"You just came back from training today, are you starving!?"

Deborah Grayson, Jupiter's mother in this world, smiled.

"Hey! Jupiter, you have to listen to me..." On the other side, Mark heard that Jupiter asked his mother before he finished speaking. Excited, "Hey! Mom, hurry up and eat! I can't wait to eat dumplings."

"Of course I'm exhausted. You know my training volume is completely professional. However, I may not go to the boxing gym again in the future."

Jupiter sat directly in his seat and preached casually.

"Why!? Aren't you going to be a professional boxer?"

"Are those bastards you mentioned ostracizing you again!?"

"I'll go talk to them!"

When Nolan heard Jupiter say that he would never go to the boxing gym again, his expression changed immediately. He frowned, a little annoyed. He couldn't stand that his child, a great Viking, would be treated People on this indigenous planet bully!


Deborah glared at Nolan. She knew her husband too well. What the other party said was probably not as simple as talking. These days, her husband Nolan was very obsessed with a book called "On (Whirling) Language" ", he felt that Confucius who traveled around the world might be the predecessor of his clan, and he was born strong in their clan!Otherwise, you will never be able to say such profound words!

"Okay, okay!"

When Nolan heard it, he knew that Deborah was reminding him, and he immediately restrained his nature.

"Jupiter, tell me, what happened!?"

Nolan asked Jupiter seriously.

"what happened……"

Jupiter chuckled, he purposely kept it a secret, and looked at Mark who had been silent all this time.

"Hey! Mark hit me."

Jupiter hooked his fingers towards Mark.

"Brother, you must be crazy to let me beat you."

"You may not know that I am no longer the old me!"

"Just now I awakened superpowers!"

"Now I am the same as our father!"

After hearing Jupiter's words, Mark was taken aback for a moment, then immediately shook his head, it's different, it's different!

He is no longer the previous Mark, he is now like a Saiyan in Dragon Ball, he is now a Super Saiyan reborn from the ashes!

The kind with a combat power of [-] million, he is super fierce, okay? ?

"It's okay! I know you have gained superpowers, just try to hit me as hard as you can."

Jupiter still maintains his signature Marxist smile of justice.

"Jupiter... you wouldn't..."

Mark was taken aback after hearing Jupiter's words. He had already guessed that he was not a fool. After Jupiter knew that he had acquired superpowers, he still chose to let him punch him, so it can only explain one thing, that is Jupiter also gained super powers...


Chapter 3 Stupid Ododo

"Come on~"

Jupiter is full of confidence in himself. At the same time, he wants to see how much better he is than Mark, who has never lifted boxing, and whether his training is useful.

"All right!"

"This is what you said……"

Mark's eyes lit up, and he was also a little excited. Before he had acquired superpowers, he was always surrounded by Jupiter in school, and when he was playing around with Jupiter, he was always defeated in an instant. Now he is not what he used to be, and he wants to see how strong he is.

Thinking so, Mark threw a punch at Jupiter!

The terrifying fist wind blows the surrounding seats aside!

Nolan looked at Mark who shot suddenly, and immediately came to Deborah's body, blocking the flying debris.

The terrifying power, even if it didn't fall on Jupiter's face, Jupiter felt the wind of the fist tightly, and knew how powerful Mark was.


"Brother, you are full of flaws..."

Jupiter dodged Mark's fist in an instant, then hugged Mark's right leg, and strangled Mark directly on the spot.


Mark continued to use force, but no matter how hard Mark tried, he couldn't break Jupiter's strangulation.

"Give up, Mark!"

Jupiter looked at the hard-working Mark and chuckled. The harder Mark was, the more excited he became. He looked like he would never let go until he surrendered Mark today...

To be honest, Jupiter was actually a little happy. When Jupiter and Mark were equal in strength, both of them became like ordinary people again. At this time, his fighting skills showed his role again.

Mark and Jupiter are like the Hulk Hulk and Thanos who fought at the beginning of "Avengers 3". Although there is little difference in strength, the gap in fighting experience makes Thanos hang up. Get up and beat Hulk, the last set of swinging combination punches, even directly hammered Hulk to autism...

Jupiter is Thanos who is proficient in fighting and controls every joint of his body and knows how to exert force to hurt his opponent. Mark is Hulk who has no strength but does not know how to use it.

In the end, a one-sided scene appeared, and Jupiter instantly surrendered Mark, who also gained superpowers.

"Mark admit defeat!"

Jupiter smiled, persuading Mark to admit defeat.

"I do not know!"

Mark is very stubborn, he said that he will never admit defeat!

"Listen Mark, there's no shame in losing to your brother. You've been losing for 17 years."

Jupiter continued to persuade.

"I do not!"

Mark is extremely stubborn, maybe this is the reason why he can become the invincible young man!

