The Lord God fought for space debris, he destroyed the world by refining it into a black hole.

Zhou Yuan looked up:

"Sorry, I didn't calculate how many people I killed, but the total number of lives I killed should be thousands or even tens of thousands of times the population of the empire.

You should ask this question in a different way, and ask me how many worlds I have destroyed! "

Esdesh's pupils shrink!

Up to now, she is still considering if the empire becomes peaceful, should she rebel against the alien race, or rebel against the alien race, lead the army of the alien race, and fight against the empire to satisfy her desire to fight!

But compared with Zhou Yuan who aims at the world.

Her pattern!


too small!

Zhou Yuan looked at Estes:

"Now you have two options.

First, continue to fight with me. After being defeated by me, surrender to me. I will not only let you in this world and satisfy your desire for fighting, but also lead you to fight in the heavens and multiverses, and fight to your death!

Second, never surrender and be beaten to death by me! "

Esdeth's fighting spirit broke out: "If you can really satisfy my desire for fighting, then defeat me now and prove it to me, I will obey!"


Time and space!

Be frozen!

In this frozen time and space, Esdeth quickly approached Zhou Yuan: "Soldiers never tire of cheating! If you are killed by me, it proves that you are nothing more than that!"

The moment she pulled out the knife!

Several figures appeared in the time and space frozen by her!

These people are reincarnations belonging to the same team!

The reason why they can still move freely in the frozen time and space...

This is because one of their reincarnators forcibly exempted these people from being frozen in time and space at the cost of completely destroying the sixth-order Teigu that was immune to all abnormal states!

Among them, the blond-haired reincarnation took out a rather funny scarecrow with Esdeth's name engraved on it, and at the cost of destroying the sixth-order Teigu, he forcibly controlled Esdeth...for ten seconds!


Another reincarnator took out a strange-looking, spiral gene-like Teigu of causality, and directly hit the army leader frozen by time and space!

This law of karma Teigu!

As long as the attack is related to the military lord, no matter whether it is the avatar, any form, or the main body, the military lord can be completely locked!

In this state, as long as you kill the military leader once, no matter how many lives the military leader has in this world, he will be killed!

If the military master does not have a higher priority than this law of causality, and space-related resurrection authority, he will be completely killed!

If there is!

At least he will be killed out of this space killing field!

And the team of reincarnators who use Karma Law Teigu will win this space battle, and the benefits they get will not only make up for the losses, but also get tens of hundreds of times the benefits!

When Karma Teigu's attack hit the target!

The Teigu in the hands of the other reincarnation kept unfolding, forming a five-meter-high coffin, opened the lid, and swallowed the target directly!

This coffin!


It is a super powerful seal Teigu!

Before the lid of the coffin was closed, a one-time destruction item that looked no more than [-] to [-] centimeters in size, similar to the Mieshiyan explosive bomb or the Miestar bomb, was stuffed into the coffin!

When the coffin lid is closed!

A series of chains with runes slammed back and forth, completely locking the coffin!

At last!

The reincarnator, who looked extremely strong, took out the space teleportation device that was exempted from all abnormal states, and took everyone in his team without hesitation, and teleported away from the place frozen by time and space, not even the space device!

Teleport this time!

Let them be teleported to the vicinity of the imperial capital!

The captain of their team showed a smile: "Our operation was very successful. Look at the space battle this time, we are the ones who won!"


Chapter 687 Reincarnation Sharingan!Unlimited monthly reading! (Seek full order!!)

No matter what level, the same level, the same quality of conventional equipment and props, its value is several times or even dozens of times lower than the price of one-off equipment and props.

This is not because conventional equipment and props are not good enough.

Instead, disposable equipment and props of the same level and quality will exert a power that is several times, even dozens of times stronger than conventional equipment and props, and even surpasses the power of ranks!

This is true for the world-killing flame explosive bomb and the star-killing bomb!

And the ball they threw in the coffin was the same!

This ball did not explode like the World Mieflame Explosive Bomb or Star Extinction Bomb.


A temporary black hole was created that existed temporarily for no more than a second, and was directly erased by the tyrannical source of this world!

And this temporary black hole with only one second of temporary existence!

In an instant, the target sealed in the coffin was shredded, twisted, and sucked into the black hole.

