"It's you! Jupiter!"

Listening to the familiar voice, Tornado turned her head and looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a man in a white tights floating quietly in the sky. Among them, the most interesting thing was that the man in the white tights was holding a mobile phone with a surface area of ​​about ten square kilometers in his hand. small islands.

"What are you doing with that thing?"

Tornado looked at Jupiter holding the island with one hand, and was slightly taken aback.

"He said just now that he would only be killed by a meteorite. Unfortunately, I don't believe it."

"So I'm going to give him a present."

As soon as Jupiter opened his mouth, he was old "##有约", and at the same time as his voice fell, he threw the island in his hand towards the ancient king in front of him.


With a roar, the ancient king was instantly crushed into a pile of mud.

"Look, I said that it is impossible for him to be killed by a meteorite!"

Jupiter shook his head at the ancient king who was crushed into a pie with his clairvoyant eyes. This is called dinosaur meat pie.

"Hey! Why are you talking to yourself, and you killed my prey!"

Looking at Jupiter who suddenly appeared, Tornado blushed and shouted angrily.

"The top management of the association asked me to call you to gather at the headquarters of the Heroes Association in City A."

Jupiter walked up to the tornado and stretched out his hand towards the tornado.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Tornado blushed when she heard the words, as if recalling some 'exciting and beautiful' memories of her.

"Don't be so excited, this thing is for you."

As Jupiter said, he took out a wrapped gift box.

"This is for me?"

Tornado's hands were trembling, and she took the gift from Jupiter, her eyes revealing a bit of disbelief.

"Yes, this is a gift for you. There are surprises in it. I think you will like it."

"I'll be waiting for you at the Hero Association headquarters..."

After Jupiter finished speaking, he turned into a ray of white light and disappeared into the sky.


Long Juan felt that her heart was beating extremely fast, and her face was a little hot. It was the first time she received a gift from someone else, so she was very happy.

This joy lasted until Long Juan opened the gift box.

"This is……"

Dragon Juan took out a pair of black silk underwear and a gift card from the gift box.

"It's cold, keep warm. This ten-year best-selling style is for you who are cool in Meichuan, thank you."

Tornado crushed the gift card in his hand vigorously, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

surprise?What is a surprise?This is called a TMD surprise!


The tornado roared, turned into a green light, and headed towards City A at high speed.


Feeling the energy fluctuations behind him, Jupiter shook his head. Look, isn't there a way to make Tornado actively go to the headquarters of the Heroes Association to participate in the S-class heroes gathering?Very simple……


Chapter 72 Soon there will be a crisis


With the continuous roar of the airflow, Jupiter slowly arrived in front of the headquarters building of the Heroes Association in City A.

"It's Mr. Jupiter!"

Some staff, watching Jupiter falling from the sky, immediately came out to greet him.


Jupiter looked at the person who greeted him and nodded slightly as a greeting.

"I went in first, and the tornado will arrive in a while."

Before entering the building of the headquarters of the Heroes Association, Jupiter specially reminded several staff members.

"We got it. Sure enough, it is very appropriate to hand over this matter to Master Jupiter. He actually persuaded that arrogant tornado to participate in the rally within minutes."

After listening to Jupiter's words, the staff flattered them.


Jupiter patted the shoulder of the very talking young man symbolically, and walked into the headquarters of the Heroes Association, preparing to participate in the S-class heroes gathering that will start in a while.

Not long after Jupiter entered the headquarters building of the Heroes Association, a lawful loli radiating green light fell from the sky.

"It's Miss Tornado, Mr. Jupiter is already inside..."

The staff looked at the approaching tornado and immediately greeted with a smile.


"Where is that bastard now?"

Listening to the words of the staff, Long Juan raised his eyebrows and looked closely, which made several staff members feel great pressure. Their hairs stood on end for a while, and they could feel the huge body in the tornado's body. The superpowers have already acted on their bodies at this moment.

"Ah! Mr. Jupiter has already gone in..."

