So a big steam toad was summoned there.

And when they saw the big steam toad, Otsutsuki Zero and Otsuki Takeshi were also slightly surprised there.

But didn't you panic?When facing a strong enemy, panic is the most deadly thing.

Therefore, as strong people, they naturally know that the more dangerous the situation is, the more they must deal with it calmly, and they must not be irritable or impatient.

In this case, it will make things worse.

Although Otsuki Zero looks very young, he has a lot of experience in this area.

Even his heart is stronger than Otsuki Takeshi.

Looking at the two people there, although they were beaten back by themselves, they still didn't seem to use their full strength.

Layman Guoxin was a little confused there, it seemed that these two people seemed to be stronger than those four people.

He used the individual strength of four people to measure Otsuki Zero Style and Otsuki Wu Style. In fact, he already felt the strength of Otsutsuki Zero Style and Otsuki Wu Style, which is higher than Otsuki Water Style and Otsuki Wind Style. .

Although they are on the same level as Fatty, the tacit understanding between the two of them is better than Fatty's cooperation with the person beside him.

The fat man and the thin man used to be two people who had a tacit understanding.

But.After the thin man disappeared inexplicably, the fat man cooperated with the person in front of him.

But there is no tacit understanding between the two?Ninjutsu also has no common combat methods?

So in fact, the strength of the four people has shrunk greatly, Otsutsuki zero style and Otsutsuki martial style are not the same.

They have been together for many years, not only can they cooperate tacitly to make up for each other's weaknesses.

And the two of them can also use each other's Chakra to cooperate and launch some ninjutsu.

Layman Guoxin entangled with Otsuki Zero Type Otsutsuki Wushi for a while, but found it was still a bit difficult.

What exactly is going on?He felt this way when he was beating four people, but it became stronger when he was beating two people.

Layman Guoxin was depressed there for a while, it seems that the people who came to the different dimension this time are really very powerful.

Could it be that Cixuan had to take action to subdue them? If so, it would be too embarrassing for him.

Thinking of him here, he angrily started to use his powerful ninjutsu there.

But it's a pity.Otsutsuki Zero Type is indeed very powerful, and he is also a very serious person. He will not panic because of these things. The more such a person is, the more difficult it is to deal with, no matter how the layman Guoxin treats him there?

Although Otsutsuki Zero-style also went all out, he was always able to save the day. The two of them fought equally, and with Otsutsuki Wushi's side support, did the layman Guoxin take advantage of it?

After fighting there for a while, Layman Guoxin's energy was almost exhausted, and he knew that if he didn't leave, it might be difficult to escape.

There was a number of people on display, and after these two people forced back, he quickly disappeared here.

Takeshi Otsutsuki was just about to call out Zero Type Otsutsuki to stop him.

"It's pointless to chase him, he just wants to test our strength.

Our goal now is to find the whereabouts of Otsutsuki Kaguya in the Mechanical City.

Investigation, investigation is not necessary, I believe that as long as they arrive at the mechanical capital, they will definitely be there. "

Hearing his words, Takeshi Otsutsuki stopped these two steps, and he walked over to take a look at Zero Style Otsutsuki.

Otsutsuki Zero Shiki looked like a young man, but now he is so calm, even more experienced than him.

Seeing the problem very clearly, it was hard for him to believe that this guy was a young man.

"Sometimes I really wonder why your age doesn't match your mind at all."

Otsutsuki Zero type glanced at Otsutsuki Takeshi there and walked straight forward without saying anything.

After these two battles, this is considered to understand the strength of the Dazhong family.

The earth is that Uchiha Keigan is very powerful, but the two groups of the Otsutsuki family are also very powerful.

The strength of the foreign invaders who came to the machine country this time should not be underestimated, at least at his level, it is impossible to kill them.

But Layman Guoxin hid in the dark, watching the backs of Otsutsuki Zero and Otsutsuki Takeshi, he knew that even if he couldn't kill them, they would never survive in the Mechanical City.

Although it will be ridiculed, there is no way to do it. Who makes the opponent's strength too strong?

Thinking of this, Layman Guoxin shook his head helplessly and disappeared in place.

They naturally have a passage that can reach the mechanical capital as quickly as possible. Of course, no one knows about this passage.

But it's a pity that Layman Guoxin was still careless, and Otsutsuki Zero Shiki's thoughts were still on him.

The moment he disappeared, Otsuki Zero and Otsuki Takeshi also followed him on that road.

Otsutsuki Zero and Otsuki Takeshi are now on the body of a psychic beast, he is a huge chameleon.

It can hide its body and turn the surroundings into the same color, so Layman Guoxin didn't find them.

And the one who walked forward just now was just a clone of the two of them.

During the battle just now, Otsutsuki Zero Type had already thought of this. He didn't understand why Qinglang and the Guoxin layman in front of him could come here so quickly?

And disappeared, except for their astonishing speed, Otsutsuki Zero guessed that there should be a place that can lead directly to the mechanical capital.

So he thought of this, hinting that he was following Layman Guoxin who had escaped.

Layman Guoxin thought he had done a perfect job, but it was a pity that he was still calculated by Otsutsuki Zero.

Layman Guoxin came to a place where there seemed to be nothing.

I looked around there, and when I reached out, a yellow mask appeared in front of me.

Layman Guoxin entered something on the door, which seemed to be a password, and the door opened, and Layman Guoxin walked in.

After he entered, the light disappeared again, and it looked like air, nothing unusual.

Takeshi Otsuki turned around to look at Zero Otsuki, who nodded there.

The two people got off the chameleon, turned into a dragon and disappeared. He was one of the psychic beasts of Otsutsuki Zero.

When watching them walk forward again, Takeshi Otsutsuki was still very emotional, and he was still a little surprised by what Otsuki Zeroshiki said just now. .

