However, at this moment, time seemed to stop, and the frightened expressions on the faces of the bank staff turned into a stop-motion animation...

At this moment, the white-clothed superhero who was confronting the gangster leader flashed, and in a short moment, passed through the gangsters, came to a group of bank employees, and hugged all the employees in his arms .

In the next second, crazy fire fell on his back!

"Ding ding ding..."

Accompanied by the pouring of countless firepower, that bullet hit the back of the superhero in white, splashing a string of sparks!

"Oh my god?!"

After the firepower poured out, the gangsters stared wide-eyed at the unscathed white-clothed superhero. Their shock at the moment was not staged. Put on special effects, this time it's a genuine bullet-resistant body...

"Are you all right?!"

The superhero in white stood up and showed a sunny smile to the staff beside him.

"We're fine..."

The staff looked at the superhero in white and nodded slightly, as if they would feel at ease as long as Jupiter was around.

"The next step is to deal with you..."

The white-clothed superhero turned around and smiled slightly at the gangsters.


The superhero in white turned into an afterimage, throwing all the gangsters into the sky in an instant.

"Clap clap clap..."

The next second, the gangsters fell to the ground as if they were dumpling, and twitched continuously, showing painful and ferocious expressions.

"It seems that the enemy has been resolved..."

The superhero in white glanced at the twitching bandits on the ground, turned around, and made a gesture of preparing to leave.

"Please, please tell us your name?"

Just as the white-clothed superhero was about to leave, one after another the staff looked at the back of the white-clothed superhero and asked.


Hearing this, the superhero in white showed a slight smile.

"Please call me a free man!"

After the superhero in white finished speaking, he turned into a bolt of lightning and flew into the sky.


After turning the camera and giving the superhero in white a handsome flying close-up, the director loudly announced the end of the shooting.

"How was the filming?!"

The white-clothed superhero who flew back, that is, Jupiter, came to the director's side and asked.

"Perfect! Jupiter, I dare to say that you are the most talented superhero I have ever seen. Based on my experience, I will give you two words, must fire."

The director patted his chest, and he swore that he had never seen a superhero with more camera sense than Jupiter.

"Listen to the promotional words designed for you above, faster than a locomotive, skin tougher than an invisible man, a superhero who surpasses everything ~ tsk tsk ~"

"The last superhero with such an evaluation was from the motherland. I can't wait to see the day when you shine in the free country!"

The director rubbed his chin. He looked at the slogan in his hand and narrowed his eyes slightly. This seemingly ordinary slogan was actually a signal, faster than a locomotive, and tougher than an invisible person's skin , which is equivalent to Jupiter stepping on the shoulders of two superheroes and kicking into the sky.

There is also the slogan of a superhero who surpasses everything. Does it mean that Jupiter surpassed the people of the motherland? !Although they didn't say anything, they seemed to have said everything. Obviously, the Walter family intends to use the power of Jupiter to break the stereotyped silver collar of the Super English Sevens team with the motherland as the absolute core, and the original motherlander. Transformed with his six followers into Jupiter, the man of the motherland and the free man, and their five followers, this is unprecedented, represents innovation, and at the same time illustrates a signal that perhaps it is the right time to fight... …

Yes, at this moment, the director has already imagined the scene of the fan groups headed by Jupiter and the people from the motherland in the future...

Of course, no matter whether it is the fans of Jupiter or the fans of the motherland who win in the end, the victors are the Walter family!

Leek fights to the death, the old farmer smiles and becomes the biggest winner!

This is the Walter Company, the Walter Family, this is Freedom...

"No, I'm not going to shine on the free country, my brilliance will sway the whole world!"

Jupiter patted the director on the shoulder and spoke with a smile.


The director's eyes trembled when he heard Jupiter's words. In terms of the layout alone, the difference between the people of the motherland and Jupiter is more than one dimension.

If the Homelander is a male child who has acquired superpowers, then Jupiter is a scheming careerist...

"It seems that there is no need to argue..."

The director lowered his head, he already knew everything in his heart, maybe this battle for the top seven of the Super League Seven might end sooner than he imagined.

"Lights, screens, and audiences..."

Jupiter looked at everything in front of him and thought quietly. Maybe his plan needs to be changed. Although it is okay to deal with the people of the motherland secretly, but the impact is not enough. At the moment of massacre, he descended from the sky like a god and rescued the brain-dead citizens of the free country who were persecuted by the Walter family. According to the suspension bridge effect, he can not only destroy the people of the motherland in a fair way, but also harvest a group of people who treat him as an omnipotent god in the world Fans, at that time, Jupiter can make a big progress towards the goal he set.

"Longing is the feeling farthest from understanding..."

"No one cares about my real appearance, they just want to see my perfect appearance in their fantasy..."

After Jupiter figured it out, he smiled slightly and walked towards Walter Company. He is now going to talk to the people from the motherland and praise him well.

Yes, Jupiter is not looking for trouble, but to praise and kill the people of the motherland. When we find a slut, we must not ignore him, we must pamper the other party hard, and make the other party a big sb!

I am not afraid that the ancestors have supernatural powers, nor are they afraid that the ancestors will be reckless, but that the ancestors are familiar with the villain's self-cultivation, and coincidentally, Jupiter just happened to read a little bit...

