Then the four brothers threw out fishing rods and sat on both sides of Garp to start fishing. Cheng Cheng and Ace sat on the left of Garp, and Sabo and Luffy sat on the right of Garp.

After sitting down, Cheng Cheng continued to smile and said, "Ace, in fact, the breath of fire I taught you still has great potential. You can dig it out. After you become proficient, you can try to breathe fire every moment of the day. Perform the breath of fire, which will give you a qualitative leap in strength."

"And Sabo, you too, don't underestimate the breathing of water, this breathing method is much more powerful than you imagined."

Ace and Sabo nodded at the same time, took a deep breath, and the water and the fire were entwined around them at the same time.

Luffy is an indeterminate person. He twisted his buttocks after sitting for a while, pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Cheng Cheng, I also want to learn this breathing, I also want to learn."

Cheng Cheng, who was immersed in the quiet atmosphere of fishing, looked at the distant sea, and said softly: "What you want to do is not to learn other things, but to practice domineering and develop your rubber fruit ability to the extreme."

Having said that, Cheng Cheng paused for a moment, then smiled, "Brother, I have a suggestion for you, you can become stronger very easily."

Luffy looked expectant, threw the fishing rod and ran over and asked, "What, can you become very strong?"

Cheng Cheng smiled mysteriously and said, "It's very simple. When you attack in the future, stop shouting rubber rubber and call it Nikanika instead."

Luffy looked puzzled, pursed his lips, and his face was full of disbelief.

Garp was shocked when he heard the word Nika, and took a deep look at Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng ignored Karp's gaze and concentrated on fishing with a smile.

Garp, who was sitting in the middle, turned his head to look to the left, then to the right, with the corners of his mouth curled up, laughing for no reason.

Probably, I made the right choice once!

As long as you're alive, you're fine!

As for the others, huh, huh, it doesn't matter!


Chapter 244 Seven Seven 49

It seems that in Daughter's Island today, except for Cheng Cheng and his grandparents who go fishing all day, everyone else is extremely busy, and everyone has their own business.

Especially Lao Sha, who actually became the busiest member of the Black Pirates.

But it's not that he loves building houses so much, but that he finds that as his physical strength is exhausted every day building a house, his devil fruit ability will increase by a little bit, and he feels that something in his body is waking up.

According to Barrett, Lao Sha is about to wake up.

So Lao Sha worked harder to build the house.

Compared to the randomness of other people's houses, Barrett himself built a castle, which was extremely tall. Later, under Cheng Cheng's persuasion, the castle was no taller than that mountain.

Of course, all these construction work was done by Lao Sha alone. After the castle was completed, it became the base camp of the fourth team. 11 people.

Kidd and Kira were both supernovas at the time, and Hawkins was warmly welcomed to join them, and each of them was divided into a big room.

Trafalgaro was filled with emotion when he came to their castle, "It's unbelievable that we supernovas would join the same pirate group."

Others also lamented the impermanence of the world. Drake said: "Compared to this, I still find it hard to believe that the Navy Headquarters was destroyed by us just like this."

Hawkins with blond curly hair pulled out a Tarot card and put it in front of his eyes with a calm expression:

"Everything is under control."

On the coast, the sun shines.

Garp, Cheng Cheng and their grandparents are still fishing, leisurely.

Luffy said suddenly: "Brother Cheng Cheng, I can't stay here any longer. Sauron and Nami don't know where they are yet. I'm going to find them."

Cheng Cheng leaned back on the chair, covered his face with Luffy's straw hat to block the sun, and said softly:

"Don't worry, little brother, I'll set off tomorrow and get Sauron and the others back for you. If you go by yourself, it's a windless zone, and it's very difficult to go to sea."

Lu Fei bared his teeth and smiled brightly, "Then I'll trouble Brother Cheng Cheng."

Cheng Cheng rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Aren't you bothering me too much?"

The four brothers all laughed, as if they only experienced this kind of time when they were young.

Garp said solemnly: "I'm afraid you won't be able to hide the news about Daughter's Island for long. When cp0's people are all over the world and can't find you, they will soon suspect this place. Are you going to establish a headquarters here?"

In response to this problem, Cheng Cheng had already thought about it when he went from Daughter Island to Jinjin City, and said softly:

"If you find it, you will find it. Daughter's Island is located in a windless belt. Except for the special ships of the navy, no one else can come in. This is a holy land for military strategists that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, we are here to wait for work. How many naval forces come to us? I can eat it all.