Several staff members explained again and again.


After hearing the words, Tornado put down several staff members, and slowly floated into the huge building in front of him.


"Look quickly! There is actually a primary school student here."

Just as Tornado entered the association and was about to discuss with Jupiter what this gift was, a bald man who was about to enter the association laughed loudly after seeing the tornado.

"What did you say?"

"Who do you say is a primary school student?"

Tornado, who was about to move forward, froze, she turned around slowly, and looked at the bald head.

"Mr. Saitama, this is the trembling tornado of the third-ranked hero in the S rank. We have seen it before."

The handsome reformer standing beside the bald head spoke to Saitama.

"Oh! I remembered, that stinking elementary school student!"

Saitama seems to have a very bad impression of Tornado.

"Huh? Damn bald! You say I'm a primary school student?!"

"My old lady is much older than you!"

Tornado faced Saitama and spoke angrily.

"Baldy? Try another elementary school student?!"

When the rest heard this, they immediately blew up. What he hated the most was when others called him a bald man.

"Teacher, calm down!"

Genos stood behind Saitama, held Saitama's body, and kept persuading him.


Qiyu was very angry at the moment, and there were veins popping up on his face.

"Baldy! Baldy! Baldy!"

The tornado floated in the air, taunting Saitama loudly.

"Hehe, elementary school student, elementary school student, elementary school student!"

Not to be outdone, Qiyu replied.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two was very bad, as if the two were about to fight at any moment.

"Calm down, everyone! No matter what the problem is, we have advanced into the conference hall, and listen to the Heroes Association forcibly summoning us and other S-level heroes. What is the purpose?!"

"Everyone, don't lose the big because of the small!"

Banggu wiped the sweat from his forehead. As a peacemaker, he was constantly making peace.

"Teacher, let's take a step back. We won't be at a critical moment, because a primary school student is angry."

Genos stood beside Saitama and spoke softly.


"I am not angry!"

Saitama gritted his teeth and looked at Tornado, furious, obviously he was already angry.

"Hmph, I don't have the same knowledge as you!"

The tornado flew towards Saitama, Genos and Banggu, and flew into the house with a cold snort.

"That primary school student..."

Qiyu looked at the back of Tornado, and his heart was burning with anger.

"Step aside……"

However, Tornado was not very comfortable, and she was still sullen at the moment, so that after seeing the fifth-ranked S-rank hero Atomic Samurai, she directly shouted angrily, without being polite at all.

"Hey Hey hey?!"

"Who provoked that little ancestor?"

"Is it your two little apprentices? Banggu!"

Atomic Samurai dodged the tornado, then turned sideways, watching Banggu, Genos and Saitama preaching.


Seeing that he was underestimated again, Qiyu was speechless, he opened his mouth slightly but could not utter a word.

"These two are not my entourage. This is the new S-level hero, Genos, the Devil Transformer, and this is the C-level Saitama. They are both good boys."

Fortunately, when Qiyu didn't know what to say, Banggu explained.

"Hehe, I'm not interested in anyone else, Banggu! You know, I'm only interested in you~ You and I will have a fight sooner or later!"

Atomic Samurai looked at Bangu, the S-rank hero with silver fangs, who was ranked above him. He clenched the katana in his hand, eager to try.

"But forget it today!"

"Let's go to the meeting room first."

Atomic Samurai retracted his katana for combat, turned around, and walked towards the base behind him.


"Every one of them is a strange person."

Saitama looked at the backs of Tornado and Atomic Samurai, and Saitama spoke angrily.

In the end, the three of them walked into the conference room under Saitama's muttering.

At this moment, in the conference room of Nuo University, except for Blast, who was ranked S1, and the S7 Metal Knight, who was demoted one because of Jupiter's rise, all the other S-level heroes were sitting in the conference room.

"What do you mean, Jupiter?"

"Do you think my old lady is really cool in Umegawa? Are you kidding me!?"

Tornado chattered to Jupiter incessantly.

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