Chapter 459

This young man has a delicate and steady mind, and all kinds of excellent qualities are vividly reflected in him. This guy has a typical leadership temperament.

Otsuki Zero type didn't care about Otsuki Takeshi's thoughts, for him now there is only one goal, and that is to go to the mechanical capital and find Otsuki Kaguya.

Everything else is a waste of time and energy.

But there is no way to do it. If you want to do something, there will always be other things to hinder it, to increase the trouble and increase the difficulty of this matter. This is a must~.

If you want to do one thing, there will always be many things that bother you and hinder you. This is a reasonable thing.

Although Otsutsuki Zero Type has avoided many troubles now, he put all his thoughts on finding Otsutsu-Kaguya Mu.

But in fact, things are not as simple as he thought. The people in this organization are constantly hindering him.

Whether they belong to Otsutsuki Kaguya's dark organization or an organization established by the locals, Otsutsuki Zero has not investigated yet.

But he thinks that no matter which organization he belongs to, it is not important to him!

The important thing is that he finds Otsutsuki Kaguya.

There are many people who always lose their way when doing one thing.Originally, the purpose was very clear, but because of other things, big or small, I changed my thoughts and goals.

For these people, their original firm will and set goals will always run counter to each other.

But Otsutsuki Zero Type is a person who tries to avoid these things as much as possible. His will is very firm, unshakable.

As long as the goal is set, he will not give up, and it will lead to all other things, must achieve the goal.

He is such a person, it can be said that he was raised to be such a person.

Watching Otsutsuki Zero type walking slowly in front.

Takeshi Otsutsuki not only shook his head there, he was actually a little afraid of this guy, Zeroki Otsutsuki.

If Otsuki Zero was not by his side, perhaps Otsuki Takeshi would have already gone looking for the so-called mechanical parts.

The desire for mechanical parts, Otsutsuki Takeshi is also slowly increasing, because he feels that the opponent's strength is due to these machine parts.

so.He also wants to try to install these machine accessories into the system.But what he didn't know were the machines.

It is still determined according to the endurance of the human brain. The more binomial machine accessories, of course the strength will be stronger.

But the brain is only something that the scientist Amador will know after the accessories are actually installed.

The two came to the front of the open space, Otsutsuki Zero type stretched out his hand there, but there was nothing there.

Otsutsuki Zero was stunned there for a moment, then sat at the door and said, "They have mechanical arms, and the problem has something to do with that."

Otsutsuki Zero Type nodded, and then took out a piece of metal from his bosom.

Then Takeshi Otsuki's enlarged eyes, he didn't know when did Zero-style Otsutsuki get this piece of metal?

He just took out the piece of metal like that, and he held the metal forward, and a yellow mask appeared in front of him.

Otsutsuki Zero Shiki was there calm and expressionless, and Otsutsuki Takeshi was already very shocked there.

First of all, it is really hard for him to imagine, when exactly did this Otsutsuki Zero get that piece of metal?

He didn't realize it at all, and there was another thing that Otsutsuki Zero type had completely memorized the password of this plan.

Although he also has the eyes of reincarnation, he has no skills. How did Otsutsuki Zero type do it?

How did this happen?Takeshi Otsuki couldn't figure out what he couldn't do at all.

He wanted to ask Otsutsuki Zero type when he got the piece of metal, but Otsutsuki Zero type didn't seem to want to continue talking about this topic with him.

After the door opened, the two of them walked in, neither in a hurry nor in a panic, they just walked forward slowly.

This is a corridor with steel walls and lights flickering on it.

Otsutsuki Zero Type glanced around there, then continued to walk forward, Otsutsuki Takeshi followed behind him, and he was also very curious about this corridor.

What kind of special metal material do those shimmering steel seem to be made of?

He was just about to reach out and touch the walls.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Otsutsuki Zero stood there and said, "It's best not to touch them, otherwise you'll either get your chakra sucked away, or you'll tell the enemy that the invaders have arrived."

Hearing Otsuki Zero Shiki's words, Otsuki Takeshi withdrew his outstretched hand.

There he looked at Otsutsuki Zero Style in bewilderment and asked, "How on earth do you know this?

And when exactly did you get that piece of metal? "

Otsutsuki Zero turned around and stopped there, looked at Otsutsuki Takeshi and said: "After coming here, I am very curious about the metals in this world, so I got a piece at a chance that you didn't see.

When I held it in my hand, I found that he was absorbing my chakra.


And after I got him, I seemed to be alert. Not long after I left there, someone went there to check the condition and repair the metal holes there. "

Hearing Otsuki Zeroji's words, Otsuki Takeshi laughed dumbfoundedly there. He didn't expect that Otsutsuki Zeroki had already started to investigate everything in this place from the very beginning.

No wonder he walked so slowly, it seemed that he was constantly learning about everything in this world.

Otsutsuki Zero Type I turned around there and continued to walk forward. His speed was still not fast, and he seemed to be still observing everything around him.

Takeshi Otsutsuki began to become more careful at this time, and he followed Zeroki Otsutsuki into this different-dimensional space.

It's just that there are other purposes, but now Otsutsuki Zero Type has a very good understanding of this side, but he still doesn't know anything about it.

I feel that I am too careless, if I am as careful as Otsutsuki Zero Type.

Then maybe I should have some understanding of the world in this different dimension.

Thinking of these big-tube wooden martial arts, you have to observe carefully at the beginning.

Just after Otsuki Zero Style and Otsutsuki Takeshi entered the corridor, Uchiha Keigan and the three of them were still walking towards the mechanical capital on the ground.

Just as the three of them continued to move forward, running fast, suddenly a figure appeared there.

The three of them quickly hid to the side, and when the man also fell to the ground, a lot of dust was raised.eight.

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