Most of the decaying nobles of the empire, even the soldiers of the imperial garrison, the police of the garrison, the intelligence agencies of the imperial capital, and the guards of the palace guards, did not notice at all that the imperial capital...

The sky has changed!


Even at this point.

Zhou Yuan still didn't stop his soul assimilation operation!

He lasts a second.

Possibly assimilated a pauper in the ghetto.

In the next second, it is possible that the soul has assimilated a groom of a big businessman.

After a few breaths, it is possible that the soul has assimilated a noble steward.

The reason why Zhou Yuan is so urgent.

that is because!

In the imperial capital!

Many reincarnated people who have obtained the status of the imperial garrison, guard team, gang members, etc., started to move cautiously after a day of dormancy!

They either controlled the gangs, or gathered the poor and established their own intelligence organization.

Even after meeting each other, there was a short fight.

There is not much time left for Zhou Yuan to plan unscrupulously.

Chapter 645 Shadow Guard!Soul assimilation with infinite clones of Sadako and Kayako!

In the imperial capital, Zhou Yuan soul assimilated poor people, coachmen, butlers, small traders, gang members, etc., and did not intend to assimilate the souls of all the people in the entire imperial capital.

He can't.

Although he is now at the sixth level, his spiritual power is close to two thousand, and soul assimilation is at least a life above the fourth level. Unless he encounters an individual with a high success rate, he will complete the soul assimilation in just a few seconds.

Encountering those with a low success rate, he may take a few minutes, or even a quarter of an hour, and he may have to use the skill several times to complete the soul assimilation.

His soul assimilates a limited number of other beings every day.


The memory of the person who was assimilated by Zhou Yuan's soul will flood into Zhou Yuan's brain instantly after the soul assimilation is successful.

Even if Zhou Yuan's spirit is strong and his soul is solid.

But he is not Sadako after all, not Ka~yako.

The memory that exceeds Zhou Yuan's own by several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, still has the risk of covering Zhou Yuan's own memory and causing him memory confusion.


Zhou Yuan has already assimilated many officers in the Imperial Defense Force, Imperial Intelligence Agency, Imperial Guard, and Palace Guards. He has not yet digested the side effects of so many memories flooding into his mind.

Now assimilating the poor and others is nothing more than placing some low-level eyeliners in various parts of the imperial capital to obtain information that the imperial intelligence agencies cannot cover.

Wait for him to completely digest those memories and eliminate the side effects.

He will continue to assimilate his soul.


At that time, the objects of his soul assimilation were the front-line personnel of the Imperial Garrison, Police Department, Intelligence Agency, Guards and other institutions.

These soul assimilated people are equivalent to clones who cannot share all memories with Zhou Yuan at the same time.

Although they are not as powerful as Zhou Yuan himself, and may only be at the fourth level, they have Zhou Yuan's own combat experience, and have mastered some combat skills and abilities that do not involve rules.

As long as they hold the Teigu, even if it is a general-purpose Teigu, it is not difficult at all to kill the reincarnation of the same level one-on-one!

The ability to assimilate the soul.

It is really easy to use.

In the past, Zhou Yuan only used soul assimilation in the dungeon of dispatching combatants. In other dungeon worlds, Zhou Yuan basically never used soul assimilation.

In addition to being restricted and unusable.

It is because of the dungeon world, using the soul assimilation ability, it is not very useful.


The difficulty of that dungeon world is really low.

There is no need for Zhou Yuan to use the soul assimilation ability at all.

This ability, if paired with the infinite clone ability of Sadako or Kayako, will be a real fortress!

If Zhou Yuan had their infinite clone ability.

He only needs to assimilate the soul of a life and transform it into his clone!

Then this avatar will also have the ability to assimilate the soul and transform the life assimilated by the soul into an avatar!

His body, even if he does nothing.

The number of his clones will also divide geometrically. It may not take too much time to turn all the lives in the world into his clones!

This is scarier than a virus!

The scariest thing is!

Even if Zhou Yuan's main body is killed, he will be reborn on his avatar!

If you can't kill all the avatars, you will definitely not be able to kill Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan has been greedy for the ability of infinite clones for a long time.

Just ...

Whether it is the Great Void Engine or the number 99 reincarnation space, they will never allow reincarnation users to obtain this ability at a low level.

Zhou Yuan wanted to make out with Jia Coconut, but he couldn't find a copy of the Grudge of Tier [-] or below.

It's a pity.

After assimilating the souls of the merchants who were doing business in the empire, Zhou Yuan rubbed his swollen forehead, then stretched his muscles and bones, looked towards the imperial palace, and performed a space jump!

The next moment!

