"Resist Halo!"


With the blessing of at least thirty halos, the body of the tauren further swelled crazily, reaching a height of seven meters!

He pulls up the totem pole:

"Do you know why that Sumu man stopped winning 20 in a row? The patriarch said it was because I have a better brain, and I always think that guys without muscles are rubbish! In my opinion, you don't have much muscle , you are also garbage!

I want to kill you! "

"War Trample!"

The tauren's hooves stepped down suddenly! .

Chapter 617 The prototype of the full-time god domain!Serial War Trampling! (Seek full order!)

War trampling is a common skill for races with the word bull.

It is very suitable for their race, not only the destructive power is terrifying, but also the negative state of vertigo.

Normal race, if you encounter a single tauren, if you are hit by the war trampling and you are stunned, you will definitely be smashed on the forehead by the totem pole in the next second, and your brains will burst, and even your head will be smashed into the chest cavity .

If you encounter more than three tauren.

Even if it is not crushed by the war trampling, it will be stunned by the continuous war trampling of the three tauren, and it will be forced to death.

Especially disgusting.

The dizziness caused by the war trampling skill is still a high priority, and ordinary methods can't relieve the dizziness.

But war tramples!

It stuns the enemy by smashing the ground and transmitting vibrations.

For Zhou Yuan who has mastered the rules of at least one percent of the earth.

No use at all!

As long as he wants!

The tauren's war trampled, even the earth could not be crushed.


Zhou Yuan didn't intend to use the power of any rules, even the power of the All-Terrain Master, he didn't plan to use it!

He intends to use it!

Only his physical body!

That's all!

The Tauren can put enough pressure on him, so that 06 can improve his divine state!

The tauren race, the lowest level is the second level!

The highest level is the ninth level!

In the third-tier arena, the war trampling of the golden barbarians can cause the ground to shatter with a radius of hundreds of meters.

The tauren of the fourth rank, although not the golden barbarian clan.

But in the fourth-tier arena, it shattered the field with a radius of hundreds of meters in an instant, causing the ground under its feet to sink by at least three meters, forming a depression!

Zhou Yuan, who was in a god state, fell to the ground under the tauren's war trampling, even if he didn't reach the level of peeking at his fate, he was instantly able to gain the scope of the war trampling through the ground's vibration and shattering!

He didn't drop out of the range.

Instead, concentrate on feeling the ground, the air, and everything within a radius of ten kilometers, so that your performance can be maximized.


In Zhou Yuan's divine state, he vaguely felt the shock waves that the naked eye could not detect at all, vaguely noticed the amplitude of the shock waves, and noticed the law of the shock waves.


He can detect the different spatial positions of the shock waves!

Accurately find the fault of the shock wave.

Zhou Yuan walked in an extremely awkward posture amidst the shockwaves trampled by the war. From time to time, he used the moon step technique, crookedly, as if he had just learned the moon step, and rose a little into the air.

Others had no idea what Zhou Yuan was doing.

They knew that Zhou Yuan's performance at this time was not even as good as a second-order reincarnation.

Do not!

His current performance is not even as good as a normal human being with sound limbs.

It seems that he can no longer control his body!

And the tauren who cast war trampled on his face was full of excitement!

The military leader is staggering, what does this mean?

It shows that its war trampling has already made the military leader a little dizzy, and the military leader's resistance to the state of dizziness is not very high!

This competition!

It's guaranteed to win!

After it gains benefits, it will propose marriage to the patriarch's daughter. The patriarch's muscular body is taller and fiercer than it. She is known as the most beautiful daughter of the Tauren, and she is determined to marry her!

The tauren's face was full of excitement: "Boy! I know that guys without muscles are all rubbish! Once trampled by a war, you will be dizzy. Then you will be trampled on by me as an elite tauren again!"

"War Trample!"

"War Trample!"

"War Trample!"

The tauren kept bouncing, and every time it landed, it was trampled by a war!

The earth is constantly being crushed and dented.