At the same time, Starlight, who replaced the lamplighter and joined the Super English Sevens, has arrived under the building of Water Company, and a welcome party to welcome Starlight to join the Super English Sevens is in full swing.


Chapter 37 Fooling the Motherland


The people from the motherland stood in front of their own portraits in the corridor with their hands behind their backs, sulking constantly.

Whether this is good or that, let him not act rashly, all of them don't trust him, and Streddy...

Streddy only has his own child in his eyes, and he is just a money-making tool in Streddy's mind, nothing else.

At this moment, the homelander looked at Streddy, who was weaning the child through the portrait in his corridor, and felt his throat dry, and at the same time, a wave of anger was burning in his chest.

"Good afternoon! People from the motherland."

At the moment when the people of the motherland looked at Streddy through the wall and felt the endless anger in their hearts at the same time, a light voice came into the ears of the people of the motherland.



People from the motherland are very familiar with the voice that is constantly echoing in his ears at this moment. He hates the owner of this voice to death. Half of the reason why he is so irritable at this moment is because of the owner of this voice.

"I warn you, don't provoke me!"

After adjusting his breathing, the motherlander turned around, looked at the bastard in white tights walking towards him at this moment, and roared angrily.


"You're angry?"

Jupiter, who was wearing a white tights with a big F printed on his chest, looked at the irritable motherland and showed a bright smile that made people angry.


The motherlander clenched his fists, his eyes kept shining, and in his brain, the orders from the upper echelons of the Walter family, as well as his emotions, were constantly fighting with each other.

"Are you mad at me?"

Jupiter stood beside the motherlander and asked with a smile.

"What do you think!?"

The motherlander's breathing was a little short, and he was struggling to inhale through his nostrils. He felt that he was about to lose control of his emotions.

"No, you're not mad at me."

Jupiter looked at the violent motherlander, shook his head slightly, and then, with his hands behind his back, came to the portrait of the motherlander in the corridor.

"Then what do you think I'm angry about right now?!"

The people of the motherland looked at the strategizing Jupiter, stretched out their fingers, pointed at Jupiter's face and growled in a low voice.


Jupiter frowned as he looked at the outstretched right finger of the man from the motherland. He remembered this finger. If the man from the motherland was still useful, he would have already broken it off.

"Ha ha……"

The cloud on Jupiter's face dissipated in a flash, and he calmly stretched out his hand to push the fingers of the motherlander away, and then pointed to the portrait of the motherlander in front of him.

"It was never me who made you angry, it was the woman in the room, and the bastards on the 82nd floor who made a lot of money from us just by talking about it."

Jupiter was very indignant. He was implying that the people of the motherland were not the only ones who were angry with the directors of Streidy's 82nd floor.

"Our character design still has something to do with it. It was never set by us, it was set by them..."

"You have also seen my outfit, I want to get closer to you, but they won't let..."

Jupiter said that his confrontation with the people of the motherland has nothing to do with his wishes, and it is all decided by the company.

"I saw!"

The man from the motherland looked at Jupiter's tights and cape and nodded. Their outfits were very similar. In his eyes, Jupiter's combat uniform was definitely a copy of his combat uniform.

"F*ck! A bunch of ungrateful guys, don't they know who let them enjoy the big money!? It's your country!"

Jupiter lowered his voice. His last sentence copied the lines of the people of the motherland. He wanted to narrow the distance between himself and the people of the motherland.


After hearing what Jupiter said, the man from the motherland opened his mouth slightly. He wanted to say something, but he found that he couldn't say a word, because what Jupiter said was right. , What made him even more angry was that he had done so much for this damn Walter company, but these idiots didn't even have a heart of gratitude.


The people from the motherland looked at Jupiter, he opened his mouth, and the original anger on his face had disappeared without a trace.

"You understand me very well, you understand me very well, you really are my fan."

The people of the motherland looked at Jupiter up and down, and now Jupiter was much more pleasing to his eyes.

"I am your ancestor..."

Jupiter listened to the words of the people of the motherland, and felt disdainful. The people of the motherland are just a brat with no strength.

"I know you better than you think."

"Listen folks, we shouldn't be a mascot for Vought Corporation, superhumans should be something more iconic!"

"And you, as the strongest of all superhumans, should stand up and become the leader of all superhumans in this world!"

Jupiter directly declared that the people of the motherland are the strongest superpowers, and put his own identity behind the people of the motherland.

"You are right, I am the strongest."

The man from the motherland nodded slightly. He didn't think there was anything wrong with Jupiter's words. He is the most capable person, and he is a natural leader.

"You should lead all beings with great power beyond mortals, not..."

Jupiter looked a little troubled, as if his next words were not good.

"Instead of what!?"

The natives frowned.

"It's know!? People from the motherland, they call you Streddy's little golden retriever in private."

Jupiter preached with pomp and circumstance.


The face of the motherlander was ashen, he seemed to be stimulated by Jupiter's words.

"I know I'm exaggerating."

Jupiter looked at the angry natives and spoke softly.

"No! It's me who looks too weak."

The man from the motherland shook his head. He looked at Streddy coaxing the children behind the wall, and the anger in his heart was constantly burning. Will not take him seriously.

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