There is a problem here.

Where did the boards, the wood, those things come from?

Can't every ninja carry a storage scroll on his body, and he can take out the wooden planks, wood, and items sealed in the storage scroll from the storage scroll at any time without unsealing it?

If there is no storage scroll.

Where did the planks and wood and those objects come from?

You can't use kunai or weapons to find a tree and cut it into planks or wood when you encounter an attack, and move a big rock to block the attack of the enemy attacking the ninja, right?

So how fast does this ninja have to be to do this?

Wouldn't he be good if he could kill the enemy directly with such a fast speed?

In fact, in the anime, Substitution has nothing to do with storage equipment or speed. You don’t even need to prepare props for Substitution yourself, and you can get materials anytime, anywhere!

Fighting in the forest, after using the substitute, you can cut a piece of wood directly from the tree and use it as a substitute material to become a ninja.

Fighting in the mountains with many rocks, you can directly use the rocks as materials for the substitute technique and become like a ninja.

in the original anime.

Hatake Kakashi even used the Uzumaki Celebrity's avatar as a material for a substitute technique, and performed a substitute technique!

Some of the principles of body substitution are not scientific.

But its essence is a kind of ninjutsu that can perform short-distance space replacement.

Many anime fans who like the anime of Naruto even compare Substitution Jutsu with Uchiha Sasuke's Hitomijutsu Tenmangi!

From this we can see what a fortress the substitute technique is.

Kishimoto, the author of Naruto, when he drew Naruto, may not have expected that the E-level basic substitute technique he set would be so powerful and buggy.

But in the later stage.

Kishimoto realized.

By the end of the anime, Kishimoto basically deliberately ignored the ninjutsu of substitute surgery.

Otherwise, the hand of the Grim Reaper summoned by the ghoul would penetrate through the wood used in the substitute technique, and Bamen Yekai's last kick would be the wood used in the substitute technique, which would be so fucking embarrassing.

Can this anime still be watched?

Of course!

In each space!

In the big void engine!

There is no such bug!


No matter in any level of Naruto world, its ninjutsu level is the same level of time and space ninjutsu as Flying Raijin!

After launching the body double, the user can not only instantly replace the space with the surrounding objects and lives, but also leave a place on the prepared wood covered with detonators, trigger nuclear bombs, various lives and objects. Download the relevant psychic imprints, use them as materials for the stand-in technique, instantly channel to your original location, and let your location produce a short-distance spatial displacement, so as to avoid being hurt by the enemy.


It's instant!

The bunker is dead!


The team leader's ever-extending Dao-seeking jade weapon slowly shrank, and he turned his head to look at Zhou Yuan, who was only 20 meters away from him in the form of General Bude:

"In the various spaces governed by the Great Void Engine, there are hundreds of millions of reincarnations who have entered the Naruto copy world every year.

But because of the lack of information, those reincarnators focused all their attention on items such as Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Reincarnation, Ten-Tails, Eight Door Dunjia, Layton Chakra Mode, Blood Successor Limit, Dirty Reincarnation, etc. In terms of surgery and physical skills, 0......

Therefore, the Substitution Technique has been changed to at least S-rank ninjutsu information, even in the top-ranked space, few reincarnated people know about it.

Not to mention the newborn reincarnation space.

Almost no one chooses double surgery.

Substitution is ignored!

I really didn't expect you to be able to use a substitute technique! "

"You seem to have the ability to teleport over short distances!"

"That is to say, if I want to kill you or restrict you, I must use a ninjutsu whose coverage exceeds the space displacement and short-distance teleportation range of your substitution technique."


"Six Paths. Earth Exploding Sky Star!"

This is the technique to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ancestor of Chakra, and it can create a huge moon!

It is the strongest sealing technique!

The team leader used this sealing technique to seal Zhou Yuan first, restrict Zhou Yuan's actions, and then... kill Zhou Yuan!

A pitch-black black ball just rose from the team leader's hand!

Zhou Yuan, who was in the form of General Bude, instantly transformed into the leader of the Shadow Guards, activated the Shadow Realm, and swallowed the black ball with terrifying gravitational force directly into the Shadow Realm, causing Liudao. Earth Explosion Star to explode in the Shadow Realm!

The next moment!

Wherever there is a shadow on the team leader's body, countless terrifying shadow thorns sprang out, piercing the team leader Liudaoxian's body into a sieve!

The team leader smiled: "It's not a fairy mode, nor is it a pure 2.3 physical attack. You want to kill me through a sixth-order shadow attack, are you kidding..."

His complexion became more and more wrong, and his voice became more and more trembling: "You control the seventh-level thunder fire cloud, enter the shadow, and then inject it into my body through the shadow thorn, let the thunder fire explode in my body, you... very good... ..."

Inside his Immortal of the Six Paths, a terrifying explosion of thunder and fire occurred!

