When the bomber in the subspace orbit was about to hit the ground and suddenly pulled up, the hatch was opened, and Zhou Yuan jumped down!

The scroll in his hand is torn!

A huge corpse dragon appeared under Zhou Yuan's feet. Like a bomber, it swooped down to the ground and let out an ear-piercing roar that traveled far, far away!

Some Zerg ran out of the wormhole and saw the huge corpse dragon. They just observed it for a while and retracted back into the wormhole!

Don't come out at all!

Such an anomaly!

It can only be explained that before being killed by the worm god of Ghost Star, he had passed the information related to Zhou Yuan to the cerebrate worms on other planets.

The brain worm of star P knew very clearly that the worm god was killed by Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan even single-handedly killed the Zerg Planet Predator of Big K.

No matter how many regular Zerg guards, jumpers, tank bugs, and plasma bugs it sends out, it will definitely not be able to deal with Zhou Yuan.


It is very clear that Zhou Yuan's starship has arrived at Planet P from Phantom Planet in such a short time, and there is absolutely no time for ammunition replenishment!

Although there are subspace orbital bombers on this starship.

But the orbital bomb has been exhausted in the orbital bombing of the ghost star!

Those laser weapons have run out of energy and have fallen into a long cooling period.

It simply doesn't have the ability to blast star P into cracks like a ghost star, blowing up the planet to the point of splitting it apart!

Instead of sending Zerg to die!

It would be better to just ignore Zhou Yuan. When he is on this planet, he really can't find many Zerg to kill, so he will leave naturally.Terrans... their time.

It is much more precious than the Zerg!


The cerebrates of planet P didn't even know that one of their Zerg queens had become Zhou Yuan's slave. No matter how unwilling they were, they reported the location of the cerebrates to Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan jumped off the subspace orbital bomber and rode the corpse dragon. The goal is very clear!

That is the brain worm of P star!

The brain worm didn't know how this human being knew where it was hiding.

But it absolutely does not allow this human being to approach!

It's about its life!

and so!

It overturned the decision a few seconds ago, erupted with terrifying mental fluctuations, and issued an order to the Zerg on star P!

Kill this human at all costs!

Countless Zerg guards and jumpers let out terrifying hisses, gushing out of the wormhole like a tide, and madly attacking Zhou Yuan!


The Zerg guards couldn't attack the corpse dragon more than ten meters above the ground, let alone Zhou Yuan!

Zerg jumpers can launch a gliding attack on Zhou Yuan!

But as soon as they were 20 meters away from Zhou Yuan, they were shrunk and absorbed by the different-dimensional killing array Zhou Yuan was playing with!



The scene reappears like a big K-star!

Zhou Yuan piloted the corpse dragon to fly at low altitude!

Sweep all the Zerg within a radius of 20 meters, and suck them into the different-dimensional killing array!

About [-] Zerg guards were absorbed!

A cuticle trident hundreds of meters long broke out from the ground and smashed towards Zhou Yuan!

Zhou Yuan's distraction is dual purpose!

While observing the battlefield.

While driving the corpse dragon, avoiding the cuticle trident, he kept approaching the position of the brain worm!non-stop……

Absorb the Zerg that came out like a tide and threatened him with death into the different-dimensional killing array, turning them into insect pulp!

When the Zerg was killed by another dimension, more than [-] were killed!

Zhou Yuan gained more than 1000 million points! ...asking for flowers...

The cuticle trident tore the earth into a gigantic crack that was several kilometers long!

Through the cracks, one can clearly see the huge body of the planet predator, slowly standing up, trying to fight back, and disconnecting the transparent pipes attached to the origin of the planet one by one!

Each disconnected.

It will emit a terrifying scream that cannot suppress the pain!

In the case of the Zerg massacre!

It can no longer continue to absorb the origin of the planet with peace of mind!

It's going to kill that human!

Ten seconds!

As long as that human continues to slaughter the Zerg for ten seconds, it is sure to kill him before the human returns to the starship on the subspace orbital bomber!


Destroy that starship!

It just broke half of the transparent pipe, and that human returned to the starship in a subspace orbital bomber!

That human is going to escape?

It absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen!

 … 0

The planet predators broke out completely!

Suddenly broke all the transparent pipes and tore the earth apart!

Zhou Yuan who just returned to the starship.

From the outer window of the starship, with the naked eye.

You can see that the planet predator collapsed the ground with a radius of more than ten kilometers, crawled out of the ground, flapped its wings frantically, and set off a storm!

With a speed faster than that of a space orbital bomber flying in the planet, it rushed straight to the starship! "Let the starship fly faster than the speed of light immediately!" "Yes!"