"Brother, I am very distressed! How about I bypass you today!"

Jupiter shook his head, ready to let Mark go.

"I don't want to! Keep pushing hard, I will use my own ability to break free from you!"

When Mark saw that Jupiter was starting to lose his strength, he was immediately dissatisfied and shouted loudly.


Jupiter was a little speechless, his stupid Oududou was too stubborn, he didn't want to admit defeat, and he didn't want to let him go, he insisted on using the super power he just acquired to challenge this young man who had fought more than a dozen times Winning all matches, ready to attack the half-fighting master of the adult professional group? !

Just when Jupiter was helpless and didn't know what to do, he suddenly felt a strong force on his shoulders!Separating him from Mark in an instant...

Jupiter looked up and saw Nolan. Jupiter knew that Nolan had made a move. On the entire planet, Nolan was the only one who could separate him from Mark!

Nolan looked at Mark seriously at this moment.

"Listen, Mark! I understand that you want to defeat Jupiter, but you can't defeat Jupiter who has been practicing martial arts for ten years with the strength you just acquired! I remember a saying in the ancient eastern country, It is said that fat people are not made in a day, and steel is not made in a day, which means that food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and steel needs to be tempered little by little. Similarly, fighting skills cannot be made in a day."

Nolan used the ancient proverbs he had learned to teach Mark.

"I see, father."

Mark thought for a while. He understood what his father meant, and he didn't want his father to worry. He nodded slightly to show that he understood...

"And Jupiter!"

"Remember, you are different now, don't fight in the house!"

Nolan nodded slightly, then looked at Jupiter who was watching the play behind him, and reminded him.

"Okay, I get it now!"

Looking at the cracked floor and the blown tableware, Jupiter nodded slightly.

"very good!"

"Now, you two little devils, pack up the house for me, and then serve dinner!"

Nolan nodded and smiled when he heard Jupiter's promise.

"As ordered!"

Mark and Jupiter were like two lights, instantly restoring the whole room, except for the cracked floor...

"It's time to teach you two a lesson. Nolan has said it all, so I won't say more! Then, let's have dinner..."

Deborah, who had been guarded by Nolan all this time, came to the dining table with dumplings. She knew that the brothers had just acquired superpowers, so they couldn't help it, and she understood.


Nolan, Mark, and Jupiter smiled at each other, took their seats and began to enjoy the food.

"So, Jupiter, did you give up going to the boxing gym because you got superpowers!?"

During the meal, Nolan asked Jupiter with great concern.

"Of course~"

"Dad, you understand that now, if I punch down, they will be scattered all over the ground."

Jupiter waved his punch lightly into the air, signaling that if he punched down, his opponent would be turned into a puddle of mud.


Nolan nodded. He had a deep understanding. When he first came to this planet, he couldn't control his own strength, and accidentally killed several criminals who did not deserve to die.

"It's a pity son, that is your dream."

Deborah feels sorry for her son. She has seen with her own eyes how hard her son has worked to become a professional boxer and how much effort he has put in to become stronger. Now his son has become too strong to participate in the competition. unacceptable.

"No, I'm fine now, I've never been better in my life!"

Jupiter shook his head. He didn't feel any dissatisfaction because he had become too strong. The reason why he worked so hard before was to protect himself from the attacks of some indigenous criminals on Earth. Now Awakened the power of the Weixing people, he couldn't be too happy.

"Oh! You mean, have you found what you want to do?"

When Deborah heard the words, her eyes lit up. She was a little looking forward to what her son would like to do in the future? !

But even though Jupiter didn't say it, she also vaguely guessed that she probably learned from Nolan and became a superhero or something. Thinking about it, she was quite happy, her husband and two sons were superheroes or something, A family of superheroes!


Chapter 4 I want to be the ancestor man

"I want to be an ancestor!"

Jupiter has never been more relaxed after gaining superpowers.

"I can do whatever I want..."

"Those who want to bully me, those who bully my brother, and those who have misunderstood our family plan, give me shit!"

"All the good-looking girls are mine, everyone I hate has to eat shit, the whole world is my playground..."

Jupiter said the cruelest words with the sunniest smile.

"What did you say!?"

Deborah's mouth grew wide after listening to Jupiter's words.

"Hey! Brother, how can you do this!?"

Mark looked at Jupiter with incomprehensible eyes.

"Haha, I was just joking~"

Looking at the expressions of Stella and Mark, Jupiter smiled and shook his head.


"Scared me!"

Deborah breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words. Jupiter's words just now startled her. She thought that a super villain would appear in her family soon! ?

"Brother, what you just said is definitely the funniest joke this year!"

Mark also thought that Jupiter was joking, and he couldn't help giving Jupiter a thumbs up, declaring that it was the funniest joke he had ever heard in his life.

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