"Don't think about things that you can't imagine in your life, and do what you should do."

"During the time I'm not in this world, you know what you should do."

Jupiter gave Streddy a few words, and his figure disappeared into the gate of time and space.


Streddy looked at Jupiter who was leaving, her eyes widened. The news that rushed into her mind today exceeded the range that her brain could bear. She needed to find a place to digest it.


Chapter 120

When this group of filmmakers who already had sufficient experience in the world of "Black Robe" came to the world of "The Invincible Young Man", they got a little information about Nolan, and they started working quickly.

Those who write the script write the script, shoot the film, and those who do special effects start to do special effects.

The efficiency of this group of people exceeded Jupiter's expectations, and it was the first time he had seen it. While writing the script, he started filming the movie.

Of course, when Jupiter saw this group of people and started working almost without using their brains, he was also a little puzzled. He also asked these staff members whether the quality of the scripts they shot was reliable.

And the answer Jupiter got was that popcorn movies, what is unreliable, as long as the special effects are full, it is a good movie, first shoot four or five pre-heating, the last moment is sensational, or a wave of forced sublimation , a perfect popcorn movie series was shot.

In the end, those places with loopholes can be filmed as side stories, and it will be fine to fill them in slowly...

After Jupiter heard what the staff said, he didn't ask any more questions. To shoot this kind of thing, he had to find professionals like them.

After communicating with these staff members, Jupiter approached Sissels.

"What you asked us to do, we have already started to do it, but it is definitely not an easy task to unite all countries."

Sissels looked at Jupiter and reported the problems in their work.

"To the high-level people all over the world, inform them that they have discovered a new alien civilization and are hostile to us. As for how to make evidence, hehe, you are professional in forging evidence."

"If you want to unite everyone, there is only one thing you can do. Find an enemy for everyone, an extremely powerful enemy. Under the pressure of foreign enemies, the whole world will unite."

"And in order to defeat this invincible enemy, it is natural to need a person who will not age, is strong enough, and has prestige in the entire Blue Star."

Jupiter looked at Sissels, and answered, the solution to the problem.

"what do you mean……"

After listening to Jupiter's words, Sissels looked for a candidate who fits the Jupiter suite in his mind. No, this requires almost no thinking, is strong enough, will not age, and has enough prestige in the entire Blue Star Do you still need to think about it?

"Are you planning to make Nolan the first president of the Blue Star United Army?"

Sissels understood what Jupiter meant.

"That's right, no one is more suitable for this role than my father Nolan. Whether it is prestige or strength, during the decades since my father came to Blue Star, he has molded himself to perfection."

"I think the whole world recognizes his identity. The important thing is that he can pave the way for my succession in the future!"

Jupiter looked at Sissels and described the advantages of having Nolan in this role.

"I see."

After listening to Jupiter's words, Sissels said that he already understood how to do it.


Jupiter listened to Sissels' response and nodded.

In the next period of time, in movie theaters around the world, disaster movies, war movies, and articles about outer space invasions will continue to be shown. In addition, there will be Nolan’s personal biography. Of course, as a superhero Nolan, his personal biography is a popcorn movie...

In the end, compared to war movies or disaster movies, it was Nolan's personal biography that scored a high enough box office around the world...

After all the hype was almost done, the news that the alien civilization was preparing to invade Blue Star was notified to the whole world...

For a while, the tension spread, and finally, under the leadership of the five leaders of Blue Star, a fierce meeting about the future of mankind was held.

In the end, with the support of the Global Security Bureau and the five leaders of Blue Star, the Blue Star Security Alliance was born, and the first Supreme Commander of the Blue Star Security Alliance...

After more than half of the countries voted, they chose Nolan, who was taking Deborah on an adventure in the Hazara Desert.

Nolan and Deborah, who were taking Deborah on a hike at the time, stared wide-eyed at the dozens of helicopters descending from the sky.

Then I was persuaded to get on the plane in a daze, and went to the headquarters of the Blue Star Security Alliance to watch the tanks and aircrafts that were built one after another, as well as the heroes who had accepted the work of Dr. Cusno. Norse Legion!

Although Genos has something to eat, it is only relatively speaking. Compared with most A-level, B-level, and C-level heroes, Genos' strength is simply overwhelming.

With this Janos reformer army, the Blue Star countries seem to have enough confidence in their Blue Star Security Alliance.

"So this is what you've been working on for so long?"

"Create such a boring pair of toys?"

After inspecting the equipment with a smile, Nolan approached Jupiter. He didn't know what it meant to help the Blue Stars strengthen it.

"Father, there are too few Weixing people!"

"Using the normal method to rule this universe, I really don't know that it will be the year of the monkey."

"We need enough helpers to rule the universe better and more efficiently."

Jupiter looked at Nolan, explaining what he had done.

"Although it seems to me that what you have done is a bit redundant, I still have to say that you have done a good job, boy!"

"At least, we took down this planet without bloodshed, which is much better than I expected."

Nolan patted Jupiter on the shoulder, encouraging Jupiter.

"This is just the beginning..."

"What follows is a long expedition..."

