"Is it true that you raped other people's wives from the motherland?"

However, what awaited the people of the motherland was not the praise of the reporters, but a series of inquiries.


Listening to the reporter's question, the people of the motherland were taken aback.

"Motherlander, is it true that you attacked the mayor of Barr?"

Another reporter asked with a microphone.


This time the people of the motherland were completely dumbfounded.

"People from the motherland, is it true that you intentionally maimed people during the battle?"

"Is it true that people from the motherland like to bully the weak?"

"Is it true that people from the motherland discriminate against all ordinary people?"

The reporters asked questions one after another without waiting for the response from the motherland.

"Listen! I don't know where you're getting these rumors, but obviously they're false! I've always been a man of integrity."

The face of the people from the motherland was ashen, and he kept vetoing what these reporters said, although in fact, every word these reporters said was tm true.

"Please don't ask these silly questions, I believe that the people of the motherland are honest people!"

Sweat dripped from Maeve's forehead, and she could feel the anger of the motherland beside her. Her complexion was ashen, and she spoke angrily to the reporters with righteous words.

In fact, Maeve doesn't really want to help the people of the motherland, but because Maeve is afraid that the people of the motherland will kill here, she wants to save these reporters.

"You heard me! Don't make the lady angry, or I can't stop her."

When the people of the motherland heard that Queen Maeve defended him, they immediately felt a lot better, and threatened the reporters half-jokingly.

"Haha...we're all just asking casually..."

The reporters seem to be very good at grasping the scale. Instead of continuing to ask, they are waiting patiently for something.

"I know, people always question that there is no perfect superhero in this world, but in fact, there are perfect superheroes in this world, such as me!"

The motherlander showed a sunny smile, and he thought he was responding positively to these black spots at the moment.

"Ha ha……"

The reporters smiled in unison. They really want to smear the hard evidence on the faces of the motherland, but they know that the time has not yet come...

half an hour...

When the small island covering an area of ​​three hectares slowly landed by the coast, a group of passengers inside the passenger plane came out one after another, and they stretched out their hands towards the sky.

In the air, above the heads of the passengers, a person wearing a white tights and wearing a bright red cloak behind him, under the glare of the sun behind him, slowly floated towards them in the dazzling light. The passengers desperately tried to see Men's faces, even if their eyes hurt slightly in the sun...

"He is a god! God among men!"

A passenger looked at the white figure and muttered to himself.

"Ha ha……"

"Thank you free man! Thank you for saving these passengers!"

At this time, the people from the motherland flew towards the passengers who were in distress on the island, showing their signature smile.



"You bastard with blood on your hands!"

"You actually said you were going to kill me just now?"

However, when the people from the motherland appeared, the cheers he imagined did not come, only waves of abuse.

"We discussed it! I said, I will save you all, and you see, the free men did save you all."

The Homelander opened his mouth, and he tried to explain.


"I heard what you said, you said you were going to kill us!"

"Reporters, the motherland is not planning to save us, he is planning to kill us!"

Among the passengers, a middle-aged woman came out angrily. She didn't listen to the explanation of the motherland. She faced the camera and roared angrily.

"F*ck! Uh, I mean, lady, calm down!"

When the man from the motherland heard the middle-aged woman's words, his face suddenly changed. He cherishes his feathers very much, and he will never allow his image to be damaged.

"Demon! Demon! Demon!"

However, the passengers didn't seem to listen to the motherland's explanation at all. Led by several voices, the passengers condemned the motherlanders in unison.


At this moment, the people of the motherland are still trying to ensure their sanity.

"They're crazy! They're a bunch of lunatics, don't listen to them."

The people from the motherland are still explaining to the reporters.

"People from the motherland, please watch this video..."

The reporter picked up the camera and pointed it at the people of the motherland, and then sent out a video.

In the video, it was a man with a long beard. The man was sloppy and very haggard.

"Yes, the people from the motherland raped my wife! And raped her! Over the years I have left the organization and have been looking for opportunities to sanction the people from the motherland, but to no avail, whether it is a member or my boss , they all made me pretend I didn't know! F*ck! I'm an FBI! I've been fighting for the free country, but now, the country I'm fighting for made me give up and fucked my wife in front of my face criminal?! Is there still justice? Is there still law?"