What's more, if we leave, I'm afraid the world government will launch a crazy revenge on Daughter's Island. I must protect this few pure lands. "

Karp said with emotion: "Yes, the empress has now betrayed Qibuhai, no matter whether you are here or not, Daughter Island will not be able to escape the revenge of the navy, it is better to stay here.

But brat, don't try to get me to do it then, I just want to fish quietly now. "

Cheng Cheng chuckled, "How can that be!"

At noon, when the four of them, grandpa and grandson, were all clamoring for hunger, they were about to go back for lunch.

In the distance, a bamboo raft came across the ocean. On the simple bamboo raft, a white-haired old man sat cross-legged, with a long sword quietly placed in front of him.

After the Neptunes in the deep sea sensed the old man's aura, they fled immediately, and some plunged into the mud on the bottom of the sea, not daring to make any movement.

Cheng Cheng chuckled, "Here we come!"

Both Ace and Sabo are wary of the old people in the distance. Ordinary old people have already been eaten by Neptunes, right?

Luffy stood up, waved happily to the distance, and shouted: "Hey, Rayleigh, we are here."

Garp clenched his fists subconsciously, and his armed domineering spirit wrapped around a pair of iron fists in an instant, filled with killing intent, but soon remembered that he seemed to be no longer a navy, sighed heavily, and sat down again.

Lei Li, who came floating on a raft, stood up and greeted the five of them with a smile. After seeing Cheng Cheng, he exclaimed:

"You boy is really not simple, but you are really good! Even what Roger wanted to do at the beginning, I have done it for you. This war was fought beautifully!"

At the beginning, Cheng Cheng and Lei Li agreed that if they could level the Navy Headquarters and rescue Ace, Lei Li would go to Daughter Island to guide Luffy and Ace's domineering.

So Rayleigh, who had been following the battle situation, set off after getting the latest news.

Cheng Cheng shook his head and smiled, "I don't dare to enjoy this monstrous victory alone. This is the result of my joint efforts with White Beard, Red Hair, and the Revolutionary Army."

Lei Li's figure jumped up and landed in front of Ace. He kept looking up and down, and said with emotion: "It's not easy, you are really similar to Roger when you were young, and you have great potential."

Ace cursed sullenly, "He's just an asshole."

Rayleigh laughed and didn't care, and started training Luffy, Ace, and Sabo in the forest that afternoon.

As for Cheng Cheng, these days he would stay in a quiet place with the empress every night, take out the crimson fireball in the interspatial ring, and talk with the group.

Most of the time, he talked to himself alone, and the Empress listened alone, and fell asleep late at night.

Ever since he sent Tuanzi to the Navy Headquarters, Cheng Cheng felt that something was missing around him. At first, he felt very quiet, but as time went on, he missed that little girl who kept chattering and wielding her sword.

But later, because of Ace's affairs, Cheng Cheng had to keep himself busy to cover up the longing in his heart.

After lunch the next day, only Karp and Cheng Cheng were left fishing on the shore.

Cheng Cheng took the crimson flame to the outside world and suspended it on the surface of the sea. The temperature of the sea surface rose instantly, and after a while, a faint mist rose from the surface of the sea.

Neither Cheng Cheng nor Karp's grandpa and grandson had any intention of fishing, but just looked at the flame in front of them in a daze.

Garp asked in a low voice, "How many days?"

Cheng Cheng replied: "Counting today, it is already the sixth day."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"I don't know, it should be soon. Hawkins counted it as five days."

"It seems that Hawkins' kid is not good enough, or beat him to death!" Karp said with a frown.

Cheng Cheng nodded slowly, "It's not impossible."

At this time, Hawkins' weak voice came from behind the two of them. His face was pale and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he stumbled over.

"49 days, it's 49 days. This is a number of reincarnation. I calculated it at a great price with great divination. This time it is absolutely accurate!"


Chapter 245 Salute

The Holy Land, Marie Gioia, the sky was overcast with dark clouds.

The Tianlong people in the entire Holy Land could feel the fury of the five elder stars on the top floor, and there were shocking noises from the palace of the Holy Land. Most of the Tianlong people who planned to go out to have fun, chose to enjoy their beautiful wives at home obediently.

The wrath of the five old stars, this kind of thing is extremely rare.