"Father, maybe you can inform the regent King to remind him to bring all the dimension stars to Blue Star."

After feeling for a while, Jupiter seemed to think of something, and suggested to his father.

"The Regent reminds me..."

After hearing what Jupiter said, Nolan frowned.

"Father, actually..."

Jupiter walked to Nolan's side, squeezed Nolan's ear, and said something.

"Where did you know that?"

After Nolan heard Jupiter's words, his eyes trembled. He didn't know where Jupiter knew about it.

"Father, as long as you let Tigge come to Blue Star, I will defeat him, and then we will logically rule Weixing again."

"This is the duty that comes with our blood!"

Jupiter smiled and focused his eyes at the same time. After he defeated Tig, there will be nothing in this universe that can stop him. It is only a matter of time before human beings can unify the entire universe.

"Tuige is very powerful. To be precise, I have never seen such a powerful Viking!"

Nolan shook his head. He didn't agree with Jupiter's words. He thought no one knew better than him, an old Weixing man, about the strength of Cuige. But it was precisely because he understood the strength of Cuige , he couldn't accept Jupiter's plan, because in his subconscious, Jupiter, who had just awakened his super powers, was definitely not an opponent of Cuige who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Father, I have already surpassed Jige. To be precise, I have surpassed all the dimension stars in the history of the universe."

Jupiter looked at Nolan who was shaking his head, and smiled slightly.

"Beyond all the dimensional people in the history of the universe?"

Gu Yan

"Jupiter, I didn't see it before, you kid is quite arrogant?"

Nolan was taken aback by Jupiter's words, surpassing all the Dimensionals in the history of the universe, Jupiter really dared to say.


Nolan took the initiative to propose to Jupiter to exercise with Jupiter.


Jupiter stretched his muscles and bones. This is Nolan's initiative to fight him. If he strikes a little harder, there will be no problem, right? !

"Go to the universe to fight?"

Nolan was afraid of hurting the base, which affected his image of Guan Hui in the base.

"No need, let's just practice here."

After hearing what Nolan said, Jupiter waved his hand, saying that there is no need to go to the universe at all, and it is enough for them to be in this base.

"The battle between us will cause a lot of movement, and it will cause a lot of bad effects at that time."

After hearing Jupiter's words, Nolan raised his eyebrows. He was afraid that the battle he caused with Jupiter would make their efforts go to waste.

"No~ Don't worry~ Dad~ The battle between us will be over in an instant~"

Jupiter looked at Nolan, and spoke in front of Nolan in an extremely unbeatable tone.

"Will it be over in an instant?"

"How dare you say that?"

Listening to what he said, the veins on his face popped out. He thought that if he, as a father, didn't educate Jupiter well, his majesty as the head of the family would be lost.

"Jupiter asked me to teach you, what is there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

The moment Nolan's voice fell, his body turned into an afterimage, and he came to Jupiter in an instant. His right hand pierced the air, waiting for a sonic boom, and smashed towards Jupiter's head. go.

"Ha ha……"

Facing Nolan's fist, which was bigger than a sandbag, Jupiter stretched out his palm.


Following a blast of air, Jupiter easily caught Nolan's fist.


Nolan looked at his fist that was easily caught by Jupiter, and his eyes widened. As a Viking who has lived for thousands of years, he was actually caught by a teenage boy?If I say this, I'm afraid it will make other dimensional people laugh to death.


Jupiter didn't wait for Nolan to calm down from the endless shock in his mind, he grabbed Nolan's arm, first pulled it up, and then smashed it hard to the ground...

In an instant, Nolan felt a strong force coming from his arm. He couldn't resist and was thrown to the ground, and then the force that he couldn't resist came from his arm again, and his whole body was shaken. Like a rag, it fell on the ground of the base.


With a roar, a human-shaped crater appeared before Jupiter's eyes.

And Nolan went directly to the next level...


"Mr. Commander, are you... all right?"

All of you tech talents in white coats with computers in your hands looked at Nolan who broke through the ceiling and fell down, and asked.

"Cough cough..."

Sensing the sight around him, Nolan erupted at a speed far faster than the sound, stood up from the ground in an instant, brushed the dust off his body, and coughed softly a few times.

"Don't pay attention to me, I didn't pay attention just now, I accidentally fell, it's nothing serious..."

"You all go and do your work. As for the ceiling, I will pay for it."

Nolan felt that he was very shameless. He agreed to show his elder son a trick, but then he was exposed. He felt that he was very shameless.

"What are you talking about, it's just that the ceiling is broken, we can find someone to fix it!"

The technicians smiled, how could their commander-in-chief, the president of the Global Alliance, need to compensate for this kind of thing...

"Dad, are you alright?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't control my strength well, I used a little bit of strength~"

At the moment when Nolan was chatting and laughing with the technicians, Jupiter stood on the human-shaped pit and gestured with two fingers. He would never tell Nolan that he did it on purpose.


"I seem to have heard Mr. Jupiter's voice!"

"Could it be Mr. Nolan, are you doing fighting exercises with Mr. Jupiter?"

"You two have such a good father-son relationship!"

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