When the planet predator, that terrifying body ten times larger than the starship, rushed into space, its sharp claws were about to cut the starship in half. "Prepare for faster-than-light flight! Countdown!" "Five!" "Four!" "Three!" "Two!" "-!"

A gravitational twist ahead of the starship!

The starship exploded with terrifying energy in an instant, and entered superluminal flight!

Wait for the starship to stabilize!

Already several light years away from P star!

The pilot's breathing was a little short: "Sir! There is something weird in the front scan, what exactly is it, I told you, sir, you might not believe it, sir, you'd better take a look for yourself!" Waiting for Zhou Yuan to approach!

He uploaded the situation scanned by the starship!That is……

A huge temple floating in the void of the universe, covering an area of ​​at least tens of square kilometers.

A strange gravitational field is formed around it!

On the various starship mooring rings outside the temple, there are one huge starship after another, or a small but full of high-tech sci-fi spaceship!

Zhou Yuan had never seen the words written on the temple.


He knew the meaning of the words very clearly!

That is Yiyi Space Battlefield, No. [-] Big Void Store!inch.

Chapter 105 Seventh Intensity Space Battlefield!There's more wool to pluck! (Seek full order!!)

[You found the No. [-] store in the Great Void.

Within a radius of [-] kilometers around this store, it is an absolutely safe area!Force of any nature is prohibited! 】

See this tip.

Ever since Zhou Yuan entered the space battlefield, his tense nerves have completely relaxed.

Zhou Yuan had seen this kind of absolute safety zone many times before his rebirth.

In this area, even if all the Zerg around the planet Klendaff come, don't even think about hurting anyone within this [-]-kilometer range!

Even if it hurts a cockroach within [-] kilometers!

Can't do it!

Zhou Yuan yawned, and said to the pilot: "Park the starship well. If you want, you can enter the temple. No matter how someone dislikes you, no one will be able to hurt you near this temple. It's up to you! Even if they want to scold them, they can't do it!

After all, verbal violence is also violence, and the psychological harm it causes is also harm!

"Eight zero seven" is absolutely not allowed here!

This is an absolute safe zone! "

10 minute later.

Zhou Yuan stepped on the ground of the temple, opened his own panel, took a photo of the ground of the temple, and clicked a few times in the settings next to the photo.

[No. 99 reincarnation space has been locked here, have you set your anchor point in this safe area here? 】


[Number 99 reincarnation of reincarnation space code-named military master, your anchor point has been set, within the temple area, without your personal confirmation and consent, no one can move your position, you can do anything within the temple area what you want to do.

Including deep sleep.

You don't have to worry about being hurt during deep sleep, being taken away from the temple, and you don't have to worry about losing your belongings.

The big void engine is always watching here. 】

Under the watchful eyes of the life in the temple, Zhou Yuan took out a small villa with extremely luxurious interior decoration, enlarged it to the size of a normal villa, walked in, lay on his back on the bed, turned off his talent of insomnia, and fell into a deep sleep .

This was the first time that Zhou Yuan entered a deep sleep wholeheartedly without any vigilance after acquiring the talent of the Sleepless!

After waking up.

What Zhou Yuan saw was still the eternal starry sky!

And the eternal temple, the No. [-] shop of Great Void.besides……

The Zerg Queen Jie who got under his blanket!

Zhou Yuan's face trembled.

What does this Zerg Queen want to do?

I just treat her like a slave!

She actually wanted the slave to stand up and sing!

[The military master from the reincarnation space numbered 99 has detected that you have woken up. Welcome to the No. [-] store of the Great Void. You can use the Great Void points to buy anything in this store.

At the same time, you can also browse the various bounties hanging in this store. When you accept the bounty, you will automatically get the information related to the bounty.

If you do not perform the task or fail to perform the task, the Great Void Engine will deduct points equivalent to nearly one-tenth of this bounty.Please think carefully before accepting a mission. 】

[At present, the free communication and trading area of ​​this store has gathered more than [-] reincarnators in various spaces. You can trade information and items with them, or you can choose to set up a stall in this area. 】

[This temple... The three-dimensional guide map of the relevant areas of this No. [-] shop has been sent to your mind. Except for areas with special marks that require relevant permissions, you can pass through any area. 】

[The following are the items that can be traded in this store...]

[Space folding generator, space wormhole generator, curvature engine, solar furnace, Dyson sphere, Earth Federation superlight starship, antimatter bomb, energy level [-] energy shield generator, shuttle-type space battleship, planet transformation ship, space Distortion cannon, antimatter cannon...]

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