In the world of One Piece, whether it is Enil with the thunder fruit or the yellow monkey with the sparkling fruit, their theoretical maximum speed is the speed of light, which is far from what Hill, who has obtained the rapid protection, can compare.

But their maximum speed is an uncontrollable speed.

When they are doing this kind of ultra-high-speed movement, they think of reaching that place in the first moment in their minds, and they will arrive in the next moment.

During the march, their nerve reflexes couldn't keep up with their speed, and they couldn't respond effectively at all!

The rapid protection is different.

It can allow Hill to run at super high speed while improving her reaction ability, allowing her to fight while traveling at super high speed!

Isn't there a saying that in martial arts in the world, everything is invincible, only speed can't be broken?

As long as the speed is fast enough and you can fight at a faster speed, you are invincible!

Even Zhou Yuan didn't expect it.

After Chitong obtained the protection of the holy sword, Hill can also obtain the protection of rapidity!

Even if the other divine power protections are rubbish protections, it would be worthwhile for Zhou Yuan to spend a few divine power crystals!

But in fact!

The other blessings are also very good blessings!

Leonai, who is good at melee combat, obtained the protection of the beast master, which allows her to obtain the protection of the strength, speed, recovery, defense, combat power, etc. of the seventh-order beast king. She can completely compete with the seventh-order master .

Dotya transformed herself through alchemy, and the blessing she obtained was the blessing of the guide.

This guide protection is a very interesting protection. Before the brave grows up, it provides shelter for the brave. After the brave grows up, it formulates various strategies and provides various auxiliary protection for the brave.

Although compared with the powerful protection of the brave, the sword master, the great sage, the holy sword, etc., it seems very mediocre.

But if compared with other protections, it seems quite powerful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be the leader of the brave team!


The blessing of this kind of protection is quite comprehensive.

It is enough to raise Dortya's combat power to the seventh level.

The rest of Kuroto, Chikushi, and Main all chose the divine protection of the Baiya goddess Venus.

What Heitong obtained through divine protection is an S-level talent berserker.

This is a fortress of talent.

But the problem is, even if Hei Tong's illness is cured, the body has been strengthened by genetic strengthening agents, and he has chosen the ice superpower that is not much in number at present, just like Estes, which claims to be able to freeze everything at the fourth level Seeds, her main combat power, are still on her Teigu Dead March. Hachibo.

A weak chicken with considerable melee combat effectiveness.

Estes, who has not been protected by divine power, can call her mother with one hand.

Moreover, Hei Tong himself is easy to blacken, and after using it, there is no other talent to check and balance, 100% of the berserker talent that can be mineralized, in the world of One Piece, if she dares to run the great route, I am afraid she will not be able to see it. to the sun the next day.

There is a high probability that they will be killed.

Letting Hei Tong obtain the S-level Berserker talent is a bit of a waste.

The talent that Chikushi got was an S-level talent called Son of the Earth!

This talent is similar to the talent of the son of magic. It not only allows Chikushi to easily feel the various rules contained in the earth, but also allows Chikushi to store the elements related to the earth on a large scale.  …

It also allows Chikushi to easily control the land!

There is an exaggerated saying, which is used to describe the son of the earth - as long as my feet are still on the ground, I am invincible!

And the protection that Ma Yin obtained through the Baiya goddess Winus is not an S-level talent, but an A-level talent, called Transcendent Vision.

If this talent is placed on other melee fighters, it will basically have no effect.

But put it on Ma Yin, who has a romantic turret and can carry out ultra-long-distance strikes, it is a very powerful support talent.

First, it was locked beyond the line of sight, and then under the threat of props specially prepared by Zhou Yuan for Ma Yin, simulating the threat of facing the old ruler, Ma Yin, who was feeling the crisis of death, was under the blow of a violent trans-horizon blow.

Even if Ma Yin is only at the sixth level, she can definitely knock out the existence of the peak of the sixth level with one blow, and even severely damage the seventh-level masters.


Run after hitting.

Thief exciting.

Seeing these divine protections, Zhou Yuan felt that he was not an intruder, but a child of the dungeon world of One Piece. Otherwise, how could his luck be so good?

Zhou Yuan looked at Lori Mercury, and raised his hand to protect her with divine power!

The result of this protection made Zhou Yuan 2.3 gasp!

Lori Mercury's blessing!

It's God of War's protection!

This protection!

It's seventh order!

It is the only kind of terrifying protection that surpasses great sages and sword masters, and is second only to brave men. The probability of appearing is one in hundreds of thousands!

Whether Lori is commanding a war or fighting, her combat power will be doubled!

And as time goes by, the combat power bonus he gets will increase more and more!

Strong enough to burst.

This luck!

Too strong for no reason!

It was so strong that Zhou Yuan wondered if he used Benzitan's lucky skin care!

Take a deep breath!

Zhou Yuan took out another piece of divine power crystal, looked at Ping Na and her knights who yearned for divine protection, and gritted his teeth!

