Defending one's own homeland, defending one's relatives and friends, and sacrificing others is a normal state of mind.eight.

Chapter 545

Xuanci has always told himself this way, but now that he met Uchiha Keigan, things have changed a lot.

Xuan Ci was shocked by Uchiha Keigan's ability and training to restrain the metal man.

Now he no longer needs to rely on Otsutsuki Kaguya's power to defeat the metal man.

Then if 500 people have to be sacrificed to make the Otsutsuki Conference recover, do such things still need to be done?

Xuan Ci was always thinking about this issue, but Uchiha Keiyan always wanted to leave here.

It is impossible for them to keep Uchiha Keigan here forever, but can the metal man really be completely wiped out?

But as long as he mastered the method of dealing with Master Jin and had the substance to resist his super metal, there should be no problem.

Xuanci still had some conflicts in his heart, and didn't know what to do.

At this time, Cordes and Chuan Mugui came to Xuanci's room.

This is Xuanci asking Qinglang to inform them, asking them to come over and discuss with him what to do in the future?

These days, the members of the Robot Warp organization and the members of the Otsutsuki family are getting along very well.

They were, so to speak, comrades in the trenches, but now they were thinking about things that might diverge from their intentions.

If it is more appropriate to go to find food for the Otsuki Conference, it is only the people of the Otsuki family on the moon.

Their strength is not strong, and they are most suitable as food.

But now the members of the machine school organization and the members of the Otsutsuki family here are getting along so well.

If you send people to arrest the members of the Datongmu family now, it will definitely be very bad.

Xuanci told all the other members of the robot organization about this matter.

He also expressed the worries in his heart, and everyone fell into deep thought.

They really feel very headache about such things. If it had nothing to do with people like the Otsutsuki family in the past?

Then they will definitely regard them as enemies, and no matter what, they must be captured and let Otsutsuki Kaguya absorb them.

But now they have a friendship in this situation.

Wouldn't it be too much to attack the family members of these friends?

Qinglang was the first to raise this issue there. He said that in the current situation, we and the members of the Otsutsuki family are fighting against the metal man organization that endangers us...

Now they can be said to go all out for this matter, and even let their bodies be surrounded by metal accessories, turning into a half-metal man.

But now, while they are helping us deal with the Golden Ratmen, we have to deal with their companions, which is absolutely impossible. "

After hearing his words, everyone nodded there.

Xuanci also nodded there, he also understood what Qinglang said.

He said there: "Since everyone thinks this way, then it has been decided that we will not take action against the Otsutsuki family for the time being, and we will discuss everything after the development of the matter in the future."

After making this decision, Xuanci also felt very relaxed. The conflicts that had always existed in his heart just now disappeared now.

At least he didn't have to think about it for the time being, which made him feel relieved.

Looking at the machine in front of him, there are pieces of metal accessories on the members of the school organization. .

Chapter 546

Xuan Ci couldn't help laughing there, because their bodies didn't look like this not long ago.

In particular, Qinglang could only install a machine accessory for one calf in the past.

Improve his own strength, but now his body is almost the same as his own.

Seeing Xuan Ci's expression became relaxed, the members of the Robot War organization also relaxed there at the moment.

If they were really allowed to fight against the Otsutsuki family, they would definitely obey Xuanci's order and God's will.

But now they are really unwilling to do such a thing in their hearts.

Xuanci glanced at them and said, "If that's the case, you guys go about your business and be careful.

Since we killed three of their metal men, they're sure to send someone over. "

Everyone nodded there and then left.

But at this moment Xuan Ci told Kaodesi and Chuan Mugui to stay and the others to leave.

Xuan Ci looked at the two of them and said, "You need to do something."

After speaking, he ordered Kaodesi and Chuanmugui to explain the situation there. Caudesi and Chuanmugui nodded, turned and left.

At this time, Shanglak and Wu Sichunhou were driving towards this side quickly, but this time they kept a low profile.

Instead of flying directly over the capital of machines as before, it came to the periphery of the mechanical system.

Those monitors didn't work for the two of them at all. The high technology on the two of them could completely block the monitors and detect them.

There's nothing in the monitor, but they're standing there, that's what they do.

It's just that they didn't bother to use this ability before, because the human beings here are very weak because of the small mechanical system.

For them, killing the humans here is as easy as crushing an ant.

But they didn't expect that the ant actually killed the elephant. Why didn't they dare to go into the city easily to check?

It can only come outside, and then infiltrate a little bit, because as their leader Kebaya said.

If the walls of different dimensions come in here, it will be difficult for them to deal with it.