The bearded man was Billy Butcher, with red eyes like a beast.

"Listen, people of the motherland! I don't care how strong you are! I firmly believe that justice will punish you! You son of a bitch!"

Billy Butcher points to the camera's camera in an international goodwill gesture.

"And this video..."

The reporter said, playing another video.

"He threatened me..."

The person who is giving a speech in the video is a middle-aged man who has lost his hair. The man is the mayor of Barr.

"He threatened my whole family!"

"We disobeyed orders and he destroyed our plane!"

The mayor spoke with a painful face.

"Didn't you say that the plane crashed and the people of the motherland rescued you?"

A reporter asked the mayor.

"No! It wasn't the people from the motherland who saved me. The person who saved me was someone else. The people from the motherland are just a beast, a murderer! And the reason why I bought a portrait of a murderer with the money of the citizens..."

"I admit my guilt! But if I don't, I will die..."

The mayor covered his face with a pained expression.

"Then... why are you standing up now? Aren't you afraid of the people of your motherland?"

The reporter held the microphone and asked the mayor.

"I am afraid! I am terribly afraid! But I believe that justice will prevail! Liberty will prevail!"

The mayor shook his head. Of course he was afraid of the people from his motherland, he was terribly frightened, but he had something more frightening to fear than the people from his motherland.


The reporter in the video gently read the words of the mayor, which was very meaningful.

"And this video..."

The reporter standing in front of the motherland said and played another video.

"I am the deputy director of the CIA office. I have obtained enough evidence to prove that the native of the motherland is a murderer. I will send him to a military court in the near future. Whether it is a superman or an ordinary person, he will be protected by the law." And sanctions! No one can escape..."

In the video, Susan has a righteous face, showing the courage that a CIA office director should show.

"Facing these contents, what do you think?"

The video ends here, and the reporter in front of the motherlander is still waiting for the motherlander to explain. He pointed the camera at the face of the motherlander and asked.


The native is very silent, he doesn't know what to explain.

"Let me make a call, please."

People from the motherland smiled and preached to the reporter.


The reporter took out his mobile phone and handed it to the motherlander.

"Hey! Is that Streddy?"

Yes, at this time of despair, Stridey was the first person the people of the motherland found.

"People from the motherland, look at what you tm have done!?"

Streddy's furious voice came from the phone bug.

"Can you help me settle it?"

The people from the motherland asked in as gentle a voice as possible.

"You come back first! Get ready for trial, the company will hire the best lawyer for you..."

When Streddy said this, there was a slight baby sound coming from the mobile phone of the motherland, which was difficult for ordinary people to hear, and stimulated every nerve and cell of the motherland.

"Fuck you! You fucked b*tch! You don't care about me at all! I don't need you to rescue! Lawyer? I don't need a lawyer, I'm from my country! I'm the strongest, I tm can do whatever he wants?"

The motherlander angrily held the mobile phone and roared.

"People from the motherland, people from the motherland, listen to that, it's not me..."

Before Streddy could finish his sentence, the Chinese blew up his phone.

"That's my phone..."

The reporter looked at the motherlander who had exploded his mobile phone, and preached aloud.

"You want me to pay you one?! Then I will pay you one!"

The people of the motherland grinned grimly, and the ropes tied to the devil's body had disappeared at this moment.


The eyes of the people of the motherland were hot in an instant, and in the next second, a scarlet light pierced the sky.

The eyes of the people of the motherland constantly vent the anger in his heart, he wants to destroy, tear up, everything in front of his eyes!

"And you..."

The people from the motherland turned their heads and looked at the passengers on the plane. In the next second, the light shredded the island.

This is a massacre!Countless people had no time to dodge, and were directly torn apart by the light from the eyes of the people of the motherland!

"I am the king of the world!"

The people of the motherland roared, and all those who disobeyed him will die!

"No! You're not..."

Just as the motherlander vented his anger, a voice behind him interrupted him.


The man from the motherland turned his head suspiciously, and he wanted to see who would dare to be arrogant in front of him at this time.

Then, the people from the motherland saw a strong man in a white tights with a big letter F printed on his chest.

"I'm the……"

The burly man in white lowered his voice, grinned grinningly, and punched the motherlander in the face.

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