Except for the head, every part of the team leader's body was blown into blood mist!

After a few breaths!

The team leader only has the head and the position above the chest, which is barely intact.

More than [-]% of his blood volume was knocked out!

His Yang Dun can quickly restore his damage and blood volume!

But it takes time!

And Zhou Yuan.

Obviously won't give him this time! .

Chapter 672 The world's greatest seal!The team leader who was beaten by countless negative states!

More shadow thorns with the power of thunder and fire inside penetrated the team leader's broken upper body, and several shadows pierced through the team leader's seven orifices, pouring a lot of thunder and fire into his brain!

These seventh-order lightning fires exploded horribly, instantly turning the team leader's upper body into fly ash!

But this does not mean that the team leader is killed!


Because Zhou Yuan didn't receive the kill prompt from the Great Void Engine!

That is to say!

He just killed it!

Definitely not the main body of the team leader!

In the anime, Uchiha Madara's avatars can produce a large number of complete Susanoos, and Senjujuma can produce a feeling that is no different from the real body. Doppelgänger.

It is not surprising to become the team leader who became Ten-tailed Jinchuriki and entered the human body mode of the Sage of the Six Paths, and created a six-level avatar that is fake and can use the Qiudao Jade weapon!

The avatar of the team leader.

The reason why he was so easily killed by Zhou Yuan, and kept comparing blindly, was to attract Zhou Yuan's attention and buy time to complete his arrangement!

"Notice? But it's been 06 nights!"

The team leader's voice came from all directions!

"Four Scarlet Sun Formation!"

On the ground, the avatars of the four team leaders opened up a cuboid of red transparent flames in the four directions of east, west, north, south, and pierced through the seventh-order thunder and fire cloud, which seemed to go all the way to the barrier of outer space!

The hardness of this enchantment can resist the ten-tailed beast jade!

The team leader knew that the four red sun formations could not trap people with spatial abilities inside.

and so!

His body inside the Four Scarlet Sun Formation!

The sealing technique was launched!

"Try the great seal transformed by the bosses, which can be used with Chakra to completely seal a world!"

A large number of banning runes, like a stream of water, flowed upstream along the four red sun formations, and spread up every corner of the enchantment of the four red sun formations, completely isolating the inner space of the enchantment of the four red sun formations from the outside world!

"In this way, you won't be able to open the Shadow Realm, and you won't be able to stop the Explosive Sky Star from unfolding. As long as I destroy the four red sun formations together with the inner space, I can kill you once, right?"

Zhou Yuan, who recovered General Bude in the air, smiled: "You can kill me only if I allow you to kill me. If I don't allow you to kill me, you have absolutely no chance to kill me."

"Please hit me on the right cheek!"

Before the team leader was about to launch an attack on Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan did not hesitate to activate the S-level hit my right cheek skill!

This is a rule-level skill, even if it can only exert 35% of the power, it can still make all the lives of the sixth level rush to Zhou Yuan and hit Zhou Yuan on the right cheek!

There is a certain chance of forcibly controlling the seventh-order masters!

The legion commander on the ground, looking at Zhou Yuan in the form of General Bude flying high in the sky in the formation of four red suns, suddenly felt an urge - he wanted to slap Zhou Yuan's right cheek fiercely!

Wait for him to recover!

His body instinctively activated Huangquan Biliangsaka, created a door-shaped space channel, appeared in front of Zhou Yuan, swung his left hand, and ruthlessly slammed towards the right face of Zhou Yuan in the form of General Bude !

The head of the team leader was blank.

he knows!

He is done!

Although his strength has been raised to the seventh level, and he has entered the human body mode of the Immortal of the Six Paths.

His physical level has not been raised to the seventh level, but only to the sixth level. After all... His ten tails are reversed from the immature sacred tree, and they are flawed!


Although he has entered the Time Room and practiced for 200 years, he can fight like Uchiha Madara in a battle of the same level.

But that is comprehensive combat capability!

He was controlled by force, and was forced to be pulled into the melee combat ability of the fourth-level man, who was able to rely on his close combat ability to kill half-dragon people who had already transformed into dragons. Now he was in the close-to-hand combat of the army master with sixth-level physical strength!

Also lost the initiative!

He will be hanged!

Will be crushed to death like a bug!

There is no fighting back!

Just as he thought!

[Big Void Engine: Your attack was blocked, your head was attacked by the leader of the overlord unit, you suffered real damage, you fell into a dizzy state, your body was disabled, you fell into a stiff, The muscles of your whole body are injured...]

In an instant!

Just a moment!

his body!

It was hit by thousands of attacks!

None of these attacks was a fatal blow!

But every time!

They were all attacks in a negative state, without giving him any chance to fight back!

Even while being attacked, chakra, psychic power, mental power, soul and other powers raged in his body, probing him clearly from beginning to end.

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