At the top of the palace, the hall was in chaos. All the expensive furniture was broken and there were fragments of vases all over the floor. You must know that these vase decorations are worth millions if they are put up for auction, which is enough for many families to achieve financial freedom. .

Commander-in-Chief Kong, Admiral Zhan Guo, and the only remaining general in the navy, Huang Yuan, stood in front of Wulaoxing like a log, with gloomy faces and silent.

The air was silent. The three powerful figures in the world government each had their own thoughts.

Each of the five old stars looked serious, scolded those who should be scolded, and lost their temper when they should have lost their temper. There are not many people in the navy who can be used now. Is it really possible to execute these three people?

One of the old men with a bald head and holding a sword raised his teacup, slammed it on the yellow ape's face, and cursed angrily: "Waste, they are all fucking waste.

One hundred thousand marines, plus more than 100 pacifists, three admirals, and even the doctor's god-slaying order were used. You didn't catch Cheng Cheng, and let him rescue Ace, the whole black justice pirate Not even a captain of the regiment died!

What the hell are you doing? "

Huang Yuan remained motionless, letting the hundreds of thousands of teacups explode on his face, and immediately blood flowed from his forehead.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing suddenly pressed down on the crutches in his hands, the whole ground was instantly shattered, and the marble floor was completely lifted, and he snorted coldly:

"Fortunately, you all killed Whitebeard, otherwise, I would be ashamed of you.

Kong, let's recall carefully. At that time, the God Slaughter Order was activated, and it also had an effect on other devil fruit ability users, and even the Warring States period was affected. How did Cheng Cheng activate the devil fruit ability to escape? "

Kong cursed secretly in his heart, how the hell did I know?This is something made by the doctor, and now it doesn't work, come to question me?

Am I smarter than a doctor?

It is said that [-] marines died, half of them died under the order of the doctor to kill the gods?

However, Kong still forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, tried his best to ease the expression on his face, and said flatly:

"The God Slaughter Order has undoubtedly worked, except for Cheng Cheng, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Barrett, and other members of the Black Justice Pirates, all have lost their Devil Fruit abilities.

But later, Cheng Cheng still opened something like a space crack behind them and attracted them away.

Is it possible that Cheng Cheng is not a devil fruit capable user at all? "

The air fell into silence again.

Even after Sora himself said this casual thought, he felt a little unbelievable.

This ability of space transfer is not a devil fruit ability user, what is it?

Could it be that like a doctor, Cheng Cheng possesses technological power beyond human beings?

Kong quickly vetoed his absurd idea, how old is Cheng Cheng?

Even if they start scientific research from the womb, they will not achieve results that have not been researched by a Ph.D. What's more, according to their understanding, Cheng Cheng has been practicing swords all the time in the Navy Headquarters.

The five old stars all looked at each other, as if they thought of the thing Mr. Im mentioned before, they were all silent, bypassing this topic at will, and only the legendary devil tree can have this kind of power Bar?

However, the existence of this thing is top secret, even Konghe Sengoku is not qualified to know.

It's just that they didn't arrest Cheng Cheng according to Lord Im's order. I'm afraid they will also bear the anger of Lord Im.

The bald-headed five old stars said in a deep voice: "You all go back first, the new naval headquarters will be moved to the g1 branch in the new world, and you can go there in a few days. By the way, in the Warring States period, you should also pay attention to the recent world conscription.

Now that the navy has suffered serious losses, it is time to add new blood. "

After finishing speaking, the three of them were still stuck in place, and no one left.

"Anything else?" asked the bald Wulaoxing.

Commander-in-Chief Kong took the lead in saying: "Recently, the offensive trend of the Revolutionary Army is getting stronger and stronger. I think it's time to counterattack the Revolutionary Army base. After all, their second-in-command led 5000 people to join the battle. Seriously provocative."

The bald Wu Laoxing waved his hand and said casually, "You don't need to tell me about these things, you can decide for yourself."

Kong continued to say seriously: "We need a little support in terms of military spending."

The bald five old stars cursed: "No, get out!"

Sora sighed, turned and left.

The bald old man was so angry that he lay on the chair and almost smashed the big sword in his arms.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing looked at Zhan Guo and asked, "What do you want?"

Warring States bent down slightly, and said flatly: "I should take the main responsibility for the failure of the war on the top. Now that I am old, I don't want to go to the New World anymore. I just want to go home quietly and retire. This admiral's hat is still Leave it to someone else."

Huang Yuan immediately stood up straight, but his face was calm.

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