Zhou Yuan appeared in a guard lounge of the Imperial Palace, put on a guard armor, opened the door of the lounge, and walked to a place where there should have been guards standing guard, but now there was no one there. Standing on the post, raised his legs and stood on it.

This is of course not the way it was meant to be.

Instead, Zhou Yuan specially asked those guard officers to make such an arrangement.

After Zhou Yuan's soul assimilated the officers of the imperial guards, he learned from their souls that at this time today, Minister Ornest would enter the palace as if entering his own home, and come to find the little emperor who obeyed him. Show the so-called evidence and ask the little emperor to take down the highest official of a certain province and put him in prison.

0······Ask for flowers·····

Replace it with his greedy, rubbish, careless officials.

Those officials who are often sent to prison are really capable and can maintain the cornerstone of the empire's stability.

But the little emperor, he doesn't care about these at all.

He will only think that what Minister Ornest said is true, and sign directly to implement it!

Of course.

The entire empire is basically rotten.

This is not the reason why Zhou Yuan appeared here pretending to be a guard.

There is only one reason why Zhou Yuan appeared here!

That is, whenever Minister Ornest enters the palace, there are at least ten sixth-level shadow guards specially used to protect the emperor, and the leader is still the peak sixth-level shadow guard, and they disappear immediately!

Even the little emperor of the empire is not protected anymore!



At least their leader was definitely bought by Minister Ornest.

Otherwise this would never have happened!


That is why Zhou Yuan appeared here!

After the world distortion reached 90.00% five, there was no such thing in the original anime palace, and it was secretly guarded by the sixth-order shadow guards who specialized in assassination, assassination, and intelligence analysis. Zhou Yuan wanted to assimilate the soul of the little emperor, let alone.

Even if he wanted to assassinate the little emperor, he couldn't do it.

When Minister Ornest entered the palace, the shadow guards would automatically disappear. This was definitely the best chance for Zhou Yuan to attack the little emperor!

And in accordance with the habits of Minister Ornest.

After he asked the little emperor to sign, he would take the little emperor for a walk in the palace like a father taking a son.

Minister Ornest will not only take out some toys made of precious items that can only be used to coax children, to coax the little emperor, and then quietly let the little emperor get some bad habits, and guide the little emperor's hobbies .

He also promised the little emperor that next time he enters the palace, he will definitely offer something to the little emperor.

In order to achieve the purpose of controlling the little emperor.

Zhou Yuan stood at his post for no more than a quarter of an hour when he saw Minister Ornest, holding some kind of dangerous meat with blood in his hand, biting and devouring it, and talking to the little emperor at the same time. The emperor was very excited.

When the minister Ornest and the little emperor passed by Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan moved!again.

Chapter 646 The Empire of Extreme Darkness!The emperor under control! (Seek full order!!)

"Soul Shock!"

The target of the soul shock is Ernest!

Not recorded by the number 99 reincarnation space, before Zhou Yuan was reborn, he used soul impact countless times, carrying a massive amount of soul power, and almost instantly defeated all the soul defenses of Minister Ornest, allowing him to The whole person lost consciousness, his eyes turned white.

Although the little emperor was not impacted by the soul, he was hit directly.

But the aftermath of the soul shock still made his mind go blank, resulting in a moment of stalemate.

When he recovered, he realized that Minister Ernest seemed to be about to fall to the ground, so he instinctively wanted to yell.

But he didn't call out at all!

his body!

It is linked with several invisible threads!

This is!

"Puppet manipulation!"

Puppet control is the ability of B gold.

Zhou Yuan can only exert 35% of its "[-]" power.

But the little emperor who can no longer be a waste to control this waste, and Ornest who was attacked by the soul shock, couldn't be simpler.

Under the control of the puppet control ability, the little emperor raised his head, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the eyes of Zhou Yuan's disguised guards, his consciousness... Gradually dissipated!

This is!

"Soul Assimilation!"

After completing the soul assimilation of the little emperor, Zhou Yuan casually grabbed the minister Ernest's neck and looked directly at Ernest's white eyes. The tyrannical soul power was like a tsunami, almost without any consumption, from the soul The window, in Ernest's eyes, poured into Ernest's soul!

Zhou Yuan's soul assimilation!

A success!

When he put aside the fat pig general Ernest.

The soul of the little emperor who opened his eyes has completely changed into the shape of Zhou Yuan's soul.

Ornest, too.

Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched.

to be frank!

No matter from the anime, or from the memories of the military officers and intelligence personnel who were assimilated by his soul, it is very clear that Minister Ernest is a fighter among the garbage, and the little emperor is a waste of waste, a brain-dead.

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