Even after the sixth level, the upgrade coefficient of special equipment is 16.

Even if the magic weapon is sealed to the sixth level, its value is many times that of the sixth level special equipment.

But because of its cheating side effects.

Moreover, because it was sealed, it wasn't even worth dismantling it into materials.

Only special groups of people or those reincarnated who want to kill their opponents together in a certain death situation are attractive.

in the present case.

It's really not certain that someone can come up with 50 billion to buy it.


Zhou Yuan hung the Goddess of Joy's Joy Bracelet and the sacred sky light at five trillion yuan and ten trillion yuan respectively in the terrain grocery store.

As for whether anyone will buy it.

Is there anyone who can afford it now.

Zhou Yuan didn't care at all.

He threw it into the terrain grocery store to make others greedy, and to make the reputation of the terrain grocery store more popular, so that now only after the reincarnations die, new reincarnations will come in, and the number will remain at 500 million The reincarnated person, when thinking of shopping, the first thing that comes to mind is the 2.3 terrain grocery store!

Only terrain grocery stores are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Zhou Yuan is convenient for large-scale shipments!

after all!

He is a man who has the authority to reduce certification points by [-]%!

As long as the terrain grocery store's reputation is always considered the best, largest, strongest, and most affordable by all reincarnations in the Dragon Kingdom, even if he doesn't gain anything in the dungeon world, just earning the price difference of certification points is enough Let the emotion of being envied burst.

Zhou Yuan is the last!

The design drawings of the SSS-level planetary fortress, priced at ten trillion yuan, were also thrown into the terrain grocery store.

He bid such a high price, which meant that he had no intention of selling the design drawings at all.

He just makes people jealous.

After all for many people!


It's a man's romance! .

Chapter 597 The Man Who Can Buy Planets!Fragile base world! (Seek full order!!)

Caliber is justice!

Range is truth!

Which man does not have the dream of driving a tens of meters high mecha and driving a hundreds of meters of warship?

And this planetary fortress can not only build battleships, but also space battleships, making mechas is even easier.

The key is!

In the drawings of this planetary fortress, there are designs for deformation!

As long as you have the ability to build this planetary fortress, the person who builds it can completely turn this planetary fortress into a planet-level mecha with a height of thousands of kilometers and the ability to cut down small stars through the transformation program!

Face this thing!

Just ask are you hungry?


When the terrain grocery store opens!

Whether it is the officials who have accumulated a large amount of funds, or other teams, mercenary groups, and guild bosses, or they are desperately squeezing into the terrain grocery store, planning to grab one or two pieces of discounted and super practical equipment. By.

They swarmed behind the terrain grocery store.

Immediately stunned!

"Fuck me, are we really playing the same game 06 as the owner of the Terrain Grocery Store? No! I rely on my liver to play games, and the boss relies on krypton gold to play games, and the owner of the Terrain Grocery Store, he is directly The game is GM! It's uncomfortable!"

Terrain grocer got so many goodies.

They are really uncomfortable.


Others have a better life than they do, and they all suffer.

"Count how many artifacts the military master got! Hardy's garland, Seraph's sleep, the Shangqing Dadong Sutra worth tens of billions of points, and the joy bracelet of the Goddess of Pleasure worth five trillions, worth one hundred thousand Hundreds of millions of sacred sky light, and the eternal existence of the sealed demon god...

I bet that the military lord himself definitely has several artifacts.


Hey Hey hey!Reincarnation space!Can we discuss it, don't reduce my attributes, let me exit the reincarnation space, okay?I do not want to play. "

They are still working hard for Tier [-] golden equipment.

The army masters are all engaged in the wholesale of artifacts.

This gap is so large that it makes people desperate.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged! According to my inference, these things are definitely not something that third- and fourth-order reincarnations can get!

Also, I'm sure that our previous speculation that the military leader is an official white glove is also wrong.

Officials don't even have the ability to wholesale artifacts now!

I'm sure that the military master is the white glove of other space reincarnation bosses! "

"You say that! It really makes sense!"

"Other space bosses, do business, are they all so wild? The business is done in our space!"

"Military Lord...he...actually helped reincarnations from other spaces to earn points for our number 99 reincarnation space! He is a traitor in our space!"

"Yes! He is a traitor! I despise him!"

They squirted wildly.

But they almost cried with envy!

Big brothers from other spaces, where are you?

I don't want to share!

I will help the boss open a store, and the boss only needs to give me some current-level golden equipment.

"Despicable! Shameless! Traitor!"

"The traitor gets out of the number 99 reincarnation space!"

They were cursing and drooling.

"Just the design drawings are all SSS-level. The planetary fortress built is not an artifact? If I can have such a planetary fortress with transformable mechs, I will smash all enemies!"

"There are actually items that can resist beheading! There are also stand-in dolls!"

"I'm going! Crazy! Really crazy! In the dungeon world, no matter how you die, it doesn't matter, the third-order resurrection props that will be resurrected in the space, take them out and exchange them! Isn't it just for special equipment? I will change! Later "

"There are many superpower seeds on the sale list!"

"Those cold weapons are all C gold!"

"Airplanes, cannons, tanks, warships, I'll go, even aircraft carriers, spaceships, quality, at least blue!"

"Traitor! Don't even think about me buying your stuff! Get out of our number 99 reincarnation space!"

The reincarnated person who cursed and said that he was not at peace with the traitor was honest in body, quickly chose what he wanted to buy, and frantically pressed the buy button.

But the vast majority of reincarnation, the speed is still slow.

They have a choice to buy.

Compared with those bigwigs who directly ignore the ultra-high-value items such as artifacts and just scan the goods, it takes too much time.

They have just chosen, not purchased yet.

what they want to buy.

It has been swept away!

It didn't take long.

There is nothing in the terrain grocery store, except for those few items that no one can afford, and the resurrection items in the third-order space that are used to exchange for special equipment.

An empty space!

Zhou Yuan returned 500 billion points!

And this point, it didn't take long, it was multiplied many times!

Forty-eight thousand tree hearts, with a total value of 400 billion.

A thousand fourth-order resurrections crashed and sold for 4000 billion!

Zhou Yuan is in his hand now!

With 900 billion points!


Because of the existence of Winus, he basically doesn't have to worry about the growth of the World Tree saplings in the future. If he gets good things in the future, he can also accelerate the growth of the World Tree saplings.

The most important thing!

It's his creator series equipment, rules equipment, lucky equipment, and some other special equipment, none of which are lower than B-level!

He also doesn't have the urgency to upgrade his equipment crazily now.

357 This is 900 billion!

You can completely let Zhou Yuan freely dominate!


Zhou Yuan was so excited that he almost cried!

How long?

How long has he been poor?

at last!

He is rich!

He is now a rich man!

As a mere third-order... no, he is a fourth-order reincarnation, possessing wealth comparable to that of a demigod, and even poor enough to believe in a god!

starting today!

He is also a man who can buy planets!

To calm down.

Zhou Yuan approached Saeko Busujima, Lori Mercury, Lilith the Black, Belial the Fire, and Astarte the Frozen in detail about the future development of the safe house base world, and what position they are in. planning.

After half a month of busy work, all this was done.


Zhou Yuan entered the world of Tier [-] high-tech base!

【warn!Number 100860, you have become a fourth-order reincarnation, your existence has surpassed the limit that the third-order base world can bear, please leave this base world! 】

Be warned about this.

Zhou Yuan didn't pay attention at all.

Instead, forcibly entered the third-tier base world!

This time, he clearly felt the fragility of the Tier [-] base world!

It seemed that he lifted his finger gently!

You can poke a space wormhole into the third-tier base world! .

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