdom faction to drop to the bottom in an instant.

If the whole world hadn't been paying attention to the fallen Kingdom of God, maybe the next day, someone would raise the flag to rebel and attack the royal castle in Alban King's Capital.

The Duke of Lomarin intends to negotiate with the nobles of other countries to carve up the fallen Kingdom of God together.

But the aristocratic nobles of the Alban Kingdom disagreed!

In this fallen Kingdom of God, on the land of Alban, their aristocrats have gathered (okay) an incomparably powerful force. They are not afraid of anyone except the brave. Royal family and nobles share?

How old are they!

Therefore, the aristocratic faction of the Alban Kingdom let the Duke of Lomalin who wanted to stand up get out, and re-selected a leader.


The royal families and nobles of other countries assembled heavy troops and entered the territory of the Alban Kingdom on a rampage, launching an attack on the joint army of the nobles of the Alban Kingdom.

The dog's brains are about to come out between them.

The combined army of the nobles of the Alban Kingdom was obviously invincible.

So...they pretended to be the army of other countries and went to attack the combined army of other kingdoms.

It didn't take long.

The situation became extremely chaotic.

This kingdom fights that kingdom, and that kingdom fights another kingdom, and then they fight the joint army of the nobles of the Alban kingdom.

The world is in chaos! .

Chapter 569 I Call You Dad, Do You Dare To Promise?Cheating rules are props!

For the sake of the fallen kingdom of God, all the countries used their dog brains, but kept all adventurers, magic power holders, and reincarnated people out.

Adventurers and magical power holders, because there are families in this world, there is nothing to do too much.

But reincarnators can't do it!

Blocking people's money is like killing your parents.

All to my death!

A group of reincarnators opened up!

Rows of artillery, rows of tanks, pouring shells crazily.

Countless sharp guns Kungunir descended from the sky, causing terrifying flaming mushroom clouds to rise from the ground!

The nuclear bomb launch vehicles that were rubbed out by hands were erected one after another, and the nuclear bombs equivalent to a little boy kept hitting the ground. The core temperature of tens of millions of degrees evaporated groups of knights and wizards. That terrifying shock wave blew away members of the Knights and Magicians!


It is a mushroom cloud, flashes of light, and shock waves that cause earthquakes up to several kilometers, or even [-] or [-] kilometers!

Whether it's artillery, sharp gun Kungunir or nuclear bombs.

For the masters who have been promoted to the fifth level today, it is basically useless. They will not be killed unless they are stubborn in place.

Otherwise, as long as they react faster when they feel danger, they can completely escape from the center of the nuclear bomb explosion and easily avoid being hit by the sharp gun Kungunir.


A fifth-tier master is also the world's top master!


They are the chief and deputy captains, captains and the like of various knight orders, the number... is pitifully small!

Artillery, sharp gun Kungunir, and nuclear bombs can't kill them, but they can kill all of their subordinates!

When the countless huge mushroom clouds dissipated, the number of knights and magic missions from various countries fighting each other was less than one hundred!

"Little Huck! Wake up, I said I would take you to experience the life of a nobleman, as long as you wake up, I will definitely take you there!"

"Alice! Alice! Please! Open your eyes!"

"Halut! Where are you? Answer me!"

Over time!

Hundreds of fifth-level masters, their mood swings became more and more serious, the corners of their eyes were cracked, and the chaotic magical breath distorted the air.

The hysterical howl resounded through the sky!

"Alice! Without you in this world, what is the need for this world to exist? Die! Let me die!"

"Halut, my son, don't worry, I will let enough enemies be buried with you!"

The top five masters, move!

The fifth-order magic power holders with huge magic power lifted into the air, using their magic to make the world brighter. Countless fireballs, like missiles, raged and washed the ground in the direction of the attacker.

The great knights who have no magic power in their bodies but abruptly reached the fifth level are even more terrifying.

Their running figures exploded the air, leaving clouds of sonic booms on the ground, wading out of ravines and rushing towards the reincarnation!

this moment!

The fifth-order indigenous powerhouse!

No matter what country they come from, they are still from the noble union of Alban Kingdom!

Their enemies are only - reincarnation!


They are fast!

Someone's speed!

faster than them!

When there were detonating cloud rings on the ground and countless screaming sounds, the powerhouses of the fifth step stopped their steps, fell from a high altitude, and tightly covered their necks, with their mouths Crazy gushing blood.


Their heads, fall from their heads!

Hundreds of fifth-order masters!


kill them.

It is the "brave man" with the taboo door floating behind him and the blood on the holy sword shaking his hands.

The figure of the brave man appeared in no more than three seconds. Under the effect of anti-gravity magic, he rose to the sky, and the red and white fireballs scattered in the sky continued to spread in the sky, like falling meteorites, constantly hitting the sky. On the earth, a terrifying mushroom cloud rose up!


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