So Shanglak and Wu Sichunhou were still very careful. After entering the machine system, they began to search around.

In the small mechanical system, in the secret base in the central government, Xuanci and the others are still discussing things, and they don't know that someone has entered.

Uchiha Jingyan suddenly felt a wave of malice coming from a remote place in the room.

This kind of evil thought was very unfamiliar, Uchiha Keigan frowned, then stood up and went outside the room.

He looked in one direction, and he didn't seem to find anything wrong?

But he felt that evil thoughts were getting closer and closer to them, and at this moment Qinglang came to Uchiha Keigan's side, he could see that Uchiha Keigan also felt it.

Uchiha Jingyan glanced at Qinglang, then nodded, and the two rushed in that direction.

After about 5 minutes, they finally confronted this evil thought.

Although he couldn't see anything in front of him, Uchiha Keigan was there as if he was staring at someone? .

Chapter 547

Standing there, Shanglak and Wu Sichunhou knew very well that they should be invisible to each other now.

But seeing the eyes of these two people in front of him, he clearly knew that he was here.

What exactly is going on?Aren't the two of them human?It's not a strong man from another dimension.

Shanglak turned his head to look at Wu Sichunhou and the two looked at each other, then took a few steps back.

Uchiha Jingyan and Xiao Qingqing followed closely and took a few steps forward, keeping a corresponding distance from them, so as not to let them escape here easily.

Through probing actions, Shanglak and Wu Sichunhou were completely sure that they had been discovered.

So I stood there and started to press a device on my wrist to shield the energy of the signal from disappearing.

Seeing them showing their figures, Uchiha Keigan and Qinglang looked at each other there.

Qinglang roared loudly there: "Don't think that if you are hidden, we won't be able to find you'". "

Hearing Qinglang's clamor, Shanglak and Wu Sichunhou didn't even look at him.

Their eyes just stared straight at Uchiha Keigan, because in the previous materials, Uchiha Keigan had fought with the first metal man.

At that time, he defeated the first contact person. Although he was escaped by the ball, Uchiha Keigan's face was recorded in the materials of these metal people.

"He's that very powerful human being."

Shanglak took a step forward, looked at Uchiha Keigan and said, "The two metal men who came here before were defeated by you."

Uchiha Keiyan looked at the two metal men who were about the same size.

And judging by the way they sneak in, it seems to be very different from before.

In the past, it was the kind of arrogance and domineering, who came to the top of their machine system with a particularly high profile, and then launched an attack.

It seems that they don't pay attention to the people here, but now they are sneaking in to dominate, afraid of being discovered, or who is afraid of being discovered?

These powerhouses in the Mechanical City were able to kill them, but they probably haven't received the information yet.

Before you're not sure if the mechanical cartographers killed their metal man thing?

They choose to sneak in quietly, then come to obtain information, then analyze the information, and counterattack after obtaining the data. This is a series of practices of metal people.

After thinking about it there, Uchiha Keigan still figured it out. It turns out that the metal man is still the same routine as before.

But Uchiha Jingyan has to admire the high technological content of the metal man.

If it weren't for him and Qinglang to perceive evil thoughts, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to see the two metal men even if they walked around in front of them.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Jingyan wanted to catch them again, and study what happened to their device?

How can you hide yourself so thoroughly?

Shang Lak and Wu Si (a good man) Junhou were also a little puzzled when they saw Uchiha Keigan's eyes shining there.

Uchiha Keigan didn't answer the question he asked just now, so he asked it again.

You defeated the two metal men who came here before.

Uchiha Jingyan finally nodded, and then said: "The two of them are already dead, I killed them, why are you here to avenge them?"

Shanglac shook his head there. .

Chapter 548

"We will never be revenged by anyone, all we have is to obtain information, since you killed the two metal men, then there is no problem?

You'd better go with us to the secret base of the country of machines, otherwise we'll tie you up. "

Hearing Shang Lak's words, Uchiha Keigan was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Are you sure? You must know that the two metal men before seem to be stronger than you.

Because they don't need to sneak in, but directly fight with us.

Even though he was killed by us, he still looks much more imposing than you.

You two sneaked up to our machine system without even daring to show your face.Why are you so arrogant there? "

Qinglang completely insulted the two metal men there.

In fact, Uchiha Keigan can understand Qinglang's resentment towards the metal man.

These human beings who have no thoughts and feelings, they don't feel any guilt about killing at all.

They are like implanted robots.

They have nothing but orders in their minds to carry out orders.

In this situation, Uchiha Jingyan and Qinglang decided to take action there and subdue the two of them.

At this time, one of the metal men took out a red ax there.

It is actually released, because it is a red energy.

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