The shock wave is like a wave, not only surging in the ground, but even shaking the air, causing ripples in the air!

at this time!

Not only the audience noticed something was wrong!

Even the tauren's brain, which didn't have much brains, knew something was wrong!

Army Lord!

He is not dizzy!

Instead, it uses a posture so weird that it distorts the pollutants, avoiding the impact of war trampling!

He is avoiding the shock wave!

And really evaded it, approaching the tauren like a strange species!

Naiya, the god elf who is the host, trembled!

Her perception enveloped the entire arena!

He didn't find that Jun actively used any spiritual perception skills, including the circle of mind ability.

The military leader also didn't use his knowledge and arrogance, didn't use the rules of earth or other rules to perceive, and didn't even use energy.


The military master didn't avoid danger through the terrifying fighting instinct, through the skin's perception of vibration and air flow!

The current state of the military master!

If she guessed correctly, it should be the embryonic form of the Omniscient God's Domain!

And with the existence of the Omniscient God Realm, the god elf Naiya has seen one, the great elder of the god elf clan!

In the Omniscient God's Domain, the Great Elder can control everything!

She raised a finger, and with negligible strength, flicked a fallen leaf away, even through a chain reaction, causing a world-ending disaster!

But the great elders of the god elf clan also started to come into contact with the Omniscient God Realm at the ninth level, and only after surpassing the ninth level did they truly complete the Omniscient God Domain!

Army Lord!

In the fourth order!

It has already entered the embryonic form of the Omniscient God's Domain!

What a terrible talent this is!

His future achievements are definitely above the Great Elder!

357 This Thigh!

Thick and insane!

Must hold tight!

When the rank of the military leader exceeds the ninth rank, she must run to the tomb where the great elder is dormant to dance, but she can only be helpless and furious.

this thing.

Imagining makes people emotional!

At the moment when she was distracted, the tauren looked at the military master who was approaching him in a strange posture, took a deep breath, and let out a dull bull roar:

"Let you see, as the tauren royal family, you are qualified to learn the super invincible serial war trampling!"

The power of the tauren began to explode!

It starts running wild!

And every foot that falls is a war trampling!


At this moment, there seems to be a tendency to be smashed!



Terrifying, even hallucinogenic shock waves are everywhere!

The tauren, who was exhausted physically, picked up the totem pole and smashed it as if he had cramps, like a fish that was dried immediately after landing. The more and more unlike a human military master!

"Totem smash!"

The indigenous spirit attached to the totem drilled out of the totem, adding terrifying energy to the totem, and forcibly smashed the earth out of a radius of at least 20 meters and a depth of tens of meters, with sputtering cracks everywhere around it. Pit! .

Chapter 618 I beat myself to death!A murder caused by a stone!

Tauren is overjoyed!


Its totem shattering ability, plus the totem pole, plus its attack power combined with terrifying brute force, broke through [-]!

It is confident that even if it is a fourth-order life form with a full body of heavy armor, it will definitely be killed if it is hit by the totem shatter of his totem pole!

But when it raised the arm holding the totem pole, its pupils shrank sharply, and its emotions almost exploded!

The two fingers of its opponent pinched the hair on its arm and hung on its arm, as if the whole body had no weight at all!


Its opponent, after experiencing its serial war trampling and totem smashing attacks, was unscathed, and even his hair was not messed up. He was still... so handsome!

It frantically swung its arms, intending to throw Zhou Yuan away who was pinching its fine hair!

Zhou Yuan was indeed thrown away!

But what was snatched away by Zhou Yuan's two fingers was also a handful of thick hairs on the Tauren's arm!

For normal human beings, if a handful of fine hairs are pulled away, there will be a little pain at most.

But a handful of the tauren's fine hairs were plucked away.

That tiny pain triggered a tiny bioelectricity, causing a tiny muscle of it to spasm, which in turn led to a chain reaction, causing his muscle group's biological nerves to be almost completely disordered!

Not only did it fail to control the muscles on its body!

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