Immediately afterwards, what was torn apart, twisted, and swallowed into the black hole was the coffin and chain that sealed the target.

Then there is the time and space frozen by Esdesmo Cobotmo!

after that...


That is to say!

If this was a real attack, the team that launched the attack would not only kill Zhou Yuan out of the scarlet red pupil space killing field, but also kill the overlord unit Esdeth by the way!

Double kill!

They will reap massive benefits!


all of these!

It's all fake!

That's right!

all of these!

It's all fake!


Zhou Yuan became the "team leader" Renzhuli, after developing the team leader to fully display the power of the ten tails.

Just use the six levels of chakra, which is almost infinite, and use the earth escape crazily!

Forcibly, when the team leader planted the sacred tree back then, an underground space with a width of tens of kilometers and a height of tens of kilometers has been opened up in the [-] kilometers underground that is completely barren now!

Then in this underground space!

The God Tree has been replanted!


When Zhou Yuan met Esdeth, he used the ultimate space pupil technique Huangquan Hirasaka to open the way to the barren land!

Just control the sacred tree and open the Samsara Sharingan!

Naturally, it is impossible for the sacred tree to project the reincarnation sharing eyes onto the moon in the world of the ninth-order source, the Crimson Pupil Slash!

However, Zhou Yuan used the Six Dao Earth Explosive Stars to create a "moon" with a diameter of five kilometers and let it fly into the sky, but it could project the reincarnation Sharingan!

When Zhou Yuan bombarded the ground crazily with thunder and fire clouds of more than 100 kilometers, turning the earth into magma, it burned through the stratum blocking the sky above the sacred tree, allowing the reincarnation of the sacred tree to complete the five-kilometer "Moon" projection!

Launched the infinite moon reading covering a diameter of nearly [-] kilometers!

That is to say!

After Zhou Yuan blasted down Leihuoyun!

With a radius of two hundred kilometers, it is shrouded in the super-large-scale illusion of Infinite Moon Reading!

The conversation between Esdeth and Zhou Yuan activated Moko Botmo to freeze time and space, but it was just an illusion projected by Esdeth's mind!

The reincarnation successfully used the transfer-type Teigu to transfer to the time and space frozen by Esdeth, controlled Esdeth with the strong-control Teigu, hit Zhou Yuan with the law of causality Teigu, and sealed Zhou Yuan in the coffin. Create a miniature black hole, kill Zhou Yuan, very smooth action!

also just...

The team of reincarnators who want to kill Zhou Yuan, what they most desire to do is also the illusion projected by their minds!

What the other reincarnators saw was completely different from what Esdeth and the team that attacked Zhou Yuan saw.

Other reincarnators, if they subconsciously think that Zhou Yuan cannot be killed.

Then the scene he saw may be that under the siege of countless super reincarnators, facing such things as one-off black holes, star bombs, and space storms, Zhou Yuan was shattered time and time again, but was reborn and resurrected again and again!

If they think that Zhou Yuan will escape under siege.

What they saw was probably the scene of Zhou Yuan escaping!

They all fell into the world of infinite monthly reading!

And their real bodies!

Including the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guard Legion that broke into the infinite range due to Zhou Yuan's order, they were all restrained and hoisted by the roots of the sacred tree!


It was made white!

That's right!

Zhou Yuan not only made the body of the reincarnation into Bai Jue!

Because of his order, the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guard Legion, who rushed to the range of the infinite moon reading illusion and were summoned by the Shadow Power Ring, became white!

For Zhou Yuan.

With the Shadow Power Ring, he can indeed summon the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guard Legion.

His shadow form is indeed the leader of the shadow guard.


He only realized not long ago that his shadow form, even if he is the leader of the shadow guards, is not the highest controller of the shadow clan!

above him!

There are six shadow elders!

Of course, this is not to say that the six shadow elders are stronger than the shadow guard leader in his shadow form!

Just like human society, a waste can be the emperor, and a treacherous minister without strength can control the power of the empire.

The six shadow elders are a model who are not strong enough, but control a lot of power and control a lot of power.

In most cases, the leader of the Shadow Guard in Zhou Yuanying form can summon and command the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guard Legion.

But if one of the six shadow elders gave other orders to the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guardian 403 Guards.

Sorry about that.

The leader of the Shadow Guard, he can't command the Shadow Legion and the Shadow Guard Legion at all!

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