The divine protection has started again! .

Chapter 747 Is no different from a god!Directed Divine Punishment Protection! (Seek full order!)

When Ping Na was brought to the base world by Zhou Yuan, her level was actually very low.

She and her knights, in Zhou Yuan's safe base world, obtained super power seeds, obtained gene strengthening potions, and solved the problem of lifespan, and have been working hard on cultivation and learning to use various high technologies equipment.

But because of the upper limit of the safe base world and their own talents, their strength has only reached the fourth level, about 45 or [-]th level.

Not too strong.

But the divine power blessing she obtained is stronger!

The blessing she received was—hero!

Heroes are a special kind of unit. Although they are not as strong as brave men, they may be weaker in combat power than great sages and sword masters.

But what is stronger than Juggernaut and Great Sage is that the hero itself will be blessed by the power of faith, whether it is his own resilience or endurance, it is so strong that it will explode!

In Ping Na's Rose Knights, the other two beauties who have obtained the protection of non-attribute divine power, the protection they obtained is quite strange, they are the protection of the god of love and the protection of fate plus 06 protections.

These two blessings sound like a blast.

But in fact, the protection of the god of love is to make a man fall under the pomegranate skirt as soon as he sees that woman, completely captured by her charm, and become a licking dog.

of course.

The men here refer to ordinary men.

For those strong-willed men, not only will it not work, but it will even arouse some kind of men's resentment, thinking that they have received some kind of mental shock, and then become angry and kill the female knight who is protected by the god of love.

And the blessing of fate...

According to the protected beauty knight, she seems to have been assigned an unchangeable fate.

She will be separated from Pingna's Rose Knights soon.

In order to return to the Rose Knights, she drifted in the sea, and then was swallowed by the sea kings, ending her miserable life.

This blessing is not only nonsense, but also disgusting.

The reason for this situation is that there is a high probability that within the jurisdiction of the reincarnation space numbered 99, in the dungeon under the control, all the gods related to fate do not like to watch Hehe Meimei's comedy life, but instead like to manipulate others. In life, let other people's tragedies end, to achieve her joy of controlling other people's fate.

This kind of deity who can't look down on others, has created countless tragedies, and mastered fate, Zhou Yuan didn't know how many gods he had seen before his rebirth.

He also killed a few with his own hands.

This kind of destiny protection is unsolvable for a beautiful knight who doesn't know how to use divine power.

No matter how much she struggles, how much she wants to change her fate, how much she seeks protection, there will always be various accidents, so that she will still be swallowed by the sea kings as shown by the fate protection.

However, for Zhou Yuan, who had almost understood the essence of divine power, this blessing of fate could be easily erased.

Even the sealed sub-god Lori Mercury can erase this disgusting blessing through the crystallization of divine power.

When the fateful protection of the beautiful knight is erased.

Zhou Yuan stopped wasting the crystallization of divine power.



"Armed and domineering!"

"Old symbiosis!"

"Mind ability! Strong!"


Zhou Yuan took out Akuya's paper fan after performing a series of blessings on himself, so that his defense power completely surpassed that of Esdeth, who had the strongest defense power today!

Zhou Yuan once sealed many divine punishments that had reached the peak of the sixth order in Akuya's paper fan during the world scramble.

And what Zhou Yuan has to do.

It is to slightly unseal the seal of Akuya's paper fan, and release some divine punishment sealed in it!

When the seal was slightly released, countless divine punishments were divided into countless times, like a swarm of bees, completely submerging Zhou Yuan.

Cracks appeared in Zhou Yuan's tyrannical body in an instant, and a strong smell of meat came out.

In the process of being constantly destroyed and regenerated, Zhou Yuan took out the crystal of divine power, frantically absorbed the power of divine punishment, and then...activated the divine protection!

This is!

Directional protection!

Let Zhou Yuan obtain the seventh-order divine punishment protection that he wanted!

One of the reasons for not loading God's Punishment Protection for other people is that other people's defense is not enough.

Another aspect is that Zhou Yuan himself, before reaching the eighth level and becoming a demigod, was forbidden to use divine power by the number 99 reincarnation space, and could only use divine power for divine protection.

He was restricted by the number 99 reincarnation space, and of course he was compensated.

He is using divine power to protect himself with divine power, and there is a certain chance of obtaining directional divine protection.

But he himself is incapable of directing divine protection to others.

Can't do it.

Move your body.

next second.

Zhou Yuan turned into a thunderbolt, and appeared at an altitude of more than ten kilometers in an instant amidst the piercing sound!

He shook hands.

A thunderbolt with a thickness of at least 20 meters fell from the sky and penetrated the sea, leaving a hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters. After the seawater collapsed, a huge vortex was formed, and it seemed like an arc spreading around from time to time, and it was even as long as mile!

Countless fish in the calm zone were electrified!

There was also a huge Neptune with a body length of several hundred meters, which was affected, turned its belly, and floated to the surface of the sea!


It's really strong!

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