When Jupiter heard this, he nodded again and again. This robot is indeed a smart person, and he is very good.

"Then Jack, do you have any doubts in your heart now? Do you have any questions you want to ask me? For example, why should I save you? For example, what purpose do I have..."

Jupiter faced Jack and continued to ask questions.

"I probably guessed something."

"I hacked into Sissels' computer and got the information from him when the guards died. They were killed violently with overwhelming force. People in the world who can do such things are here There are only two in my database, one is Almighty, and the other is..."

When Jack said this, he didn't continue to say more, but just looked at Jupiter silently, and the meaning behind the words was self-evident.

"Ha ha……"

"You are really smart."

After hearing Jack's words, Jupiter just smiled.

"Combining with the proposal that you released after you entered the Global Guard to summon all the heroes into the Guard and dispatch them in different levels under your command, it is not difficult for me to guess what you want me to do."

Jack faced Jupiter and continued talking.

"You want me to help you with all your information networks and help you realize your plan to unify the world."

Based on his own analysis, Jack came to Jupiter's ambitions and conclusions.


Jupiter does not deny that he does need Jack to help him do these things.

"Although you did give me a new life, it is difficult for me to help you as you said."

"I don't think conquest makes any sense, he can't make humans evolve."

Jack shook his head helplessly. He really wanted to repay Jupiter for his kindness, but he couldn't go against what was in his heart.

"It doesn't make sense?"

"You're still a little superficial~"

"How can there be no point in what we're doing?!"

"On the contrary, this matter is of great significance..."

Jupiter shook his head, feeling a little disappointed by what Jack said.

"This is a war!"

"Humans, all human beings in the entire universe, under my leadership, will declare war on the alien creatures in the entire universe!"

"This is a war between bodies!"

"It will determine the distribution of resources in the entire universe, and it will also determine our human status in the universe."

"How could it be meaningless?"

Jupiter watched Jack preach with great passion.

"Cosmic war..."

Jack had never thought about this aspect, he had never imagined that what Jupiter was going to do was so grand.

"That's right, space war!"

Jupiter's structure has never been limited to the earth, it is too small, since he claims to be the ancestor and hates anything that disobeys him, then build the strongest empire, an invincible empire dominated by humans!

Hear the bells of the Great Crusade have sounded and this is going to be another 40k!

Just like in the universe of "Super God", Kaisha launched a war against other alien civilizations, or the world of "Warhammer 40k", the Emperor's Great Crusade, the reason for the war is sometimes very simple, we look different, Very well, then let's go to war!

The winner decides the future of the entire universe, while the loser lives in the sewer, lingering on his last breath.

"I will integrate the dimension star people, the blue star people, and all human species in the universe to form a huge cosmic empire, ensuring that the known universe, the unknown universe, and even the multiverse, in this huge dark forest, there are and only us A race of higher intelligence in human form! You will all become my people, because of my supremacy, and supremacy!"

"Now, I need your help!"

After Jupiter finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Jack in front of him.

"Allow my allegiance, my Emperor!"

Jack took Jupiter's outstretched hand, and he closed his eyes and dropped to one knee.

Jupiter, deadpan, accepts Jack's allegiance...

From the beginning of the awakening ability, Jupiter never thought that it would be too low to amuse himself on the earth or pretend to be face-to-face everywhere. There is only one thing he has to do, to build a huge cosmic empire centered on human beings, He will allow all humans on the blue star to live for 1000 years, and everyone will have a body of steel. When he becomes a superman, everyone in the world will be a superman, and the entire universe will tremble in front of humans. It is the real ancestors.

He wants to make this one the lowest level of all advanced intelligent life in the multiverse. Other alien life forms, whether they are crayfish or furry races like Berserker Beasts, are only suitable for food and pets. , never deserve to sit in the same seat as humans.

Thousands of years later, when the new human race sweeps away all dissatisfaction in the universe, people in the entire universe will only call him the ancestor when they see him!

Or a more prestigious title...Emperor!

Jupiter is ambitious for his own race...

But before that...

"The ideological seal must be obtained."

Jupiter decided that before developing the perfect compound V so that everyone in the world can get a body of steel, he still has to discuss what loyalty is with his predecessor, the golden toilet emperor in "Warhammer 40k". !Why be more loyal?What is absolute tmd loyalty? !


Chapter 94 Do you know how much big fights hurt people?

In the middle of the night, dark clouds cover the moon.

Mark was mysterious and cautiously pushed open the door of the Grayson family. He first opened a gap, then observed secretly for a while, and after finding no one in the room, he tiptoed into the room.


Just as Mark walked into the room, a deep and majestic voice rang in his ears.

"Hey, Dad, you know I don't want to come back so late..."

"In fact, I could have come back earlier, but who made me a kind person and couldn't tolerate the rampant evil forces, so I stepped forward and drew my sword to help..."

Mark covered his face with his hands, moved his eyes down, and explained nervously.

"Mark, are you okay?"

Just when Mark was extremely nervous, the speaker handed him a cup of hot milk.

At the same time, Mark finally saw the speaker's face clearly through his weak sight.

"Hey, isn't it Jupiter?!"

Mark took the milk, surprised at the fact that he had misidentified his brother with his father.

"Of course it is me."

Jupiter, in his shirt, nodded at me.

"Who else could it be but me?"

Jupiter asked Mark back.

"Father and mother?"

Mark looked around, and this time he was sure there was no one else in the room.

"I have something I want to talk to them about."

Mark looked a little confused, as if he had something in his heart.

"Have you returned to the bedroom upstairs and fell asleep?"

Mark found that Nolan and Deborah could not be seen in the living room, so he subconsciously thought that his mother and father should have gone to bed.

"Do not."

"Mother and father went on a trip. They left this morning and will not be back in a short time."

Jupiter shook his head and informed Mark that Nolan and Deborah were traveling.


After hearing what Jupiter said, Mark was shocked.

"Why didn't anyone inform me about this?"

For a moment Mark felt excluded, so was the second one really the extra one? !

"So, didn't I inform you?"

"Or, do you think your brother is not human?"

Jupiter looked at Mark and raised his eyebrows. He felt that the kid Mark should be beaten again.

"No, no, that's not what I meant!"

Mark's sixth sense was frantically warning. He had a premonition that something bad would definitely happen if he couldn't explain it clearly. Mark's desire to survive was instantly full at this moment.

"Of course I know you don't mean that."

Jupiter did not continue to be serious about Mark.

"Come and tell me, why are you looking for your mother and father?"

Jupiter turned around and sat down on the sofa, asking why Mark came home so late.

"Hey, are you Mom and Dad?"

"Why should I tell you? Even if my parents are not here, you can't stand on top of me and control me!"

After hearing what Jupiter said, Mark was a little unconvinced. He thought he didn't need to explain anything to Jupiter, who was his peer.

"very good."

Jupiter was not angry in the face of the unconvinced Mark, he just took out his mobile phone and started dialing the phone number.

"what are you doing?"

Mark looked at Jupiter who was on the phone and asked suspiciously, and at the same time had a bad premonition in his heart.

"As you can see, I was just calling my mother."

Holding the phone in his hand, Jupiter deliberately revealed the name of the person being called, and shook it in front of Mark's eyes.

Mark looked at the three words Deborah displayed on Jupiter's smartphone and the string of numbers he was very familiar with, and he knew that Jupiter was playing with him for real.

"What are you calling mom for? Is it for me? Actually, I'm not in such a hurry."

Mark was a little puzzled at first. He didn't know why Jupiter called Deborah. Then he thought that maybe Jupiter called Deborah because he mentioned that he wanted to talk to his parents. At the same time, Mark felt warm in his heart. Although Jupiter often bullied him, he was still his brother after all.

"Of course not. Don't be too sentimental. I just want to tell them that their son is promising. He can already stay up late at night. He is a qualified man."

Jupiter looked at Mark with a kind smile.


"Are you serious?"

Mark cursed and glared at Jupiter. At this moment, Jupiter was already on the same level as the devil in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Jupiter. He tried to take the phone from Jupiter.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who likes to joke around?"

"I've always been serious."

Jupiter evaded Mark's attack with a sideways move, and pushed Mark's back to help Mark, causing Mark to fall directly to the ground.


Fortunately, the ground was remodeled by Genos, so it was not pierced by Mark, but Mark accidentally hit his face on the alloy floor that was far beyond steel, and his nose instantly became red and swollen.


"Have the floors in our house always been this hard?"

Mark held his nose and muttered to himself.

"Mark, you are really immature."

"It seems that you still need to ask my big brother for advice. Come and tell me what you want to say to your parents while I'm in a good mood?"

Jupiter looked at the fallen Mark and smiled.

"Hey, I was careless just now."

"But the good show has just begun. Don't be too complacent. It is impossible for you to defeat me like before. Now I am so strong that I am even afraid of myself."

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